Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1964 Chapter 6 Volume 14 Chapter 3 Eyes

Chapter 1964 Six Volumes 14 Looking Back (3 More)
Wanxi nodded with a smile, and looked back out the window.

"Besides, Xiaoqi was born on this 'natural picture' island. On this island, the two most common plants are bamboo and lotus. Bamboo is tall and straight, hollow and round, which is more suitable for the image of a gentleman; then only lotus is It's more suitable for our little seven."

"That's why the name of this master, in addition to the Buddha's fate, it also corresponds to the place where she was born."

The emperor also laughed, "Hmm, what you said, I didn't think of it at first... You are still careful."

Wanxi rubbed her cheeks against the emperor's clothes and gown, "But who can compare to Master Shang who is so high in the sky?"

If this is the case, the nickname of Xiaoqi really has connotations of high and low, refined and vulgar, and Wanxi's heart is indescribably satisfied and comfortable.

But... the heart is satisfied and comfortable, what about the body?

When Wanxi thought about it, she wished her entire body would turn red.

In the final analysis, after all, it has only been three months, and even the imperial doctor and grandma haven't given a detailed notice. After all, this meeting--will it work, or will it not work?
Besides, Wanxi still has her own extra worries.

She is breastfeeding the child herself, and she was worried that she was thin and didn't have much milk; if this——was getting close to the emperor again, would the things that Shouyue Grandma Wang and the others said happen, so she turned to the emperor After going, the milk will go back again?

At this moment, Wanxi really felt the embarrassment of being a woman: husband or child, which one is the most important at this time?
Although Wanxi was careful and didn't want to reveal her feelings, the emperor still caught a glimpse of her discomfort from the corner of her eyes.

Fortunately, the seventh princess was sensible, and she got tired of being in the arms of Ama and Erniang for a while, so she wanted to go out.

Little babies, they can't walk or jump, but they all yearn for the world outside the window.It doesn't even matter that it's already September, and the garden is already getting a little cold.

The emperor called the nanny (this name was also used in the Qing Dynasty~) and handed the seventh princess to the nanny, who asked the nanny to take the seventh princess outside for a walk.

Wanxi was even more worried, and called Yurui to come back, and ordered Yuhan and Yurui to follow; she personally brought Xiaomao's cloak to wrap the child tightly, and put a little rabbit fur on top of her head warm hat.

Both Yuhan and Yurui laughed, reassuring their master that they would only stand in the leeward sun when they went out, and they would never let the princess catch a cold.

Only then did Wanxi let go of her hand, and let the women carry the seventh princess out to play.
Yurui is now Wanxi's woman in charge, and she has always been careful. Even though the seventh princess is held by the nanny, she is still close to the nanny's side, staring at the seventh princess with good eyes.

But at the moment when she stepped out of the threshold of the palace gate, she stopped for a while and turned around, taking advantage of the moment when the rosy red python satin-padded curtain fell, she glanced back at the inside of the palace.

Yuhan thought that Yurui was worried about something, so she hurried forward and asked, "...but what's left behind?"

For such a small baby, every time he goes out, he will be wrapped in big and small bags, and the things are cumbersome.

But Yu Rui seemed to be taken aback, she quickly looked away, smiled awkwardly and shook her head, "No! I just, uh, don't worry, we all came out together, the only ones around the emperor and the master are Yu Chan and Yu Jing serve."

Yuchan and Yujing were both selected from the rough envoy girls after Yuye and Wuniu left the palace.Just as a job, it is inevitable that hands and feet are rusty.

(End of this chapter)

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