Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 199 Out of Strings

Chapter 199 Out of Strings (4 More)
Wanxi turned her head and took the "Qinghong Xieyu" back from Nianchun's hand, and sent it to Yuqin's arms.

Nianchun was puzzled, and asked anxiously, "Wanxi, what are you going to do!"

Wanxi pressed the Qin in Yuqin's arms, and looked up at Yuqin's eyes.

Yuqin took a deep breath, didn't speak, but looked at her with a smile, and nodded solemnly.

Yuqin held the qin and went to the imperial concubine's bedroom, Wanxi looked at Yuqin's back, and then she smiled reassuringly.

Nian Chun also followed, looked at Yuqin's back, and asked puzzledly: "Are you asking the young master to hold the Qin and show it to the noble concubine and master? But this piano is given by the empress and master, why should you show it to the noble concubine and master?" ?”

Wanxi turned her head and pinched Nianchun: "It's really your little master's loyal servant, look at this narrow-minded! Even if the little master hugs it to the noble concubine to see, what's the matter, is it possible that the noble concubine and master will snatch it away?" Is it okay? The noble concubine's family is rich, and now she is only below the empress, is there anything rare?"

Nian Chun blushed at the words, pouted and said, "Anyway, I think this is the empress's master's wish, the young master doesn't need to show it to the noble concubine's master."

Wanxi turned around, grabbed Nianchun's hand and said, "I understand what you mean. After all, you are a person from Changchun Palace, so it is inevitable that you still have old feelings in your heart. But it is only because of this, not to mention that you still have a name in your name." With the word 'chun', people will always think that you are the person who taught by the empress, so it is inevitable that you will be included in the Changchun Palace again."

"After all, you are a member of the Chuxiu Palace now, and the Chuxiu Palace is governed by the noble concubine and master, so now your master has been replaced by someone from this palace. You can't always take the Changchun Palace as the leader. Read it, at least you can’t let people see it. Otherwise, it’s not good for the little master, and it’s not good for you.”

Nian Chun immediately blushed, and nodded quickly: "Wan Xi, you are right. I was just angry for a while, and I just couldn't control my mouth."

Joking for a while, Nianchun glanced left and right at Wanxi: "I have been serving the little master these past few months, and I can no longer sleep with you on the kang like before... Looking at you like this, it seems like a sudden I've grown up a lot in between. She speaks and does things differently, and she's not the one who fell stupid when she first entered the palace!"

Wanxi wrinkled her nose at her: "Oh~, Guiqi, you wish I was still stupid! What's the matter, you want to take advantage of my stupidity and grind me, don't you?"

As Wanxi spoke, she chased after Nian Chunpin, and as soon as the two of them ran and chased, the embarrassment they had experienced was gone.
Yuqin carried the qin into the imperial concubine's bedroom, and truthfully informed the imperial concubine that the queen had given her the guqin.

Yunsi's body is still weak, leaning softly on the soft cushion, and she can barely sit up with the help of a woman with embroidered eyebrows beside her, her face is even paler, and it takes a lot of effort to hold even a smile open.

She was born in a wealthy family, and she was a noble concubine, but Yun Si was so weak that she couldn't even bear the blessings of being rich, and Yuqin couldn't help but feel bad for her.

It is even more regrettable that the imperial concubine has served the emperor for ten years, but she has nothing to do.If there is still a son and a half girl by her side, she can also comfort the sick imperial concubine if she thinks about it.

"It's actually Qinghong Xieyu? I've heard of the name, and it's indeed a famous piano. The Empress really has a heart." Yun Si's voice was all false, and she tried her best to support it.

Yuqin bowed softly: "My concubine is ignorant and doesn't know the name of this qin. At this time, I heard the advice from my mother, so I realized the value of this qin. My little concubine is worried. Firstly, I am afraid that I will disappoint the empress's wishes, and secondly, I am afraid that I will lose my name." Qin, so my concubine boldly wants to borrow flowers to present Buddha, and present this Qin to the imperial concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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