Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 218 Shame

Chapter 218 Shame (8 more)

Concubine Jia never expected that Concubine Yi would respond so quickly.Those who had previously had the upper hand at the palace banquet were all slapped back by Concubine Yi all of a sudden!
Concubine Yi smiled triumphantly: "Even a horse must be ridden, so who is more noble than whom? Concubine Jia, what do you think?"

Concubine Yi bowed gracefully after finishing speaking: "Concubine is quite tired from serving the emperor these days. If Concubine Jia has no other advice, concubine will leave first."

Concubine Jia took a deep breath: "Don't leave in a hurry, I just happen to have something to say."

Concubine Yi raised her eyes with a slight smile: "Concubine Jia, please enlighten me."

Concubine Jia hooked her fingers towards Concubine Yi: "Sister Yi, you beat up the official woman last night. You thought it was someone under Ben Gong, so you called Ben Gong...but Ben Gong had to tell you The truth: that woman is actually someone I borrowed from Changchun Palace."

Yipin's complexion also changed: "What?"

Concubine Jia became happy, "That's right, Sister Yipin beat the second-class woman in front of the queen last night... Sister Yipin's flag is not for the palace to see, but for the queen to see. As the saying goes Said, beating a dog depends on the owner, and my sister really doesn't give the queen any sympathy~~"

Concubine Jia clapped her hands as she said, "I have to admire how brave my sister is. Just a few days after entering the palace, the emperor asked the emperor to contradict the empress dowager because of her sister; now, the empress is also offended... my sister How will I deal with myself in this harem in the future?"

As expected, Yipin looked pale and staggered on the spot, fortunately Liu Mei supported her.

Concubine Jia sat back happily: "Sister Yipin must have a feverish head, it's okay, the steam is cool here, so let Sister Yipin stay here alone and sober up. Let's go."
Concubine Yi went back to her dormitory angrily, pulled off Longhua's scarf, and beat the kang in annoyance: "How could she be the woman next to the queen?! My palace has only a short period of time in the palace, so it's fine if I don't recognize you. How about you? The days in the palace are longer than this palace, why didn't you recognize it?!"

"Where's Zhang Dequan? He was the closest at that time, so he should have seen it the most clearly. He's not serving in front of Bengong right now, where did he die?!"

Liu Mei and Hua Mian, the two women beside Yipin, were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt down: "Returning to the master, Mr. Zhang was still serving before the palace banquet... It's just that I don't know what to do during the palace banquet."

Concubine Yi yelled angrily: "Come on, let me look for it!"

Liu Mei and Hua Mian also knew that they could not protect themselves, so they kowtowed together.

"Although the two slaves entered the palace earlier, they have been learning the rules in the House of Internal Affairs, and have no chance to enter the inner court. Fortunately, the master entered the palace and needed someone around him, so the two slaves were transferred from the House of Internal Affairs to serve. Therefore Well, the slaves don't even know that the woman is a second-class woman next to the queen. If they know, they must remind the master!"

Hua Mian hesitated to speak.

Concubine Yi saw it and pointed to her forehead: "Do you have something to say? Say it!"

Hua Mian quickly leaned over: "Master, the slave and Liu Mei both entered the palace in July last year, but I felt that the woman looked familiar last night, as if I had seen it when I chose to watch it. It's just that the sky was dark last night. Her mouth was covered again, the slave couldn't see clearly for a while. At the palace banquet today, the slave looked at the person standing behind Concubine Jia, who was vaguely the person in my memory."

Yipin narrowed her eyes: "Oh? Who?"

Liu Mei was also a little confused, Hua Mian carefully said to Liu Mei: "Sister, did you forget the one who fell stupid? There was a big scene at that time, and even Fu Jiuye clashed with Concubine Xian because of her..."

Only then did Liu Mei suddenly realize: "Back to the master, the slave also remembered it! It's just that I didn't have any contact with her at that time, it was just a one-sided relationship, so the slave didn't remember it. Now that it is called Hua Mian, the slave also remembered it!"

Concubine Yi couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "Oh? Master Fu Jiu used to stand out for her? I can't blame her, she was already a troublemaker! If I hit her, I'll hit her. There is nothing to regret!"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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