Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2325, Volume 7, 25 Speechless, only lowered eyebrows, leisurely picking up a pair of lychees

Chapter 2325 Seven Volumes 25 Speechless, only lowered eyebrows, leisurely picking up a pair of lychees (bi)
Stay alone with the nobleman in the "Fang Facade" and do her first worship since she came to the capital and entered the palace.

It's inconvenient for everyone to disturb, so the emperor broke up.

The emperor personally sent the empress dowager back to the Changchun Garden, and Wanxi took Yu Rui's hand and walked back in a leisurely manner.

When all the harem passed by, they all came to congratulate Yurui.Wanxi Liu Yurui greeted them by herself, but Wanxi chased after Huo Shuote from Zhongcui Palace first.

"Congratulations, Mr. Guo."

One year ago, on June [-]th, Huo Shuote, who had just entered the palace and learned the rules in the Zhongcui Palace of Chunhui Huangguifei, was granted the first permanent residence.It is called "Guo Changzai" after the "Guo Erluo Department" where his mother's family is located.

It was also in the record that Gao Yuncong recited that he rewarded the harem with fresh lychees on June 25 and June [-], and Wanxi noticed the title "Guo Guiren".

This means that the emperor, together with Yurui, conferred the title of nobleman on Guo Changzai.
Guo Guiren was taken aback for a moment, and his face turned red.

At that time, after all, everyone's focus was on Mrs. Rui, and besides, the rewarded inner court chief had a lot of titles, so others might not notice that her status had also changed.

It's just that no matter how others don't pay attention, she herself notices it.Even though she was secretly happy in her heart, it was like a night walk in brocade clothes, and no one noticed, so she couldn't be happy by herself.

Unexpectedly, Wanxi noticed it.

Guo Guiren hastily squatted down to salute, "I didn't expect it at all, but the imperial concubine noticed it. In fact, I didn't know it beforehand..."

As Guo Guiren spoke, he felt sad, and his eye circles were a little red.

Although Guo Guiren didn't say it clearly, Wanxi also had a little understanding of why Guo Guiren was about to cry.

Guo Guiren is the daughter of Taiji from the Guo Erluo department. Taiji is a homonym for "Prince" in Chinese, which shows her father's status in the tribe.However, when Guo Guiren came to the palace, the first seal was only there all the time, which is indeed a bit wronged.As for the other Mongolian Gegebeirgas who entered the palace with her, that father was only a "Demuqi", and his position was only equivalent to Zuo Ling, far below Guo Guiren's father Taiji.

But because of the special year last year, the Baiergas family came from Elut Mongolia, so the emperor paid more attention to the Baiergas family, so he pointed the Baiergas family to the empress to learn the rules, and he was able to learn the rules directly. The title of nobleman is that of Yigui; while Guo Guiren learned the rules from the pure noble concubine at that time, and was only granted the permanent position at the beginning.

The family background is high, but the first seal is low; besides, Guo Guiren was first sealed on June 22 last year, and Yurui was first sealed on the [-]nd of June, and Guo Guiren's first seal was earlier than Yurui. When they all became nobles, everyone's focus was on Yu Rui.

They are all little girls, and Guo Guiren is only 15 years old this year. She is also a serious princess in her mother's tribe.

What's more, she used to be a constant presence under the position of Concubine Chunhui, and this year, when Concubine Chunhui passed away, she immediately became someone who could not be trusted.I'm afraid that I was still worried at first, even if it was someone else's turn to enter the seal, it would not be her turn.

Wanxi held Guo Guiren's hand with a smile, and pulled her up, "How could I not notice? After all, the emperor's first decree was issued on June [-]th; you were on June [-]th last year. It was sealed at the beginning of the day, so it's been exactly one year! From this, it can be seen that the emperor's oral order in the world that day, is it that you are not the one that is on his mind?"

"Today, although the emperor announced the good news that you and Ruigui were promoted as nobles on the same day, and although the emperor only mentioned it about Ruigui at that time, I believe you have noticed it. They were promoted together, but your ranking in terms of rewards is still ahead of Ruigui."

In the decree, the ranking of several nobles was mentioned, and the original words were as follows: "...Guo Guiren, Yi Guiren, He Guiren, and Rui Guiren, each with one fresh lychee."

Guo Guiren was not in front of Ruigui, but even ahead of Hegui, who was in the limelight, and Yigui, who had surpassed her.

Guo Guiren blushed immediately, but was speechless instead.

Wanxi laughed, "Look, why was the emperor willing to make you feel wronged? Now the emperor has found it for you quietly. It's really gratifying."

Guo Guiren finally couldn't help crying, and bowed to thank him again.

Wanxi sighed softly, then helped Guo Guiren up with her own hands, and pointed to the sky, "I believe that the imperial concubine Chunhui has a spirit in the sky. I will be happy for you when I see your good deeds today."

Wanxi patted Guo Guiren's hand lightly, "Sister Chun is gone, but based on my relationship with her, I will take care of the fourth princess and brother six; It will never be forgotten."

Guo Guiren suddenly choked up, "If you ask the imperial concubine to take care of you, then the concubine will feel at ease again."
After a while, Yurui followed and congratulated Guo Guiren.Yu Rui noticed that Guo Guiren's expression had already turned from sadness to joy at this moment.

After that, Wanxi was not in a hurry to sit in the sedan chair, but asked Yurui to support her, and walked slowly back to "Tiandi Family Spring".

Yu Rui said softly, "My sister just enlightened Guo Guiren, right? Seeing how lonely she was before, I don't know how to talk to her."

Wanxi nodded, "After all, she is a nobleman of Zhongcui Palace. Now that Imperial Concubine Chunhui is gone, and Concubine Yu has just moved over, she has no idea."

Yu Rui spat softly, "Concubine Yu is still in danger of protecting herself at this moment, so naturally she doesn't care about the low-ranking concubines under her. Not to mention that Guo Guiren was originally a person under the imperial concubine Chunhui. "

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly, "Anyway, he's a nobleman, and since he's a dignified head of the inner court, he should be more reserved~"

Yu Rui blushed, "There are always a few people I won't let go. No matter where I am, I don't want to have fun with them."

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly, "Listen to me, don't worry about the relationship between me and Concubine Yu in the future."

Yurui became a little anxious, "Sister, what are you doing? There is still Bai Chang in Concubine Yu's Palace, and now there is another nobleman Guo, but one of them is still in place for many years, and the other It's a little girl..."

Wanxi shook her head, "It's not for your sake, but also for Yingyuan Gege. If you continue to target Concubine Yu, Yingyuan Gege will be the one who gets in the way. It's not good for both of you sisters."

Yu Rui was a little unwilling, "Sister..."

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand, "You, you are a noble person after all, and it's inconvenient for you to do many things by yourself now. This is always a good thing, just listen to me."

Yu Rui could only sigh softly, "Concubine Yu can't do anything for the time being, so I don't care if I don't care about it. But sister Ruo can't leave me alone if she treats others in her heart!"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Naturally. Silly girl, you and I have lived together for more than ten years. Without your help, how can I do anything?"
The two held arms and walked back slowly together.

There is no need to say anything more, there is already a tacit understanding in my heart.

Leaving aside just now that Yurui and Guo Guiren were conferred honorary titles by accident, and they won such a high-standard chapel with the nobleman, the emperor's decree to reward lychees can bring more aftertaste to the two of them.

For example, when a lychee is given twice, some people get it and some don't;

Don't talk about those above the rank of concubine, just talk about the status of the nobles who are so unpredictable now.Those who did not get the lychees were the nobles Shen and the nobles Xiang; and those who got it for the first time but didn't get it the second time were the nobles Lin and Lan.

Among the three nobles, nobleman Shen and nobleman Lin who have not been favored for many years are nothing more than nobleman Lan; nobleman Lan is a bit special.

Anyway, it's the empress dowager's family, but the emperor only gave it back once.The treatment is not as good as that of Guo Guiren, Yiguiren, Heguiren, and Ruiguiren.

"I'm afraid I'll be unhappy if I want to come to Langui, and I don't know what's going on in Sister Qing's palace." Yu Rui was a little worried.

Wanxi snorted lightly, "The emperor's arrangement is like a warning to her. If she is smart, she can settle down quickly and don't make trouble, that's all."

"But then again, if she still wants to make trouble in Jingren Palace, that's fine. I just asked Sister Qing to set up the rules again. After all, E Changzai is still locked up in another courtyard, and he didn't talk to the Department of Punishment. If we figure it out clearly, then we can take advantage of Lan Guiren's disturbance this time and drive her out of Jingren Palace completely."

Yu Rui also raised her eyebrows, "No! Whether the emperor rewards or not rewards is ultimately a holy will. If she becomes violent, it's just a matter of picking her up! Even the empress dowager can't help her!"

Wanxi sighed softly, "So, it's up to her to choose. Whether to make trouble or not is up to her."
Nala's family got angry today, and the hatred is all on Wanxi and Yurui, and they haven't noticed the details in the edict for a while.But after being able to go back to the "Queen's Room", after sitting down and calming down, I still thought something was wrong.

She called Tana, "Can you still remember those two decrees?"

Fortunately, Tana is also considered clever, so she roughly recited it.

Nala finally discovered the key: "Guo Guiren?! And ranked ahead of Yi Guiren?!"

In the past, Yi Guiren and Guo Changzai learned the rules in Nala's and Pure Imperial Concubine's palaces respectively. The status of nobleman and Changzai reflected the status of empress and imperial concubine.But it's only been a year, and the emperor has promoted Guo Guiren to be a nobleman; it's nothing more than being promoted, she is Taiji's daughter, but why is she ranked ahead of Yiguiren?
Nala patted the table, "What is the emperor trying to say? He wants to say that in his heart, Chunhui's status has surpassed that of me, the middle palace?"

But the most terrible thing is that the emperor will not give any explanation for this matter; and other people in the harem can all infer the above conclusions based on the ranking in this reward... She was secretly ashamed again!

"It can't be like this anymore, it can't be like this anymore!" Nala clenched her fists tightly, "The emperor is simply trying to weaken my prestige in the middle palace intentionally or unintentionally. If this continues, sooner or later, I will be the same as before." I'm still in the middle palace, but someone else is riding on my neck."

"Then what should I do with my Yongzheng?"

Tana was also sentimental in her heart, and said cautiously, "...The thing that Concubine Xin told the master last time, maybe it's worth doing."

"After all, there are three nobles in the Lord's womb. Guiren Lin can't be counted on for a long time. Instead, Guiren Yi has fallen behind Guo Guiren...there is only one and nobleman left."

"If you are favored by a nobleman, it will be good news in our palace. At least let outsiders see, the emperor still attaches great importance to the lord's womb..."

Nala lowered his eyes and took a deep breath, "I see."
In July, the sky is on fire.

Wanxi has to be more careful this time, and this time she put aside other things and ignored them.Only one heart is preparing for the birth of the child.

Unexpectedly, bad news came from outside the palace: the third elder brother Yongzhang was seriously ill.

On the ninth day of the seventh month, the emperor returned to the palace from the garden to see San Age.

On this day, Jiufu Jin Lanpei also handed a sign into the palace to pay his respects.

Wanxi understands that Lan Pei is probably here to discuss the matter of the third elder brother.

Lan Pei came to "One Family of Heaven and Earth", and when he talked about Yongzhang, he felt like crying, "Even if I don't feel sorry for anyone, I can't help but feel sorry for our fourth princess. Now that the imperial concubine Chunhui has gone, The fourth princess is still wearing filial piety for the imperial concubine Chunhui, so I am afraid that she will prepare for the third elder brother again..."

Although it is said that if the prince passes away, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the third elder brother will naturally take care of the funeral ceremony, but after all, because the mother has just passed away, the only sister will take half of the mother.

"But the fourth princess herself is just a 15-year-old child this year..." Jiufujin shook his head and sighed, "I just got married, so I have to deal with these two funerals one after another? Oh, how good this is, I'm really worried about her little one. It hurts because of her age. After that... her little body is so good."

Wanxi was also sad in her heart, but it was useless to shed tears with Jiufujin.

Wanxi deliberately smiled instead.

Jiufujin was startled.

Wanxi sighed softly, "I suddenly felt, Lan Pei, we are all getting old."

Lan Pei raised his eyebrows, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "No. The servants are all people who are mothers-in-law, so they feel sorry for their own daughter-in-law."

Wanxi and Lan Pei are both under 35 years old, but their seniority is already here after all.

Wanxi blinked, "If you count from Brother Mian En, I would have grandchildren."

Both of them couldn't help but sigh.Looking back, I feel that the time is beautiful, like the wings of a butterfly.There are also colorful, there are also love and hatred, and there are also... The years are silent.

Lan Pei couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Wanxi, "Fortunately, after so many years, the servant can still come into the palace to discuss with Master Ling when he encounters any embarrassing things. Master Ling will always be in my heart, always the backbone Son."

Wanxi also laughed, "Actually, in my heart, why don't you have such a status? After all, I am in the palace, and it is inconvenient to go out. You are the only one who will help me with big and small affairs outside the palace."

Lanpei sighed, and tears filled his eyes again, "...Master, tell me, should the servant prepare something in advance for the fourth princess?"

"The slave also said that the funeral of the imperial concubine Chunhui is almost a hundred days away, and the child of the fourth princess can breathe a sigh of relief; but it's impossible to imagine, the third elder brother..."

Wanxi also sighed softly, "Let's get ready. It's just that for now, Lanpei, please help me take care of her, so don't call Hejia to rub salt on her wounds."

Lan Pei also nodded, "Then the slave will make up his mind."

Wanxi stretched out her hand and shook Lan Pei's hand, "Having such a good mother-in-law and Fujin like you is really a blessing for the Fourth Princess and the Ninth Master. They must all be counted in their hearts~"
On July 72th, Governor Yang Tingzhang of Zhejiang and Fujian imported 48 bottles of honey lychees, Governor Wu Shigong of Fujian bought 120 bottles of honey lychees, and two places respectfully imported [-] bottles of honey lychees.

The emperor issued a decree: eight bottles of honey lychees for the Empress Dowager, and the leader Zhang Yigong was sent to bring them in.

Two bottles of honey litchi for Emperor Wenhui and concubine Yu Guifei and four bottles of honey litchi.

For the rest, three bottles of honey litchi were given to the queen, two bottles of honey litchi were given to the imperial concubine, and one bottle of honey litchi was given to each of Concubine Shu, Concubine Yu, Concubine Qing, Concubine Ying, Concubine Wan, Concubine Xin, and Concubine Yu.Shengui, Lin Guiren, Lan Guiren, Xianggui, Yigui, Guo Gui, Ruigui, Hegui, E Changzai, Bai Changzai, ten people and fifteen bottles of honey litchi.

Eating lychees in midsummer is a beautiful thing.But because in the decree for rewarding lychees, the ranking of the inner court officials changed frequently, so people were not so happy about the delicacy of the lychees themselves.

Wanxi took Yurui to accept the order to thank her, and Wanxi couldn't help but smile, "But anyway, this time the fresh lychees were directly tributed from Lingnan, and there are a lot of them; it's not like last time, our palace planted them with great difficulty. There are only a few dozen that fell from the living lychee trees."

"This time, everything is enough, everyone can try something new."

Yu Rui also said, "Even the nobles Shen Gui, Xiang Gui, and Chang Zai have taken care of them, and everyone is very happy."

Wanxi deliberately poked Yurui narrowly, "In my opinion, you should be the happiest."

Yu Rui blushed, "Sister made fun of me again! Everyone is happy, why should I be happy?"

Wanxi's eyes narrowed for a second, "...On June 25th and June [-]th, we still talked about He Guiren first, and then mentioned you, Ruigui; The nobleman is ahead!"

Yu Rui's face was completely red like burning coals, and she couldn't say anything.

Wanxi intentionally tickled Yu Rui, "Look, now that you are in the limelight with the nobleman, everyone thinks that being with the nobleman is the most favored; but the emperor has quietly ranked you ahead of the nobleman."

Yu Rui bowed her head and couldn't help smiling, but she also calmed down slowly, "Of course I want to thank the emperor for his kindness, but I understand the emperor's intentions in doing so better. If it wasn't for my sister, there would be the little emperor who is about to give birth to us." Si, how could the emperor continue to give me special favors like this?"

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand with a smile, "Silly girl... I owe you too much for leaving you in the palace and staying with me for the rest of my life. If the emperor does this, it will make me feel more at ease. "
On this day, Nala took the lychee and passed it on to the nobleman.

Nalashi took a bottle out of the lychees he had obtained and gave it to the nobleman.

The nobleman was taken aback, and hurriedly saluted and declined, "This lychee is precious, besides, I have already received a reward, how dare I accept the queen's reward again?"

Nalashi chuckled, "You are from the Western Regions, but lychees were born in Lingnan. Naturally, you have never eaten or seen lychees. If you got that bottle, it is not enough for you to try it out. I am afraid you haven't eaten it yet." Once it tastes good, it's all eaten."

"Then don't refuse me, take it and eat it. What the emperor rewards you is a reward, and what I give you is the intimacy we closed the door to appreciate."

Nalashi smiled as she spoke, raised her eyes and looked out the window.

"However, even though I am in the middle palace, I only got three bottles. There are Lin Guiren, Yi Guiren and you in my palace. If I give to everyone, it will not be enough; today, I will Come on, I gave you this bottle alone."

"When you left when you were young, you should cover it up, so as not to let the two of them see it, and your heart will be sour."
He nobleman couldn't help raising his eyes, staring at Nala Shi in a daze.

Since she entered the palace, this is the first time that this high-ranking queen empress looks so amiable.

What's more, this also uses "individual reward" to highlight the kindness given to her.

Mrs. He knew that maybe she should smile at this moment, or at least salute to thank her... But she didn't know why, but she just felt that the bend of her knees was a little stiff, and she couldn't bend down no matter what.

On his face, he really couldn't hang the look of "flattered".

She still stood so stiffly.

Nala watched, really disappointed.The bottom of her heart couldn't help getting angry, and silently shouted "I don't know how to flatter you!"... However, she still forced herself to bear it for the time being.

"Your Majesty, don't you know how valuable this lychee is?"

The nobleman bit his lips lightly, and reluctantly bent his knees and said, "... When we return to Xinjiang, we have all kinds of delicious fruits. On the contrary, this lychee, I don't think much of it. I don't know how sweet it is, it's not as sweet as ours. Melons; if they are juicy, they are not much better than our grapes."

"It's expensive, maybe it's just because of the difficulty of transportation? Anyway, my hometown naturally has more delicious fruits than this one. So, I really don't need another bottle; I'm worried that the bottle rewarded by the emperor will not be enough. Can't finish it."

Nala raised her hand and was about to slap the table, she really wanted to shout "bold"...but her hand still stopped in mid-air.

Forbearance, she reminded herself, for now.

The scowl on her face slowly turned into a smile, and she shrugged, "That's right. I've heard that the Western Regions are rich in melons and fruits, which are extremely sweet. It's fine if you don't like them, but since I gave them You, take it back and taste it slowly."

"It didn't taste good before, maybe it's because I'm not used to it; eat more, get used to the taste, maybe you'll like it naturally."

He and the nobleman frowned, reluctantly said, "Okay then~"

Nala was overjoyed now, nodded and smiled, "Do you know what day tomorrow is? Tomorrow is July [-]th. The emperor will watch the river lanterns in the garden as usual..."

Nala's eyes turned, "I heard that all the women in your department are good at dancing and maneuvering?"

(Happy weekend~~ Please ask for a small ticket~~)

(End of this chapter)

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