Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 221 Turning Sunny

Chapter 221 Turning Sunny (1 more)
What she said was angry, but the loneliness she couldn't hide at this moment caused the emperor to squint his eyes.

"Who said he's the only one? I'm just one step late! I'm... just a few steps away from you. Watching you and Xiaojiu hugging each other through the bushes!"

"You were wronged, why didn't you come to me immediately? Even if you can't come in Jiuzhou Qingyan, you can still tell Gui Hezheng! He is someone close to me, he can come in, and he can talk back !"

Wanxi was dumbfounded by the question, it was hard to imagine that that night, he actually saw her lying in Jiuye's arms!I can't blame him for being so gloomy and stern these two days.

Wanxi still bowed her head for a while, and shook her head lightly: "Even if I tell the emperor, what can I do? The servant is just a second-class woman, and cannot rely on the emperor all the time. The slave has to learn what he should suffer in this palace." bear with it."

"But you didn't have to!" The emperor sat up abruptly, stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist: "As long as you nod your head, I will seal you up immediately! You are no longer a slave, no one dares to look down on you anymore!"

Wanxi turned her eyes and weighed her thoughts, but she finally shook her head: "The emperor's wish, I have accepted it. But I am not greedy for that position. This grievance, I can bear it myself."

The emperor was so annoyed that he grabbed the citron in her hand and threw it away.

The round citron, which was originally an elegant object for offering and smelling the fruit, fell to the dust and scattered around in a mess.
Why bother to provoke him like this and involve fresh fruit?

It was Yipin and Zhang Dequan who bullied him, and it wasn't his fault.She only remembers the accounts of those two things, and sooner or later she will definitely figure it out!
But if she had to rely on the emperor for such a trivial matter, then why would she keep saying that she would leave the palace in the future?

Wanxi sighed quietly in her heart, and said slowly: "The emperor just said that slaves should not be angry with Citron; isn't the emperor bullying Citron right in front of him?"

"The emperor is a magnanimous son of heaven, and the slaves understood it when he gave a banquet to the Li Dynasty mission. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, the slaves used to think that the court wanted Li Chao to pay tribute every year because they cared about the idea of ​​Korean paper; until they saw that More than ten times the reward, this slave is the first to understand the magnanimity of our heavenly kingdom. None of these things are known to the people except in the palace."

Wanxi tilted her head and smiled: "The emperor is originally magnanimous, so how could he care so much about the servants. The emperor said, didn't he?"
The emperor couldn't believe his ears a little bit, and could not help but get closer and stare at her.

The little girl is not angry anymore?
"Who said I bullied Citron? Didn't I rescue you! Seeing that you are stupid, you can't break out the net. If I don't let you go, will you still be punished?"

He is even more capable of making unreasonable words, Wanxi was caught off guard, and couldn't help but feel amused.

The emperor's clear eyes couldn't stop flickering, but he already breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I see, if I really want to vent my anger, I will go to Xiaojiu!"

As expected, Wan Xi was so shocked that her face turned pale: "Your Majesty!... Your Majesty is a wise king, so you can't be so indiscriminate!"

The emperor was angry again, and couldn't stop laughing: "You still have the nerve to say that I don't distinguish between black and white! What about you, why are you divided?"

Wanxi didn't understand, she shook her head: "I'm stupid, please show me the emperor."

The emperor couldn't help but dig out the object that had been hidden for too long... couldn't help but want to give it to her right away, but he didn't want to let her go so soon.

He snorted: "Then you have to find a way to prove to me that you and Xiaojiu hold hands and look at each other, and it has nothing to do with children's personal relationship."

Wanxi's face flushed instantly.

How can this be proved?She has mouths all over her body, but he doesn't believe it!

The emperor could only snort again helplessly, and stretched out his hand towards her: "Come here. Just like holding Xiao Jiu's hand, I also hold Zhen's."

 Well, since your new year's wish is to add more... ahem, then I will fight for it today.Second update later.

(End of this chapter)

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