Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2382, Volume 7, 84 Stretching their necks and waiting for a good day

Chapter 2382 Seven Volumes 84 Stretching their necks and waiting for a good day (bi)
It wasn't until the emperor left the next day that Wanxi was able to see with her own eyes what Xiao Shiwu was holding in her mouth.

Such a small wooden box, the objects inside are not big.When I opened it, it turned out to be a small lapis lazuli beads.

The small size is precisely because it is used for children who have just turned one year old; even for hanging, it should not be too big or too long.

It is blue lapis lazuli, with Venus shining in the blue; this is a combination of blue and yellow.

The main body of this court bead is lapis lazuli, while the matching silk sash is bright yellow; this forms another pair of blue and yellow.

Yu Rui also saw it, and couldn't help asking quietly, "It's just a small lapis lazuli court beads, I don't know why the emperor was so happy yesterday?"

When the princes and grandsons were in charge of Zhou, court beads were not uncommon, but most of them were coral court beads.

Although there are not many lapis lazuli, they are not the most precious Dongzhu Chaozhu after all, and people can't figure out why for a while.

Wanxi raised her eyes to look at Yurui, but smiled quietly.Only preciously put the chao bead into the wooden box and handed it to Yu Rui, "You guard it for me yourself, don't let this be exposed for now. I will talk to Xiao Shiwu when he grows up in the future."

Yu Rui pouted, "The sister has to talk to me first before I'm willing to keep it for her~"

Wanxi smiled helplessly, raised her eyes to look at Yurui, and said narrowly, "I guess, you think it's lapis lazuli, not Dongzhu."

Yu Rui stuck out her tongue when her heart was broken, "...After all, only the Dongzhu Chaozhu can be used by the Empress Dowager, the Emperor, and the Queen's Three Palaces. If the emperor rewarded our fifteenth elder brother with the Dongzhu Zhu's little chaozhu, then my heart will be at peace."

"Stupid girl," Wan Xi lowered her head and smiled, "The regulations of the Eastern Pearl and Chaozhu are like the bright yellow dragon robes. It is said that only the empress dowager, the emperor, and the empress three palaces can use it..."

When Wanxi clicked, Yurui clapped her hands and laughed, "But when my sister was pregnant with our fifteenth elder brother, she had already passed through it, and it was also painted on the "Picture of Four Things at Banquet". I’m not afraid to make it public enough for everyone to know about it!”

"So why are you so obsessed with this Dongzhu and going toward the Pearl?" Wanxi blinked at Yurui, "Besides, the Chaozhu is the same as the auspicious robe, and the emperor doesn't only wear bright yellow; the auspicious robes of different colors are originally It is matched with different court beads, so the emperor's special court beads are not just Dongzhu court beads."

After all, Yurui's Ama is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After all, Yurui still knows about the emperor's clothes and shoes.After being reminded by Wanxi, Yurui finally understood something.

"The emperor's auspicious clothes of different colors have to accompany the court beads of different colors..." Yu Rui suddenly raised her eyes, staring at Wanxi closely, "Sister said—is it blue auspicious clothes?"

Wanxi lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, so she didn't argue anymore. Let Yurui think about everything by herself, and I believe she can figure it out.

After a while, Yurui's face was already full of smiles, and she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

"The blue auspicious clothes—the big dresses used by the emperor to worship the heavens are blue! Just like the glazed tiles of the Temple of Heaven are blue, not the yellow that is commonly used in the palace; hey, the garden is for the nobles to worship. The 'square appearance' used is also the same as the blue glazed tiles, and whatever the emperor uses blue is related to respecting heaven."

"The emperor wears blue to worship the heavens, and the court beads that are hung are also blue. I remembered that the court beads that the emperor uses when offering sacrifices to the heavens are lapis lazuli!"

Thinking of this, Yu Rui suddenly realized.

"Sister is right, the emperor doesn't only use east beads. The emperor uses lapis lazuli beads when offering sacrifices to the sky, and honey amber beads when offering sacrifices to the earth; coral beads when offering sacrifices to the sun, and turquoise beads when offering sacrifices to the moon... ..."

Yurui hugged Wanxi tightly, "The emperor rewarded our fifteen elder brothers with lapis lazuli beads, which are used to worship the heavens! Isn't that more precious than Dongzhu, and its meaning is even more extraordinary?"
Seeing Yurui finally let go of her heart, Wanxi was also very happy in her heart.

Then I couldn't help reminding again, "Have you forgotten, what color is the string of the pearl?"

Yu Rui was stunned, "... bright yellow!"

Originally, because the princes, grandsons, and clan children all had yellow belts around their waists, so the bright yellow belts were hanging from the court beads, and even Yu Rui didn't pay attention.When Wanxi reminded her at this moment, Yu Rui was also taken aback, and then remembered that the regulations of the court beads not only have grades for the beads used, but also grades for the color of the sash.

The bright yellow silk sash can only be used by the emperor, empress dowager, and empress three palaces.

"...Since the bright yellow silk sash is used, it should belong to the emperor himself!" Yu Rui's voice was trembling.

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled quietly, "That's right. But you only said one level, and there is a deeper meaning in it."

Yurui was dumbfounded, and hurriedly hugged Wanxi and shook her, "Sister, tell me quickly! I can't guess anything else."

Wanxi stretched out her hand and tapped Yurui's forehead, "Why did you forget the size of this court bead? Such a big one must be just for children to catch around; it belongs to the emperor, but how could it be the 'emperor' used?"
Yurui was startled for a while, then suddenly slapped her forehead, "...the emperor hadn't seen Lord Kangxi before when he caught Zhou. At that time, the emperor was not the most beloved son of the late emperor. Even - the late emperor himself It's just the prince, not the late emperor~"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "So, don't you understand where the preciousness of this court bead is?"

Yu Rui's heart finally jumped wildly, "I've heard a rumor back then - it is said that the reason why Lord Kangxi likes our emperor so much is because people have seen our emperor's birth date. "

"Our emperor's birth date is extremely precious, and that Mr. Gu has already predicted that our emperor will have the appearance of a sage..."

The birth of the prince and the grandson must be reported to the clan mansion for the birth date around the first year of life at the latest.Therefore, as an emperor, he already knows the birth dates of his children and grandchildren very well.

Yurui looked at Wanxi nervously, "Could it be said that just because Lord Kangxi knew our emperor's birth date a long time ago, it is possible that our emperor had given such a special, A lapis lazuli tied with a bright yellow ribbon goes toward the pearl?"

Wanxi smiled lightly, "That's exactly what I guessed. It's just that the first year is not yet the age for the princes and grandchildren to have the pox. Whether this child can bear the will of God? Definitely. Therefore, the lapis lazuli pilgrimage beads specially given to the heavens don't mean "pray to the heavens, can this son use the destiny"?"

"If God approves, then the child will be sure to be safe from the first year of life to the day of vaccination, and he will be able to send away the Goddess of Pox in a safe manner; How good is the birthday horoscope, God will take that child away..."

Yu Rui narrowed her eyes slightly, "No way! In the past, I was born on the Buddha's birthday, so I couldn't survive the vaccination?"

Wanxi sighed softly, "After all, what is the destiny? Even the emperor, the emperor, wants to 'pray', so we can't understand it. I don't think about it too much, I just because it is the emperor who used it to catch Zhou Zhou back then." Yes, this is already something to cherish.”

Thinking that one year later it will be the time when little fifteen gets the pox, and no one dares to look so far into the future before he has passed the test... Yu Rui's heart is both sad and melancholy.

She took Wanxi's arm lightly, "Don't worry, sister, our [-]th elder brother has a lot of blessings, and everything will be safe."
In November, the burden on the Ministry of Internal Affairs became heavier due to the empress dowager's [-]th birthday.

On the third day of the first month of November, the emperor decreed that Ying Lian, the guard of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, should be appointed as the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The gradual rise of another official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has attracted more and more attention from the harem.

Especially——Ying Lian is an official in the assistant leader of Concubine Qing Yuqin's mother's family.Some people couldn't help guessing that the reason why Ying Lian was able to rise rapidly in the past few years, until he was in charge of the Minister of Internal Affairs, must be because Qing Concubine and Lu Chang were the two sisters.

When this news came out, Concubine Xin couldn't help paying attention to Lu Changzai's words again.

Concubine Xin thought that Yuse dared to stand up and speak for her during the face-to-face dispute with Wanxi when Xiao was fifteen years old, so she lowered her head and smiled slightly.

"It seems that I really didn't count on her in vain, but she is indeed worthy of my use."

Le Rong also said, "Last time when Ying Lian was promoted to be the commander of the guard army, Lu Changzai went to the master and cried. The slave didn't expect that Ying Lian would really be useful, and it's been less than a year now , and then directly promoted to Minister of Internal Affairs."

Concubine Xin squinted her eyes, and in her mind was the image of the Japanese whispering in front of her, crying like pear blossoms with rain.

"...For nothing else, just because I was sent to the palace by Yinglian, my sister not only annoyed me, but also annoyed Yinglian. Yinglian originally wanted to curry favor by sending me to the palace. As for my sister; but my sister is good, not only did she not give Yinglian a little face, but even told me not to communicate with Yinglian any more."

On that day, Concubine Xin naturally understood Concubine Qing's reluctance to have her sister enter the palace, but she still smiled considerately, "I don't understand what Concubine Qing thinks. Seal Chang Zai, this is such a good helper. Why isn't it ten thousand times stronger than the other official girls?"

Yuse cried even more aggrieved, "Who says it's not! Not only me, but even Ying Lian is promoted every step of the way. Couldn't she help my sister go to the first level? Not to mention others, even the imperial concubine Ling relies so much on the noble lady Rui. Didn't you get a lot of help from Mrs. Ruigui and her Ama Debao?"

"If it were me, how would I support my sister, and the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are willing to help me are not as good as me, so how can I get Joe, but I am still unwilling?"

The more Yuse said, the more aggrieved the tears fell, "Looking at how unhappy my sister is with Yinglian, I know that she won't look down on Yinglian, she still looks down on me after all; Ask me to come into the palace, and you don't want me to be favored by the emperor, to be granted the title of Chang Zai..."

"She herself is an old woman, and she was not favored by the emperor when she was young. Now that she is almost forty, why can't she push more newcomers, especially since I am still her sister..."

Thinking of this, Concubine Xin couldn't help but smile, "This time Ying Lian has been promoted again, and Concubine Qing may find it difficult to make her stay with her forever. I'm afraid this little girl never thought that the biggest obstacle to entering the palace is to be favored." It's her sister; when she's depressed, she naturally needs someone to help her out from time to time."

Le Rong smiled, "The servant will continue to explain. If he happens to meet Lu Chang outside, he will invite him to sit with the master."

Concubine Xin nodded, "After all, she is from Concubine Qing's palace, and it is difficult to go out usually. If you see her, you should take good care of her and bring her to see me again."

Le Rong smiled and agreed, "Don't worry, Master! The more considerate we are for her, the more her heart will be devoted to Master!"

When the situation entered November, Concubine Xin's comforting things came one after another these few days.

One is that this Lu Chang is gradually returning to his heart; the second is that it took two days before the emperor issued an order to dismiss Wanxi's clan brother Jiqing, who was originally the left servant of the household department.

She couldn't help but think that this must be a good omen for the emperor's southern tour next year - when the emperor goes south to tour the border of Jiangsu, with her brother-in-law's ability to pick up the driver, the emperor will have to find her a few times in the border of Jiangsu no matter what Return the sign to appease my brother-in-law.

Then from this November, her good days will finally come.
On November 70, the emperor enshrined the empress dowager in the palace, and the empress dowager's [-] birthday celebration officially began.

From this day on, the emperor not only personally accompanied the empress dowager to watch a play in the Shouan Palace and served meals in person, but also from this day on, "respectfully enter the country every year, and respectfully enter the ninety-nine birthday ceremony every day. Since From the sixteenth day, every eleventh day."

On November [-], the empress dowager title was added as "Chongqing Cixuan Kang Huidun and Yushou Chunxi Empress Dowager".Send officials to inspect the sky, the earth, the ancestral temple, the great shrine, and the great grain.

On November 22, due to fasting in the southern suburbs, the emperor celebrated the Empress Dowager's 70th birthday three days in advance.

The emperor personally went to the Palace of Compassion to Serve the Empress Dowager, and wore colorful clothes to perform dances for the Empress Dowager; after the emperor, the princes, princes, grandsons, and concubines all danced in turn.

The 50-year-old emperor still dances for his mother's colorful clothes. It is a ceremony for entertaining relatives in colorful clothes.Only hold the little fifteen in his arms tightly, and teach him early on, "When you grow up, when Grandma Huang reaches 70 years old, you have to learn how Grandma Huang is today, and be good!" Only honor your Royal Ama."

Xiao Shiwu is just one year old and loves to listen to music the most, and when he hears it, he will sway his hands and feet on his own.Hearing Dale, seeing Huang Ama, brothers, and nephews all dancing in colorful clothes, he also stood on Wanxi's lap and swayed vigorously happily.

The white and fat boy, swaying like this again, really looks like a big Fu carved in jade.

The empress dowager also saw it, and she was so rare that she quickly ordered Wanxi to carry Xiao Shiwu over.The empress dowager wrapped her little grandson in her arms, and she couldn't help being happy, "What is a blessing, that Mama has lived to such an old age, and she can still hold a fat baby like you in her arms, and the house is full of children and grandchildren like you!" ~~"

For grandmothers, although their children and grandchildren like it, but at this age, after all, what they like the most is the little grandson who can be held in their arms and is the most fun, isn't it?The empress dowager was only interested in teasing the little Shiwu in her arms for a while, but she didn't pay attention to the emperor's grandchildren who were dancing hard below.

This makes the empress Nala and concubine Yu present here very unhappy.

After all, Yongqi is in her 20s, and she is no longer cute when she dances; as for Yongzhen, although she is only half-year-old and still a child, she is no longer tired of being in her arms after all. It's time for knee intimacy.

Nalashi was very annoyed, her eyes couldn't help colliding with Concubine Yu.

Concubine Yu was also unconvinced, so she covered up her reluctance and smiled back.

Nala felt even more uncomfortable, and couldn't help but sneered with Tana in a low voice, "I know what's in her heart! Although Yongqi is old, Yongqi is going to have a child soon. It's time to give birth, and the little one will naturally help him make up for it when the time comes!"

Tana's eyes turned slightly, "It's a pity that this is not the fifth elder brother's first child. Didn't there be two younger elder brothers before, but unfortunately they both died; who knows if his child will survive this time?" come down?"

"Even if it is the emperor's grandson, the empress dowager has managed to live to this age, how can she not think about the auspicious things and avoid the inauspicious ones; therefore, the fifth elder brother's child was born, The Empress Dowager dare not hug her easily... who knows how many days she can live after being hugged, and the Empress Dowager will lose her life."

Hearing this, Nala felt much more at ease.She also had a smile on her face, and raised her eyes to meet Concubine Yu.

"She has some resentment towards me. After all, I took advantage of Guo Bin's death to toss Yong Qi for a while. The more resentment she has towards me, the more it shows how effective my method is!"

"In these years, she thought she was scheming, but I was too lazy to talk to her. Once it's time to deal with her mother and child, I will find out the seven inches of her mother and child, and stab the knife hard, and it will naturally hurt her!"

Tana also nodded and smiled, "Anyway, Concubine Guo hasn't died yet. While there is still time, Master can use this to manipulate her mother and child whenever he wants. After all, it's a shame that she is dumb. You have to eat to your fullest."

Nala snorted softly, "In addition to Concubine Guo, there are Changzai E and Changzai Bai in her palace. Bai Changzai has been silent in the palace for many years, but she is Concubine Yi's sister after all. Back it up; forget it, let's let her go for now."

Nala suddenly burst into a smile as she spoke, hooking the corners of her lips, "...these days, all the concubines have to come together to accompany the empress dowager to watch the theater and celebrate her birthday. Everyone comes in order. You just take some time to spare. , Ask E Changzai to come see me alone."

Tana's eyes also brightened, "E Changzai is the cousin of the fifth elder brother Fujin... From her, I can definitely get a lot of news about Concubine Yu and the fifth elder brother."

Nala snorted softly, "Anyway, Zi E Changzai has broken up with Concubine Yu at this moment, I want to see her, maybe she wants to see me too."
On the day of the Empress Dowager's Longevity Celebration on November 22, the emperor decreed that Debao, who was acting as the right servant of the Ministry of War, should be appointed as the servant of the Ministry of officials.

Debao's recent series of promotions really made E Changzai and E Bi feel as if they were being torn apart.

E Chang met Tana these days, and when Tana invited him to meet Nala, although E Chang was still a little hesitant in his heart, when he thought of Debao's continuous promotion, E Chang was hesitant and followed Tana went.

After all, all the hopes of her E family can only be pinned on the fifth elder brother at this time.But the fifth elder brother now loves Na Yingyuan more and more, which obviously means that he values ​​Suo Chuo Luo's family more than her E family!
If things go on like this, even if the fifth elder brother has the opportunity to inherit the great treasure in the future, the queen will not know whether it is E Ning, or Yingyuan, who is about to give birth and will definitely be a mother and son in the future!
At this moment, when Yingyuan has not yet given birth and does not know what will give birth to, if she and E Ning still try to protect themselves...then the future will be even more difficult.
E Changzai came to see Nala, and the two met in a secluded courtyard in Shou'an Palace.

It is rare for Nala to talk to E Changzai in a pleasant and pleasant manner, "Now, E Changzai has been in the palace for more than ten years... Over the past ten years, the harem has also caught up with several times, but E Changzai But it is really aggrieved to be relegated to the position of permanent presence."

E Changzai was most afraid of mentioning this, so when he heard this, he suddenly felt sad, stood up and said sadly: "My concubine, Ama, and my uncle are all criminal subjects, and the emperor is sometimes angry, so I will never dare to complain at all. "

Nala lowered her eyes and said indifferently, "It's also my fault. Anyway, I am the queen of the middle palace, and the sisters in the harem are promoted, so I should give some suggestions to the emperor."

Nala stopped deliberately while speaking, stared at E Chang and smiled, "...I just thought about it today, should I take advantage of the [-]th birthday of the empress dowager this year and the celebration of the emperor's southern tour next year, in front of the emperor Let me mention you sisters who have served in the palace for many years but are still in your position."

As Naras said, he seriously calculated, "Now in terms of positions, there are only three left: E Changzai, Bai Changzai, and Lu Changzai. Among them, Bai Changzai is the sister of Concubine Yi, and Lu Changzai Chang Zai is also Concubine Qing's sister, this is someone the emperor should protect at any rate..."

As Nala said, she raised her eyes and stared at E Changzai with pity, "You also have a sister in the palace. Although she is not the head of the inner court, she is still the prince's concubine Fujin, and her status is comparable to that of a concubine."

E Chang's heart trembled, how could she forget that Yong Qi was the one Lashi was most wary of right now?
E Changzai hurriedly stood up, "...Although they are cousins, they are already separated in generations after all, and my concubine and Wu Fujin don't have frequent contacts."

Nala nodded graciously, "There are three of you in Changzai's place, but after all, Lu Changzai has just been entrusted to the throne, even if it should be the condition of the emperor, I have to accept you and Bai Changzai. After all, you two have been in the palace for many years, and you have been subdued in the permanent position for many years."

Nala slowly stared at E Changzai again, "It's a coincidence that you both live with Concubine Yu under the same roof, and you don't see each other when you look down. Ouch, I'm a bit embarrassed It's hard."

(End of this chapter)

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