Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 206 Residual Flowers

Chapter 206 Residual Flowers (11 More)
There was nothing really bad about the flower, it was just that a few red beans had fallen from the top of the mallet flower, which was like a cluster of red beans.

Originally, the few red beans were hidden in a cluster and were not conspicuous, but unfortunately, if someone looks carefully, they can still see those gaps.In particular, the stubble was not neat at all, as if it had been torn apart by life.

They were all made one by one by Wanxi herself. Seeing this situation, Wanxi couldn't help feeling angry.

No matter who it is, no matter what the reason is, it is really a waste of her hard work, and she will not forgive it!

"Master Jia, when did it happen?"

Jing Song is also very sorry: "These flowers are made by you yourself, and they are going to be given to the mission tomorrow. Naturally, I will not be negligent in the slightest. They are all made by the most useful people in this palace. Holding it. So don’t worry, girl, these flowers were not brought by Bengong this morning. They are..."

Concubine Jia stopped at this point, as if she had something to hide.

Wanxi then asked: "Please show me, Master Jia."

Jing Song had no choice but to sigh and said: "To tell you the truth, I sent these to the emperor before. After sending them back from the emperor, they have already changed into this appearance... Naturally, it is not easy for me to tell the emperor. Asking, so I have to ask the girl to endure the illness and work hard again."

Wanxi felt a little dizzy after listening.

The emperor... the emperor again!
He also became addicted to spoiling things, first he smashed the jade bracelet, and now he ruined the mallet she made. Hey!

Thinking about it, the bastard emperor must have known that she made it when he saw the flower.So he was deliberately finding fault, tearing off those red beans on purpose, just to get angry with her, right? !
Wanxi bit her lip, "Master Jia, rest assured, the slaves will definitely finish it tonight, and I won't delay tomorrow's banquet!"

Now that she figured it out that it was the bastard emperor, she couldn't let Concubine Jia be caught in the middle and embarrass her.Even if she doesn't sleep tonight, she has to get it right!

Wanxi begged for a grace: "It's just that it's inevitable to light the lamp to boil oil tonight, and the slave wants to ask the master Tun, so there is no need to extinguish the candle tonight."

Concubine Jia nodded: "Don't worry, the palace will arrange this matter. Besides, this is a garden, the rules are not as strict as in the palace, so don't worry. It's just that I will work for you tonight."
From the palace to the Old Summer Palace, there is a distance of more than 30 miles, and after more than two hours of driving, Wanxi is also tired.After the surrounding houses were extinguished and the candles were extinguished, she was almost swallowed alive by sleeping insects.

She was so sleepy, but the work of pulling out the flower stems one by one was the most delicate and labor-intensive.

Her eyes were already sore, Wanxi had no choice but to beg for mercy temporarily, got up yawning, carefully opened the door, and planned to go out for a walk.Blow the cool breeze at night, stay awake, and talk about it when you come back.

Because she had time, she had to pretend to be weak in the carriage, and she had no chance to see the whole garden clearly along the way.It was only when the carriage passed through the gates that they had to stop, and the guards and guards checked carefully, so she knew that there were many gates in this garden, which showed that the garden must be very big.

Or even wider than the world of the Forbidden City.

Just this "Heaven, Earth and Family Spring" is a group of buildings with courtyards within courtyards. There are at least seven main halls and apse in the front, back and back;

According to Shun Ji and the others, this place is specially used for sleeping quarters for accompanying concubines.If the emperor brought many people, the courtyard would be full of people.

But fortunately, the emperor only called Concubine Jia to come here, so the big courtyard with seven entrances and exits was quiet, so she could walk around with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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