Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 214 Thin Horse

Chapter 214 Thin Horse (4 More)
Wanxi's eyes shifted carefully, she tried her best to shake off the emperor, and concentrated on looking at Concubine Jia.

Even if I don't understand Korean, I just pretend to understand it.

However, concubine Jia was talking with an envoy with a smile, and suddenly switched back to Chinese: "Oh? Master Min's favorite phrases were: 'Withered vines, old trees, dark crows, small bridges and flowing water, people, ancient roads, west wind and thin horses. Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.'"

Concubine Jia smiled and looked back at the emperor: "Your Majesty, I am asking for help. Whose word is this, and what is it called? I forgot about it for a while."

Yipin couldn't help sneering.Concubine Jia didn't know this, Concubine Jia deliberately lifted the stool for the emperor to sit on!Concubine Jia really has a wink, she really knows how to shoot~
The emperor also smiled and nodded: "Ma Zhiyuan's "Autumn Thoughts". But what strikes me the most is the combination of the lyrics and the artistic conception of the lyrics—Tianjingsha, this is the lyrics, which is already heart-warming."

For some reason, Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.He said that the Ci Pai is called "Xin Xu Zhi", and she had just chanted "What is the tree, the mountains are high and the waters are long".

Concubine Jia smiled and clapped her hands: "If you say that the poems are elegant, how many people in this world dare to look on the emperor's neck? Moreover, most of the poems written by the emperor are written in Manchu first, and then translated into Chinese."

As Concubine Jia turned around, she looked at Concubine Yi.Before Concubine Yi could restrain the contemptuous look on her face, Concubine Jia caught her.

Concubine Jia laughed, and walked up to Concubine Yi and said, "Master Min's favorite words and phrases happen to be 'a family with a small bridge and flowing water' in the south of the Yangtze River. I understand 'ancient road west wind', but I don't understand 'thin horse' at all." How do you explain it. Since sister Yipin is from Jiangnan, how about explaining to Master Min what is meant by 'Yangzhou skinny horse'? I think that among the six palaces, no one understands this meaning better than sister Yipin."
"The ancient road west wind thin horse" is really a popular poem, most of the people present could recite it, so everyone found it interesting, why did Concubine Jia suddenly not understand what "skinny horse" meant?
That's the simplest literal meaning.

But Yipin suddenly turned pale.

"The concubine Jia, I don't know what the concubine wants!"

Concubine Jia was not persistent, she shrugged her shoulders and smiled, stretched out her hand and patted Yipin's shoulder: "Sister, you don't have to do that. I don't understand myself, if my sister happens to not understand, then why not? Forget it, pretend I didn't ask."

Wanxi only felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't say it out, so she had to quietly remember it, and asked Sister Lu when she could go back to the palace.
After drinking for three rounds, the emperor ordered all kinds of plays to add to the fun.

The first thing to start is "Fire Play".I saw the fireworks rising from the left and right of the grassland, and the colorful sky and green grass complement each other, which is too beautiful to behold.

In the empty space surrounded by fireworks, there are Shanpuying performing wrestling, Jianruiying performing spear skills, and music from Mongolian, Korean and other tribes.

All of a sudden, the whole "high mountains and long rivers" was jubilant, and everyone was dazzled and looked around.

In this bustle, the most familiar person is the emperor.

He lowered his eyes alone in the crowd, took a sip of a glass of wine, then tilted his head, looking for Wanxi in the crowd.

She is a little girl, she has already looked stupid.The whole neck was thrown back high, and the eyeballs did not move.

He couldn't tell whether it was sour or sweet for a moment, he just stared at her quietly, and said silently in his heart: "Little girl, isn't it pretty?"

"You told me that you missed the time when you could sit on the wall and bite and eat after you broke off the elm tree branch. I naturally know that you don't like being confined by the palace wall. But I can't let you go, I can't bear it. So I promised I told you that I would take you away from the palace walls, escape those rules, and take you to see that there is a time of freedom outside the palace walls."

"You, have you seen it?"

(End of this chapter)

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