Chapter 2
The next day when it was just dawn, Wanxi quietly took the second girl out, but they didn't dare to go through the front door and went around to the back door.

Er Niu opened the door on tiptoe, but she didn't want to let the cook who got up early to buy vegetables find out.

After reporting to Yang Shi, Yang Shi grabbed her daughter's wrist and sighed: "My aunt, when you left last night, Ama told you that you must take good care of the red spots on your face this month. How can it be better if the wind blows?"

Wanxi bowed profusely: "Emiang, my daughter wants to see Wu Niu. She was sent out from the palace just now, and my daughter has been friends with her since childhood, so she should always visit. If you dare to go in the blue sky and daylight, you have to go early in the morning."

Er Niu snickered beside her, and said to herself: The girl is so quick to think.

Sure enough, Yang sighed: "Who said it wasn't true, good girl, why did you get kicked back after only entering the palace for a year? She was originally beautiful, and her Ama and Erniang still expected her to be successful in the palace." Master, let a relative have a desire."

Er Niu hurriedly said: "I heard that Master Xian in the palace thinks that her eyes are ill and she can't see clearly."

Wanxi lowered her head: "Er Niang can see clearly, Wu Niu is the most intelligent, where did the eye disease come from?"

To put it bluntly, it's just that the master in the palace couldn't tolerate the beauty of the palace girls, so he simply found an excuse to kick them out.

"She has been wronged. Even if she leaves the palace, she still dares not tell others because of her status. If my daughter doesn't go to see her because she was a child, she will really be wronged to death."

Yang looked at her daughter, then nodded slightly: "Okay, then you go. Go early and return early."

How could she not understand her daughter's heart.Since the introduction may not be able to escape, the people in the palace are sinister, so my daughter should take precautions.
After going out, she walked dozens of steps towards Zhou's house, Wanxi turned her head and quietly glanced at Eniang who had gone back, so she abducted Er Niu and turned to the market.

Er Niu smiled softly: "The girl is actually thinking about those two young masters..."

"You're talking nonsense again!" Wanxi patted the back of her hand: "They have suffered from me, they have been bitten all over their faces and bodies by bees, if their lives are in danger, how can I redeem them?"

Erniu didn't dare to joke anymore, she hurriedly lowered her head to follow Wanxi, and hurried to the inn.
"Hey! You have such a distinguished status. The person who was killed yesterday didn't see each other all night, and he just came this morning!" He opened the curtain and entered the door, and a haha ​​bead came up to him, and hurriedly stepped forward with a pale face and scolded him.

Wanxi bit her lip, bowed her head and accepted the responsibility.

Yesterday she made up her mind and threw herself into the flower field, but she didn't realize that there were four more people in the flower field at some time: two young masters in fine clothes, a haha ​​bead, and a servant.By the time she saw them it was already too late, the bees had already gone mad, except for some that bit her, the rest all rushed towards the four of them.

Maybe it was because there were so many of them, Bee Zi felt more threatened, so in the end she was fine, but the four people over there suffered.

Naha Zhuzi and the servant both desperately ignored themselves and only rushed to rescue the two masters.Haha Zhuzi was flexible in his hands and feet, jumping up and down like a monkey; the servant was even more amazing, he simply pulled out the fire pocket from his waist, lit it in the wind, lit the weeds by the roadside, and started to smoke.

In the chaos she caused, the elder son calmly pushed away the swarm of bees with a jade flute, but told his servant: "Go and take care of that girl."

(End of this chapter)

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