Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2318, Volume 7, 18

Chapter 2318 Seven Volumes 18
The only person Zi E could count on at this time was Concubine Yu.

At this time, everyone in the hall was watching, and dozens of pairs of big guys were all staring at E Changzai. The small change in E Changzai's expression naturally fell into everyone's eyes.

Wanxi raised her eyes and quietly glanced at Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu herself didn't understand something that everyone could see?Her expression changed accordingly, and she shrank back subconsciously.

Just as Wanxi was about to speak, Yuqin stretched out her hand to cover Wanxi's hand, and said in a low voice, "Stay here and take care of yourself; today's matter is up to me."

Wanxi was still a little worried.

After all, the empress dowager is here now. As much as the empress dowager did not want to see her, she also disliked sister Lu.

Yuqin nodded and smiled, "I know what's on my mind. After all, I'm alone here, so what can she do if she wants to control me? You are different, you have to protect the children."

Before Wanxi could speak, she sat up straight and smiled slightly.

"E Changzai, why are you always staring at Concubine Yu? Do you mean that you are the one who did this, but it was Concubine Yu who instigated you behind the scenes? ?”
Yuqin's words resounded loudly, E Changzai and Concubine Yu changed color at the same time.

E Changzai was speechless for a while, but Concubine Yu stood up slowly, her eyes suddenly cast on Yuqin.

"I don't know what Concubine Qing said, but where do you start today?"

Concubine Yu smiled and said to the empress dowager, the emperor and the empress, "Besides, the empress dowager, the emperor, and the empress are all here at this time, and everything is up to the three palaces; why is sister Qing in such a hurry?" Are you talking?"

"It's not that Concubine Qing's sister is worried. The three palaces above still don't understand the matter of E Changzai, so they have to move out Concubine Qing's sister to ask clearly, right?"

Yuqin met Concubine Yu's eyes, couldn't help laughing instead of anger, and even clapped her hands lightly.

"According to the days, I have been in the palace for 20 years. It seems that in these 20 years, I have never heard Sister Yu Concubine say so many things in public."

"It turns out that we used to think that Sister Yufei was not good at words, it was all wrong; Sister Yufei is not only very good at words, but also has a clear mind, witty words, and reasoning every sentence, she is really a master of it~~"
Yuqin's words cut straight and fast, like a thin blade, directly cutting through the core.

Everyone changed their colors slightly, and immediately stared at Concubine Yu to see how she would respond.

Facing the situation in front of him, Nala couldn't help but feel joy spontaneously.She was sitting in a high position, looking at Yuqin and Concubine Yu with great interest.

Concubine Xin also listened carefully, and couldn't help muttering to Le Rong beside her, "I didn't expect Concubine Qing to be in a hurry to get ahead. Look at her sickly appearance, but she is not polite when she speaks."

Wanbi bowed her head and smiled lightly.

"I asked Empress Qing to talk about it. In fact, I haven't heard of Concubine Qing's entry into the palace for 20 years. Even during the years when Concubine Yu and I were in the hidden residence, I have never heard of Concubine Yu in public. So much has been said."

Concubine Wan tilted her head slightly as she spoke, "Concubine Yu has broken the routine for decades. Since she is willing to talk so much, it must be because of E Chang's presence. This shows that Concubine Yu and Concubine Yu are in private deep friendship.”

"It's no wonder, after all, E Changzai and Concubine Yu are still related by marriage. E Changzai's cousin is the fifth elder brother's wife, Fujin. Concubine Yu and Concubine E Changzai naturally want to get closer as much as possible."
Concubine Yu looked at Concubine Wan in surprise.

"Concubine Wan, I want to pay you back the same words! Haven't you been such a talkative person all these years? Then who are you talking so much today? For Concubine Qing?"

Concubine Wan smiled, "Why should I do it for Concubine Qing? It's not Concubine Qing's accident today."

"Today, there are two subjects, one is Lan Guiren, and the other is E Changzai. Concubine Yu is speaking for E Changzai, so can I speak for Lan Guiren?"

Concubine Yu's heart thumped even more, she raised her finger to hold Concubine Wan, but she could only say one word, "...you!"

Yuqin and Wanpin met each other's eyes, and they both smiled lightly.

Yuqin took up the conversation again and shrugged her shoulders lightly, "As for Concubine Yu saying that I disrespect Sangong, I really have to worry too much. The reason why I want to speak out at this moment is because of Lan Guiren and E Chang. They are all people in my palace, and it is my duty to teach them to practice their internal duties diligently every day. Now that something happened to the two of them, it is natural for me to investigate first, and then report to the third party. It's not too late."
The emperor in the seat raised the corners of his lips and smiled slowly as he listened.

"I understand. Concubine Qing is right. Since they are all nobles and regulars in Jingren Palace, everything should be checked by Concubine Qing first, so that the order of the palace can be seen."

The emperor stood up and knelt down on the empress dowager's legs.

"Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but it also happens to be the day when the Palace of Supreme Harmony plans to test the world's sons. The sons and ministers will leave first. Here, the emperor's mother will call Qingfei to ask; finally, the emperor's mother will make a decision." that is."

The empress dowager also nodded, "The palace examination is to show talents for the country, and it is a grand ceremony of the country. This trivial matter in the harem should not be hindered. You go, I'm sorry they can't make trouble here!"

Only then did the emperor stand up with a smile.

Nala also quickly got up, led the crowd, saluted the emperor together, and sent off the holy car.

The emperor walked all the way out, stopped in front of Yuqin, nodded and said, "I'm from your palace, so you can ask about everything. Today is a holiday, so don't bother the empress dowager. This matter I will leave it all to you, and after you ask clearly, I will report the result to the empress dowager."

Although the emperor said it alone in front of Yuqin, the sound of the thorax was like a bell, and everyone in the hall heard it clearly.

Yuqin felt more reassured, and bowed half-squatting, "I dare not disappoint my holy reputation."

The emperor nodded with a smile, and strode away.
Yuqin got the emperor's words, so she was even more impolite, got up and walked in front of E Changzai, condescending.

"Just now I asked you something, Concubine Yu answered it for you for a while, but you still didn't answer a word."

"Concubine Yu has good intentions to speak for you and protect you; but what I want to get today is your excuse!"

Yuqin squats down slowly, her face is close to that of E Changzai, her eyes staring at her eyes.

"Now that you have reached this point in front of everyone, I advise you to speak up as soon as possible."

"If someone instigated you, then you can confess and ask for a chance of redemption for yourself; if no one really instigated you, and there is no one else in our Qinghui Pavilion at that moment, then what should I do?" As far as the empress dowager, down to me, I can only assume that Lan Guiren's face is your hands and feet."
E Chang lay on the ground, raising his eyes to stare at Yuqin in despair, with almost dying struggle and hesitation in his eyes.

The hall was as silent as death.

Concubine Xin stared at E Changzai closely, her heart tightened.

She also had an old relationship with E Changzai, so she was really afraid that E Changzai would grab her.Fortunately, E Changzai still pinned his hopes on Concubine Yu to go.

——But think about it, she is now in a state of falling out of favor, and even if E Changzai grabs her, she can't save her; it's not as good as Concubine Yu, who is a concubine after all, and Yong Qi is such an upstanding prince.

Le Rong, who knew the truth well, was so nervous that his palms were covered with cold sweat, and asked in a low voice next to Concubine Xin, "...Master, how should we guard against it?"

Concubine Xin bit her lip, and said in a low voice, "If Zi E Changzai wants to protect herself, she has to bring out Concubine Yu, saying that Concubine Yu told her to harm Lan Guiren, and she doesn't know anything about it; but If this happens, Concubine Yu falls, Fifth Elder Brother Yong Qi will definitely be affected, and the hope that E always pinned on Fifth Elder Brother will also be shattered."

Le Rong nodded, "So the master said, would she rather sacrifice herself, or bring out Concubine Yu?"

Concubine Xin took a deep breath, turned her eyes and looked at the Empress Dowager.

In fact, whether E Chang is here, Concubine Yu, or what happens to Lan Guiren, it has nothing to do with her.What she cares about now is the empress dowager's attitude... Now that she is in a situation, if she wants to recover, she has to rely on the empress dowager.

So what she wants to study and judge is the movement in the empress dowager's heart.Only by following the empress dowager's mind and pushing the boat along the way, can she get some benefits of her own in this matter.

At this time, the empress dowager looked solemn, although Yuqin was there asking questions, and the empress dowager didn't need to be tired, but seeing the empress dowager, she didn't relax at all.

Concubine Xin had a plan in mind: After all, Lan Guiren is the younger generation of the Empress Dowager's family, if anyone dares to reach out to their Niu Hulu family, the Empress Dowager will definitely protect her with all her strength.Regardless of whether she is in the harem, the old lady has to adopt such an attitude.

But then again, nobleman Ruolan just tricked a little Changzai who had never been favored and whose family was in decline, and spread the word. Isn't this nobleman Ruolan too useless!What's more, behind Lan Guiren, there is her, the empress dowager, who is protecting her~~ So, the empress dowager must find a person with some weight from E Chang's back.

Concubine Xin couldn't help raising her eyes to focus on Wanxi.

Wanxi was sitting upright, but her hands were naturally caressing her stomach.

Concubine Xin couldn't help breathing short of breath, thinking of the words Wanxi said slowly in front of her before: "Then I'll teach you, I just want to be proud of being favored!" - also, this time Wanxi has twin bodies, It is the biggest life-saving talisman; no matter who it is at this moment, it is impossible to calculate.

Concubine Xin had no choice but to give up, lowered her head, and quickly recalculated in her mind.

She turned around and told Le Rong to bring the Eighth Princess Shun Ying over.
In February of this year, the two-year-old Eighth Princess Shun Ying was successfully vaccinated, which made Concubine Xin feel confident.Little Fourteen couldn't make it through, but her eighth princess was safe and sound throughout the whole process. It can be seen that she is a princess, but she is also more blessed than Ling Guifei's prince.

Besides, Shunying has passed two years of age safely, and her figure has stabilized. The knife maker was really good at that time, so now, from the outside, there is nothing to worry about.

——Except, when the child arrives at the beginning of the month, observe carefully; before that, there is no need to worry too much.But, after all, there are still ten years to go, so there is no need to worry about it now.

Therefore, Concubine Xin, the eighth princess who was carefully hidden in the past, has been willing to take her outside since the beginning of spring this year.Even today, the princes, grandchildren, and princesses are competing to shoot zongzi together, and she has allowed the eighth princess to go and play with them.

Now the little princesses under the emperor's knee are the seven princesses, the eighth princesses, and the ninth princesses.Princess Ninth was still young and couldn't quite understand what she said, so Princess Eight instinctively preferred to follow Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi is an older sister, although she is only one year older than the eighth princess, she looks like an older sister, so she took care of the eighth princess all the time.

The eighth princess's archery skills are amazing, although she hasn't practiced much, but maybe she still has a boy's strength in her body, so she has great strength to draw the bow and shoot arrows, and she can hit three out of five arrows.If this is the case, the eighth princess is not short of zongzi, but Xiaoqi still shows her sister's love, and distributes the other fresh-looking zongzi she shot to the eighth princess.

The eighth princess is also happy, so she knows how to reciprocate, so she also distributes her zongzi to the nine princesses... The three little sisters are next to each other, and they all wear wanxi-made AI on their heads. Grass flowers, people really like them when they look at them.

The emperor said he was happy when he saw it, and even took off an agate wrench from his own finger and gave it to the eighth princess.He told her to use this finger puller to formally learn to draw a bow and shoot an arrow.

Concubine Xin had more confidence in her heart - although the eighth princess was hiding such a secret, the emperor was a father and daughter by nature after all, so he did not discriminate against this child.

But think about it, the fourth princess's hands are still like that, and the eighth elder brother's feet are still awkward. Didn't the emperor give him the same love? .
The eighth princess walked over holding two little straw rats, looked up at Concubine Xin, "Emiang, what's your order?"

Concubine Xin looked at the little mouse in her hand.Shunying held it tightly, obviously cherishing it very much.

"Who gave it to you?" Concubine Xin wiped the sweat from Shunying's forehead with her hand, and asked carefully.

Shunying's cheeks flushed slightly, "It was given by Seventh Sister. Seventh Sister is very handy, and can wring out kittens, puppies, and little mice out of flowers and plants. They are all beautiful!"

Concubine Xin is also heartbroken... She has hidden her child too tightly for the past two years, and Ming Shunying has had no chance to play with her peers of the same age in the past two years.These two little rats made of straw may be Shunying's first gift from a friend of the same age.

Concubine Xin nodded, and coaxed patiently: "But the same little mouse, why do you need two? Just keep one."

Concubine Xin pouted towards the Empress Dowager, "Go, send one to your Empress Dowager. Say 'Duanyang Ankang' to your Empress Mamma, thank you Mamma for giving you all the children the fruits of tribute. .”

Hearing Er Niang's call to give out one, she knew that she was going to give it to the Empress Dowager, but Shunying was still a little reluctant, lowered her head and hesitated.

Furthermore, she didn't get along with the empress dowager much since she was a child, so she was a little scared in her heart.

Concubine Xin sighed softly, "Go~~ When I turn around, Erniang will try to ask your seventh sister for another trick. As long as you go, Erniang will definitely ask for it for you!"

Hearing what Er Niang said, the eighth princess was happy, and nodded in agreement.

Concubine Xin brought the eighth princess over and whispered a few words in her ear, then she let go and told Shunying to go.
On the other side, E Chang was in tears and made a decision under painful balance.

She cried bitterly, "Hui Qing Concubine Master... It's true that no one ordered this little concubine; the little concubine really didn't do anything else!"

"Little concubine dare to swear to the sky, if there is even the slightest falsehood, I will die!"

Yuqin was a little disappointed, but she didn't expect that E Changzai would rather die by herself than entrust Concubine Yu to her.

Yuqin also stood up slowly, her chin raised high.

"Unfortunate death? E Changzai, don't say this in the palace. The emperor's "Palace Regulations" stipulates clearly that if someone dares to commit suicide in the harem, he will implicate his mother's family. Sent to the frontier, and served as slaves to armored men."

"E Changxi means that I am not afraid of death, and don't implicate your mother's family."

Seeing that E Changzai refused to admit it, Lan Guiren was very annoyed, pointed at E Changzai and said, "Of course she is not afraid. After all, her uncle and her Ama have been ordered to commit suicide by the emperor! She is not afraid of implicating anyone again." Already!"

Yuqin focused on Lan Guiren and nodded, "What Lan Guiren said is exactly what I thought. She dared to swear like this because she was fearless; but it was also because she was already fearless, so this swearing was only a little bit I can't even believe it - she said she didn't do it, that's weird, she wants to say that you can still make your face like this yourself, Mrs. Lan?"

Lan Guiren was even more annoyed, stomping her feet and said, "No way! Think I'm her? She's willing to curse herself to death, she doesn't take her own life seriously, but I still cherish my face!"

Yuqin turned around and walked in front of the Empress Dowager to salute, "The concubine is watching, the Egui people will not recruit. If you just ask questions at this meeting, you can't ask anything; if you don't use torture, it will be difficult to get what she says." Come out with the truth."
The empress dowager is also quite cautious when it comes to using punishment for the throne of the inner court.

After all, it was the main position of the inner court, and even the emperor punished, and it was mostly reflected by demotion or decree, but rarely used punishment.

At this moment, the eighth princess, Shun Ying, was already standing beside the empress dowager, and she had spoken a few words with the empress dowager before.Now the empress dowager has received a straw woven mouse from Shunying.On the face of the old lady, there was still a smile from before.

That smile is always kind.

Interrupted by Yuqin's reply, the Eighth Princess Shunying had no choice but to shut up and stood quietly beside the empress dowager.She also couldn't understand what the adults were saying, and she was bored, so she bit the summer fragrance pearl on her wrist and played.

This incense bead was bestowed by the emperor just now.

The empress dowager listened intently to Yuqin, while Anshou watched the movements of the eighth princess, worried that something was wrong, so she stepped forward to apologize, grabbed Shunying, and coaxed Shunying into her mouth Xiang Zhuer wants to come down.

The empress dowager was distracted by this, she turned her head to look back, and asked, "What's wrong?"

An Shou hurriedly knelt down and replied, "Back to the Empress Dowager, just now the slave watched the Eighth Princess play with the incense pearl in her mouth... The slave felt something was wrong, so..."

The empress dowager narrowed her eyes, and immediately remembered the death of the sixth princess, Shunhua.

The Empress Dowager couldn't help raising her eyes and glanced at Nalashi.

Nala didn't want to implicate herself, so she hurriedly got up and saluted, and brought the eighth princess over, and hugged her in her arms, "I heard from the Queen's mother that this fragrant pearl is worn; It can only be taken by dissolving it with water, and you must not swallow the jujube in your mouth like this! Be careful of getting stuck in your throat!"

Recalling what happened at that time, the empress dowager was also unhappy.The child of the Sixth Princess is also the Empress Dowager's granddaughter after all; besides, the Empress Dowager had placed high hopes on Concubine Xin at that time.

The Empress Dowager couldn't help but whispered to Nala, "No matter what, those two women who served Shunhua back then belonged to your palace. Even if you weren't in Beijing, those two women didn't guard you The rules are also because you didn’t teach them well.”

Nalashi bit her lip, the annoyance in her heart had nowhere to go, so she suddenly turned her eyes and stared at Concubine Yu.

She couldn't help but remember that Concubine Yu was so "talkative" in public once before.That time Concubine Yu explained Xiang Zhu'er's matter clearly, completely dissolving doubts for Concubine Ling.

The appearance of Concubine Yu's witty remarks at that time was somewhat similar to the situation in front of her at this moment.

The old hatred, now can't help but surge up again.If it was because of the Sixth Princess that Concubine Ling and Concubine Xin fought fiercely, then maybe Concubine Ling would not be the concubine she is now!
——It's all Concubine Yu's fault!

Nala couldn't help but sneered, "The palace rules are written in black and white, but they can't stop people's hearts from being lively. Some people, don't look like a gourd with a dull mouth, but when something happens, she must be That fisherman gets a lot of money!"

"Reverend Zilan's pretty face has become like this now, and this thing happened again and again. I don't believe it if no one cares about it! But E Chang is here, and he has been in the palace for many years, and he has always been just In the position of Chang Zai, if she has the guts to plot against Noble Lan, I don't believe it."

"Behind E Chang's back, there must be someone instigating! Although it is said that 'the punishment cannot be a doctor', it is even more inappropriate to punish the head of the inner court. However, if you don't ask clearly at this meeting, and don't give Lan Guiren justice, isn't it right? Did you wrong Lan Guiren? Therefore, in my opinion, since E Changzai refuses to confess, the only option is to use punishment!"

The more Nala spoke, the more annoyed she became, and a cold look appeared on her face.

"It's not that we are unkind, it's that E Changzai himself gave up the chance of atonement... My minister advocates torture. Please show me the Queen's mother."

Lan Guiren heard it, and also knelt down, his face covered with red pimples, his usual beautiful face had long since disappeared.

Lan Guiren cried and fell to the ground, "I also ask the empress dowager to make the decision for my concubine~~"

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes, and finally snorted coldly, "Punishment is painful, but Lan Guiren doesn't feel pain like this? Since someone has done such a thing, then the pain of torture is this person You should bear it!"

"Come on, order the Punishment Department to invite your young master E Changzai to go down. The reception is appropriate. Be sure to invite your young master E Changzai to speak clearly!"

Not long after, several exquisite nuns from the Punishment Division came by order, and with a savage smile on their faces, they "invited" E Changzai to go.

Echang was crying, and looked at Concubine Yu several times, but he couldn't resist after all, so he was taken away.
After such a thing happened, no one was in the mood to celebrate the festival together, so they all dispersed.

"Anyway, it's worth it to make E Changzai suffer a lot this time!" Yurui gritted her silver teeth and said bitterly.

Yuqin frowned, "It's a pity that it's cheaper to go to Concubine Yu. I was thinking of bringing Concubine Yu in by the way, but I didn't expect that E Changzai would rather suffer by himself than point Concubine Yu to go."

"It's not surprising." Wanxi shook Yuqin's hand lightly, "After all, her mother's family has nothing to rely on, and her only sustenance is on Yongqi. Both her uncle and Ama were ordered to commit suicide by the emperor." , she has also made up her mind that she would rather die by herself than keep the last hope of family revival."

Concubine Ying was slightly worried, "It's just that sisters see, this time Lan Guiren and E Chang are here, can they move out?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "That's for sure. E Changzai has already lost his virtue, so how can he continue to live in Jingren Palace, the birthplace of Lord Kangxi and the residence of the Empress Dowager? Benevolence' means, where is Na'e Chang worthy to continue to stay?"

"As for Lady Lan, the Empress Dowager always loves her dearly. They believe that it was E Chang's hands, so no one dares to confirm whether E Chang's methods are still kept in her bedroom. As long as Lan Once the pimple on the nobleman's face appeared again, she would not dare to stay any longer."

"Even the Empress Dowager has to move Lan Guiren because she loves Lan Guiren."

Concubine Ying was a little surprised, "I don't know how the sisters managed to make Lan Guiren have pimples on her face? It started in February, how did it happen again today, and people can't find anything?"

Wanxi and Yuqin looked at each other, then smiled.

Yuqin sighed softly, "Actually, it was an accident. In February, I had to vaccinate the little deer, so I took the palace staff to copy the scriptures every day. But you know, I was in a mess. It is inevitable to make mistakes. This must be wiped with 'orpiment'."

"I myself am confused, so I am prone to mistakes; they copied with me, but they were impatient, so they made the same mistakes, so they used orpiment to smear them frequently. Once, I found that Lan Gui had touched it with his hands." After the orpiment, some red bumps appeared."

"Because the amount of orpiment used to alter the scriptures was small, the little pimple disappeared soon after that day; but I knew from this that her physique might not be suitable for the orpiment. I have seen it since I was a child in the south of the Yangtze River when I was studying poetry, calligraphy and painting. Some people are like this, and they all say that their physique is different, some people will be like this, and some people will not. I guess, her physique cannot touch these things."

"Before I took the little deer back to the 'Natural Picture' in February, I also left some homework for them and asked them to continue copying scriptures every day. Without my supervision, she must be even more reluctant, and there will only be more mistakes. The more you apply orpiment... a few days later, pimples appear on her face."

Wanxi nodded and smiled, and said, "Orpiment is born with realgar. If her body is not suitable for orpiment, she will also be not suitable for realgar. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and she must drink realgar wine. So she will definitely have that pimple again."
That night, after finishing his business, the emperor came back to "Tiandi Family Spring", and asked Wanxi with a smile, "What did Concubine Qing ask today?"

Wanxi felt a little regretful, and couldn't help but pouted and said, "I didn't expect that E Changzai was a stubborn person, and he refused to recruit no matter what. In the end, it was the empress dowager who made the decision, and asked the Punishment Department to invite him over."

"It's getting dark now, and I haven't heard any movement yet. Maybe even if I go to the Punishment Department, I won't say anything?"

The emperor smiled and nodded, "If you don't recruit, you don't recruit. What's the hurry?"

Wanxi was stunned, and raised her eyes to stare at the emperor.

The emperor shrugged his shoulders, "Since I refused to recruit, I asked slowly. Could it be possible that I was in a hurry to recruit, so I came back early?"

Wanxi opened her mouth wide and looked at her grandfather.

Oh my god...she was stupid, she forgot this trick—in short, the purpose was to move E Changzai out of Jingren Palace; What's the difference with moving out?
Besides, what kind of place is the Department of Punishment? Is it more worry-free to lock E Changzai there than any other place in the harem?

Seeing Wanxi's stupid appearance, the emperor couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, so he picked up a mulberry and stuffed it into Wanxi's open mouth. Close your mouth.

The emperor leaned over and kissed her on the mouth.

The mulberry was crushed, and the juice was sweet and sticky, flowing freely between the lips and teeth of the two of them.The emperor was naughty, so he deliberately touched it with his lips, and then rubbed it all over Wanxi's mouth by rubbing his lips.

Shy and anxious, Wanxi pushed the emperor away with a cry, hurriedly climbed onto the kang, and took a look at the mirror.

The lip balm on a woman's mouth is not fresh, but the color of mulberry is purple red, and the color is very special when applied on her lips.

Wan Xi pursed her lips in refusal, "My lord is pure disaster for the servant! What is this? If you add a big white face, it won't be a makeup for a corpse?"

"Bah!" The emperor laughed angrily, spat, and hurriedly covered her mouth, "What are you talking about, you are pregnant with a child, and I am not afraid that the child will learn from you~"

Wanxi's mouth was pressed by the emperor's palm, but Wanxi refused to accept it, and simply opened her mouth to bite the emperor's palm.

The emperor waved his hands in pain, and smiled helplessly, "You little dog!"

Wanxi patted her belly lightly on purpose, "Did you hear that? Your Ama said you!"

In the cultural tradition of the Manchus, dogs are loyal companions, the savior of the old Khan, and close family members; therefore, Manchus are not allowed to eat dog meat, sleep on dog skins, or wear dog fur hats.Even the emperor's phrase "little puppy" didn't mean to curse people at all, only liking it.

The emperor was dissatisfied, and stepped forward to grab Wanxi's hand, "Nonsense! This is clearly a dragon cub!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows high, stared at the emperor with a smile, and then smiled too.

But no, this child is born in this Year of the Dragon from conception to next child; besides, he is the son of the real Dragon Emperor, isn't he just a "dragon cub"?

But when Wanxi's thoughts changed, she couldn't help "puchier" and laughed, "...Actually, he's a bastard~"

The emperor is a rabbit, so this father is a son of a rabbit, and his son is a real son of a bitch!

The emperor laughed loudly, and stretched out his hand to pat Wanxi's roof, "Okay, Rabbit Lady!"

(Continue to ask Aunt Rabbit for a monthly ticket~~)

(End of this chapter)

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