Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2000 Chapter 6 Volume 55

Chapter 2000 Six Volumes 55 (8 more finished)

The Empress Dowager stared at her son.

After all, it is the biological mother and child, the words in front of the son may not be understood by the head of the inner court, how could she not understand?
At her age, according to folk custom, the time has come for her to stop messing around.Even when Lord Kangxi was back then, he didn’t say that every time he went on tour, he had to go with Empress Xiaozhuang Wen—so if her son got annoyed and said he wouldn’t take her with him, it was just a one-liner. thing.

The son made it clear that even if she was old enough to go to the south of the Yangtze River, then the concubine Ling was still young, so naturally she could go too; if the concubine Ling couldn't go, then she, an old woman, had a reason why she couldn't.

Also, the concubine Ling's fetus was born on her holy birthday.Her son even kept saying that the concubine Ling's birth was due to her blessing - this is to tie her and the concubine Ling's birth together.

If the concubine Ling is driving with her, she can serve her by her side, and she can continue to support her blessings every day; but if the concubine Ling stays in the palace, the child will not be able to support her blessings. On the contrary, is it not enough to be her blessing?

Telling the son to say so, whoever dislikes the concubine Ling at this moment, but she can only be the first one who has to like it.

——This son, just a few days before her holy birthday, suddenly went to see the sick Concubine Ding.This unlucky thing, the son did not hesitate to do it.She really didn't dare to think, if she continued to fight against her son at this moment, what would his son do!

But unfortunately, this is her biological son, the only son.Even if she could see through his thoughts, she could only talk about him.Otherwise, where did her longevity and well-being come from? .
The empress dowager could only bow her head and smile slowly.

"The queen is still right. I am old, and my head has become confused for a while."

"The emperor has issued an edict. It is for the imperial concubine to accompany her. It is at this moment that the imperial concubine is found to be happy, but how can the emperor's edict be withdrawn and changed?"

"Did I say anything stupid just now? You can help me think about it. I can't remember it for a while. You can help me to remind me, don't tell me to say something stupid. , On the contrary, it violates the dignity of our emperor."

When the empress dowager said this, Nala was the first to smile, stepped forward to support the empress dowager's elbow, and said with great grace, "Where did the empress dowager come from? Today is a family banquet, Chonghua Palace It’s the emperor’s hidden residence, we’re just a big family behind closed doors, only mother, son, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, where did the rules come from?”

"Besides, the daughter-in-law is also in the middle palace after all, and her ears are pretty good, so she didn't hear anything."

Nala said to everyone with a smile, "What about you? Did anyone hear anything?"

All the concubines stood up with smiles and bowed to the empress dowager, "I haven't heard anything, please let the empress dowager take care of me at ease."

The emperor laughed loudly when he heard the words, stepped forward and held Nala's hand, and nodded with a smile, "Huang Ernie, my son has decided to start driving on the eleventh day of the first lunar month next year. There are not many days left for preparations, Huang Ernie Ask the servants in the palace to prepare carefully."
Leaving Chonghua Palace, Concubine Xin was walking in the snow with rustling footsteps, her body was trembling like snow flakes.

Of course she wasn't afraid, she was angry.

 See you tomorrow, thank you for your monthly tickets, rewards, and recommended tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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