Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2399: Shaking the Pot

Chapter 2399 Seven Volumes 102

This evening, Wanxi had already loosened her hair, washed up, and was ready to be put on the kang.

If it had been the past, she would have fallen asleep at this hour; but because of the news today, Wanxi was too excited to fall asleep.

So he leaned on the kang and read a book.

Since Zhao Yi passed the Tanhualang exam and ordered Hanlin, he wrote less notes.Wanxi flipped through the book, and it was still the "Dream of Red Mansions" that she flipped through.

The good thing about this book is that it is in the details. Every time you read it again, you can always see new details and give rise to different feelings. Even if you read it several times, you will not feel lonely.

Wanxi saw something interesting, so she couldn't help asking Yuchan to come and see, "Look, Yuanchun of the Jia family is 'Caixuan Fengzao Palace', and Yin Jishan's daughter is Qingzao...Qingzao married into the royal family, It is the eighth elder brother's concubine Fujin. Qingzao's name has 'zao' in it, which is the same word as that in Fengzao Palace."

"Since there is such a coincidence, and that Mr. Cao really had a close relationship with Yin Jishan's family, then this is not a coincidence, but Mr. Cao did it on purpose. I think he chose Fengzao Palace because of his money." , it is also based on Qingzao."

"Yin Jishan's family has many sons but young girls. Yin Jishan has 13 sons. Qingyu, Qinggui, Qinglin, and Qinglan are all well-known nowadays, and gradually emerged in the previous dynasty. However, Mr. Cao, who wrote the book, did not The elder brothers of the Yin family had ink on their bodies, but they only used one word in Qing Zao's name. Thinking about it, they were afraid of being associated, so they didn't use the word "Zao" in the name of the person, but used it in the palace pavilion. The name, but it still alludes to the fact that Qing Zao is the prince's successor Fujin today, and it must be the fate of the princess in the future."

Yuchan also pursed her lips and smiled, "The master said that this book should have been written before the eighth elder brother got married. The reason why Jia Yuanchun chose Fengzao Palace during this period is especially in the In the front of the script, that is to say, before Ba Fujin and Ba Prince got married, that Duke Cao might have written this paragraph. In this way, that Duke Cao seems to have the ability to predict the future."

Wan Xi nodded, "Since Mr. Cao can see Qing Zao at Yin Jishan's mansion, it must be when Qing Zao was still young. If the governor's daughter is over 13 years old, where can she meet the men outside? "

"However, from Mr. Cao's pen, it can be seen that Mr. Cao admired Qing Zao when he was young. Thinking about it, Qing Zao, who was young at that time, maybe even less than ten years old, had already shown an admirable character. Even Mr. Cao believes that this woman will definitely have the potential to be elected to the court and become a princess in the future."

For a minister's daughter, the best evaluation is to be elected to the court and be named a princess, right?What's more, Qing Zao is the daughter of a concubine, which is not as good as Jia Yuanchun's eldest daughter in "A Dream of Red Mansions".Mr. Cao can have such high expectations, which shows how much Qing Zao's character has moved this gentleman since he was a child.

Thinking of this, Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "From Qing Zao's attitude towards the matter of Cui Huan, it is obvious that Mr. Cao has a good vision. This time the Empress Dowager can make the matter of Cui Huan and Yongxuan smaller, and she must be with Qing Zao." Zao's own attitude has something to do with it. If Qing Zao is not such a virtuous and generous girl, but is like E Ning, then she will cry and make trouble in front of the Empress Dowager, and then take the opportunity to slander Cui Huan for going with us. , then we are really in big trouble this time..."

Yuchan nodded, "That's right. I think back to the day when the Empress Dowager suddenly summoned my master to Changchun Garden. My heart, my servant, is so frightened that it almost jumped out of my throat!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "Even that child Qingzao understands righteousness, but I will never forget that we in Yongshou Palace still owe her a lot."

Yuchan heard the sentimentality in Wanxi's tone, and hurriedly comforted her, "Actually, this matter was a tease of fate, and it's not Cuihou's fault, so what has it to do with Master and Master Rui? Besides, how has Master treated Ba Ah all these years?" Brother, if you want to come to Bafujin, you will also know about it, and this is only won by the master's love over the years."

The master and servant were talking, but they never expected that the emperor would come over at this time.

Wanxi was startled, and hurriedly stretched her legs to the ground.

The emperor curled his lips into a chuckle, and stepped forward to hold Wanxi down, "Don't come down. Don't mess with the child~"

Yuchan backed out with a smile and closed the partition door.

Wanxi tilted her head, deliberately glanced at the emperor and asked, "... Where did the emperor come from?"

The emperor laughed and spat, "If you have something to say, just speak up, and you'll be fooling around!"

Wanxi smiled and lowered her eyes, "The servant guessed that the emperor must have gone to the Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the empress dowager, and that's why he came back so late."

The emperor had no choice but to reach out and tap Wanxi on the forehead, "Master, I'm going to Concubine Xin's place first. An Ning has just passed away. During the day, the Lord issued a decree to bestow on An Ning the title of Chief Minister of Internal Affairs, and at night, I will go to Concubine Xin to mourn. .”

"Of course it should be~" Wanxi nodded, "How is Concubine Xin? Why did you come back, why don't you stay with Concubine Xin?"

"Careful..." the emperor squinted at Wanxi, and muttered, "How could she be good? Her face is pale, her eyes are straight, and her legs are dumb. Looking at you, it's like seeing a living king of Hades." of."

"Facing her like that, what's the meaning of the Lord? Why do you want to stay with her? Could it be that you hope that the Lord will also look like her? After finishing what I should say, I will leave naturally." clean."

Wanxi smiled, and hugged the emperor's arm, "An Ning died of illness so suddenly, the slave only cared about the accident, so I didn't care about it."

The emperor snorted softly, "An Ning, your heart is higher than the sky, and your life is thinner than paper."

"Huh?" Wanxi was startled when she heard this sentence.He raised his eyes and quickly looked at the emperor, carefully examining the expression on the emperor's face.

"The heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than the paper." There are also such words in "Dream of Red Mansions", which come from Qingwen's verdict.

——Is it possible that the emperor also saw "Dream of Red Mansions"?
The emperor shrugged his shoulders, "What's wrong with being so big-eyed and small-eyed?"

Wanxi was amused by the emperor's words, and hurriedly lowered her eyes, "The slave's eyes are not as big as the emperor's, and the emperor said 'small eyes and big eyes' are not the same."

But the emperor grabbed a makeup mirror, put it in front of the two of them seriously, and pulled Wanxi to face the mirror, "Come on, Bibi~"

Wanxi laughed "puchier", "I just said 'the heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper', this is a new saying, I don't seem to have heard this sentence before~"

The emperor nodded, "Yeah, I went to Xiefang Hall and saw this from the Yongxuan Bookcase."

The emperor tilted his head and glanced at Wanxi, "In Yongxuan's book case, it has been written many times that 'the heart is higher than the sky, the body is low, and the wind and flow are clever and attract people's resentment. Shouyao is born mostly because of slander, and the passionate son is empty." Anyway, I don’t know what he wrote, but because An Ning also lived a short life, I remembered this sentence.”

"You are close to Yongxuan, do you know what Yongxuan is writing?"

Wanxi was slightly surprised.What Yongxuan wrote was Qingwen's verdict.

Now that I think about it, how can I not write about Cui Huan every word and every word in the slanderous situation that day? , Thinking about Yongxuan's constant writing of this sentence, he also thought about Cuihuan, felt sorry for Cuihuan who was hurt by slander and rumors, but couldn't stand up to explain for Cuihuan, let alone accompany Cuihuan's regret.

Wanxi also felt distressed, so she tilted her head to look at the emperor, her heart churned several times.

It was the children's business. She originally thought that Qing Zao would make the decision, so she refrained from saying it in front of the emperor.But since the emperor mentioned this matter at this time, it was an excellent opportunity.

——In the end, Yongxuan is still living in the palace even though she is married and has not been divided into a mansion.These are the maids that he may have around him, and they must be given by the emperor.

Wanxi bit her lips, and said slowly, "Speaking of a heart higher than the sky and a lowly body, in fact... a slave is in the hearts of many people, why isn't it the same? Just because of his humble background, he was favored by the emperor , This will cause people to slander, and put all the ugly suspicions on the slaves."

The emperor frowned, and pulled Wanxi into his arms, "No matter what other people say, don't worry about it yourself. What the Lord said was written by Yongxuan, there is no way he put it on you .”

Wanxi also smiled embarrassedly, "My lord is right, of course Yongxuan can't be talking about slaves. The meaning of slaves is that there are many people like slaves in the palace."

The emperor tilted his head slightly, "Who is that talking about?"

Wanxi finally gritted her teeth and made up her mind, "Master, do you know that a few days ago, the Empress Dowager missed Yuanzi and called the slaves to Changchun Garden to pay her respects?"

Now that the empress dowager has already been summoned, it is impossible for this matter not to reach the ears of the emperor.The matter of Cui Huan and Yongxuan can't be kept secret anymore.

So, it is definitely not a coincidence that the emperor suddenly mentioned Qingwen's verdict today.

Then she, let's go with the flow.
The emperor nodded, "Well, I heard about it. I just heard that you had a great conversation with the Queen Mother, and that the Queen Mother even gave Yuanzi a small wooden horse, and you even walked out of Changchun Garden with a smile on your face... Grandpa is not worried."

The emperor squeezed Wanxi's hand lightly, "I am also willing to ask you to be alone with the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother already knows your physical condition, and the Lord also believes that the Queen Mother has scruples and will not do anything to you."

Wan Xi laughed, "Then do you know why the Empress Dowager suddenly summoned the slaves?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "I'm waiting for you to tell me. If you don't want to tell me, why don't you go and ask the queen mother?"

Wanxi took a deep breath, pressed the emperor's hand, raised her eyes to focus on the emperor's eyes, "Master... Yongxuan has only come to walk around my palace these years besides being in elder brother's house. It is the age of first love again. , even I can't guard against it, but Yongxuan has feelings for an official woman in my palace."

"This incident happened before Yongxuan and Qingzao's big wedding... The servant has made up his mind to drive out the official woman; otherwise, he will randomly allocate it to some internal officer as his wife!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, "Oh, this is cruel."

Wanxi pursed her lips deliberately, "She can't blame the slave for being cruel, who told her to have a heart that she shouldn't have? She, although she was born smart and beautiful, has a clear and kind heart, that's why she fell into the eyes of that child of Yongxuan... ...It's a pity that she came from a humble background, so how can she compare to Mr. Yin Jishan's personality. This is exactly what the saying 'heart is higher than the sky, life is thinner than paper'."

"Besides..." Wanxi's eyes turned lightly around the emperor, "There were rumors in the palace because of her again, and the injury of Concubine Xun and Qingzao must be placed on her! A 16-year-old official girl , she has only been in the palace for a year or two, and she has to bear such rumors, how can she live?"

Wanxi's eyes turned red as she spoke, "Her situation reminded me of the time when I first entered the palace. I asked myself, besides winning the emperor's love, what did I do wrong? Put all kinds of crimes, make people hate, make people resent..."

"The slave couldn't protect herself back then, but now I have to protect this official woman anyway." Wanxi said fiercely, "It's better to throw her out, or randomly assign someone to someone else, so as to keep her alive..."

At the end of Wanxi's speech, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

For Cui Huan, why not for myself back then.

The emperor's heart ached, and he stretched out his arms to hug Wanxi tightly, "Silly girl, now that you are a noble concubine, you will soon forget those unpleasant things in the past."

Wanxi raised her head and said with tears in her eyes, "I want to think about it too. But occasionally I dream back in the middle of the night, and there are still things from the past quietly disturbing me. I used to be young, and I didn't understand how painful many things are; only after recollection now, Only then will I wake myself up in pain~"

The emperor frowned and nodded, "I understand, I understand..."

Wanxi buried her face in the emperor's arms, "I don't care about this slave, so I will leave this case, that girl who is as high-minded as the slave and whose life is thinner than paper, to the Lord... Only by the order of the Lord... , or give it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to expel it, or give it to any minister to follow the Lord."

The emperor couldn't help but smiled helplessly, "Okay, okay, okay. Your body is important at this moment, and everything else is left to the Lord."
After the quarrel in front of the empress dowager that day, E Ning also had no idea, and was very quiet in her own room for a few days.

She was quietly waiting for the movement in the palace, waiting for the empress dowager's disposal of Yongshou Palace.

She just didn't dare to expect the Empress Dowager to punish Concubine Ling, but she hoped that the Empress Dowager would punish Ruigui — that would naturally implicate Yingyuan, so that the concubine mother and elder brother's feelings towards Yingyuan would be lightened. down.

But she waited and waited, but she couldn't wait for any movement.This made her heart pound, and she couldn't live in peace.

She didn't know what to do, and there was no one in the garden to discuss it with. After thinking about it, she still thought of E Chang's going.

She asked Yinhuan, a daughter of the family, to quietly ask E Changzai to come out to meet her, but she didn't want to, so she told Yinhuan to be careful, but after all, E Changzai lived with Concubine Yu, and Concubine Yu had sharp eyes. I still saw the figure of Yinhuan.

E Ning and E Changzai met each other, and after breathing for a while, as soon as they returned to their own room, they found that the atmosphere was not right.

E Ning was married into the palace, and six of the daughters of the family were married in as dowries.Women from the family are always more caring than official women, so they all wink at her.

E Ning's heart sank, knowing that Concubine Yu was here, so she hurried into the main hall cautiously.

Concubine Yu was sitting drinking tea without looking up.E Ning came in to salute, Concubine Yu didn't even look at her.

E Ning secretly called "Not good", so she had to admit, "Because Ama was transferred from the governor of Shanxi to the governor of Shaanxi, she went farther and farther, and my daughter-in-law missed her a lot... So I asked my cousin to come out and tell..."

Concubine Yu nodded and put down the teacup, "It's not easy for your ama to be transferred to be the governor of Shaanxi. I also heard that your ama has not missed a few memorials in the past month, and they all talk about Hui people in Xi'an. Contradictions between the Han people... Shaanxi and Huijiang are close, and you, Ama, handle the relationship between the Hui people and the Han people very carefully."

"That's exactly what I said," E Ning bowed her head sadly, "That's why my wife wants to see my cousin."

Concubine Yu snorted softly, "It's only natural for you to meet Echang. After all, you are a family, and the bones are still connected even if the bones are broken."

Concubine Yu paused, raised her eyes and glanced at E Ning, "It's just that E Changzai lives with me anyway, and I'm your mother-in-law. If you want to see E Changzai, there's no need to hide it from me, right? It is to ask a girl from my family to come to my eyes to say hello, and plainly say that I would like to see you often, how can I not allow it?"

E Ning's heart trembled, and she quickly knelt down on the ground, "It's the daughter-in-law and mother's family who are always in trouble, and the daughter-in-law doesn't want to disturb the mother and concubine because of Ama's business, so the daughter-in-law didn't dare to disturb the mother and concubine... ...I also hope that the concubine mother will be considerate, the daughter-in-law has no intention of deceiving the concubine mother."

Concubine Yu lowered her eyes coldly, "Do you really have nothing to hide from me?"

E Ning had tears in her eyes, not knowing how to answer.At this moment, the door curtain was raised, and Yong Qi walked in.
Yongqi left school and just came back to the school, she wanted to go to Yingyuan's room to see the children, but she saw that the atmosphere in the school was not right.

Yong Qi stopped in her tracks and asked the woman who was serving E Ning what was the matter, only then did she know that her mother had come and was asking E Ning what to say.

When Yong Qi walked in, it was also a surprise to see E Ning kneeling on the ground with red eye circles.

Concubine Yu also didn't want her son to see how she treated her daughter-in-law like this, so she hurriedly shouted, "E Ning, get up quickly! You are the same child, even if you greet me, there is no need to do it in private." Such a great gift."

Yong Qi didn't want to be deceived, her long eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she still asked, "...what happened?"

Concubine Yu could only sigh and said, "Your Fujin is becoming more and more careful now, what she said and what she did in the harem, even I don't know!"

Yong Qi turned her eyes sharply, staring at E Ning.

"What... exactly did you do?"

E Ning's heart trembled, as soon as she stood up, she was about to kneel down again.

Yong Qi grabbed her arm, her face seemed calm, but her eyes were like the raging sea in the night.

"You don't have to kneel anymore, you have something to say!"

E Ning shuddered, tears rolling down her cheeks, "I'm just, just... I just can't understand the way Eighth Brother is crippled, but still stands in front of Grandpa! Why, his biological mother has passed away, and all he can rely on now is the support of Imperial Concubine Ling!"

"Since the eighth elder brother has an affair with the official woman in the Yongshou Palace, the concubine can't hold back... Huang Ama may be partial to the Yongshou Palace, but the Empress Dowager will not!"

"So, what did you do?" Yong Qi's face also flushed suddenly, and her hands strengthened, "What did you... do in front of the empress dowager?"

E Ning was trembling like autumn leaves in Yongqi's palm.

"Concubine, concubine, in front of the empress dowager, will, will report to the empress dowager about the affair between the eighth elder brother and the official woman of Yongshou Palace..."

Yong Qi threw E Ning away, "You are so confused! Who allows you to make up your own mind?!"
Concubine Yu was also stunned, staring at E Ning in a daze, "I couldn't resist saying this, how could you say it, how could you say it so easily, ah?"

E Ning's knees softened, and she fell to her knees, covering her face and crying loudly.

"Because I am Elder Brother's concubine Fujin, I naturally want to protect Elder Brother... Now, apart from the sixth elder brother who has been succeeded, there are only four elder brothers, fifth elder brothers, and eighth elder brothers. People. The fourth elder brother once served as a "virtuous grandson" at the funeral of Concubine Ding, so everyone guessed that the fourth elder brother might be the same as the sixth elder brother, and be succeeded to Prince Lu..."

"Then the one who can stand in front of elder brother now is eighth elder brother alone..." E Ning choked with tears, "I thought that no matter what, I have to help elder brother suppress eighth elder brother. Eighth elder brother Ge Qia has an affair with a woman from Yongshou Palace, and before the emperor proposes to marry him, how good is this? Therefore, I will reveal it in front of the empress dowager..."

"I know that the eighth elder brother is a junior and has an affair with an official woman, so it is inconvenient for the mother and concubine to speak directly; the elder brother is a man, let alone chew this tongue in front of others. Then leave it to me Alright. I am a woman, and I am young, so I am the one who said this, and it is most appropriate."

E Ning lay on the ground and looked up at Yong Qi sadly, "My elder brother... I know that my mother's family is in decline now, and it is no longer the E family when my grandfather was there. My elder brother has a bitter heart I can't tell, but now I see Brother Ba marrying Yin Jishan's daughter, and I feel bad."

"The concubine wants to risk herself, and I have to do my best for the elder brother. The concubine is really only thinking of the elder brother, the elder brother, you have to trust the concubine... the concubine is the elder brother My concubine, Fujin, everything I do is for Elder Brother, and I hope Elder Brother will learn from you..."

"You are so confused!" Yong Qi closed her eyes in despair, "I was not the only one who saw Cui Huan going in and out of elder brother's house that day. Yong Rong was also there. If you say this today, Yong Rong will know immediately I said this to you... If you do this, don't say that Yingyuan will be angry with me, I will offend Mrs. Rui even more, and even order the imperial concubine to go!"

E Ning looked at Yong Qi with tears in her eyes, "So what if I offend you? How can my elder brother forget that the concubine Ling has a prince herself, and she has always supported the three princes of the concubine Shujia! How can she have a prince in her heart?" Brother, how could she go to Elder Brother?"

"If she doesn't face me, I'm going to tear myself apart with her. What are you doing?" Yong Qi roared, "You are so confused!"

"She is a noble concubine now, and she is only under the empress's mother in the harem; and Huang Ama has been favored for many years, even the sole favorite! If you fight her, you are going to make me cut myself off from Huang Ama!"

Yong Qi was very annoyed, and looked back at Concubine Yu coldly.

"I have told you before, don't tear yourself apart with Concubine Ling, don't offend her easily! You are doing it for my own good, and you want to help me suppress Yongxuan, but there are other ways, why bother?" You must tell about the women in Yongshou Palace!"

"Concubine Ling must have had a rift with me. What do you want me to do now...?"

(End of this chapter)

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