Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2371 Volume 7 72 Trickster

Chapter 2371 Seven Volumes 72 Tricksters (Bi)

As July is approaching, the matter of driving with autumn has already been put on the table.

Wanxi obeyed the emperor's instructions, and slowly transferred the matter of feeding Xiaoshiwu to the two nannies, Sun and Zhang.

It's just that Wanxi hasn't completely weaned herself from breastfeeding, so she will give the feeding errands to the two nanny during the day, and in the rest of the morning and evening, Wanxi will still hold Xiao Shiwu in her arms to feed herself.

Outsiders may not know about Wanxi's plan, but Yuqin, Concubine Ying and others have all noticed it.Both of them asked, "Are you going to accompany the driver this time? How will you arrange for Xiaoshiwu and Jiujiu?"

Wanxi understands that this question is still in front of her eyes after all.
Wanxi silently weighed it in her heart, then slowly raised her eyes with a smile.

"Of course I was worried about the children at first, especially the little fifteen. He is not yet one year old, and it is the time when he cannot be separated from others at all times. Therefore, I have asked the emperor for instructions on this, but The emperor asked me back, even if I don’t have to go this time, could it be possible that I won’t go on the southern tour next year?”

Wanxi stopped talking, raised her eyes to look at Yuqin and Concubine Ying.

Both of them also have exquisite hearts. After hearing what Wanxi said, they both looked at each other and smiled.

Yuqin said first, "Since you have to go this time, and our little Yongyan is not yet one year old, it's the time when you need to be eyeballed. How about this, anyway, I am Jiangnan after all. Han women are just curious about the northern grasslands, but they have been there so many times, and they are not so yearning."

"Why don't I stay this time, and you can rest assured and leave the children to me temporarily."

Concubine Ying also hurriedly said, "I am a Mongolian, and the grassland is my hometown, but I didn't say that if I don't go once, I won't be able to think about it." Concubine Ying stepped forward and took Wanxi's hand, "I can stay, too. Help sister Ling take care of the children."

Wanxi smiled, and clapped her hands lightly, "Sister Lu, Gao Wa, you two are really worms in my stomach, how do you know that I also think so in the first place?"

Wanxi held Yuqin with her left hand and Concubine Ying with her right, "It's okay to chirp, after all, I have grown up now, can run, dance, and speak plain words, it looks easier; just this little fifteen , it's eight or nine months old, and it's time to stand and go. If only an adult looks at him at this time, he will be exhausted to death."

"I also thought, if you only leave it to Sister Lu or Gao Wa, it's not appropriate. It's better to leave it to the two of you to take turns together so that you don't get tired."

Yuqin and Concubine Ying looked at each other, and couldn't help but be surprised, "You can rest assured. Xiao Shiwu is a prince, but not a princess; at this age, he naturally needs to stare at him with good eyes. That's good. With the two of us changing shifts, we will definitely be able to take care of everything inside and out."
Yuqin and Concubine Ying left happily together, Yurui greeted Yuchan and Yuying to come over to remove the remnants of tea, and smiled, "Sister really has a good intention."

Wanxi also breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled, "I want to entrust Jiujiu to Heguiren according to Jiujiu's own wishes. It's just that Heguiren is just a nobleman at the moment, and the emperor also said that after all, because of her background, It would be a bad idea to entrust Jiujiu to her."

"But no matter what, Jiujiu can no longer be entrusted to Gaowa. She had a longing in her heart, but I let her down, and I feel uncomfortable. Although the emperor made good arrangements, I can ask Concubine Shu to stop her." One block, but Concubine Shu is still Yongxing's adoptive mother after all, and Yongxing has not yet grown up, so I can't call Jiujiu to break Concubine Shu's heart."

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked at the bright midsummer sky outside the window.

"Since I can't entrust Jiujiu to Gaowa, I should give Gaowa better. Let's entrust Xiaoshiwuyi to Sister Lu and Gaowa for the time being, so that they can feel more at ease." .”

Yu Rui nodded and smiled, "I also think that your arrangement is very good, sister. Our [-]th elder brother is precious, and Sister Qing and Sister Ying also understand it in their hearts, so they didn't entrust Princess Nine. They are also happy; besides, Brother Fifteen really needs a few people to work together to see his age at this moment, and the two of them are too busy to be too busy."

Wanxi took off her shoes and lay down on the hand pillow, "They are all my sisters. If you hadn't been with me and helped me all these years, how would my children and I have been able to get to where we are today? And the sisters All these years, she has asked for nothing from me, and now in the final analysis, she just hopes that through me, at least she can enjoy the joy of being a mother for a while."

"It's also fortunate that the heavens favored me, and the emperor was sympathetic, allowing me to have so many children. How can I go to the beauty alone, and not ask the sisters to share the joy of being a mother?"

Yurui nodded, but she lowered her head to slightly avoid Wanxi's gaze, "Sister Qing and Sister Ying will repay you sincerely with this arrangement. Then Sister Qing and Sister Ying said this without any hesitation." If you don’t go back with your driver, you’d rather stay in Beijing.”

Wanxi smiled naturally, "Who says it's not? In fact, I really can't let go of Xiao Shiwu this time. If it wasn't for Sister Lu and Gao Wa, I wouldn't feel at ease entrusting Xiao Shiwu to others. Only the two of them All of them are here, so my heart can be at peace.”

Yurui smiled hard, "Then it's okay this time, my sister's wish has come true, this time I can rest assured to drive to Rehe."

Wanxi stared at Yurui, stretched out her hand to grab Yurui's hand, "Listen to me, did it hurt you?"

Yu Rui hurriedly shook her head with a smile, "Sister's intentions, I naturally understand. It's not that Sister is worried about handing over Brother Fifteen to me, but I am worried about myself. After all, my age is here, and I have never been alone. He has experience in taking care of the emperor's heir. Sister Qing and Sister Ying are naturally a hundred times more suitable candidates than me."

Wanxi couldn't help but stretched out her hand to hug Yurui, and patted her on the back, "It's just to give you a few more years of leisure, after all, you are the person in my palace and the person next to me, and I will wait until you grow up." How old are you, now that you know how to take care of children, I will help you in the future. At that time, even if you don’t want to stay in the palace for me, I will ask the emperor to take you there!”

The two talked and laughed, and finally resolved the embarrassment.

Yu Rui hurriedly said, "By the way, the emperor is still waiting for my sister's letter. Why don't you ask Liu Zhu'er to go there in person and return the order to the emperor?"
On the first day of July, the emperor made an order to arrange the personnel of Qiuxi.

In the affairs of the previous dynasty, Prince Liuyu Guanglu, Prince He Hongzhou, University scholar Laibao, co-organizer University scholar Amida, and Prime Minister affairs in Beijing.

In the harem, the heads of the inner court accompanying this time were: Empress, Concubine Ling, Concubine Shu, Concubine Yu, Guo Guiren, Yi Guiren, Rui Guiren, and Guiren He.

The others were not surprising, but Yu Rui was a little worried when Concubine Shu and the nobleman drove away together.

"I originally thought that among Concubine Shu and He nobleman, there must be one who will stay and take care of our ninth princess. But this time, both of them are accompanying us... Sister, what can we do with our ninth princess? There are also Sister Qing and Sister Ying, and Sister Ying is also eager to take care of the ninth princess, but after all, the two of them take care of the fifteenth elder brother alone, and they feel that their eyes and hands are not enough."

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled, her eyes rolled slightly, "I guess, the emperor wants to take Jiujiu with him."

On the contrary, this accompanying driving list was passed on to Concubine Xin, which made her heart ache for a long time.

"Who would have thought that Concubine Shu would accompany her again this time. Concubine Shu has been out of favor for so many years, and now at this age, she seems to be making a comeback. On the contrary, I have worked so hard this year just to be called the emperor." Look at me one more time, but, after all, the emperor is still without me in Qiu Xi's entourage this time."

Both Le Rong and Yue Yi also feel bad for their master, but they can only persuade them at this moment.

"Master, why do you care about this time? After all, Qiu Xi is going to the grassland, and the emperor is going to summon the princes of the Mongolian tribes and the Hui tribe. Therefore, the Mongols and Muslims such as Yu, Guo Guiren, Yigui, and Guiren will accompany you. The master is Gege from the Yellow Banner of Manchuria, so the status is naturally not comparable to them, so if you don’t go this time, you won’t go.”

"Anyway, next year's southern tour, based on our Lord An Ning's ability in the south of the Yangtze River, the emperor will definitely take the master to the south of the Yangtze River with him. It's not unusual for Qiu Mulan to go every year; on the contrary, it's a southern tour, that is It only happens once every few years, and the master can go with him, which is more precious than how many times he goes to Mulan."

As Le Rong and Le Yi were talking, Concubine Xin felt a little more at ease, but she still couldn't let go of her worries, "You guys are naturally reasonable. But, Concubine Ling, Concubine Shu, and nobleman Rui, they are not Mongolians either. People, didn't they go with the driver? Especially this nobleman, now he is really following the imperial concubine Ling, occupying all the scenery!"

Le Rong quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Concubine Xin, "...Didn't Concubine Yu go too?"

Concubine Xin couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "That's right, she didn't go either."
Concubine Xin sorted out her emotions in her bedroom, and when the setting sun was setting, she came to Concubine Yu's "Xingshu Courtyard" with a smile on her face.

Sure enough, the atmosphere on Concubine Yu's side was somewhat subtle.

Concubine Xin smiled as she walked into the palace door, "It's really new. This year, the emperor asked the eighth elder brother to go with him this year. Think about the eighth elder brother's foot. When will the emperor take it for a walk all these years?" Surrounded? But this year, the emperor ordered him to be brought along!"

Concubine Yu raised her eyes and stared quietly at Concubine Xin, then sighed slowly, "It's not surprising. After all, he just got married this year, so if you don't take him, you have to take Fujin to have a look, right? Besides, Yin Jishan I haven't left Beijing yet, so I have to go to Rehe with the emperor; even for Yin Jishan, the emperor has to take Yongxuan with me."

"After all, next year will be a tour to the south. Yin Jishan is the governor of Liangjiang, and the whole Jiangnan will depend on Yin Jishan to ensure stability."

Concubine Yu herself was not happy, so Concubine Xin was also a little unhappy when she said this.After all, Concubine Yu said that about Yin Jishan, she was secretly belittling An Ning.

Concubine Xin couldn't help laughing loudly, "It doesn't matter who they go or not, after all, our sisters were both left in Beijing by the emperor, and neither of them went. Fortunately, they also said that this time the emperor The main thing I bring is the Mongolian throne, so I don’t have to worry about it if I’m a Manchurian; but I don’t understand, if you talk about the Mongolian throne, shouldn’t you be respected in the harem this time, Sister Yu?”

Concubine Yu sat up straight, trying her best to maintain a calm face.

"Even if the Mongol head of the harem respects me, didn't Concubine Ying also go? Besides, the official girl under Yongqi's position is happy now! Yongqi naturally wants to accompany her, Then I should stay and take care of his place for her."

"As long as Yongqi is gone, as long as the emperor still remembers Yongqi; then whether I go or not, and whether the emperor cares about me, what does it matter?"

Concubine Xin also smiled and sat down, "Sister Yu said yes. If you really have a prince, everything will be fulfilled, but for someone like me who has only given birth to a princess, I can't help but feel jealous."

Concubine Xin saw that Concubine Yu was not happy, so she pulled back the conversation, and she glanced at Concubine Yu with a smile, "...Although Sister Yu is not going, the nobleman Guo in Sister Yu's palace is accompanying her. .”
Only then did Concubine Yu turn her eyes back, staring at Concubine Xin.

"Guo Guiren is going, what should I be happy about? Although she is a nobleman in my palace and comes from the Eight Banners of Mongolia with me, you don't know her identity. She is the daughter of Taiji, and her identity is She's a high-ranking princess, how can I, the daughter of a man in armor from Nanyuan Haizi, compare to her?"

"Besides, she was originally enfeoffed by the imperial concubine Chunhui, not my own. It's just that after the imperial concubine Chunhui passed away, she lived with me because she was also a Mongolian."

Taiji is a homonym for "Prince", which is equivalent to going to a minister. This status is naturally honorable in Mongolia.

"Therefore, she is not close to me. Even if she goes with me, I can't expect her to be my eyes and ears."

Concubine Xin laughed, "That's right. I have seen Guo Guiren several times when he saw Concubine Ling from a distance, and he hurriedly stepped forward to salute. The same is true for Concubine Ling, who always held Guo Guiren's hand affectionately, and She talks."

Concubine Yu's eyes turned cold, "Really?"

Concubine Xin sighed, "Anyway, I have nothing to do with Guo Guiren, so why did I bother to arrange this for her? All I care about is Concubine Ling, and it's just a coincidence that I saw Concubine Ling and her like that."

Concubine Yu patted the kang table, and stood up, "I said why did I suffer from her for nothing, it turned out that she had already planted a nail by my side!"

"It's also my carelessness. I always thought that Guo Guiren was inconspicuous, and at least I was a Mongolian; but I forgot what kind of trick Ling Guifei was. She came from a humble background, so she was the best at fighting with those who were also in a difficult situation in the palace. Let's make friends!"

"Guo Guiren is the daughter of Taiji after all, and she really is the most snobbish. I am just an old concubine who is not favored, and she is a concubine who is being favored. Naturally, Guo Guiren followed her without hesitation. Just sell me!"

Concubine Xin smiled and tilted her head to glance at Concubine Yu.

"If it were me, with such a thorn in my side, I would definitely not tolerate her! How dare you betray me to my opponent? I will kill her first!" Concubine Xin smiled darkly, "I don't know what Sister Yu will do. I thought, Sister Yu has always been a good-natured person, unlike me, who is young and doesn't tolerate sand in her eyes."

Concubine Yu narrowed her eyes, and looked towards Concubine Xin, "...if you were me, what would you do?"

Concubine Xin shrugged, "Anyway, Sister Yu is staying in Beijing this time, while Guo Guiren is driving to Rehe. It is the safest way for the two to separate the two places. Such a good opportunity, don't waste it What a pity."

When Concubine Xin said this, she tried her best to restrain herself, but there was still a smile on her lips after all.

Concubine Yu's face turned red with embarrassment.

Concubine Xin was right, Concubine Yu herself used this reason to do things.Even after the death of the Sixth Princess, she took advantage of this opportunity to speak for Concubine Ling.

Concubine Xin's words made Concubine Yu a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Concubine Xin didn't mention that year again, but looked away, and said slowly, "It's up to you, Sister Yu, to decide. If Sister Yu doesn't mind having this nail arranged by Concubine Ling by your side, then Sister Yu Just bear with it, and I will tell you that all the big and small things in the palace will make the imperial concubine Ling look like a mirror."

Concubine Yu's heart fluctuated, she clenched her fists and sat down slowly.

"...It is impossible to stay. It's just that she is a noble person after all, and she is the daughter of Taiji. If the method cannot be foolproof, then there will be endless troubles."

Concubine Xin laughed, "If there is no surefire way, then there is no need to mention it, Sister Yu can just continue to endure."

Concubine Yu finally couldn't sit still, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Concubine Xin's hand.

"Sister Xin must have a foolproof idea, teach me quickly."

Concubine Xin's eyes slanted, "...Since you want to be safe, you have to have truth and falsehood, and do the trick of killing two birds with one stone. Even if something happens, outsiders will only think it is the enmity between Guo Guiren and others, and they will not be implicated. We are fine."

"Then what is your idea?" Concubine Yu stared at Concubine Xin's eyes, and finally a faint light flashed.

Concubine Xin chuckled and clapped her hands, "I just said that it's good for Guo Guiren to go back this time, and it's good for Sister Yu to stay in Beijing! There is nothing impossible, and we will naturally have to keep ourselves safe."
When Concubine Xin said goodbye and left, it was already dark.

The eighth princess, Shunying, yawned and was already in Le Rong's arms, about to fall asleep.

Concubine Yu sent Concubine Xin out, and seeing Shunying like this, she couldn't help but sigh, "I told the eighth princess to work hard."

Concubine Xin smiled sadly, "She has suffered for following me. But what can I do? When the emperor threw my mother and daughter in the Xianfu Palace, it was like a cold palace, and I was not allowed to leave the palace without permission."

"But I can't just be locked up in the palace willingly, I can't just sit and wait for death. If I want to take revenge, I have to get out of the palace."

Concubine Xin sighed and looked up at the dark sky, seeing that the courtyard wall surrounded the sky into a dark corner.

"I can only come out of the palace for the sake of my child. After all, children are playful and troublesome by nature, and they can't be closed; and no matter how cruel the emperor is to me, he is still a good Ama, and he still loves the child Yes. That’s why, later on, I was able to gradually release my confinement, and I was able to go around with the child.”

"But I don't know what's in my mind. I don't know when the emperor suddenly changed his mind. Every time I go out, I have to take Shunying with me wherever I go, so that the emperor will no longer be suspicious."

Concubine Yu's nose was a little sore when she heard that.

"Oh, that's right. People like us in the palace, what else do we have besides children?" Concubine Yu sniffed, "At any rate, you are still young and have a good family background; what about me back then? The status is the lowest in the emperor's hidden residence, and his family background is really not worth it. I used to think that I would be surrounded by this palace wall and die, and I would never have a bright future in my life."

Concubine Xin raised her eyes, "But Sister Yu has a fifth elder brother. What's the use of my good family background, I only have two princesses under my knees; Sister Yu has a fifth elder brother, so I dare to look forward to anything in the future."

Concubine Yu couldn't help but quietly took a deep breath, "...you help me like this, what do you expect from me after all?"

Concubine Xin lowered her head and smiled faintly, "Of course what I want is the emperor's favor. Like Sister Yu said, I'm still young and haven't learned to endure loneliness in this palace; and my mother's house can't tolerate me in this palace." There is no favor in the harem, so lonely."

"But my sister also knows that I have a deep enmity with Concubine Ling, and she must do everything possible to suppress me and not allow me to regain favor. If I want to regain favor, I must let her go...I can't do it myself , I am at a disadvantage in terms of age and experience, so I have to find someone who is older than her in age and experience, and who she can't count on to join forces."

Concubine Xin stretched out her hand to hold Concubine Yu's hand, "Sister is that person. Although my sister has been indisputable all these years, she is also someone whom the imperial concubine can't count on. With my sister helping me, I will surely regain my favor one day."

Concubine Yu nodded, she had thought of what Concubine Xin said.

"It's just that this matter is not easy to achieve. We have to think about it in the long run. I'm not even sure if I can help you bring her down."

Concubine Xin thought about it for a while, then smiled, "Sister is a real person, she doesn't want to just draw a big cake for me in the future. That's fine, then I have something to ask for my sister right now."

Concubine Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Say it."

Concubine Xin raised her eyes quietly, "Yin Jishan."

"My brother-in-law An Ning has always been at odds with Yin Jishan in Jiangnan, and if my brother-in-law wants to have a stronger position in Jiangnan, he must always be careful of Yin Jishan's constraints. Therefore, my brother-in-law needs someone to help him in the court. It is best to call the emperor Lost trust in Yin Jishan."

Concubine Yu was startled, "You expect me to do this? My God, where do I have this ability?"

"Sister has it!" Concubine Xin tightened Concubine Yu's hand, "Yin Jishan's Fujin is the aunt of the fifth elder brother Fujin. As long as Mrs. Yin is willing to help, Yin Jishan's pillow secrets will be at hand."

"If my sister can help me obtain Yin Jishan's criminal evidence, then I will help my sister get rid of Brother Ba!"

Concubine Yu breathed in nervously, "But I have nothing to do with Mrs. Yin... After all, she is Yongxuan's mother-in-law at this moment. From her husband's side, she is closer to Yongxuan. I I'm afraid she won't help me."

"It was originally said, so I didn't mention it at first." Concubine Xin sneered, "But now things have changed. Yin Jishan's concubine Mrs. Zhang got the order of Mrs. Yipin, and the eighth elder brother is serious. The mother-in-law is Mrs. Zhang, it's no wonder Mrs. Yin doesn't hate her."

Concubine Yu cast a careful glance at Concubine Xin, "I'll try it for now."

(End of this chapter)

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