Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 201 Empty Sleeves

Chapter 201 Empty Sleeves (6 more)
Since then, Yuqin has worked hard to practice the piano, and every time Wanxi goes to see her, she sees her head buried between the strings, so she doesn't even have time to talk to Wanxi.

But even if Yuqin is so diligent, she has no chance to show her strengths in front of the emperor.One reason was that the emperor hadn't turned over the signboard of Yuqin during this period, and the other reason was that since May, the emperor had moved to the Yuanmingyuan because of the tribute from the missions of the country, but he rarely lived in the palace.

Even the emperor's regards to the empress dowager, which he paid great attention to in the past, was neglected.

This matter inevitably caused a lot of discussion in the harem.Even if Wanxi didn't want to take the initiative to inquire, she filled both ears: it was said that the empress dowager was dissatisfied with the emperor's doting on concubine Yi alone, and neglected everyone in the harem, especially concubine Shu, so the empress dowager had reprimanded the emperor a few words.In a fit of anger, the emperor took Yi concubine to move to Yuanmingyuan, and did not even return to the palace. He simply avoided the noise of the empress dowager, and did not hear or bother.

Today, there was a little eunuch muttering in the corridor again: "... I heard that an envoy from the Li Dynasty paid tribute. Master Yipin was curious about what the Koreans looked like, and wanted to meet with the emperor. This has never happened. , but Lord Long Live actually agreed this time! He even asked the Li Chao mission if there is anyone who can wrestle, and said that it was Lady Yi who wanted to see—you see, the emperor really dotes on this Lady Yi!"

"It's just hard for Empress Concubine Shu, who entered the palace with such a high profile, but she hasn't been overturned until now... I heard that the respect room didn't even make her green head card."

Wanxi turned around silently, instead of passing the two eunuchs, she made a big bend and walked by another road.

She was holding a needle and thread basket in her hand, and the wind was blowing into her cuffs, and she felt that her wrists were feeling empty.

She tried to take a deep breath, and looked up at the blue sky: Tsk, he can take whoever he likes to the Old Summer Palace; he can pet whoever he likes.It's none of her business!In short, she has "clear breeze in her sleeves" and has no worries in her heart!
Wanxi walked into the Queen's bedroom, and saw that Jiafei Jin Jingsong was also there.Wanxi hastily greeted the two masters.

Concubine Jia looked at Wanxi with a smile: "It is this palace who came to ask for a favor from the mistress, and asked the working girl to make some flowers. The girl is ingenious. I have long seen the exquisiteness of the weed flowers on the head of the mistress, and only later did I know. It came from the hand of a girl."

"To tell you the truth, this time the envoys from the Li Dynasty came to the court to pay tribute. Because my palace came from Gao Lizuo, and my ancestors were also from the same origin as the Li Dynasty, so every time the Li Dynasty envoys paid tribute, the emperor would inevitably ask me to accompany them. It's just that this palace One body and one body are bestowed by the emperor, and there is nothing selfish, so there is nothing to present to the embassy of the mission, so let's think about making some flowers."

"Because I remembered that the Bangchui flower on the head of the master and the empress was very good - the girl knows that everyone from the Li dynasty to the king and down to the common people loves ginseng very much, and the Bangchui flower is the best meaning."

Wanxi hurriedly said: "Master Jia is too proud, but I really don't dare to be a slave."

The queen smiled and said: "Since your master Jia came to plead with Ben Gong in person, Wanxi, you can go. The stick flowers you made are even worn by Ben Gong, so I don't think they will disgrace your master Jia. You Don’t worry about it, just do it with your heart.”

Wanxi had no choice but to accept the order and leave.

Slowly walking outside, the queen and concubine Jia said: "I don't know, but the emperor's order to call you to the garden has come? If it was in previous years, you should have accompanied you in Yuanmingyuan long ago. How come you are still here today?" What about staying in the palace?"

Jin Jingsong laughed, with embarrassment in her laughter: "My lord and empress said yes. This year there are always oddities. The emperor has sister Yi concubine to accompany him, so maybe he doesn't need to be a concubine. Sister Yi concubine is young and beautiful. Beautiful, and the most considerate of the holy will, how can the emperor use an old man like a concubine to go before his eyes!"

 The "Korea Zuoring" under the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a North Korean who surrendered during the Huang Taiji era.But they are no longer from the Li Dynasty, but the people of the Qing Dynasty, and they are bannermen.The identity is the same as that of Wanxi, and they are all coated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.And~~
(End of this chapter)

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