Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2002, Volume 6, 57 Such a Father-in-Law

Chapter 2002, Volume 57, 2 Such a Father-in-Law ([-] more)
The good news of the capture of Qing Gun Zabu spread quickly in the harem.

Cheng Gun Zhabu is the father-in-law of the Seventh Princess, and since Cheng Gun Zhabu made such a contribution, Wanxi and the Seventh Princess are naturally honorable.

At this time, it was Wanxi who had just conceived her second child, which was a double blessing.Coupled with the fact that December is almost the Chinese New Year, the whole palace is full of joy, and they are preparing for the southern tour on the [-]th of the first lunar month, so the whole Yongshou Palace is naturally full of people coming and going, and it has become a place in the entire harem for a while. The liveliest place.

In comparison, the Yikun Palace, which is the central palace, is a bit deserted.

Concubine Xin looked out of the window at Canxue lying on the linden tree branch, she couldn't help but cast a glance in the direction of the apse and said, "At any rate, she is the empress and the master of the six palaces. The limelight of Yongshou Palace has overshadowed her now." , her reaction was quiet - but I don't believe it, she can really sit still like she appears on the surface!"

Neither Le Rong nor Le Yi dared to speak, they both understood that it was the Seventh Princess' father-in-law who made his master feel bad.

Originally the marriage was referred to, the emperor originally said that the six princesses also had a share, but if they didn’t refer to Cheng Gunzabu’s son, they could also refer to Chenggunzabu’s nephew, so at this time, the Chenggunzabu brothers For making meritorious service, her six princesses could have enjoyed the same joy.

But the truth is, the celebration in the Yongshou Palace has nothing to do with their mother and daughter.

"Qinggun Zabu captured on November 28?" The more Concubine Xin thought about it, the more she couldn't help but sneer, "How could it be such a coincidence, it's November 28 either sooner or later!"

"November 25th is the Empress Dowager's Shengshou Family Banquet. That day, the Emperor just said that Lingfei's children are all blessed by the Empress Dowager. After these three days, Qing Gun Zabu was captured! This is simply thousands of miles away. , They are all making footnotes for the emperor's words!"

Le Rong looked carefully at Concubine Xin, "...what does master mean, is the day of Cheng Gun Zhabu's performance man-made?"

Concubine Xin sneered repeatedly, "Who is Cheng Gun Zhabu? Cheng Gun Zhabu is the father-in-law of the seventh princess! The seventh princess is good, his son is good, and his family has glory, so he doesn't want to marry him." Stand up and cheer for his little daughter-in-law, how can he do it for others?"

Le Rong couldn't help but stare, "But Princess Seven is only half a year old now!"

"The title has been decided, the seventh princess is less than half a year old, and she is still in her infancy, but she is already the daughter-in-law of Cheng Kunzabu. He naturally treats him as his own family, and from now on, he will do his best to protect her." Already!"

Concubine Xin turned her head away annoyed, "I knew that their family is a famous lover, and they treat others with deep affection and righteousness. He can protect a little daughter-in-law who is less than half a year old like this! In exchange, Bibi Fu Heng, do you think Fu Heng did anything special to the fourth princess and sixth elder brother?"

"Based on this theory, Cheng Gun Zhabu is the father-in-law, but Fu Heng is completely gone!"
Le Yi listened quietly, but smiled slowly, "Master, don't worry, the slave has heard something special from the emperor's decree."

Concubine Xin raised her eyebrows, "What's the taste?"

Le Yi came forward with a smile and said, "The emperor named Cheng Kunzabu's first son as his son, and this son is the fourth son Zhanchubu Dorji..."

Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, "The year before last, I heard that the emperor made two sons of Cheng Gunzabu dukes. He has seven sons in total, and now one is the prince's son, and two are dukes...their family With just one, no one can compare!"

(End of this chapter)

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