Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 223 Who Wants To

Chapter 223 Who Wants To (3 More)
Wanxi also breathed a sigh of relief: "Master... what's wrong?"

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you... greedy for cold food?"

Wanxi blinked: "Indeed. When I was young at home, I liked to eat some frozen pears and persimmons; when I was thirsty, I occasionally couldn't wait for the water to boil, so I liked to drink cold water."

The emperor withdrew his hand and slapped her: "It's not allowed in the future! The Queen's Palace has its own tea room and dining room. Everything you use is ready-made, and you must use warm ones!"

Wanxi stuck out her tongue quietly: "Master, don't scare me, I'm nothing serious. My body shouldn't be able to lie to me, now my stomach doesn't hurt anymore."

She said, dodging quietly.

The emperor squinted his eyes tightly: "Even if you don't feel hurt anymore, the Lord won't just end like this!"

Wanxi turned her eyes quietly: "Zhang Dequan is nothing but a slave. Will the emperor punish Concubine Yi? Will the emperor be willing?"

The emperor squinted his eyes and stared at her small face: "What answer do you want to hear from the Lord?"

Wanxi put her palm on the emperor's knee and jumped off.Taking a step back, he tried his best to smile: "You don't need to say anything, just pretend I didn't ask."

The emperor put his hands on his knees.Her body temperature was still there.

"Why don't you ask?"

Wanxi smiled as much as she could: "If you follow the palace rules, it is not wrong for the concubine Yi to do anything wrong. The servant is an official woman, and she wanders around outside in the middle of the night, which is a violation of the palace rules. The concubine Yi is in the concubine's position and is enshrined in the book of treasures. Zhi, since there are no servants in this yard, she can naturally discipline her."

She looked up at the emperor: "Besides, the emperor loves Concubine Yi so much now, how can he punish Concubine Yi who is 'innocent'?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, looked away, and said leisurely: "Well, you understand the rules. The rules in the palace are set by me, and I ask everyone in the palace to follow them, so I can't violate the rules I set myself."

Wanxi laughed: "I understand. If the emperor has no other orders, then I will leave first."

Xiao Nizi's emotions were clearly written on her face, no matter how sensible she was, she was still wronged and disappointed in the end.

The emperor suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her back: "Since you feel uncomfortable, don't stand in front of my eyes! If you are wronged, just cry out, let me know what you really think in your heart!"

Wanxi finally shed tears: "I don't hate anything else. If she really just punished me because I violated the palace rules, I don't have a single word of complaint, and I won't hate her. I just hate She tricked me!"

"Fourth Master, I would like to ask you boldly, in your imperial palace regulations, do you use such insidious tricks to punish officials and women?"

The emperor shook his head: "Of course not."

"But on the surface, she was only carrying out the palace rules, and she didn't make any mistakes. It's impossible for anyone to hold her accountable!"

"That's right, from the bright side of the palace rules, I can't punish her." The emperor's attitude became more relaxed.

Wanxi's teary eyes rolled slightly, and she knelt down angrily: "The slave just made a slip of the tongue, how can he speak indiscriminately in front of the emperor? I also ask the emperor to come down."

The emperor slightly raised the corners of his lips: "Then when will you remember that the person in front of you is not only the emperor, but also your fourth master?"

"Although the Son of Heaven is great, there are some things that even the Son of Heaven cannot do; but interestingly speaking, there are some things that the Son of Heaven cannot do, but Fourth Master can do."

He got up and walked over, squatted in front of her, and raised her chin: "Tell me, is the one in front of you the emperor you want to escape, or your rare fourth master?"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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