Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2351, Volume 7, 51

Chapter 2351 Seven Volumes 51 Always Tell Him to Hook (Bi)

Cui Huan took the book Yongxuan gave her, but she didn't have time to open it for a closer look, so she hurried back to Yongshou Palace with Xiao Biao'er.

Afraid that the brocade box would be interrogated by Xiao Buier and the people in the palace, he hid the brocade box in his robe.Fortunately, the robes in the winter are all fat, so I can safely take them back to the ear room where I live.

At first when I picked it up, I didn't expect that when I opened the book, it felt like a "ghost sticking to my hand", and I couldn't put it down.

——She thought to herself, the only reason why she couldn't let go of it was because of this book, not because of Brother Ba.

However, the title of this book is also interesting. The original splendid article, the story of the family of Zhongming Dingshi, chose a simple and unpretentious name: "The Story of Stone".

But it's true to think about it, even the psychic gem that everyone in the world considers a rare treasure, but in this world, if it is considered by nature, it is still just a stubborn stone.

It's a pity that the book Yongxuan gave her only had the first few chapters, and when Daiyu was about to enter Jia's mansion... just when she saw that the point of getting into the topic came to an abrupt end, it really made her feel itchy. When I was alone, I wished I could scratch my head.

But it's not the same, Eighth Brother made it clear that the book has not been officially finished, and what he has in his hands are all fragments.

But fortunately, the eighth elder brother has already promised her, saying that when she finishes reading what is at hand, the new chapter may already be available, and he will ask the eleventh elder brother Yong Xing to send it to her... Cui Huan will think of this They all blushed a little, the eighth elder brother Guan Baoer didn't expect that she actually finished reading it in one day.These days are re-watching from scratch.

After all, she was still too embarrassed to go back and look for Yongxuan.

Even for the sake of the book, I am ashamed to go so fast.

After all...it should be half a year later, or at least a hundred days later, right?
If not, if he was made to think that she also wanted to see him—that would be bad.
At any rate, November passed with a struggle, and in December, the entire harem was busy preparing for the new year. There were plenty of daily errands, which made life easier.

On December [-]th, Cui Huan was on duty, serving beside Yu Rui, talking with Yu Qin and others, and accompanying Wan Xi in the dormitory.

What the women in the harem said, the topic of discussion was nothing more than the matter of going to the harem.

Concubine Ying said, "Since the first day of December, the emperor has been busy allocating ewes to Urumqi, Yili and other places. These ewes are either for rations for officers and soldiers, or for breeding."

Since the ewes were transferred, most of them were transferred from various tribes in Mongolia, so Concubine Ying knew it well.

Wanxi sighed softly when she heard this, "It's so cold in the twelfth lunar month, the northwestern wind is biting, and the playground is dilapidated. It's the most difficult time for the officers, soldiers and common people. The emperor will call the ewes to go there, and I think it will let the locals stationed there If the officers and soldiers have food and clothing, the relationship between the officers and soldiers and the local people can be eased."

Although the Zhunbu and the Huibu have been pacified, after all, the two ministries have been separated from the central court for many years, so the hearts of the people can't be gathered in a year or two.In addition, the language and customs of the imperial court officers and soldiers are different from those of the local area. Once the communication is not smooth, even the slightest spark of dissatisfaction can ignite a prairie fire in the local area.

Even if the emperor didn't want to say it, Wanxi also vaguely heard that in Urumqi and other places, there have been sporadic cases of Erut Mongols and Hui people stealing horses and fleeing with their families.

Although these things seem to be sporadic and trivial, the emperor dare not take it lightly, and he has to personally intervene in everything.After all, the imperial court had spent so much money, painstaking efforts and lives in the Northwest for six years, the governance of the Northwest after the peace was more important.Its difficulty is even more severe than the battle itself.

This is why Wanxi is worried about Nala's relationship with the nobleman.If Nala really understands the pros and cons of this, if she is willing to be patient and ask her son-in-law Yongzhen to study the Hui language seriously, that would be a great thing.

Yuqin saw that Wanxi was a little worried, so she poked Concubine Ying quietly, took over the conversation, and only said happy things, "I heard another case: it's the end of the year, always When the emperor summoned civil and military officials. Some of these summons happened to coincide with the empress dowager’s birthday and around the Chinese New Year, so the officials who led the introduction should wear python robes. But the emperor found that some low-level officials wore python robes... Some were redeemed from pawnshops, and some were even rented.”

Wanxi was also dumbfounded, "This is a punishment~"

Yuqin nodded with a smile, "The emperor was sympathetic and didn't pursue it. He also issued an order: "The leaders of the Ministry of War introduced the personnel, and the chief executives all wore boa robes. It's not easy to buy such a small hat. Afterwards, the civil service will start from the county magistrate below. , the military rank is below Qianzong, and the python robes are not necessarily worn on the day when they are required to wear them.'”

Wanxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.Regarding the auspicious dragon embroidered clothes, she still has lingering fears in her heart. If the rules of those low-level officials buying python robes can be avoided, and they are not required to wear python robes to attend festivals, a lot of troubles will be avoided.

Seeing that Wanxi finally smiled, Yurui hurriedly said, "Let me tell you something happier! The emperor just issued a decree stating that next year will be the auspicious wedding of the eighth elder brother, and Yin Jishan must come to Beijing by himself." Take care of everything. Therefore, Mr. Yin Jishan's printing affairs for the governor of Liangjiang will be handed over to Mr. Gao Jin to take care of him."

We have been together for many years, Yurui's narrow-mindedness, Wanxi has figured it out, so she pretended not to understand, and just said, "Well, Yongxuan will get married next year, and Fujin is the son of Yin Jishan, a scholar. Daughter, this is naturally a good thing. I believe that the imperial concubine Shujia is in the spirit of heaven, and I can smile."

Yurui laughed, and winked playfully at Yuqin, Concubine Ying and the others.

Yuqin followed suit, but went a step further: "Master Gao Jin, is that cousin of Concubine Huixian, right? Speaking of which, he was also a coater under the Ministry of Internal Affairs back then, but in Yongzheng 13 In [-], I was fortunate enough to leave the coat with the family of Emperor Huixian and enter Manchuria with the Yellow Banner. Now it is considered the home of the honored ministers."

Concubine Ying accepted the move herself, but shook her head deliberately, "Isn't that right, I didn't know that he and our Concubine Ling's clan brother, Lord Ji Qing, are also in-laws."

Wanxi shook her head helplessly, and gently put the teacup in her hand on the table, "It's just to 'care' the printing affairs of the governor of Liangjiang, it's neither a promotion nor an agent, you can laugh like this. Besides, Gao Jin Even if you and Ji Qing are the sons and daughters of the family, and the relationship with me is far away, you can't smile at me, can you?"

After all, Yuqin is from Jiangnan, so she cares more about Jiangnan affairs.Then he nodded with a smile, "Well, what our imperial concubine Ling said is reasonable. Let's stop thinking about that Suzhou Chief Envoy, who is under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Liangjiang."

Now that Yuqin has made her words so clear, Wanxi can only smile and bow her head, but she still can't help but argue, "Sister Lu is a native of Jiangnan, so I can't compare with Lu about things in Jiangnan. Sister, go. But, Sister Lu forgot, the emperor just issued a decree this year to divide the Jiangsu Chief Envoy into two, and set them as Suzhou Chief Envoy and Jiangning Chief Envoy."

"Although the original Jiangsu Chief Envoy was under the direct control of the Governor of Liangjiang; but now it is divided into two, that is, the Jiangning Chief Envoy is under the direct jurisdiction of the Liangjiang Governor, and the immediate superior of the Suzhou Chief Envoy is the Governor of Jiangsu. ~"

Yuqin spat softly, "Have you said these confusing things in front of Concubine Ying who was born in Mongolia again? Why did you forget to say that even the Governor of Jiangsu is under the Governor of Liangjiang? After the Jiangsu chief envoy is divided into two, the Suzhou chief envoy is equivalent to being demoted to one level, although he is no longer directly under the governor of Liangjiang, he is still under the governor of Liangjiang!"

As expected, Concubine Ying was already confused about Jiangnan's matter, she quickly grabbed Yurui and asked for help, "Good Yurui, help me to smooth it out, the two of them are fine, what are you talking about?"

Yu Rui laughed, hugged Concubine Ying's arm and said, "Sister Ying, don't worry, listen to me. This year, Su Chong'a, the governor of Suzhou, was questioned by the court for interrogating the scribes. He was dismissed and exiled to Yili. I have gone to pay for my crimes. Therefore, there is another storm in the seat of the Suzhou Chief Envoy."

"A while ago, my sister Ling gave birth to my fifteenth elder brother. Concubine Xin was so quiet. My sister Ling and I couldn't help but think of the Suzhou chief envoy. I'm afraid it has something to do with Concubine Xin's brother-in-law An Ning."

Yuqin is from Suzhou, so she laughed when she heard this, "I understand, do you think that An Ning wants to take advantage of the chaos to reinstate the Suzhou chief envoy, and Concubine Xin is also promoting this matter?"

Wan Xi's eyes sparkled, "I always feel that the shortfall that Su Chong'a encountered only existed on the books, and the timing and amount were a bit strange. Obviously, there was not a short of one tael of silver in the warehouse, but it was accidentally found out on the books. 70 taels; and the timing of the audit happened just when Jiangsu’s chief envoy was split into two, and the accounts were to be checked thoroughly.”

"Then Su Chong, who is obviously innocent of any crimes, but because of this timing, he was impatient and wanted to get rid of the responsibility, so he tortured the clerk, which in turn created a crime for himself. In the end He was dismissed from his post and exiled, ruining all his future in Suzhou."

Yuqin also squinted her eyes, "You mean, someone is deliberately disrupting Suzhou's finances? If there is something wrong with this matter, it must be the work of those scribes, and among these scribes, the leader is afraid They were all old with An Ning!"

Wanxi's eyes turned slightly, "Sister is talking about this reason. There must be something wrong with this matter, but the former court has sent Lord Liu Tongxun to investigate, and this matter has been involved in a lot, so the emperor doesn't want to Continue to dig deeper. Otherwise, there will be another chaos in Jiangsu, and the emperor originally planned to tour the south next year, so the boundaries of Jiangsu cannot afford to be chaotic."

Yuqin couldn't help but snorted coldly, "The more you listen to this, the more interesting it becomes."

Yuqin cupped her cuffs with her fingers, "However, I personally hope that An Ning will handle this matter. I have been doing this for several years, and I have always remembered the 'favor' that An Ning gave to my mother's family back then. I dare not forget. If I get the chance, I will definitely 'thank you' him."

Wanxi's eyes turned lightly, "Don't worry, this opportunity is probably coming, it's not far away."

Yu Rui also nodded, "No. Regardless of whether An Ning can be reinstated as Suzhou Chief Envoy, Suzhou Chief Envoy is under the Governor of Liangjiang, so we still have a chance to take precautions."
The masters were talking about the intertwined interests of the front court and the rear palace. Cui Huan stood by and waited on her. Although she didn't quite understand what her master said, she heard the truth of what her master said.

The emperor said that next year will be the big wedding of the eighth elder brother. The emperor is really grand and solemn, and he does not hesitate to ask Yin Jishan to temporarily put down the errand of the governor of Liangjiang, and return to Beijing to concentrate on handling the marriage...

That is the governor of Liangjiang, the most important post in the south of the Yangtze River, and among all the officials in China, it is second only to the governor of Zhili.

For the sake of Eighth Prince's marriage, the emperor told Yin Jishan to put down even such an important errand for the time being.

It can be seen from this that the emperor really cares about the eighth elder brother, and it is not because the eighth elder brother's feet have been sick since childhood, so he treats him a little bit less... That's great, isn't it?
Thinking of this, she tried to smile.She should be happy for Eighth Prince, shouldn't she? .
When it was time for Elder Shiwu to nurse, the nuns carried her in, Wanxi went into the warm pavilion to feed her, and Yuqin and the others played with Little Shiwu for a while.

Sitting down to talk again, Yu Rui remembered something, "...on the day of the Winter Solstice, I chatted with Brother Eleven, and we talked about Brother Eighth's marriage. I asked Brother Eleven I asked about this eighth elder brother, Fujin. Sure enough, the rumors outside are true, this eighth elder brother's direct descendant, Fujin, is the concubine's daughter of Mr. Yin Jishan."

"This Fujin's biological mother is Lord Yin Jishan's concubine, and she is also Han, surnamed Zhang."

Wanxi smiled, "Why does it matter if the concubine is born? Originally, in the matter of the imperial court referring to the marriage of the clan, there was no distinction between concubines and concubines. After all, the green cards are all about father and grandfather. No one cares about who the biological mother is." A wife or a concubine."

Yurui's eyes turned quietly, she stared at Wanxi but smiled, "But sister, do you know who belongs to Master Yin Jishan's concubine Fujin?"

This stopped Wanxi from asking.

Yu Rui then smiled and said, "Because the concubine Fujin I want to talk about is actually a stepmother who married later. Besides, Mr. Yin Jishan has been an official in the south of the Yangtze River for many years, and he is far away from us. My sister may not know."

Yuqin laughed when she heard it, and kept patting Wanxi, "Look at your family Ruigui who can talk."

Wanxi also smiled, nodded and said, "Does this second wife, Fujin, have anything to do with us?"

Yu Rui raised her eyes lightly, "Master Yin Jishan, this Di Fujin, is Ertai's daughter-in-law, that is to say, she is the aunt of E Changzai and fifth elder brother Fujin."

"Oh?" Wan Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, "In this way, Yong Qi and Yong Xuan can become in-laws again because of this marriage."

Yuqin couldn't help snorting, "I guess, whether it's Concubine Yu or E Changzai, they must be busy again. They must go to Yongxuan to make friends .”

"Although Yongxuan hasn't been treated very well by them because of her foot disease all these years; but it's different now, anyway, the emperor attaches great importance to the marriage of the eighth elder brother, and the eighth elder brother's father-in-law is the governor of Liangjiang , Those two have been lonely for a long time, and now they must not be willing to be lonely anymore."
Wanxi also lowered her eyes lightly, thinking carefully.

In Wanxi's heart, she naturally believes that Yongxuan is a sensible child.Based on the relationship between her and Yongxuan over the years, she is not worried that Yongxuan will fall for Concubine Yu and Echang.

It's just that Yongxuan is Yongxuan, and Yongxuan's Fujin is Yongxuan's Fujin, even if they are husband and wife, they are still two people.

Wanxi shook her head lightly, "There is a turning point in this matter: after all, Yongxuan's concubine Fujin is born from a concubine, not from the E family's successor Fujin, so there is still a layer of affection. Concubine Yu and the others want Using the E family's Ji Fujin to win over Yongxuan may not be effective."

Cui Huan listened by the side, her heart couldn't help but tugged.

After all, she is just 14 years old this year, how could she have imagined that behind the big wedding of a prince, there could be so many hidden waves.

Thinking that Brother Ba might be trapped in such a whirlpool in the future, she was so nervous that she couldn't breathe.

Because of the foot disease, the eighth elder brother has suffered enough in these years; now that his biological mother has passed away, he has a family of his own after marriage is the biggest attachment, but if he wants to be involved in these whirlpools again... then But how good?
Cui Huan was a little distracted, and after staying in Wanxi's bedroom, everyone dispersed, Cui Huan followed Yu Rui back to their side hall, and even Yu Rui could tell that something was wrong with her.

"Girl, what's going on these days?" Yurui returned to her side hall, sat down and asked, "It seems that you are a little distracted, but why is your body uncomfortable?"

It's finally the twelfth lunar month of winter, preparing for the New Year's errands and busy with others, even a headache is normal.

Yu Rui then raised her hand to touch Cui Huan's forehead, "Well, it seems a little hot. Don't worry about it, sit down quickly, and I'll find a medicine for you to take."

Cui Huan's heart warmed, and she quickly grabbed Yu Rui's hand, "Master, don't worry! Slave, I'm fine."

Yu Rui frowned and looked at her, "You still say it's okay? Why are you so distraught? It's okay, why does your forehead feel a little hot?"

Cuihuan was flustered for a moment, and couldn't explain it more and more.

Yu Rui was even more worried, and sat down on Kang Yan'er, holding Cui Huan's hands, "That's... homesick, isn't it?"

After all, she is a girl who has just entered the palace for a year. How can she miss home when the year is over?
Yu Rui bowed her head, "Don't be in a hurry. Anyway, your family also has errands in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I'll look for an opportunity later and see if I can arrange for you to meet up anyway."

"However, the positions of your mother's family are all low. It doesn't mean that you can meet immediately if you can arrange it. After all, don't worry, I will try to get around it. You remember my words, don't worry about getting angry, otherwise When the time comes to arrange an opportunity, you will make them worry even more if you are sick to see them?"

With such a master watching over her, Cui Huan's tears flowed down her cheeks.

She felt even more guilty. She didn't want to hide it from Yurui, but she couldn't explain clearly, so she could only shake her head in tears, "Master, you can trust the slave. It's really fine, the slave is fine."

Yu Rui sighed, "Then you have to give me an explanation to reassure me, right?"

Cui Huan was really at a loss, and couldn't bear to let the master think about it, so she lowered her head, blushed and said, "...Actually, the slave got a book. Oh no, it's half... half a book. No, it’s just the beginning.”

"Because I'm about to go to a wonderful place, but there's nothing in the back, so the slave doesn't think about tea and food, and even serving in front of the master, he's a little out of control."

Cui Huan said that she got up in a hurry and was about to kneel down to Yu Rui.

"The slave realizes his mistake, the master should punish the slave."
Yu Rui was also stunned when she heard that, and then she raised her hand to cover her mouth and smiled.

"What am I supposed to be, so it is this! Cough, it's just such a little thing, why do you want to do this?"

Yu Rui couldn't help squinting her eyes, "...in the Palace of Eternal Life, you don't think about food and tea just because of a good book. How can you be the first one? Back then, we asked the master to read the notes of Mr. Hu Shuo , that is also a matter of waiting."

The reason given by Cui Huan made Yu Rui feel relieved, but Yu Rui was distracted instead, "By the way, speaking of it, Mr. Fox said that I haven't seen Mr. Hu's notes for a long time. Fortunately, our Master Ling was raising him. Elder Brother Fifteen, I don’t care about this matter for the time being. It’s already December now, so what’s Mr. Hu Shuo busy with?”

Cui Huan quietly let out a sigh of relief when she heard that her master had said that she had gone off topic.

But Yurui immediately withdrew her thoughts and said to Cuihuan, "Since you have such a good book in your hand... you can show it to me too?"

"Ah...ah?" Cui Huan was frightened, she raised her eyes to stare at Yu Rui, unable to speak.

Not because of anything else, but because the book is not a printed copy, but a manuscript.The manuscript that Eighth Brother gave her to read, and the handwriting was copied by Eighth Brother himself.With the closeness of Eighth Prince to his master and master Ling, as long as the book is put in front of his eyes, everything will be revealed.

Yu Rui stared at Cui Huan in surprise, "Oh, you little hoof, why can't you bear it? Or... your book shouldn't be read by us, huh?"

Cui Huan immediately blushed, and quickly waved her hands, "No, no! At least the section I read to the slaves is all about fairy tales, about Buddhism, Taoism and immortals. There is nothing you shouldn't read."

Cui Huan lowered her head and tried her best to think of a reason, "...It's just that there is a part in it, a young lady was kidnapped by bad guys while watching the lamp, it's really sad. After reading that part, I cried for a long time. One night. The slave is reluctant to show it to the master, but I don’t want the master to stare at the two red-eyed eyes in this new year, so as to save others from having to pinch the master again.”

Yu Rui was delighted to hear that, and slapped Cui Huan lightly, "It sounds like that! But, don't you understand my temperament? You told me how touching the story is, I Where can I put it down?"

Yu Rui nudged Cui Huan, "Hurry up and get it for me! My heart is itching right now."
Cui Huan was frightened crazy, she didn't dare to disobey her master anymore, and she didn't dare to let the master find out the truth, so she hurried back to her ear room.

Like a thief, she hastily closed the door; then she took out "Story of the Stone", sat down quickly, grabbed the pen and paper, and wrote vigorously-she had to copy it down first before she dared to show it to her master.

But the master is in a hurry, how many words can she copy by hand in such a short time?

But there was no other way, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet, regardless of whether the handwriting was good or bad, and just copied it down.

After copying a chapter with great difficulty, it was like a life-saving straw, and he quickly gave it to Yu Rui.

As everyone knows, it has been half an hour since she went here for "a while".

Fortunately, Yurui had a deep relationship with them, so she didn't pursue it. She just sat on the edge of the Kang and glanced at her with a smile, "Little hoof...you have a moth! I asked you to fetch it immediately, but it took half an hour."

"If you know it, you took the book written by others; if you don't know it, you think you wrote it yourself in hiding!"

Cui Huan rubbed her hands guiltily, trying to quickly wipe away the little ink stains between her fingers.

"Where can it be~~ Master Fayan, there is a story about a man's young master. The slave is a woman, but I can't write the man's tone, which shows that the person who wrote the book is a man."

Yu Rui then looked down at the book.Once she lowered her head, she didn't raise her head again, Shen'er was sucked away by the book, and she didn't bother to question Cuihuan anymore.

Cui Huan took a chance, and quickly gave Cui Jin a wink, and she slipped away first.

Nothing else, hurry back and continue copying the next few chapters.
In Chengqian Palace, Yongqi came to pay her respects.

When Concubine Yu talked to her son, the topic naturally couldn't be separated from the dispute between the Empress, Concubine Ling, and Concubine Shu on the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday.

However, the battle in the harem is no longer the focus. The real focus is naturally the battle between the princes represented by that battle.

After all, the emperor is already 50 years old.The years to come in this palace belong to the era of princes.

"That Yongzheng is the legitimate son, and I have heard a lot of disturbances in the upper study. It's just that the masters and masters in the upper study are afraid of the queen and Yongzheng's son. I dare not report my identity to the emperor."

"Even if the emperor spared no time to go to the study to look at the homework of the princes, those masters and masters would naturally choose it and say that Yongzheng is like a flower. Even if the emperor wants to test the homework in person, those masters They are all lip-syncing to the princes."

Yong Qi snorted softly, "Isn't it? It was just practicing riding and archery in the Jianting Pavilion. If Yong Xing missed a shot, or fell under Yong Xing and the others, he would lose his temper and punish those who are good at it. Those who are good at teaching riding and archery The masters had no choice but to quietly move his arrow on the target to the bull's-eye. Every time he competed with Yong Xing, the masters judged Yong Xing to win."

Concubine Yu also sneered, "I can't blame that child Yong Xing, so much resentment! Also, this nine-year-old child, who is not arrogant, can be bullied like that by Yong Xing."

Concubine Yu bowed her head and paused, "If this is the case, it's no wonder Concubine Shu was able to let go of the grievances of the past, went back to find Concubine Ling, and joined hands."

Yong Qi's eyes were like quiet water waves, "Although that fight had nothing to do with my son, my son has learned a lesson from it. My son is already diligently learning the Hui language. I believe that during the Chinese New Year, the emperor will call back Burke, my son can show off in front of the Burkes."

Concubine Yu couldn't help being surprised, "You are already quietly learning Hui language?"

Yong Qi stared at her mother with a smile, "Yes, my son has heard what your mother is thinking - if there is any flag language that should be learned this year, it is naturally Huiyu."

"Now the Ministry of Hui is pacified, but between the imperial court and the Ministry of Hui, the biggest headache is the language and customs barriers. Even if the Ministry of Internal Affairs has recruited Hui people as assistant leaders, but there are not many people in total, and there are not many interpreters selected. Come on. What the court needs most at this moment is more people who are proficient in Hui language."

"Er Niang forgot, in fact, the prince's rules of learning Hui language were set by Grandpa Kangxi. Huang Ama learned it from an early age. Naturally, the son must closely follow Huang Ama and Huang Lao. Grandpa's teachings, I have learned all the words of this chapter, and it is easy to assist Huang Ama in dealing with the return affairs."

Concubine Yu was relieved and excited, her eyes were already filled with tears.

"Good boy...you have more vision than my mother. I don't like that Concubine Ling, but you are willing to hear the truth from Concubine Ling's words. It's a pity that the Queen and Concubine Yongzheng are all designs , so you must not be willing to study hard; and you go against the trend, if you become proficient in Huiyu because of this, and when the time comes back to earn face for your ama in front of your ama, your emperor ama will definitely love you Look at it more seriously than Yong Xing!"

Yongqi smiled elegantly, "Emiang, don't worry, my son will be twenty this year, how can he not compare to a nine-year-old child? My son knows what he should do and what he can do now."

Concubine Yu also nodded in relief, "That's good, that's good. Yong Qi, you know Er Niang's current situation, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to help you. But God has mercy on you, you are calm and wise , Sensible. So my mother can rest assured."

Concubine Yu patted her son's arm lightly, "...It's a pity that your child is a little weak, and you lost two children in a row. If you can add another grandson to the emperor at the right time, then the emperor will definitely treat you more seriously in his heart." .”

Yong Qi smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Er Niang, my son has been busy with this matter. Zixi, he will definitely come."

Concubine Yu raised her eyebrows and smiled when she heard this.

Concubine Yu smiled for a while, but still sighed, "Since you have come to the inner court today to pay your respects, don't just come to see me. Go, go to the side hall to have a look at E Changzai too."

Yong Qi hesitated slightly, "But E Chang is with her...and I've got Er Niang involved."

Concubine Yu couldn't help sighing, "Who says it's not! If I were to do it myself, I would wish to stay far away from her! But—well, for your daughter-in-law's sake, and for her to give birth to a child for you as soon as possible!" , you'd better go and see her."

Concubine Yu has temporarily put aside her personal grievances, but Yong Qi still stands there without moving.

Concubine Yu urged, "Yongqi, hurry up...you don't have to be narrow-minded now, you don't have to worry about me."

Yong Qi shook her head, "Er Niang misunderstood, the son is not for this."

Yong Qi raised her eyes slowly, "Emiang, have you heard that Huang Ama just issued an order to reprimand my father-in-law, E Bi?"

Concubine Yu was taken aback, "What did you say? What did E Bi do to offend the Emperor?"

【Ask for a monthly ticket~】

 Has anyone guessed it was Dream of the Red Chamber?Cough cough, yesterday I was ruthless and called the little eunuch next to Yongxuan Baoyu~~
(End of this chapter)

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