Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 231 Disguising

Chapter 231 Disguising (1 more)
Wanxi couldn't stop laughing.

That's great, as a doctor, in addition to rejuvenating hands, he should have a smiling heart like Grandpa Gui.Otherwise, it would be a miserable thing for the patients to see the doctor. If the relatives are all sad and sighing, then the disease will not be cured, and half of the life will naturally be lost.

It's better to talk and laugh like this, no matter how serious the illness is, it will not be so terrible.

Gui Hezheng waited for Wanxi to laugh enough, then lowered his eyes and said: "The 'Jiuzhou Qingyan' in the garden is bigger than the Hall of Mental Cultivation in the palace. Most of the people in the garden don't know the girl, so it's hard to avoid people's eyes Miscellaneous, not as appropriate as those old people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"It's really inconvenient for the girl to go directly to the imperial court as a second-class woman. But I have a way, but I don't know if it will make the girl feel wronged."
Wanxi rolled her eyes and looked at the door.There was no eunuch from the imperial pharmacy to follow.

The royal doctor in the palace holds the throne of the harem and the life and death of the emperor's heirs with both hands, so it has always been of great importance.The imperial doctor never had the opportunity to diagnose and treat people alone, and he must be accompanied by the eunuchs of the imperial pharmacy and the palace personnel in charge of the patient's palace.But today, there is no eunuch from the imperial pharmacy beside Gui Hezheng.

Presumably because the rules in this garden are not as strict as in the palace, and the eunuchs stationed in the garden by the Royal Pharmacy are probably not manpower enough, so Gui Hezheng was given the opportunity to come to see Wanxi alone.

Wanxi smiled: "Grandpa is missing a eunuch."

From "Grandpa Gui" to "Grandpa Grandpa", Gui and Zheng thought about it for a while, but it was okay. They nodded with a smile: "Young lady is really smart. "

"It's just that girl, don't you mind wearing eunuch's clothes?"
Gui Hezheng's worry also had a reason: since he wanted to pretend to be a eunuch, he had to wear the eunuch's half-worn clothes.

The eunuchs in the palace have a fixed number of clothes, and they can wear new clothes every year, but they usually wear half-worn clothes during Zhengdan, Wanshou and other festivals.Even if she returned to Hezheng, she could find a new one for Wanxi, but if Wanxi was out of season and entered the emperor's bedroom wearing brand-new clothes, wouldn't that be more eye-catching?
And because the eunuchs' bodies are not neat, the clothes that fit Wanxi's stature must be the clothes of the little eunuchs, and it is often difficult for the little eunuchs to guarantee that the clothes have not been wetted with urine... so it is quite hesitant to return to justice.

Wanxi smiled wonderfully: "To be honest with Grandpa, there is a donkey with a green muzzle in my family. That year when the donkey gave birth to a cub, I stayed with Ama in the donkey pen all night. When I finally got sleepy, I didn't care about the donkey dung." Son, the donkey drowned and fell asleep in the haystack..."

Both Gui and Zheng couldn't help raising their eyebrows, and then they also smiled: "I heard that the aunts and grandmothers of the Banner family mostly come in and out on donkeys, do you think the girl will come?"

Wanxi nodded seriously: "Yes! I can ride like Zhang Guolao!"

After talking about it, I still accidentally mentioned "Eight Immortals", Wanxi stuck out her tongue hastily.Gui Hezheng pretended he hadn't seen it, and took out the clothes he had prepared earlier from the medicine bag with a smile on his face.
Taking advantage of the noon time when people tend to get sleepy, Gui He is taking the "little eunuch" into Jiuzhou Qingyan.Along the way, the guards and guards checked the badges, but no one gave Wanxi a second look.

Even Li Yu didn't look deeply.

It's just that Wanxi saw Mao Tuan'er who was waiting on the porch from a distance, and couldn't help but raised the brim of her hat and rolled her eyes at him.

Because of the size of the clothes, she reckoned that they belonged to Mao Tuan'er.

She had to go to Mao Tuan'er to beg for some plum blossom pancakes, and smoke them for a while when she went back.embarrass him to death~
 Second update later.

(End of this chapter)

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