Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1968, Volume 6, 22 Repentance

Chapter 1968 Six Volumes 22 Repentance (3 more)
In this scuffle, it was Nala's family grabbing Lord Jiu, and then Concubine Shu grabbing Concubine Chun; Fang, and Concubine Xin is the other party alone.

Concubine Wan also felt relieved, both Chao Yuqin and Concubine Ying nodded and smiled.

Sensing the danger, Concubine Xin couldn't help biting her lips, staring at Wanxi defensively.

Wanxi just smiled lightly, and staggered her eyes.

"If we talk about the generation of sisters, I remember that after the death of the fifth princess, the queen's master, the emperor's paternal love for the fifth princess was given to the sixth princess... At that time, the sixth princess was really the emperor's darling. A beloved daughter."

After Wanxi Qianqian said these words slowly, Nala's complexion changed.

Only then did Wanxi close her mouth with a smile, and nodded at Concubine Chaochun, "The royal family has always been married, and they have been married more and more. This time, sister Zichun's fourth princess and sixth elder brother are married to the children of the Fu family, so that's the right marriage. What does it mean to be close?"

"Let's not talk about the sixth elder brother, it's the first-line Fujin chosen by the emperor for the fifth elder brother Yongqi, who is also the granddaughter of Mr. Ertai. That's our cousin who lives in Echang! Not only that, this Wu Fujin , the Fujin of her second uncle E Shi is the younger sister of the imperial concubine Huixian, so this Wufu Jin is also the in-law of the imperial concubine Huixian."

Because E Rongan had just sacrificed his life for the country with Ban Yi in Yili, the emperor personally bestowed him with a posthumous title, so E Rongan's niece Xilin Jueluo was selected as the fifth elder brother Yongqi's heir Fujin.

Wanxi smiled and clapped her hands, "Let's not mention that there were aunts, nephews and sisters in the harem of our previous emperors. These are the bonds of close relatives. Only with these can we have our family, country and world in the Qing Dynasty... ...Why, does Concubine Xin have any complaints about this?"
A greeting ended unhappily, those who should be angry were not angry, and Concubine Xin, who had nothing to do with her at first, came out in a mess.

After everyone resigned, Nala specially left the seventh princess in her arms and played with her for a while.

The Seventh Princess was also well-behaved, she got close to Nala's arms for a long time.

Nala was also a little surprised, and couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at Wanxi.

Wanxi laughed, "... It's not appropriate to say something about the concubine. Although the fifth princess has passed away, the empress and master must still have the aura of the fifth princess. Xiaoqi and the fifth princess are both girls, maybe Now I can still find the familiar taste of mother and daughter being together."

One sentence made Nala's eyes turn red, and he hugged the seventh princess and got close to her for a long time.

Because of this paragraph, Wanxi was the last one to leave the Queen's Palace.

After leaving alone, he walked around the rockery only to find that Concubine Xin was waiting halfway.

Are you unwilling~~ Wanxi is not surprised.

Wanxi handed the seventh princess to Yuhan, and asked Yuhan and the nanny to take the seventh princess back to "Natural Picture".She herself took Yu Rui and went to Concubine Xin.

Concubine Xin also greeted her with a smile, the previous embarrassment was swept away, and she looked innocent and lively again, her eyes were fixed on Wanxi.

"My little sister apologized to my sister Ling... Today, my little sister was reckless and said a few words that should not have been said by my little sister, and mixed things that had nothing to do with my little sister. Well, my little sister is not surprised, and she won't take it to heart."

"But my little sister didn't expect that it would annoy my sister... Then my little sister will definitely come to apologize. In this harem, the last person I don't want to offend is my sister Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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