Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1956 Volume 6 6 Who Says There's No More Chance?

Chapter 1956 Six Volumes 6 Who Said No More Chances? (4 more)
Wanxi entrusted the three children to Yuhan, turned around to the north, and Yuhu followed.

Wanxi also sweated a little after drinking a few cups of hot tea, so she just needed to change her clothes.

Yuhu naturally and skillfully stepped forward to serve.

The old love seems to have never been separated by time and palace walls.

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled, "...Yuhu, Lawang is the seventh son-in-law chosen by the emperor for Xiaoqi."

After all, the choice of the Seventh Prince Consort was made at this time, and the emperor hadn't officially issued a decree to assign it. After all, it was all about when he was eight or nine years old.Wanxi then personally said to go with Yuhu.

Yuhu smiled faintly, "...this little elder brother really has a handsome appearance."

Wanxi can tell from Yuhu's attitude that they have been connected with each other in these years, and the Fu family already knows about it.

She is not surprised either, after all, Fu Heng is under one person and above ten thousand in the court at this time.

Wanxi only lowered her head and asked softly, "Master Jiu... how is he?"

Yuhu tried her best to smile, "Even a slave, I always hope that the seventh princess can marry into Duke Zhongyong's mansion in the future."

Wanxi's eyelids are half closed, and her heart is also sentimental.

But Wanxi quickly adjusted her mood, and patted Yuhu's hand, "...as a princess, every princess in the Qing Dynasty naturally has her own destiny. Princess Hejing married Borzigit of Horqin Mongolia Home, this is the mother’s family home of Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, which reflects the royal family’s gratitude to the Horqin tribe’s support for the foundation of the Qing Dynasty.”

"The tribes of Mongolia, Inner Mongolia is headed by the Borzigit family of Horqin Mongolia; Outer Mongolia is headed by the Borzigit family of Khalkha Mongolia - the hands of the four princesses are born like that, the emperor is naturally inconvenient to refer to marriage, Then the next princess will naturally have to take on this responsibility."

"It's a pity that the fifth princess born by the empress died young, and the emperor didn't take the sixth princess seriously. Therefore, Xiaoqi's marriage at this time is naturally due to her destiny."

Yuhu couldn't help but feel sour on the tip of his nose, "...The servant is petty after all, and I always feel that it is better to ask the seventh princess to marry into the Fu family, so that I can rest assured."

Wanxi smiled lightly and patted Yuhu's hand.

"What kind of talk is this? Do you all think that I can only have such a girl in my life? I can't have another girl?"

"It's the marriage that can't be made this time, so there will be no chance in the future?"

Yuhu was taken aback by Wanxi's question.

Wanxi glanced at Yuhu playfully on purpose, "I was born late, so I finally got this girl. But I feel that once the seal on this belly is removed, maybe the children behind will come one after another. !"

Yuhu laughed through his tears and nodded again and again, "The slave just said that, the slave is petty - he forgot to look far away, and only stared at the front."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "This is in front of Jiufujin after all, so I can't say it directly. After all, the future is still long, when will I have another child, and my own bragging doesn't help."

"But in front of you, I dare to say it. My own body, I know what I know, and I think my blessings must not be limited to this child..."

"Your thoughts, why don't I have them myself? It's just that the seventh princess is born at this time. The royal family has married twice with the Fu family in the past, and the rebellion of Qing Gun Zabu later, so this time the timing is inappropriate. , after all, this marriage cannot be done.”

"But there is still a future. Your thoughts will never die, and I will also remember it myself. If I have another princess in the future, I will naturally try to make this good thing happen!"

 Many people on the Internet said that Fukang'an didn't marry the princess because there was no princess of the right age... Actually it wasn't.There are quite a few who are of the right age, not the royal princess, but there are so many princesses and princesses in the clan~
(End of this chapter)

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