Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2330, Volume 7, 30 What I cherish the most is...

Chapter 2330 Seven Volumes 30 What I cherish the most is... (7 thousand words completed)
Wanxi was frightened.

She stared at the emperor in shock, and hurriedly begged for mercy in a low voice: "...Grandpa, grandpa, please stop, it's already this month."

Having just lost Xiaolu and the child in front of her, Wanxi, who has just lost and regained her first child, has never been so cautious, and she dare not make any mistakes.

The emperor first deliberately showed a disappointed look, and then he hugged Wanxi and turned around suddenly, then laughed out loud.

"What are you thinking about, huh? Today is Liansheng's birthday, and today I will be spending time with Liansheng again. My father was busy with those messy things before, and he couldn't spend his birthday with the child properly. ... Grandpa wants to take the children to have a good time, where are you going?"

Shocked and ashamed, Wanxi hurriedly crawled into the emperor's arms.

The emperor laughed, and leaned over to put his lips in Wanxi's ear, "Even if I want to, I have to endure it for a few more months. This is my own desire, and it is not as good as we are about to land." I have lost this child...Silly girl, I will only cherish this child more than you, how can I be so confused?"

Wanxi was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it, she simply put her head under the emperor's chin, and begged for forgiveness softly, "Master... please spare this servant."

Staring at such Wanxi, the emperor couldn't help but sigh.In front of him, she will always be a little girl who can act like a baby; apart from that 16-year-old gap, he will never be able to see that she is almost 35.

In his eyes, she will always be that small, soft, coquettish but stubborn little girl.

When the emperor thought about it, his heart sank again.I couldn't help holding Wanxi back to the kang and sat down, wrapped Wanxi in my arms, and pestered her mouth again, refusing to let go.

Wanxi's breathing became fast, but her body also softened automatically, she just pleaded softly in his arms, "Grand...don't hold back anymore, or I will suffer a lot."

Fortunately, there was the sound of children's running approaching outside at this moment, and the emperor sighed a long time, and put his forehead against Wanxi's, "...it's all thanks to you. In the past few years, Obviously knowing that your body has never been idle, and the Lord is also reluctant to bear your hard work, but it is - I can't keep it when I see you~~"

Wanxi's face was red, she gave the emperor a slight push, and spat softly shyly, "Lord Kui can speak~~"

The emperor grabbed her hand and bit it lightly on his mouth, "Why can't you say it? Besides...even if you can't say it, no one in the front and back palace can't see what you've been busy with all these years What about it? Who can't understand how much I can't bear to look at you..."

The movement of the children had already arrived outside the door, and Wanxi was so ashamed that she hurriedly said "Bah bah bah" three times, "Master, stop talking~~"

Yu Rui also coughed softly outside, and let the inside know.

Only then did the emperor take a deep breath, and steadily removed Wanxi from his lap, and placed her on the mattress.

Wanxi also ordered, "Yu Rui, are the children here? Tell them to come in."
Several children came in with a slur.Wanxi took a look, there were a few more.

Not only Xiaoqi, Jiujiu, Lawang, and Fukang'an, but also Yongxuan and Yongxuan, who celebrated their birthdays, also came.

Wanxi was a little worried, and whispered softly to the emperor, "...it's so late."

The emperor smiled, "Okay, I know what's on my mind. Tomorrow morning, let them go to the study room a few hours later, and tell them to sleep a little longer. It's rare to be happy tonight."

The boys who had already entered the upper study couldn't hide their joy immediately, and their eyebrows danced with joy.When Wanxi saw it, she shook her head dotingly, "I'm afraid of them, I'm so happy that I can't sleep when I go back tonight."

The emperor also smiled, and pointed at the boys, "Don't be prettier, although I will allow you to enter the study room two hours late tomorrow, but I will test your homework tomorrow afternoon. Don't be lazy." After school is over tomorrow night, I will take a bag of one hundred arrows to the arrow pavilion to practice shooting, and I will not go to bed until I finish shooting!"

The boys were all giggling, but there was no trace of fear in everyone's eyes.

When Wanxi saw it, she felt relieved - it can be seen that these children's homework and archery skills must be good, so that the emperor said that they would test their homework and punish them for archery. So grinning.

The emperor summoned Hu Shijie, together with Liu Zhu'er from Wanxi Palace, whispered in their ears, and then waved his hand at the children, "Go, follow them!"

The children cheered and ran out after them.

Wanxi was supported by Yuchan, and carefully lowered to the kang.The emperor smiled, turned around and hugged Wanxi again.

Wanxi exclaimed in a low voice, "Master!——"

The emperor blinked, "It's already this hour, and the yards of the people around them are all keyed. Even if the Lord carries you over here, no one will be able to see it."
The emperor held Wanxi in his arms like this, and the two of them took the same carriage and came to the "Western Building" area together.

Wanxi was surprised, "What are you doing here now?"

There are still peacocks in the bird cage, and when they heard the sound, the peacock would cry in the middle of the night, which is really creepy.

The emperor smiled, blinked at Wanxi mysteriously, got off his shoulders, and carried Wanxi all the way to the west of the "Bird Cage", the newly built "Ten Thousand Flowers Array"!
Hu Shijie had already led people to arrange the "Ten Thousand Flowers Formation" at this time, and there were only Wanxi and Yurui's official ladies, together with Yuqin and several official ladies under Wanbi's positions, were already waiting here.Everyone held lotus lanterns in their hands and stood smiling.

Wanxi was also surprised, and couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice, "Master, is this...?"

However, the emperor held Wanxi in his arms, and after only swaying a few times in the maze path, he successfully arrived at the octagonal pavilion in the center of the maze.The emperor supported Wanxi to take a high seat in the gazebo.

They went so smoothly, but the rest of the children shouted, "Huang Ama! How did you get through? Why can't we get through?"

The emperor waved his arms happily like a big child, "I just want you to be unable to pass through! You can hide and seek in this 'ten thousand flower formation'. Whoever can get out first, Huang Ama will give you a reward." !"

On the contrary, the monkey-like Fukang'an and the calm-tempered Lawang did not panic.Fukang'an first ran up the half-person-high low wall that was built into the maze, and looked down from a height; Lawang stared at the emperor and Wanxi, and then turned back and recalled the paths of the two of them just now...

When the emperor saw it, he laughed in a low voice, turned his head and said to Wanxi, "These two are the brats! We can't let them see the way so quickly, otherwise this 'Ten Thousand Flowers Formation' will not be in vain!"

The emperor raised his voice and called: "Hu Shijie, change formation!"

Two small red and white flags suddenly appeared in Hu Shijie's hand, and with a wave of the red flag in his left hand, all the officials and women holding lotus lanterns rushed into the formation of thousands of flowers, their figures dispersed suddenly, and only the identical lotus lanterns could be seen on the wall , but can no longer tell who is who.

Hu Shijie waved the red flag again, and all the officials and women started running quickly.

Although the low walls that make up the maze are fixed, the lights of these figures are unpredictable.Fukang'an and Lawang, who could see the direction of the maze clearly, were immediately disturbed by this group of people.

Fukang'an was so anxious that he slapped his forehead, "Hey? Hey, Hu Shijie is familiar with you, you don't have such a thing!"

Lawang also tightened the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes and stared at the ever-changing lamp shadow, but couldn't tell who was who, raised his eyes, and looked at the emperor in the octagonal pavilion from above the lamp shadow.

Seeing that the two children were finally confused, the emperor was as happy as a big child on the pavilion and clapped his hands.

What else can Wanxi do besides sigh?She shook her head and chuckled, "Master... bullying children~"

The emperor snorted, "Is this called bullying? If you really want to bully them, is it possible for them to get out?"

The octagonal pavilion is in the center of the entire maze, and the terrain is also the highest, so it can be seen most clearly.Wanxi leaned on the chair pot bed, and could only shake her head with a smile.

She could see clearly that although the maze in front of her was imitated by Westerners, it was not unusual for the emperor at all—she had personally seen the emperor commanding the Eight Banners in the depths of the Mulan paddock grassland.

At that time, the soldiers of the Eight Banners, each holding its own flag high, formed a group in the depths of the grassland.Eight banners, that is at least eight colors of flags, compared with the lotus lanterns of only one color in front of you, it is eight times more difficult.

What's more, at that time, there were not only the eight flag colors of the Eight Banners, but each flag was divided into three flags: Manchuria, Mongolia, and Han Army; each of the three flags was divided into arms... What a big encirclement at that time , is the most complex maze in the world, and the most dizzying huge maze.

At that time, the emperor was able to command with certainty, and there was no confusion at all; then this small maze, if only a lotus lantern of one color is placed to disturb it, then it is really just to coax children to play.

Wanxi also relaxed, allowing the emperor to play with the children.In Wanxi's view, in a family, father and mother must have a clear division of labor.What the mother should teach the children is to be sensible and calm; and this kind of madness, as well as the pride and skills learned from the madness, should be done by father.

At this moment, she is happy to watch the emperor lead the children crazy together.She also regarded the emperor as a big child.
At first, the children were not the emperor's opponents after all, and began to disappear in the maze.

The emperor walked back with a smile, sat beside Wanxi, and accompanied Wanxi to watch the children figure out their own way.

Wanxi stared at him sideways, "What do you think, sir, to play like this tonight?"

The emperor laughed, reached out to hold Wanxi's hand, but suppressed his smile.The night is quiet, and everything is settled in his eyes; the bright moon is in the sky, just like his bright and long gaze.

"Jiu'er, because of Liansheng on July 15th, for us, it is no longer just a Zhongyuan night. Liansheng is our first child, the first child you got after [-] years in the palace. A child, so the day of July [-]th has even more meaning for us."

"Jiu'er, look, at this moment, there are lotus flowers in the 'Ten Thousand Flowers Formation', and our children are wandering in it, does it seem to be the allusion of 'Lotus grows step by step'?"

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, she looked back at the emperor, somehow, her eyes were already sore.

"It turns out that this is what I thought! ——I can't complain, but this western labyrinth is called 'Ten Thousand Flowers Array'! The slave followed the emperor to watch birds in the bird cage, and suddenly heard the name 'Ten Thousand Flowers Array'." I used to wonder about the name, thinking that the maze is full of low walls, where did the 'ten thousand flowers' come from?"

"Seeing the lotus lantern fluttering at this time, the children are really growing lotus step by step... This servant suddenly understands!"

The emperor stared at Wanxi with bright eyes, and after a while he burst out laughing, stretched out his hand to hug Wanxi, and held her tightly in his arms.

"Stupid! If it wasn't for this reason, they were all curious about this place for bird watching that day, and wanted to come and play, why would I have stopped them? Just because of this place, it wasn't built for them, the first time They must have been played on Liansheng's birthday before they are allowed to come."

"The 'flowers' of the 'Ten Thousand Flowers Formation', although they are called 'Ten Thousand Flowers', there can only be one kind, and that is the lotus."

The sourness in Wanxi's eyes has now reached the tip of her nose.In this way, her eyes and nose were sore, she didn't dare to raise her head in front of the emperor, she hurriedly put her head in his arms so that he wouldn't see it.

On the birthdays of princes and princesses, there are rewards in the palace as usual.But since it is "according to the rules", there are fixed rules for rewarding everything, and there will not be much distinction between each child, in order to show the harmony of the royal family.Therefore, the emperor gave Xiaoqi and Jiujiu today, and it wasn't too much. Although the set of housekeeping was done with all my heart, it wasn't too much——Wanxi didn't expect it, until the night At this moment, the emperor revealed this intention.

This night of the Chinese New Year, this July [-]th when she lost two children in a row, this birthday of only two daughters - so far, it has been perfect, and she has no regrets in her heart.
The emperor and Wanxi were affectionately on the octagonal pavilion, but the children were trapped in the maze but had no time to look.

They are all in a hurry.

It’s okay for the older children to say that the youngest Jiujiu was already sleepy and a little “sleepy” at the moment, but one road ended in a dead end. Impatient.

It was night again, and the lights were flickering, and she felt a little scared in her heart.

Tired, anxious and scared, Jiujiu was about to cry.

Xiaoqi is the elder sister, and she held her hand all the way.Although Xiaoqi said that she was not afraid, she still thought it was fun, but when her younger sister was anxious, she also became a little anxious.

But she herself is only on her fourth birthday after all, not to mention that she is in a hurry, so she can't calm down even more.

In the end, Jiujiu had tears streaming down his cheeks, and Xiao Qi became completely anxious.

When Xiao Qi became anxious, Fu Kang'an jumped up in a hurry, stepped forward to grab an official woman, and shouted, "Hey, take us out quickly!"

The official girl is the Cui Huan under Yurui.

The emperor had given instructions in advance, so Cui Huan smiled and shook her head, unwilling to accommodate.

Fukang'an became even more anxious, and refused to let go of Cuihuan's grip.

Lawang held Xiaoqi's hand firmly, and calmly reminded Fukang'an when Fukang'an lost his sense of control, "We are not the only ones in the battle, there are Eighth Brother and Eleventh Brother! Lead the way, we are serious when we are together with the eighth and eleventh brothers!"

Yongxuan, who also celebrates her birthday today, is also happy tonight.It was just because he had bad feet and felt a little embarrassed in front of his younger siblings, so he didn't go with Xiao Qi and the others, deliberately lagging behind.

Yongxuan and Yongxuan are brothers born of the same mother, so naturally they are willing to stay behind and accompany them.

Lawang’s reminder calmed down Fukang’an’s mind, and he nodded as soon as he patted his head, “You’re right! Eighth Prince is older than us, he’s the tallest, and he has the clearest mind. He must have a way. Let’s talk to They will be in the same place, there must be a way out!"

Lawang nodded quietly, and firmly held Xiaoqi's hand, "I'll accompany Xiaoqi and Jiujiu, go find the two elder brothers and bring them here together."

Fu Kang'an was a little worried, raised his eyes to look at Xiao Qi, and said softly, "Liansheng... don't cry, ah."

Xiao Qi saw that the two of them were trying to find a way, and knew that she couldn't follow along at this time.She swallowed hard her tears and nodded her head, "I won't cry. Baobao, go and come back quickly, I'll wait for you."

Fukang'an then turned around and ran away as if he had received the imperial edict.Regardless of the difficulty of finding two people in this maze, it is actually almost the same as finding the exit... He doesn't care about the difficulty, only Xiao Qi's soft but firm words, "I'm waiting for you", are in his ears.
The children encountered setbacks, and Xiaoqi and Jiujiu were about to cry. Yurui, who was waiting outside the formation, saw it and felt distressed.

Yurui couldn't help but went to the gazebo, and whispered the matter in Wanxi's ear.

Wanxi was naturally distressed, and asked in a low voice, "...are you crying?"

Yu Rui nodded, glanced carefully at the emperor, and said in a low voice, "It's a birthday tonight anyway, why bother making the children cry? Sister, I'd better ask the emperor to go online and give the children some guidance."

Wanxi's heart was also tugged together, so she turned to look at the emperor.

The smile on the emperor's face actually disappeared, and Wanxi could vaguely see the tension on the side of the emperor's face - she could see that the emperor was actually a little anxious and distressed.

Wanxi still sighed softly, and patted Yurui's hand, "Don't be afraid, who can't cry when a child grows up? Even if it's a birthday, there's no one who can't shed tears."

"It's a bit difficult at the moment, but it's not too difficult to go to heaven. These few people and these few lamps arranged by the emperor should not be difficult for them."

Yu Rui was a little anxious, "Sister..."

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "They are my children, but they are also the emperor's heirs of our Qing Dynasty first. This means that no matter whether you are a prince or a princess, you must have the courage to take responsibility and the courage to not give up when encountering difficulties." It takes courage. They cry as long as they want, it doesn't matter, I believe they will find a way to get out on their own."

"Even if they cried, this birthday will definitely be the most satisfying and unforgettable one when they think about it when they grow up."

Yu Rui was so anxious that she rubbed her hands together, so she stood on tiptoe and looked towards the formation.

Wanxi also stood up, and walked to the gazebo together to look at the trapped children.

At this moment, Fukang'an has been running through every road in the maze like a monkey, and finally found Yongxuan and Yongxuan, and was leading them to join Xiaoqi and the others.

Wanxi couldn't help sighing softly, "It's night, and the lotus lamp is also dark, he can run all over the road, and he hasn't run repeatedly... It's really hard to protect this child for Qilin."

The emperor also snorted, "You're right, he was forced to come out. Didn't you see that every time he ran into a road, he drew a mark on the ground."

The emperor looked sideways, and blinked slightly at Wanxi, "This kid has a quick mind and clear thinking, and he has some talents for leading the army."

Wanxi could only snort softly with a smile, "Sure enough, the master deliberately used this maze to test a few children."

Wanxi looked at Lawang who was always by Xiaoqi's side from a distance, "What about that child Lawang? How do you feel about it?"

The emperor smiled leisurely, "The child was not in a panic, when the children were all panicking, although he himself became nervous, but he never let go of Xiao Qi's hand, and never showed it in front of Xiao Qi. Get a little panicked."

"At this moment, if Qilinbao is Xiao Qi's hope, Lawang is Xiao Qi's heart."

Wanxi couldn't help turning her head away, staring up at the emperor.

The emperor didn't look back, but reached out to hold Wanxi's hand.

"Jiu'er, I hope our daughter will live a safe life."

Wanxi smiled silently, then lowered her head lightly, "When I give birth to sons, I naturally hope that they will be as lively, enthusiastic, and have countless new tricks like Qilinbao; but when I give birth to daughters, I will always The word "safety" is the most important."

The emperor nodded and pointed to the formation, "Look, they've joined together."

Wanxi also nodded in relief, "Brothers and sisters, I already understand that before difficulties arise, we should trust and rely on each other."

The emperor looked sideways, stared and smiled, and clenched Wanxi's hand a little more tightly.

Wanxi also chuckled softly, "I understand, this is the master's good intentions for tonight's arrangement. Even birthdays, playing is not the most important thing; the most important thing is to On the day of your birthday, while playing, learn the most important truths in your future life."

The emperor sighed softly for some reason, "Jiu'er, the children will grow up soon...Look at Lawang and Qilinbao, remember when they were first sent to the palace, Is it just a little bit older? Now they all look good, like a little Batulu."

Wanxi just nodded, "No, next year Xiaoqi should also enter school. The growth of the children seems to happen in a flash."

The emperor's face slowly restrained his smile.

"However, I am 50 years old... They are still so young. I don't know, how many years can I accompany them in the future?"

Wanxi felt a pain in her heart, and quickly covered the emperor's mouth with her hand, "Why did you say this so suddenly? You are the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven is Long Live, and you have to live 1 years!"

The emperor snorted, stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of Wanxi's nose, "Long live? What are you going to take me for, huh?"

Wanxi stuck out her tongue quickly, but she also fell silent.

Yes, in the future, in the face of such a distant and boundless future, who can explore the human life span?

The emperor is 50 years old this year, and tonight happens to be the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, and it is the children's birthdays.All these reasons are put together, no wonder the emperor has such emotion.

Wanxi tilted her head slightly on the emperor's arm, "I don't know how far the future is, I just never forget when I came this way, and how long I walked with you like this. For the slave, how long the future is It doesn't matter, what I cherish most in my heart will always be the years I have walked with my master."

"So slave, I never worry about the future, I just want to remember every 'now' given by the emperor more attentively."

The emperor listened quietly, the moonlight shining in his long eyes.

Wanxi smiled shyly, avoiding the emperor's stare, "Who can tell clearly, who am I born for and who am I going to die for in my life? Slave, I didn't know clearly before. But this time, the slave has a little understanding." ——Slave thinks, I was born in this life so that I could meet Grandpa when I was 14 years old, and then accompany Grandpa through these decades, right?”

"Silly girl." The emperor's voice was choked up, and he hugged Wanxi tightly in his arms.

In the mouth that can spit out lotus flowers at any time, and can kill with one word, there are no words to express his feelings at this moment.

Only, deeply and softly, kiss her on the mouth.

It's like sealing a promise together.
In the Xingshu courtyard, Concubine Yu and the people in her palace will also be resettled.

According to the rules, the nobles who live with her and Chang Zai all come to greet Concubine Yu, and then they can go back to settle down.

E Chang only moved in at night, and after working for a long time, he managed to tidy up the side hall so that it could be used for people.

E Changzai came the latest, after Concubine Yu took off her hairpins.

E Changzai hurriedly pleaded guilty when he entered the hall, but it was too late.

Concubine Yu sat in front of the dowry, she didn't look back, she just stared at her own face in the mirror.

"It's okay. Based on our friendship, I wouldn't care about this with you."

E Changzai breathed a sigh of relief at this point, "Of course I know that sister Yu, you won't argue with me, but I just moved here tonight, and the side hall is not in a good shape. I was busy putting it back together, so I forgot It's time to come, it's too late. I feel that I can't make it through, so I should apologize to Sister Yu."

Concubine Yu couldn't help laughing when she heard E Changzai's tone.

The two of them are relatives-in-law, and they discussed things together before, so E Changzai has long called her "Sister Yu".It's just that it sounds a bit unpleasant right now?
According to the rules in the palace, a little Chang is not the head of the inner court at all, in front of a concubine like Concubine Yu who has a prince, she is just a slave, how dare she call her sister?

Concubine Yu nodded, "It's because I neglected you. Tangtang is always in the little master, but you have to do it yourself to restore the side hall. I should have sent someone to arrange it for you. That's right."

E Changzai was startled, and hurriedly squatted down, "Where did Sister Yu say this? The emperor made a decree suddenly tonight, how could Sister Yu know in advance? Why did you say that you prepared early?"

Concubine Yu smiled softly, "Well, of course, I have no ability to know the emperor's will in advance. Since ancient times, the emperor's heart is the most unpredictable, and I didn't expect to dare to guess the emperor's heart; , at least I can know your letter in advance."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you won the emperor's forgiveness in the Department of Punishment, but you couldn't even tell me about such a big matter."

(Thank you for your monthly pass~)

(End of this chapter)

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