Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2360 Volume 7 60-61

Chapter 2360 Seven Volumes 60-61
When the emperor picked up the curtain and walked in, Wanxi was holding "The Story of the Stone" and was engrossed in it, so she didn't notice that the emperor was coming.

Yu Rui was so startled that she followed behind and coughed all the time, Wanxi came back to her senses, and when she looked up, the emperor had already walked to the next door.

Wanxi hurriedly stuffed the scripture book under the Kang mattress, turned her head and went to the ground barefoot, hugging the emperor with a smile.

But with such a short distance, how could Wanxi's small behavior be hidden from the emperor's eyes?Those are the eyes of an emperor on horseback who is good at bow and arrow, seeing things at tens of meters away is trivial.

The emperor snorted, and took advantage of the situation to embrace his arms, "Look, in order to hide the truth from the Lord, they are all barefoot on the ground. Although they don't need to be so careful with their bodies now, they are not so rough!"

Fortunately, the floor of this Nuan Pavilion is covered with a kang, and the bottom is ventilated with fire. Moreover, the floor tiles are covered with thick carpets, so even if you step on it with bare feet, it is still warm.

Wanxi knew she couldn't hide it from the emperor, so even though she subconsciously hid it, she didn't talk back.He just smiled and put his arms around the emperor's waist, "I remember, starting tomorrow, I will sacrifice to the altar of the country again, and start fasting. These miscellaneous books should not be seen by the Lord, so as not to disturb the sincerity of the fasting .”

The emperor snorted, and slapped Wanxi on the forehead, "Forget your nagging!"

The emperor held Wanxi between his elbows, and the two of them walked to the side of the kang together, half embracing and half embracing.

It was time to fast again, and according to the emperor's temperament, the night before the fast, he had to be "full".What's more, Zi Wanxi is hiding "The Story of the Stone" at this time, and she feels even more wronged, so she takes the initiative and accepts everything he gives.
Cuihuan lowered her head and hurried back to "Tiandi Family Spring", first to find Yurui to return to her life.

Yurui was waiting outside the back hall door with Yuchan and the others at this moment, and Cuihuan was still thinking about what to tell Yurui, but as soon as she got to the door, she heard a cry from inside.

Cui Huan was frightened, and hurriedly raised her head to look at Yu Rui.

Yu Rui also blushed, and quickly patted her, "Go, you go back to your room first. The emperor is here, it's important to serve the emperor and the concubine first, and I will tell you about the other things after I go down." explain."

Cui Huan and her group of official women are after all serving Yu Rui, and they have never seen the relationship between the emperor and his master, so they have no such experience; besides, each of them is only fifteen years old at the most, and they don't know much about human affairs. Son.Yu Rui didn't want to scare them.

Cui Huan hurriedly walked to her ear room, her heart was beating violently while walking, just now the voice of the noble concubine and master... at first it sounded like pain, but after careful recollection, it was like endless joy.

She became a little dazed, remembering that just before leaving, the eighth brother still forgot his own feet, put down his pride and chased after her, and grabbed her hand.

holding hands

At that moment, her heart seemed to have had such a feeling of pain, but it was also full of joy.
Standing under the eaves of the corridor, my heart flickered again.Cui Huan hurriedly raised her hand and patted herself on the forehead, telling herself to let go of that feeling quickly.

With a single leg, he hurried to the threshold and closed the door tightly.

Sit back on the kang, and carefully take out the new chapter he gave her——

The paper and ink marks were still warm.It should be to keep his body temperature, but also to overlap her own body temperature - through such a script, her body temperature and his body temperature were first stacked and fused together.

When she thought of this, her mind was shaken for a while, and she hurriedly raised her hand to pat her cheek again.

It's a pity, even if it's like this, it can't erase the memory of just now.

She remembered him saying, "...there are 120 chapters in this book. I already have the rest of it, but I also borrowed it, and there is no printed copy. I have to copy it by myself before I can give it to you."

"What I have in my hand is someone else's handwriting, so I don't allow you to read it. I have to copy it by myself, and then you are allowed to carry it, holding it day and night, and thinking about it day and night. .”

When he said that, she was just stupid.I could only stare blankly into his eyes, unable to utter a word, and even forgot to breathe.

Seeing her appearance, he smiled instead, and his obsidian-like eyes immediately shone brightly in the originally dim candlelight.

He held her hand and deliberately did not let go. He stared so closely into her eyes that she could see the brilliance in his eyes.He said, "...I have read this book several times myself, and I know the taste of being poisoned and addicted. I will give you these, and you must finish reading it within ten days. You must come again in ten days at most. see me!"

"I don't care anymore, and I don't want to wait any longer. If you don't come this time in ten days, then I'll go directly to Ling Niangniang Palace to find you!"

At that moment, her knees were so frightened that her knees were weak. She wanted to kneel down for him, but she felt that kneeling at that moment was inappropriate and ineffective. He took his hand and begged in every possible way, "Eighth Brother... Please spare this servant. You must, please don't go!"

Yongxuan stared at her closely, "Then you come - did you hear me?"

When she thought of this, her whole face was so red that she couldn't help it, and she couldn't turn back from that memory.She had no choice but to try her best to think about getting fat in the vortex of memories.

She thought, "Story of the Stone" has 120 chapters, and all of them have been written?Whose hand is that in, and whose hand did Eighth Brother get it from?

If the eighth prince has already read the whole book, what are his thoughts?

She tried her best to separate herself from herself, diverted her thoughts to the side details, and flipped the pages of the book unconsciously.

Unexpectedly, a small piece of autumn-colored paper floated down from between the pages of the book.

Panicked, she quickly picked it up and looked at it. The note was only two fingers wide, and there were only four sentences on it.

"Xiaoxiang Bieyuan is very late, and I heard that it is full of love and my heart is back.

Quietly look for a maid from Huayin, and ask him if he has ever had tears on his lap. "

She was stunned for a moment, although she still didn't know where the "Xiaoxiang other courtyard" was, and why some people were crying... But she couldn't help but think of Xiangfeizhu.

The emperor himself liked Xiangfei bamboo very much, and there were also utensils such as couches and bookshelves made of Xiangfei bamboo in the harem. Therefore, the legend that Xiangfei bamboo was dyed with tears can be said to be known to everyone.

So the Xiaoxiang Bieyuan, the tears that the eighth elder brother mentioned were the legend, the book in his hand, or——himself?
In elder brother's office, Cui Huan left, and Yong Xuan also sat there for a long time.

There is a smile on the face for a while, and melancholy for a while.

My heart is sometimes joyful, and sometimes it hurts like a knife tip gouging out.

In the end, he returned to the desk, brushed away the written banners on the table, and took "Story of the Stone" again, copying it one stroke at a time.

Baoyu watched from the sidelines, but couldn't help feeling distressed, and couldn't help but stepped forward to persuade, "... why does the master have to copy every penny by himself? Just hand it over to the slave and Baozhu, and the two slaves will definitely copy every single penny. .”

Yongxuan gritted her teeth lightly and shook her head severely.

Baoyu also sighed, "Slavery, the master wants Aunt Cuihuan to read the master's handwriting. It's just... this is the palace after all, and there are many people. The master's handwriting, everyone in Yongshou Palace will naturally recognize it." Even if you can hide it too well, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide it from the noble concubine and master."

"The master wrote it with his own hand, so it will cause Aunt Cuihuan to go? Master must be thinking about everything for Aunt Cuihuan, and this is the juncture..."

"I know!" Yong Xuan let out a low growl, and threw away the brush in his hand.

Although he is a prince, he himself is not yet fifteen years old.Although he wanted to try his best to be mature and stable in front of Cui Huan, he didn't know in his heart that his master was still young...so it's not that he didn't understand these truths, but when he acted seriously, he still couldn't help being self-willed and wanted whatever he wanted. Don't care about it, just follow your own temperament.

With his feet, he has been hiding behind others since he was a child, never fighting for anything, not showing anything... But this time, he wanted to fight, and he hoped that he could be the master for once!
He knew Yin Jishan's weight, and he also understood that it was good for Huang Ama to point Yin Jishan's daughter to him as a Fujin... Such a Fujin is enough to comfort Erniang's spirit in heaven.

But... But God told him to meet Cui Huan at this very moment.

He lowered his eyes in silence, looking at the scroll on the table, "...you don't understand my heart. I'm stingy, and I don't want her to read other people's handwriting every day. But this is just superficial, after all, this The storybook was written by someone else.”

"I insisted on copying it down for her personally, because I didn't want her to know—I even got this "Story of the Stone" from Yin Jishan."
Sad to say, the "Story of the Stone" that he wanted to use to capture Cui Huan's heart turned out to be from Yin Jishan.

It's because Cao Xueqin, who wrote the Story of the Stone, was Yin Jishan's tutor.Recommended by Prince He Shuoyi Hongxiao, impoverished Cao Xueqin was able to settle down in Yin Jishan's Mansion; and the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion was originally close to the old Cao family's house, so Yin Jishan's Mansion is the most suitable place for Cao Xueqin to create.

Thanks to Yin Jishan's favor, Yin Jishan was the first to get the original 120 chapters written by Cao Xueqin.

In order to please him, the prince's son-in-law, Yin Jishan sent this book to the palace early for him to read.

This book is naturally good, and it is most suitable for holding that person's heart.It's just... how could he let her know that this book was obtained from Yin Jishan's residence?

And Cao Xueqin was creating in Yin Jishan's residence. He was worried that even Yin Jishan's daughter, the girl who would become his Fujin, had seen it.

If Cui Huan knew about all this, and Cui Huan's temperament was soft but strong, she would definitely refuse to come again.

Then what should he do? .
In the dormitory, Wanxi and the emperor finally had a rest, and both of them had an empty stomach, so they had a meal together.

Wanxi's shyness has not faded, and her cheeks are as red as peaches at this moment, even if she is biting a small roll of pine nuts, kernels, and dates paste, she can't help but coquettishly, "...my lord is so bad. There are not only slaves alone in the slave palace Son, and Yurui. We, Yurui, are also from Ruigui after all, and we have a few new girls under our command. There is a lot of noise in the courtyard, and the noise from the slave just now, doesn’t it scare them?”

The emperor's long eyes slanted, "You might as well say that there are us Jiujiu and Xiaoshiwu in this yard. I am afraid that I will disturb the two children. Others, I never take it to heart."

Wanxi was helpless, so she could only sigh softly, and nestled into the emperor's arms, "...Master, did the slave ask them to bring Xiao Shiwu over? The slave knows that the master will start fasting tomorrow, and after offering sacrifices to the Altar of Sheji, he will come I have to leave Luan Yeling and go west to visit Mount Wutai, so I won't see my children for another day."

The emperor gently hugged Wanxi, "The children are already asleep, so don't disturb them. Besides, the smell of alcohol in my mouth will scare the children."

The emperor hugged Wanxi tightly in his arms, "Even if we have to be separated for another month, I must be thinking about the child every day. Jiuer, I have already made plans for Xiaoshiwu in my heart." With a name, I will tell my ancestors this time when I visit the mausoleum."

Wanxi's eyes lit up, "My lord has already drawn up a name? Can the servant know?"

The emperor bowed his head with a smile, dipped his fingertips in the wine, and wrote the word "Yan" on the table.

Wanxi was startled for a moment, and bowed her head in thought, "Yan—Yongyan? Yan is the 'flame of jade', and it is the brilliance and beauty of jade."

This word is a bit uncommon, and Wanxi can only say these meanings recorded in the "Kangxi Dictionary" for a while.

The emperor stared at her, smiled faintly, dipped his hand in the wine again, and added an extra word "Wan" next to the word "Yan" to form the word "Wanyan".

Wanxi raised her eyes suddenly, her heart skipped a beat.

In ancient times, the word "Wanyan" was used together, and her boudoir name Wanxi, the sound of "Wan" is Wan.Yan is Empress Wan... This connects Xiao Shiwu with her!
Seeing the brilliance in her eyes, the emperor nodded his head and smiled, and said slowly, "If you hear about it, you will look like you. Yan is the name of Gui, and Yan Gui is nine inches long."

The emperor squeezed Wanxi's hand lightly, "The princes use Gui to the king, and Zhang Zhang to the queen. Gui Zhang, the most precious jade, does not value other things, so it is called 'special'."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but stretched out her arms to hug the emperor tightly.

This little Shiwu, when he gave birth to a child, the emperor said that the child was just like him.But when it comes to naming, the emperor has closely connected the child's name with her in every possible way...

If it is said that when I was Xiaoshishi back then, the emperor's name reflected more of the meaning of inheriting Tianlu Guozuo, but not much connection with her; but when Xiaoshishi was here, the emperor used her name Son, tightly imprinted with the child.

The emperor's heart...how could she not understand?

At this moment, she hugged the emperor, unable to utter a word, only felt the hotness in her eyes continuously flowing down; but it seemed that it was not imprinted on him, but flowed back into the bottom of her own heart, turning her heart My heart is so warm that I don't have any worries anymore.

The emperor held her in his arms and shook her gently as if coaxing a child, "During the Zhou Dynasty, King Zhou Kang obtained eight treasures from his father, King Zhou Cheng, who succeeded him to the throne: Chidao, Daxun, Hongbi, and Wanyan were in Xixu; , Yiyu, Tianqiu, and Hetu are in the east sequence... The history of our China, before Qin Shihuang passed on the jade seal of the country, Wanyan is a tool for passing on the country."

Wanxi was so choked up that she couldn't speak, she couldn't express herself, she could only raise her head high and bite his lips.I pressed my whole body and mind tightly against his body, entwining it carefully.
On the tenth day of the second lunar month, the emperor started from the Old Summer Palace to pay respects to the Tailing Mausoleum, and toured Wutai westward.

On the same day as Luan, the emperor once again decreed that the empress's ceremonies and banquets should be stopped during the Qianqiu Festival.

Wanxi bid farewell to the emperor, and when she returned to the bedroom, she lay down on the kang to read "The Story of the Stone", not wanting to be soured by the sorrow of parting.

Yu Rui walked in, stood on the edge of the kang, looked at Wanxi and smiled, "Miss read it from the beginning again? I remember that the day after I brought this book to my sister, she had already finished reading it."

Wanxi turned over and turned her back to her, deliberately ignoring her lazily.

Yurui also knew that Wanxi was reluctant to let the emperor go, so she sat down and talked about other things with a smile, so as to dissolve Wanxi's melancholy.

"A few days ago, the emperor decreed that Prince He Shuoyi's eldest daughter, the son-in-law of the princess, and Horqin's third-class auspicious, Minzhu Erdorji as the prince's son-in-law."

This Prince He Shuoyi is Hong Xiao, the son of the old Thirteenth Lord.

Because Wanxi was holding "The Story of the Stone" in her hand, she couldn't help but turn around and come back, "Prince Yi? Speaking of which, Prince Yi's mansion and Yin Jishan are old. Before Yin Jishan was valued by the late emperor, he was originally Lao Yi. The Chief Recorder of the Prince's Mansion, Shi, is in charge of documents. Back then, the old Prince Yi also looked at him differently, and tried to give him a green fox suit to show his favor."

Yu Rui also nodded, "In this way, Prince Yi's residence naturally has a very close relationship with Mr. Yin Jishan."

Wanxi raised her eyes and glanced at Yurui.

Yu Rui also frowned, "I remembered, Concubine Xin's mother is Prince Yi's cousin..."

Wanxi nodded, "It is inevitable that the Manchurian families are all intermarried and intertwined with each other. In fact, Yin Jishan had a grudge with An Ning, so we should be careful at this moment. .”

Yu Rui was taken aback when she heard that, "Yin Jishan and An Ning also have a grudge? What's going on?"

In Yu Rui's view, it would be understandable if Tuo Yong, the former Jiangning chief envoy who was transferred to Guangxi, had a history of discord with An Ning.After all, both of them have been serving as chief envoys of Jiangnan Province for many years, and the time of their tenures is also staggered. Some emperors ordered them to restrain each other, so as not to overshadow the sky with one hand.

And Yin Jishan was born as a civil servant, and he had been an official to the governor during the Yongzheng period, and he was already above the chief envoy, so Yurui could not have imagined that Yin Jishan would have a quarrel with An Ning.

Wanxi nodded, "That happened in the 13th year of Qianlong's reign. You were still young at that time, so you didn't know about it."

Yu Rui hurriedly sat over and gently pinched Wanxi's leg, "Sister, tell me, what's going on?"

Looking back at those years, Wanxi snorted softly, "The biggest official An Ning has ever served in this life is the governor of Jiangsu who once acted in that year. The governor has already become a feudal official and has served in the south of the Yangtze River. The emperor must be at ease." The only person who can send that errand.”

"The 13th year of Qianlong, as you know, was an eventful year for the court: the death of Empress Xiaoxian inside, and the Battle of Dajinchuan outside. In that year, civil unrest broke out in the south of the Yangtze River. At that time The Emperor of China is taking advantage of Empress Xiaoxian's funeral to clean up the faction between Ertai and Zhang Tingyu, but something like this happened in the south of the Yangtze River, you can understand the worry in the emperor's heart."

Yu Rui also nodded, "Everywhere in this world can be chaotic, but Jiangnan cannot be chaotic. Otherwise, the court will have nothing to pay for food and finance; besides, if someone takes the opportunity to provoke the hatred of the Manchu and the Han, there will be another disturbance." There is something going on against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.”

Wanxi patted Yurui's hand lightly, "And what happened that year happened on rice, and it caused a civil disturbance where the people attacked the government. If you are not careful, it will be a catastrophe!"

Yu Rui also nodded.Although it was the first time in 13 years, Yurui's heart was beating hard just listening to Wanxi's narration.

Wanxi herself sighed, "That year, the price of rice in Suzhou was suddenly very expensive, and the price of rice was as high as [-] cents per liter. In April, there was a white paper on a peddler who said 'no money to buy rice, and the poor are sad'. The governor's yamen called for injustice. The acting governor of Jiangsu at the time severely punished the peddler by dozens of boards, which aroused a turbulent public sentiment and attacked the yamen."

Wanxi's eyes turned, "The acting governor of Jiangsu back then was An Ning."

"Because he is the chief minister of Jiangsu. The soaring rice price is his job. He doesn't want the people to see the grievances boil, so he used ruthless methods."
After hearing this, Yu Rui couldn't help but sneer, "So it's him!"

Wanxi nodded, "This matter is getting bigger and bigger. He doesn't know how to reflect on himself, but will kill the people in charge. Soon after, anonymous postings began to appear in the streets and alleys of Suzhou. People in Jiangnan are floating, and a bigger civil unrest is brewing."

Yurui understands the seriousness of the troubles in the south of the Yangtze River, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River are not easy to return to the imperial court. Once the people have no food to eat, they have already started to attack the government... Then it is inevitable that there will be rebellion against the Qing Dynasty.

"Then, does the emperor know?" Yu Rui was so nervous that she subconsciously clenched Wanxi's trouser legs.

Wanxi also sighed, "Your majesty knows it. When the emperor was exhausted that year, he personally ordered to deal with the matter. The civil unrest at the end of April, and the emperor at the beginning of May issued an order for An Ning to be careful and be careful. In order to control it, don't cause more troubles in the local area'; at the same time, order the governor of Liangjiang to go to Suzhou to investigate and deal with it." Wanxi said here, her wonderful eyes turned slightly, "the governor of Liangjiang at that time was Yin Jishan."

Yu Rui clapped her hands, "It turns out that the quarrel between Yin Jishan and An Ning happened at this time and this matter."

Wanxi nodded, "Yin Jishan investigated this case and reported An Ning's reckless behavior to the emperor in secret. And many people praised Yin Jishan and scolded An Ning, so An Ning has already treated Yin Jishan in this matter. Follow the good and make the bad."

"After the case of selling rice in Suzhou was completed, the emperor held the two of them accountable, in order to hold them accountable for the disagreement between the governors and governors, and they should not cooperate." Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at Yu Rui, "Look, it was An Ning who was arbitrary and reckless. Lord Yin Jishan went to 'put out the fire' for the incident that was caused, but he was also implicated."

Yu Rui also frowned, "Speaking of which, it's a pity for Master Yin Jishan. An Ning is something that death is not a pity, so why bother to make Master Yin Jishan punished?"

Wanxi nodded, "It was because of this that An Ning not only didn't feel guilty, but held a grudge against Yin Jishan. In the end, Yin Jishan was dismissed."

Wanxi couldn't help sighing as she spoke, "So you see, Yin Jishan is the governor of Liangjiang at this time, but it is already the second time. He was the governor of Liangjiang 13 years ago. But it is because of peace, was dismissed."

Yu Rui also exclaimed after hearing this, "This damned An Ning, what did he do again?"

Wanxi also sighed softly, "At that time, Empress Xiaoxian's new funeral, officials from all over the country should follow the custom of Manchuria, and shave their heads on the 27th, and shave their heads after the 27th day. The matter of shaving the head will be done in a hundred days. The emperor thought that there are all Manchu and Han officials in the court now, and it is understandable that the Han ministers are not familiar with Manchu customs; and Jiangnan and other places are far away from the capital, so they are lenient."

"The emperor issued a decree: 'Because the officials of the provinces violated the regulations and shaved their heads privately, they were not punished. It is my original intention to order the governor of Manchuria to stop ordering those who have already been investigated and prosecuted, and to delay their promotion, so as to show light punishment."

Yu Rui lowered her head gently, quietly covering the uncontrollable smile on the corner of her lips.

"Sister, the emperor is really lenient, isn't he? I was still young that year, and I had vaguely heard of the turmoil that year because of Empress Xiaoxian's funeral, and even the elder brother and the third elder brother were implicated Nei... originally thought that there were a lot of punishments for Jiangnan's head shaving that year, but that was just a rumor, in fact, the emperor had such a decree."

Wanxi nodded, "What the emperor means is that ordinary officials, especially Han ministers, don't need to be held accountable. Only the governors and above, who have received the emperor's favor for the world, the death of the queen is the funeral of the mother, and they should be filial. part."

"But the emperor didn't expect that, among the governor-level officials in the frontier, there would be one who violated the rules and beheaded, and that was Zhou Xuejian, the governor of the river."

Yu Rui bowed her head and pondered, "Zhou Xuejian? Since it is such a name, it must be a minister of the Han Dynasty. It is understandable that the Han people do not practice Manchurian customs."

Wanxi nodded, "That's right, so Lord Yin Jishan, who is the governor of Jiangnan, didn't play at this time, and he had the intention of defending himself. But at this juncture, An Ning stabbed Zhou Xuejian out. Fitness is the job of a great official in the frontier, and it is unjustifiable not to abide by the rules, so Zhou Xuejian will be punished."

"Affected by this matter, Yin Jishan was also dismissed from the post of governor."

Yu Rui couldn't help but complained, "This An Ning, isn't he taking revenge for himself! It's fine that he is a bannerman under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but he shouldn't forget that he is also a Han. Han’s surname is You! Why can’t he understand a Han minister like Zhou Xuejian?!”

Wanxi also shook her head and sneered, "He went after Yin Jishan, saying that Yin Jishan was protecting Zhou Xuejian. At that time, when he was attending the funeral for Empress Xiaoxian, the emperor wanted to protect Yin Jishan, but for the sake of balance, Zhou Xuejian had to be punished and dismissed. Yin Jishan."

"It's a pity..." Yu Rui was also sad, "Governor of Jiangnan River and Governor of Liangjiang, these are such important official positions! Once these two positions are changed, the entire Jiangnan metropolis will be unstable in official circles and people!"

Although it happened 13 years ago, Yu Rui is still worried at this moment, "Sister...the emperor, could it be said that the emperor was also disturbed by the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian at that moment, and he didn't pay attention to the truth? Is it gone?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, pulled Yurui's hand over, and comforted her softly, "Silly Yurui, how many years ago did it happen, are you still worried now? Your Majesty, when will he call us?" Have you ever been disappointed? Although Zhou Xuejian had to be punished and Yin Jishan dismissed due to the situation and in order to balance the fairness, the emperor was merciful."

"Zhou Xuejian was leniently dismissed from his post, exempting him from being handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for punishment. He was sent to Zhili to repair the city workers and serve as atonement. And Zhou Xuejian's officials in Hedao all had their heads shaved with Zhou Xuejian, so they all 'don't ask questions'. Although Yin Jishan was dismissed, he also 'retained with leniency'."

Only then did Yu Rui pat her heart lightly, and smiled in relief, "That's good."

Wanxi was a little distracted, and said after a while, "...I just remembered now. Zhou Xuejian was sent to Zhili to repair the river project, and the governor of Zhili at that time, who do you think?——It was Concubine Xin O Amanasutu."

Yu Rui also opened her mouth slightly, "What a coincidence?"

Wanxi nodded, "Even back then, I would never have imagined that one day in this harem, I would get along with Sutu's daughter like this."

Yu Rui smiled softly, "But this arrangement, I can see the emperor's sageness. Just because Su Tu is An Ning's father-in-law, it is the safest thing to send Zhou Xuejian to Zhili to repair the city. Yes. Even if An Ning wants to do something else, then Su Tu will try to take care of Zhou Xuejian in order to avoid suspicion."

Wanxi also laughed when she heard this, and gently shook Yurui's hand, "You're right, I was stunned for a moment."

Yu Rui sighed, "Both Governors Zhou Xuejian and Yin Jishan were dismissed, but An Ning got her way! I'm really angry about the injustice."

Wanxi looked at Yurui's angry look, and patted her hand, "Silly girl, have you forgotten what kind of person the emperor is? Let me tell you, it is also used for filial piety." Regarding the funeral of Empress Xian, Zhou Xuejian and Yin Jishan were resigned from their posts within a few days, and the emperor also decreed An Ning's resignation!" ""

"The reason given by the emperor is like an eye for an eye, and it is also An Ning's empress Xiaoxian's important matter, which is only decorated with superficial words and has no real meaning of mourning. How can Yi Xi be so indifferent when he is close to his old servant?'"

Yu Rui was also pleasantly surprised, and slapped her palms hard, "Yes! Your Majesty is holy! That's how you slapped others, and how you slapped yourself on the mouth even more painfully!"

Wanxi snorted softly, "Not only that, but someone also reported to the emperor that An Ning is in Suzhou, 'disregarding the official advice, and setting up women here as concubines', and the emperor said that he was 'deeply indebted to me'."

Wanxi raised her eyes lightly, "What's more interesting is that when he was dismissed and returned to Beijing, the emperor handed over all the affairs he handled during his term of office, whether he had any involvement in customs duties, and even how to dispose of his assets. Yin Jishan came to investigate..."

"Ha!" Yu Rui clapped her hands loudly again in joy, "Your Majesty's big-eared fan is even louder!"

Wanxi's eyes turned lightly, "The emperor Yin Jishan was dismissed from the post of governor of Liangjiang, but the emperor still left Yin Jishan in Jiangnan. When An Ning returns to Beijing, the position of governor of Jiangsu still needs someone to take care of it. The emperor is called Yin Jishan." Continue to act as governor of Jiangsu."

"Because An Ning was an official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was directly transferred from Suzhou to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the emperor, and lost the highest official position in his life. But he, the governor of Jiangsu, was left to Yin Jishan by the emperor."

Yu Rui also laughed, "In this way, Mr. Yin Jishan was not the governor of Liangjiang, but also the governor of Jiangsu. In this way, Mr. Yin Jishan was only downgraded by one level. That time An Ning was really a steal. Mi, the living newspaper of the job!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "An Ning has been deeply rooted in Jiangsu for more than [-] years; but he is not the only one with such deep roots in Jiangnan."

Even Yurui's eyes lit up, "If we can have such a human helper, we still worry that we won't be able to defeat him in Jiangnan?" Yurui glanced at Wanxi, "It's a pity...Master Jiqing is not in Jiangnan at this moment."

It was also today that the emperor had just decreed that Ji Qing, who was originally the left servant of the household department, should act as the commander of the infantry.These are all Beijing officials, and they won't be able to return to Jiangnan for a while.

For many years, Jiqing served in the Jiangnan salt administration and customs office, and was also an official position dealing with money. This intertwined with the peaceful Suzhou Weaving and the Suzhou Chief Envoy's errands, and they naturally hindered each other.

Wan Xi nodded, "It doesn't matter if Ji Qing is not here, I didn't want to count on him at first. If there is anyone who can compete with An Ning, and it must be higher than Ji Qing, there are two other families."

Yu Rui bowed her head and thought carefully: "Yin Jishan is naturally one of them. Yin Jishan has served as the governor of Jiangnan, the governor of Liangjiang, and the governor of Jiangsu. He has personally investigated the assets in An Ning's hands. He must know a lot about An Ning's illegal activities over the years. detailed."

Wanxi nodded, "There is another family, the Gao family. The father and brothers of the imperial concubine Huixian mostly worked on the Jiangnan river. After Zhou Xuejian was dismissed, the emperor handed over the post of governor of the Jiangnan river to Emperor Huixian. The imperial concubine's father, Gao Bin, is going."

"Gao Bin not only took over, but also made good friends with Zhou Xuejian. The emperor was worried that Gao Bin would let Zhou Xuejian know in advance in the south of the Yangtze River, so he ordered Gao Bin to be warned..."

Yu Rui raised her eyebrows slightly, "According to this, because of Zhou Xuejian's matter, An Ning also offended the Gao family..."

Wanxi let out a sigh of relief, "Otherwise he was so keen on Zhou Xuejian's violation of the law to shave his head back then, but he himself was just superficial about Empress Xiaoxian's funeral and took a concubine during the empress' funeral. Who wrote it to the emperor? In Jiangnan at that time, Yin Jishan had already been dismissed, who else had the guts and ability to tear himself apart with An Ning?"

Yurui smiled and stared at Wanxi, "At this time, Lord Yin Jishan came to Beijing to handle the wedding of the eighth elder brother, and Gao Jin took care of the printing affairs of the governor of Liangjiang! Gao Jin is Gao Bin's nephew, and the concubine of Huixian Cousin; at the same time, he is the son and daughter of Lord Jiqing!"

"In this way, if Yin Jishan and the Gao family join forces, even if he, Jiqing, has been operating in Jiangnan for more than [-] years, he may not be an opponent!"

Wanxi smiled lightly, and lowered her eyes lightly, "Concubine Xin hasn't moved in the past few years, and I am happy to ignore her. But if she thinks that I have been paralyzed these few years, then she is wrong! If she is smart, It doesn't matter if you want to be loved again, or if you want to take care of her brother-in-law, as long as you don't harm others, I will let her go!"

"But let's make it clear: if she insists on going her own way again, and still counts on me and my child, then it's time for us to settle the score with her~"
Hearing this, Yu Rui was very happy in her heart.

It's just that she also understands that everything is still at the beginning of the layout, and it's not so early to be happy.She lowered her head and said slowly, "But sister, look, even An Ning has been convicted of many crimes over the years, but the emperor is still willing to use him. So he was given the second-rank titles of Jiangsu governor and Jiangsu chief envoy, But he still asked him to be Suzhou weaving for several times."

"An Ning was reinstated at the first step, and the emperor took Concubine Xin with him at Yeling... I am not a sister, and I dare not guess the emperor's heart at this moment. I am worried that the emperor really values ​​An Ning's ability. Appease An Ning, I'm afraid it will get better for Concubine Xin again."

Wanxi nodded, "You're right, although the emperor forbids the harem to be involved in politics, but the former dynasty and the harem are naturally not closely linked for a day."

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at Gao Tian outside the window.

In February, although it is not yet the time when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the brilliance of the early spring has faintly emerged, and it is gradually unstoppable.

Wanxi's mood became much more relaxed, and she also smiled slightly, "An Ning has been in Jiangnan for more than [-] years and has experienced experience. Naturally, the emperor has the ability to use him. Besides, the emperor has ordered that he will not be able to accompany the empress dowager this year." The third tour to the south, next year is a must. Since the tour to the south will naturally cost a lot of money, it requires a capable minister in the south of the Yangtze River who can prepare enough money for the emperor's trip."

"The emperor used An Ning again at this time, naturally because he has this ability. In this world, sometimes 'good people' are not equal to capable ministers, and capable ministers are not necessarily 'good people', it's just a matter of weighing the pros and cons, making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses. His Majesty has already known this tranquil character, and His Majesty's use of him at this moment is because of his ability; if he can cherish this opportunity, be loyal to the Lord, and never make trouble again, then he will get back on his feet."

Yu Rui also sighed lightly.She, Ahmadbao, is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so she understands the reason why the Ministry of Internal Affairs should spend the most.This makes it easier to understand that although An Ning has been convicted several times, she can still recover from it.

"What my sister said is true. The emperor thought that An Ning still has the ability, so he gave An Ning a chance. But I think the dog can't change the shit. After he recovers this time, he may not know how to behave. I am afraid that he will give it to himself again." Add another to the crime!"

Wanxi snorted softly, "If that's the case, then he's asking for his own death. The emperor came back from his southern tour, so he has time to take good care of him."

Only then did Yurui's heart open up. "In any case, Lord Yin Jishan and Brother Eighth are already married at this time. Based on my sister's affection for Brother Eighth over the years, there is already a bridge between us and Lord Yin Jishan."

Wanxi nodded, "It's just that Yin Jishan is a foreign minister after all, and it's not convenient for us to meet. What we can do is still confined to the high walls of the harem, walking between women. So I said, this After returning to the eighth elder brother's big wedding, we and Yongxuan's Fujin will eventually have to walk around more often."

Yu Rui nodded, "I understand. My sister is already a noble concubine at this time, and it is inconvenient for me to walk around with Prince Fujin, so let me handle this matter."

Wanxi gently shook Yu Rui's hand, "If this is the case, we should be more wary of E Changzai. After all, Yin Jishan's stepwife Fujin is Ertai's niece and E Changzai's aunt. Yongxuan Fujin is not that The biological son of Fujin, but after all, also bears the role of mother and daughter, we have to be careful that E Changzai will use this heavy affection to muddy the water."

Yurui took a deep breath carefully, "Beware of E Changzai, that is, beware of Concubine Yu's mother and son. Anyway, Yingyuan is also the elder brother's princess. I took the opportunity to talk to her about the seriousness of this important matter, and told her Keep an eye on it."

Today's words were a little serious, so Wanxi laughed, "...Don't tell me, the "Story of the Stone" you brought is really beautiful. I just read it a few times and then it disappeared. I don’t know where you got this book, but I have to work for you, my good sister, go back and find out for me, but there are new ones?”

Yu Rui laughed, "I knew that my sister couldn't put it down if she liked it. Why didn't I feel the same way myself? Well, I'll go back and try to find out."
After Yurui went, Wanxi turned to "Story of the Stone" again, and read it one by one.

Yuying came in and reported, saying that Lunzhu came to pay her respects.

Wanxi hurriedly called, "Call in!"

Lunzhu was born in the 15th year of Qianlong's reign. He turned ten years old last year and could no longer walk in the inner court.Wanxi has already tactfully begged the emperor for grace, begging the emperor to arrange a suitable errand for him.

Lunzhu entered the room and knelt down to say hello, Wanxi hurriedly called out, "Come here quickly, let me have a look."

It's been several months since he turned ten years old last year and he hasn't entered the palace again, Wanxi really misses him very much.Even though he lived in Jiuye's mansion, he was naturally taken care of by Jiuye and Jiufujin, but Wanxi still couldn't let go of his concern.

Lunzhu walked forward on her knees, until she was in front of Wanxi.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor has already arranged an errand for the servant."

Wanxi was also surprised, "Oh? The emperor is away from the mausoleum at this time, but it has already been arranged for you?"

Lunzhu nodded vigorously, "Yes! This slave wants to follow Brother Ling'an's example and follow them to the military camp to make meritorious service. But the emperor said that this slave is only 11 years old this year, not yet old enough to perform meritorious service on the battlefield, so he is called a slave Go to Master Zhangjia for now."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "Oh?"

The third master Zhangjia was the only national teacher in the Qing Dynasty at this time. He was not only the master of the emperor, but also grew up with the emperor since he was a child.Lunzhu had rewarded the guards two years ago, so it would be a safe place to go to Master Zhangjia now.

Lunzhu smiled and said, "The emperor said that slaves should have a relationship with the snowy land and Buddha. In recent years, Master Zhangjia has managed the snowy land for the emperor. With Master Zhangjia, he can serve as a bodyguard for the master, learn Buddhism from him, and go back to the snowy area to learn about the local customs and customs. This is the most suitable for a slave. The emperor said that the forehead of a slave Mother Zai Tianzhiling looked at it, and she should also be smiling."

Speaking of the jade pot, Wanxi's eyes became wet again.

She put her arms around Lunzhu's shoulders without any hesitation, and nodded with a smile, "I think the emperor's arrangement is very good. Lunzhu, what do you think? Anyway, the emperor is not here at this moment, it doesn't matter, you and Ling The empress said something out of her heart. Do you like this arrangement? If you don't like it, wait for the emperor to return to Luan, so that the empress can think of another way to take care of you."

Lunzhu smiled and shook his head, "Madam, please rest assured, I have nothing I don't like. The servant is just anxious to go to the military camp to make meritorious service, but the emperor is right, the servant is still young after all. Brother Ling'an was 13 years old when he went to the military camp. Well, the emperor said that he has not yet reached the time to perform meritorious service; the servant will wait, after all, it will only take three or two years, and the servant will definitely be able to go to the battlefield!"

Wanxi's heart fluttered, and she reached out to grab Lunzhu's arm, "Lunzhu, why are you in a hurry to go to the battlefield? You... like to fight? But let your mother tell you, although your ama is a hero, but he He is not a warlike person, he sacrificed his life in the snowy region to maintain the peace of that side!"

Lunzhu kowtowed hurriedly, "Madam, don't worry, the slave is definitely not a belligerent person! The slave is just, just..."

Lunzhu lowered his head, his voice was already a little choked up, and he said after a while, "Emiang didn't get a title in this life, and this slave felt that he was not filial. The slave thought, if I can make meritorious service, I will be able to earn some money for Er Niang anyway." Here comes a posthumous order!"

"Also, Ama's family refuses to recognize me after all, but I am Ama's son after all, so I will be as brave as Ama and make meritorious service on the battlefield to prove that I shed Ama's blood!"

When Jiao Lunzhu said these words, Wanxi blinked, and a pair of tears flowed down in a flash.

"Lun Zhu, good boy... It's also my fault. I'm a noble concubine, but I haven't been able to win back your mother's title all these years."

Lunzhu was also frightened, and quickly kowtowed again, "Please don't do this, Madam! Er Niang had taught this to the slave when she was alive, and the slave knew that it was Er Niang who didn't want to fight; besides, when the aunt over there heard about this Whether it is death or life, the emperor must always take into account the wives of heroes, so he cannot force his will."

"The slave said this now, not complaining about anything, the slave didn't even hate the aunt and brothers that much. The slave just, just, wanted to win for himself and for Er Niang!"

Wanxi hugged Lunzhu tightly with tears in her eyes, "Good boy... your mother is not as good as you."

Lunzhu wiped his tears with his sleeve, "The emperor said, when I reach the age, I will go with Brother Ling'an or Brother Mingrui. After all, this military achievement cannot be escaped. And..." Lunzhu's cheek Suddenly she blushed slightly, "Actually, there is also a brother over there who came to see me, and it's good for me."

"Really?" Wanxi was taken aback, "Who is nice to you? Mingren, or Mingyi?"

Fu Qing has two legitimate sons: Mingren and Mingyi.

After Fu Qing sacrificed his life for the country, the emperor rewarded Fu Qing as a first-class uncle, and this post was given to the eldest son Mingren; and the second son Mingyi was also rewarded with a flower feather because of his father's military achievements.

At the beginning, Fu Qing's concubine Fujin desperately recognized his ancestors in front of Yuhu's mother and son, partly because he was afraid that Yuhu's child born in the snowy area would steal away the favor of her two sons.Therefore, when she heard that there was a son over there who took the initiative to make friends with Lunzhu, Wanxi was worried.

Lunzhu said with a smile, "It's the second brother Mingyi."

Wanxi bowed her head and pondered, "Mingyi... the current errand is still the guard of the Shangsi courtyard."

There are 21 "Adun bodyguards" in the Shangsi Academy, who are military officers of the sixth rank, who accompany the emperor in and out, and ride and test and accept new horses.

Wanxi thought, Mingyi's official position these years was only on this errand, and his official position was not high, which made the conflict of interests between him and Lunzhu more and more weakened. It's human nature for younger brothers to recognize each other.

Besides, Lun Zhu is under the personal care of Master Jiu, Mingyi's move will at least make Master Jiu happy, right?
Only then did Wanxi breathe a sigh of relief, "It's brothers and sisters after all. If he can treat you well, then I am also happy for your two brothers, and for your Ama who is already in heaven. I believe you Ama is willing to do the same. .”

Lunzhu nodded with a smile, inadvertently, his eyes glanced at "The Story of the Stone" that Wanxi put aside.Lunzhu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "How can your mother have my brother Mingyi's poems?"

"Who are you talking about?" Wanxi was taken aback, followed Lunzhu's gaze, and picked up the "Story of the Stone" suspiciously, "You said that there is a poem written by your second brother Mingyi on it?"

Lunzhu took a closer look, "Yes, it's the poem inscribed on the corner over there. I've seen this poem before, and my second brother even recited it to me once."

Wanxi was busy reading the main plot of the storybook at first, but didn't pay much attention to the annotations and inscriptions on the side, so she hurriedly lowered her head to read it.

See the four lines of the poem:

"Young Master in Brocade Clothes Zhuo Lanya, the beauty in pink is not broken~ melon.

Young and young may wish to share the same room, dreaming of multiple tents. (Yong Daiyu enters Jia's mansion. Chapter 3 "Put your Miss Lin in the green gauze cabinet temporarily", Baoyu is "on the bed outside the green gauze cabinet")
Wanxi was a little startled, and couldn't help staring at Lunzhu, "How can there be clear and meaningful poems in this book?"

It was as if a big fire box had exploded in Wanxi's head, "Could it be...that this book was written in name?!"

Originally reading this book, based on the style of the whole article and the cost of food and clothing, Wanxi naturally wanted to write about non-kings and grandsons, children of aristocratic families, which no one else could write.This happened to be connected with Mingyi, and Mingyi's identity happened to be a child of an aristocratic family, so the sweat on Wanxi's forehead came down.

Could it be that Cui Huan got this script from Ming Yi?But how did a fifteen-year-old official girl get acquainted with Mingyi?
(Deng Deng, Jia Geng, congratulations to everyone for the New Year~ Thank you for your support and company this year, and I will definitely repay you with double heart in the new year. Group hugs, group mouths~))
 See you in 2018~~
(End of this chapter)

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