Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 210 Late Arrival

Chapter 210 Late Arrival (15 more)
"I came a step late and made you feel wronged..."

This dignified man, at this moment, there are faint tears in his clear eyes.

Wanxi couldn't stand up, and fell into Fu Heng's arms, already crying: "It's good that Master Jiu is here, I'm fine."

In the distance, there is a man hurriedly coming from the direction of "Kyushu Qingyan".

The eunuch behind him trotted all the way, already out of breath.

The object held in the man's hand has been soaked in his body temperature, becoming warm and soft.He excitedly headed towards that direction, but——saw the two huddled figures among the bushes from a distance.

He was stunned, even unbelievable, and wanted to raise his hand and rub his eyes.

But he was too familiar with the two people in front of him, so there was absolutely no possibility of misreading them.

He stopped and pursed his thin lips.

The eunuch behind him finally trotted up and saw that scene all of a sudden, and was shocked on the spot like a lightning strike.Originally out of breath, at this moment, he didn't even dare to breathe, and only stared at the people around him with wide eyes in shock.

——It was the emperor and Li Yu.

Concubine Yi was very troublesome tonight, the emperor waited until concubine Yi left for two cups of tea, presumably Concubine Yi had already fallen asleep, so he took the object and came here excitedly.But whoever imagined, actually saw such a scene.

Li Yu couldn't just be so stiff, so he could only bow down and say in a low voice: "This is even more serious. The old slave should have persuaded the master not to go out. It was the old slave who was not good at things, so he couldn't stop the master...Master, please forgive the old slave." , please drive back to the bedroom."

The emperor didn't say anything, he just raised his hand and lowered his eyes to look at the object tightly held in his palm.

This object took a lot of work, and he personally passed on a word of mouth that it must be cleaned up with great care, so he put it off until now.He was waiting for her to come, and excitedly wanted to show it to her...but it seemed that she might not want to see this.

He stared at the other side of the bush again, and turned around abruptly: "Go back!"
Fortunately, Wanxi was already suffering from the disease of "slippery intestines", so Gui Hezheng lived in a separate courtyard not far away to watch over her. Fu Heng carried Wanxi back to his room, so he ordered someone to invite Gui Hezheng to come.

As soon as Gui Hezheng got on the pulse, his complexion suddenly changed!
Wanxi didn't want to worry Fu Heng, so she endured the pain, tried her best to smile and said, "Your Excellency, don't think too much, my stomach hurts, it's just caused by the old problem of slippery intestines... In fact, I just suffered some pain." External injury, it will be healed within two days."

However, Gui Hezheng closed his eyes: "Girl... I have already warned you about the cold, so why is your waist hurt again? This is where a woman's body is most afraid to be hurt..."

Wanxi was also sad in her heart, she closed her eyes lightly: "I will take care of this matter myself. I just beg Mr. Fu, don't make Mr. Fu worry about it."
Returning to Hezheng, Wanxi drives Fu Heng away.After all, there are still two heads of the inner court living here, so it is really inappropriate for him to be a foreign official.

But although Fu Heng went out, he sat outside the window.Through the window lattice, he said softly: "I'll just sit like this, I don't want to embarrass you. You go to sleep, I'll stay here and watch. No matter who it is, I will never let them have another chance to hurt you gone."

Wanxi's eyes were wet, she quickly turned over and buried her face in the pillow.

But before the mallet flower was finished, she quietly dragged the needlework basket over, hiding the knowledge from Fu Heng, and refinished the flowers one by one.
The night was quiet and silent, and the world was so peaceful.

Knowing that Master Jiu was watching outside the window, Wanxi had no fear at all.She didn't even know when she fell asleep, the previous scene didn't haunt her at all.

Ever since Lord Jiu got married, the queen never called him into the palace to pay his respects. She hadn't seen him for such a long time.

In fact, she still has a lot of things she wants to ask Master Jiu.

 That's all for today~~ Continue tomorrow morning.Thank you for your red envelopes, and I will make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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