Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 234 Cold Abandonment

Chapter 234 Cold Abandonment (5 More)
This is also the first time for Wanxi to witness a tragic incident of a woman suffering from the cold, and she still feels sad in her heart.She just grabbed the emperor's sleeve and mourned, "Is something wrong with her?"

The emperor snorted softly: "Don't worry, she didn't hurt your life, so she won't die. I have ordered the imperial doctor on duty in the garden to recuperate. If you use any medicine, you can directly report it to the imperial pharmacy. Just use it. The rest of the expenses are all for her, so I can take care of her with confidence.”

It's just that the limbs and the body can be raised well, but a certain place can't be better.

His tone was so firm, it made Wanxi feel even more guilty: "...the emperor dotes on her like that. It is said that a gentleman does not take people's love, so what am I? I asked the emperor to do such a thing. thing."

He raised his hand and slapped the back of her hand to stop her from mourning: "It's not appropriate to say 'a gentleman does not take away people's love' here!"

With tears still hanging on Wanxi's face, she had to stick out her tongue.

Only then did he laugh, and snorted: "Since I am ashamed that I have lost a favorite concubine...then give me a 'more beloved concubine'!"

"Huh?" Wanxi was stunned for a moment.

The emperor laughed out loud instead, staring at her helplessly and shaking his head: "I really don't understand?"

Wanxi's heart twitched, her face was burning with shame, she hurriedly lowered her head.
The next day the emperor issued a decree, saying that since the Li Dynasty mission had finished their visit, Sheng Jia would return to the palace.

The decree stated that Concubine Yi fell into the water and suffered from the cold, so she was not suitable for working with horses and carts, so she continued to stay in the garden to recuperate.

As soon as the news came, Concubine Jia couldn't help beaming with joy; when Concubine Yi was there, she cried and asked to see the emperor.

The holy car is returning to the palace, what's the point of that concubine staying alone in the garden?Without the emperor, no matter how beautiful the scenery in this garden is, how is it different from the cold palace?
Besides, the emperor had already said that Jin Qiu would go to the Mulan paddock, and it would take at least a few months to go back and forth, so it would be a year before he stayed in the garden again.

If you haven't seen the emperor for a year, who can guarantee that you won't be forgotten by the emperor long ago? .
Concubine Yi couldn't get up by herself, so she tried her best to send all kinds of things to "Jiuzhou Qingyan" to plead for mercy.Those kinds of objects are all "old things" she thinks, and there are stories in each of them that she thinks are worth lingering.

It's just that the emperor didn't move, and went to see her in the future.

Seeing that it was time for the emperor to return to Luan at this time, Yi concubine had no choice but to resort to the last trick - to ask her eunuchs to send a veil to the emperor.

On the veil was a bloody book written by her biting her fingers.

This worked, and in the evening the emperor finally came.Concubine Yi was overjoyed, even though she was still lying on the sick bed, she dressed carefully.

When the emperor entered the palace, he asked all the people to serve outside the palace.The emperor sat beside her couch, looking down at her sick face carefully.

For a woman of her background, "weakness" and "sickness" are also a kind of coquettish attitude, which is more likely to arouse pity from men.Her eyelashes drooped slightly, and her breath was delicate, like a young flower in the wind.

Grabbing the emperor's sleeves, she begged softly: "The emperor is my life... If the emperor abandons me in this garden, I would like to die like this, and become a ray of fragrant soul to follow the emperor." Luan drives away."

The emperor nodded lightly: "I understand that you don't want to stay in the garden alone. But firstly, you need to be raised, and secondly, before I came to seal you, you were originally promised in this garden, so I want you to stay here It is best for you to recuperate in the garden."

"But this concubine doesn't want to..." Her black hair was half hanging down, snaking around the incense pillow, and she leaned lightly on the emperor's hand: "Since I met the emperor, I have never wanted to leave the emperor for a day. I beg the emperor for mercy and take my concubine with me." Let's go back to the palace together."

 And~~ Some relatives asked when we will be together, cough cough, haven't we been together all the time, and we will be together for the rest of our lives in the future; really good?Ann, it's time to attend bedtime, but it needs to come naturally.It is rare for the emperor to be willing to wait for her heart first for a woman, how difficult it is.Besides, in this process, the intimacy that should be there will come little by little. Isn't the accumulation of these more interesting than just "all at once"?
(End of this chapter)

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