Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 196 Concealment

Chapter 196 Concealment (1 more)
Besides, after Wanxi left the Changchun Palace, the queen seemed to be idly looking at the Buddhist scriptures, but actually raised her eyes frequently to look at the Western wall clock on the wall.

The gilded bronze wall clock had already struck two o'clock, Su Chun couldn't help but smiled and said, "Wanxi has gone to two o'clock, since she hasn't come back, the emperor must be the master's I accept it. The master can rest assured."

The queen also wanted to smile, but the smile couldn't stay on the corner of her lips, and finally faded away, only turning into a sigh.

"Although the emperor didn't want me to guess his mind, so he was still restrained in front of me, and didn't want me to see his mind. But after all, once he faced her alone, he still couldn't help it. Not only this time, but also from last time. Regarding the selection of the concubine's palace, I can see that the emperor has not let go of Wanxi."

"Nowadays, everyone in the harem says that concubine Shu is favored, but who can understand that when they entered the palace, the emperor didn't even see him; only when the palace was selected, the emperor came in a hurry... At that time, the emperor didn't come to see them , Your Majesty is here to keep Yongshou Palace."

Su Chun was stunned: "Master, does the emperor not allow Concubine Shu to live in Yongshou Palace, not because of the Queen Mother, but because of Wanxi?"
The queen didn't speak, just lowered her head and stared at the Buddhist scriptures in a daze.

Suchun sighed softly: "It's the slave who is stupid, until now I don't understand why the master gave Wanxi the begonia flower on her head that day... There is a Xifu begonia planted in front of the main hall of Yongshou Palace, even though she was still cold when she saw the emperor, But the emperor will immediately think of Yongshou Palace because of that begonia...the emperor can't calm down about her."

The queen put her forehead on her hands, and sighed sadly: "What is there to be happy about? If the emperor is really cold-hearted towards her, maybe I will be happier. I would rather be my miscalculation, or my misreading or guessing." ...It's a pity, but it turned out to be a guess."

Suchun understood that the master was feeling uncomfortable, so she quickly persuaded her: "No matter how the emperor decides on this matter, the master is the winner. Now that it is proved that the emperor still has thoughts about her, then we will still have Chun En in Changchun Palace."

"That's right," the Empress looked up at the sky outside the window, "Even if she wasn't there, there would already be Concubines Shu and Concubine Yi in this palace. Concubine Yi is fine, Concubine Shu comes from a famous family, and the Empress Dowager likes her. Do you know how many daughters of the family she brought with her when she entered the palace?"

Su Chun was stunned: "How can a concubine bring a daughter into the palace when she enters the palace? This is not in compliance with the palace rules!"

"Concubine Shu is no better than the master. In the past, when the master, concubine Xian and others married into the palace, they could only bring the dowry daughters with them before the emperor ascended the throne; after the emperor ascended the throne, the concubines could not bring them with them when they entered the palace. For the dowry women, the servants around them can only be selected from among the official women."

The queen also closed her eyes: "That's right. But Concubine Shu not only brought dowry women with her when she entered the palace, but the number was exactly six. It's exactly the same number as I brought when I entered the palace..."

Su Chun also thumped in her heart.The level of the harem can also be distinguished from the number of dowry women.Even Concubine Xian only has four, so how can this Concubine Shu have six!
Doesn't that mean... In the Empress Dowager's heart, Concubine Shu's status is already equal to that of the Empress? !
And Concubine Shu is so young, does that mean that once the Empress can no longer give birth to a son, or if she makes a mistake, the Empress Dowager will naturally help Concubine Shu to the throne?
Suchun's fingertips were cold, and she looked sadly at her master.

The queen sighed softly: "According to the palace rules, there should be six women serving the concubine. Originally, I could use this to send someone to her side, but she happened to bring in six women, so the quota is full." , I can't even pour water in it... I don't believe she has such ability, it must be calculated by the queen mother for her."

While talking, Wanchun came outside to report: "Return to master, Wanxi is back."

 In terms of status in the palace, women are higher than eunuchs; official women are higher than family women (but in fact, because family women are closer to the master, this status is only superficial.)
(End of this chapter)

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