Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2402: Scaling Heart

Chapter 2402 Scale Heart (Bi)

The next day, a decree came from the Hall of Qinzheng.

The emperor decreed that Prince Yu, Prince He, Grand Scholars Laibao, and Shangshu Shuhede should be prime ministers in Beijing.

As for the members of the inner court, this time Mulan will be accompanied by the Queen, Concubine Shu, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, Concubine Shen, Concubine Rong, and Xin Changzai, seven in total, and 15 women under her command.

Hu Shijie personally went to the harem to deliver the decree, and announced it to everyone who accompanied him in the "Queen's Down Room".

After Hu Shijie announced the decree, he knelt down to everyone and resigned. In "The Empress's Room", there was a moment of silence, and no one spoke.

The reason why they didn't speak was that everyone was secretly planning their own little calculations.

Among these seven people, the Empress must accompany her to serve the Empress Dowager, no surprise; Concubine Shen, Concubine Rong and Xin Changzai are newly appointed, so it is expected that they will accompany them this time.

Concubine Ying, originally from Gege from the Eight Banners of Mongolia, besides, the southern tour failed to follow.This time, it is reasonable to accompany Qiu Yu.

It's a little surprising that Concubine Shu and Concubine Yu can still accompany them.

Among these two, Concubine Yu was able to accompany her, so it was justifiable.After all, she is Mongolia Gege, or the distinguished Borzigit family, who can accompany the emperor to entertain the Mongolian Fujins.

But Concubine Shu was still able to accompany her, so it was somewhat inexplicable.

After all, the two of them had already traveled south with them during this year's southern tour; it is supposed that this time, Mulan should be rotated to someone else.For example, in the position of concubine, there is also Concubine Yu who has never been to any place; and Concubine Yu is also from Gege of Eight Banners Mongolia, and was once the oldest and highest-ranked among all Mongolian lords.

Everyone guessed and guessed, and at the end of the guess, they could only guess two possibilities: one is that Concubine Shu is back in favor, and after all, it is the Yehenala family, the descendant of Yehebu Baylor, and the descendant of Mingzhu. After all, the prominence of his family background is unmatched by few in the harem.The emperor lost his affection for Concubine Shu because of the death of the tenth elder brother, but now that these years have passed, he will also forget the sad things.

The second possibility made people guess the eleventh elder brother Yong Xing.

In the harem, a child is always more expensive than his mother, and the mother is also more expensive than his son.Concubine Shu's own tenth elder brother has died, but she is still raising eleventh elder brother. If the emperor has expectations for eleventh elder brother, he must treat Concubine Shu better, so as to elevate Yongxing's status .

These two reasons, no matter which one, are ultimately what everyone in the harem does not want to see.

Especially Concubine Xin, who was originally dissatisfied with Concubine Yu, but she did not expect that this time Qiu Mulan would have no part in her, and the emperor even sent Concubine Yu to go instead... A concubine Yu hasn't made enough trouble with her yet. Confused, she actually jumped back to be Concubine Shu again!
She is the one who wants to be favored again, but with the current situation, why does it seem that the two old women Yu Concubine and Shu Concubine are rushing ahead of her? ! .
It was Nala who cleared his throat first and said: "The emperor's decree has been issued, and all the accompanying sisters should go back and clean up early. I will inform the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the use of the regulations and the eating and drinking of the accompanying officer's daughter. arrange."

"The rest of the sisters who were not able to accompany them will stay in Beijing," Nala said, raising her eyes to look at Wanxi, "...follow the imperial concubine and work diligently on her internal duties. Don't cause chaos without authorization and add to the emperor's worries. "

Nala raised her chin as she spoke, "This time the noble concubine can't accompany you, staying in the capital not only has to lead the Six Palaces, but also has to take care of the emperor's heir, it's hard work."

Everyone stood up and saluted Nala, "I would like to follow the instructions of the Empress Empress, and please rest assured the Empress Empress."

Wanxi also said with a smile, "This is the duty of a concubine. It is to take care of the emperor's heir, and there is Concubine Qing to help in the palace, so the empress can rest assured."

Nala laughed, raised her eyebrows and looked at Concubine Yu, "According to the order of positions, I thought the concubine would be called Concubine Yu to help her, but it turns out that Concubine Yu has already surpassed Concubine Yu in her heart, and only remembers Concubine Qing. .”

Wanxi raised her eyes lightly, and her eyes glanced at Concubine Yu.

Nala was right this time, Wanxi also thought so in her heart.

Now she herself is in the position of noble concubine, and she is firmly under the queen in this harem.What's more, with the emperor's affection and so many children, no one can shake her position.However, Sister Lu is still different after all.

Sister Lu is a Han girl from the south of the Yangtze River after all, and what's more, she hasn't produced anything in these years.Although she is still in the position of concubine now, there are still concubines Shu and Concubine Yu ahead of her.

For Wanxi, since she has decided to entrust Xiao Shiwu to Yuqin, she must hold Yuqin and go one step higher.This is for Sister Lu, and why not for Xiaoshiwu?

Then this time, the emperor's autumn is Mulan, which is an excellent opportunity.

As long as she stays in the palace, it will not be Concubine Yu's turn to lead the Six Palaces; and her belly is already growing, so there is a reason to let Sister Lu take over the power of managing the Six Palaces.When the emperor Qiuxi came back, he made a strong note for sister Lu in the emperor's heart, and made the emperor pay more attention to sister Lu.

Wanxi was calm in her heart, so she also greeted Nala's family calmly, and smiled faintly, "The empress is right to remind you, if you talk about the sisters staying in Beijing, Concubine Yu has the most seniority and the highest status. It's just that Why did the Empress forget that Yongqi just got Liner, Concubine Yu is now in the middle of her grandchildren, I am reluctant to spoil Concubine Yu's happiness with these harem chores."

Although Concubine Yu said it was like a stick in her throat, her mouth was blocked by what Wanxi said, making her unable to say anything for a while.

After all, she has already lost two grandchildren, and this time she finally got a third grandson, so this grandson should be regarded as the most important thing in the world, and everything else should be Never mind.

"Besides, during the southern tour at the beginning of the year, Concubine Yu was honored in the palace, and she had already shouldered the burden of leading the six palaces." Concerned about Concubine Yu's reaction, "Then this time I should ask Concubine Yu to rest."

"If I remember correctly, Concubine Yu will be 50 years old next year. Concubine Qing is still young, so I should ask Concubine Qing to work more."

After hearing this, Yuqin blushed slightly and looked at Wanxi.How could she not understand Wanxi's meaning of support.

Wanxi also looked back at Yuqin, the two looked at each other and nodded with a smile.
Nalashi also smiled faintly, caressing the long armor, shrugged.

"Concubine Ling is quite reasonable. That's right, Concubine Yu is getting old and she finally got a grandson, so she should 'concentrate' on making grandchildren, and should not have other distractions."

In the final analysis, based on the relationship between her and Concubine Yu at this time, how could she want to advocate for Concubine Yu, but she was deliberately provoking the conflict between Concubine Yu and Wanxi.And since Wanxi has come back, she is happy to take the opportunity to step on Concubine Yu again.

Concubine Yu couldn't tell because she was suffering, and her neck was stuck.

In front of everyone, she didn't want to contradict Nala, so she looked back at Wanxi and smiled silently.

"This time Concubine Shu and Concubine Yu, who also accompanied the southern tour, can also accompany the emperor Qiu Mulan. I am surprised that this time the imperial concubine does not have to accompany her."

"I know that Concubine Ling is not suitable for labor because she is pregnant with the emperor's heir; but when Concubine Ling was pregnant with her fourteenth elder brother, she was still able to drive to the south and go thousands of mountains and rivers; When my elder brother was about to give birth, he was taken by the emperor to the autumn... Then why did the emperor choose to leave the noble concubine Ling in Beijing this time?"

Wanxi smiled and focused on Concubine Yu, and said in her heart: "What else can I do? There is a considerable reason, that is, you go for Concubine Yu. Only if I stay in the palace, can you have no chance to lead the concubine Yu." Palace, so I can ask Sister Lu to replace me and exercise the power of commanding the Six Palaces."

But of course Wanxi couldn't say this clearly, so she just lowered her eyes and smiled faintly, "I am very grateful for Concubine Yu's concern. It's just that Concubine Yu forgot. Since June, the emperor has issued decrees many times, specifying that this year's capital Since the beginning of May, there has been a little more rain. Although it is sunny nearby, the roads are muddy. It is difficult for merchants to carry it, making soybeans and food near the capital expensive."

"This year's road is like this, and the road will definitely be more difficult after leaving Beijing. I am pregnant with the emperor's heir, and in the bumpy car, I always have to take care of the safety of the emperor's heir, even if I am not thinking about myself. That's why the emperor asked me to raise him in Beijing. Talking." Wanxi said, turning her wonderful eyes slightly, and squinting at Concubine Yu, "Concubine Yu, don't you think the emperor shouldn't do this; or do you think that the emperor should disregard the safety of the emperor's heirs and insist on telling me to be there?" Bumps on the muddy road?"

Concubine Yu's complexion changed, and she had to bite her lip, "The emperor's arrangements are reasonable, so it is really not suitable for the concubine to leave Beijing this year."

Wanxi smiled easily, but she glanced at Concubine Yu, and then at Concubine Xin, feeling mischievous, and deliberately said, "Besides, my body is not suitable for serving the emperor after all. The emperor still brings along the sisters who are convenient for Cheng En Going, it’s even rain and dew, isn’t it?”

Concubine Xin felt even more annoyed and angry, she clenched her teeth and tried to hold it down.
Everyone dispersed, Concubine Yu and Concubine Xin both left sullenly.

Wanxi sat on the shoulders, couldn't help looking at the backs of the two of them, and smiled mischievously.

Yuqin glanced at Wanxi, and couldn't help sighing, "Look at you, it's already this month, and you're still so naughty!"

Wanxi propped her elbows on the shoulder railing, and Shui Cong'er gently covered her red lips with her fingers, "... In the past, why didn't I treat them carefully and carefully? I always hope that one day they will have a conscience and find out, maybe there will be a chance to rebuild the old relationship. But after all these years, you have also seen, sister, who are the two of them."

"For such a person, I have used up all my heart that should have been used, and now I don't even bother to pretend to be false. Now I will wait for God's retribution, and when the time comes, I will reconcile the new and old accounts with them. Put it all together, let’s figure it out together.”

Yuqin understood that Wanxi had already made a decision.

Yuqin sighed, "That's fine! Since the emperor has already taken care of these 'sweethearts', then we don't have to be polite. An Ning died this year, so let's start with Concubine Xin."

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "Part of the reason why I stayed was to watch her with my own eyes. After all, Yuanzi will be vaccinated next year, so there must be no mistakes."

Yuqin also frowned, "Speaking of it...it would be better if the emperor took Concubine Xin to Mulan, so that she wouldn't be an eyesore to us."

Wanxi shook her head, "No, now is not the time for us to avoid her anymore. Since we have made up our minds this year, we will start to settle accounts with her, I will first suppress her heart Let her not ignite any sparks at all!——Doesn’t she want to be favored again? The Southern Tour has already broken her dream, so I will let her go even in autumn, and make her dream come to naught at the beginning and end of this year. !"

Yu Rui followed under the sedan chair, laughing too.

"That's right. Inside and outside the palace, people who don't know who are inside, Wang Wang will take whether they can accompany them as a sign of whether they are favored or not. Concubine Xin has already followed her on her southern tour, and at that time there were already voices of 'return to favor'; Then if you don't ask her to accompany Qiu Xi this time, those inside and outside the harem who say that she is back in favor will flick their tongues!"

"If the southern tour can follow, Qiu Xi will not be able to go. This short-term dream of 'returning favor' has been shattered so quickly. I asked those people to guess carefully. What did Concubine Xin do wrong? The emperor is going?"

Yurui couldn't help lowering her head and giggling as she spoke, "It's best, let them think of An Ning's new death. This is why Concubine Xin fell out of favor so quickly after being 'recovered'. Go to An Ning... Those people will taste it, and gradually they will realize that An Ning must have dirty hands!"
Yuqin couldn't help sighing when she heard it.

"Girl Yurui, it's true that you, Jiu'er, were trained by you when you were young. After being by your side for more than ten years, she has become more and more in tune with your heart. Look at her exquisite eyes, she guessed your identity in an instant. Think about it; on the contrary, I don’t even have time.”

Yu Rui blushed immediately, and quickly waved her hands, "Sister Qing embarrasses me again... If you talk about the friendship with my sister all these years, who can compare to Sister Qing? Sister Qing is the same as my sister. Those who enter the palace in the sky will surely grow old hand in hand in this lifetime."

Yuqin ironed the post in her heart, but she still smiled and spat softly, "You say you will grow old hand in hand, but you don't say you will go by yourself. After all, you are so much younger than me and your sister... that's it. The day we left, you were still young."

I don't know how to say this, and then came to this way, Wanxi quickly persuaded, "One of you is my sister, and the other is my younger sister, and you are my most caring people."

Both Yuqin and Yurui also knew that they had made a slip of the tongue, especially Wanxi who was pregnant with a child, so they both shut up and hurriedly moved on to other topics.

Yuqin said, "Concubine Yu suffered from being dumb today, even if she refuted a few words, it was useless. Tell me to watch, I feel relieved."

Wanxi raised her jade finger lightly, "Because she still has one thing to rely on in her heart - that is, she can't accompany her, but after all, Yongqi can still go to Mulan with her. After being scolded by the empress, he failed to win the first place, so he will naturally have to win back this year."

"Yongqi also has this ability, and no one can stop it. After all, among the grown-up elder brothers, Yongxuan suffers from disadvantages, and Yongrong has already succeeded, and Yongxuan is no longer her opponent."

Yuqin snorted softly, "The rest of the princes are still underage, so they are not his opponents; but the two emperor's grandsons, Brother Mian De and Brother Mian En, are also adults and married. Even the prince, no one can compete with Yong Qi, but the two grandsons may not."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "What does sister mean...?"

Yuqin snorted softly, "Brother Miande's Fujin is the big princess from Princess Hejing. That master is even more ambitious than the sky. Don't say that she doesn't like Mianen from a concubine. Yongqi, a concubine's uncle, may not be in her eyes either."

"Brother Mian De is the eldest grandson of the head of the house, and he inherited Prince Ding when he was young. Now he is the only prince among all the living princes and grandchildren. With such a high status, it is inevitable that he will be born in the former court and the rear palace for a while." Then this Fujin of Brother Mian De will naturally encourage Brother Mian De to do meritorious service in the autumn of this year."

"When the time comes, I may not be happy with Yong Qi."

Wanxi laughed when she heard it, "What my sister said is true, but I also missed it. Brother Miande's mother is a master with a heart higher than the sky, and now there is such a lucky lady Well, Brother Mian De wants to keep a low profile and be indifferent, but I'm afraid he won't be able to do it."

Yurui also laughed, "Then this year's Mulan, I'm afraid there will be another good show."
On the eighth day of the seventh month, the emperor enshrined the empress dowager in the autumn magnolia from the Yuanmingyuan.

On the same day, he issued a decree: "I am lucky to visit Mulan, and I have always been kind enough to avoid three-tenths of the money and food in the places where I pass. This summer, due to excessive rain, all the land that passes through the current year will be given five-tenths of the money and food in the past year, as a show of excellence." .”

Before leaving, the emperor shook Wanxi's hand and repeatedly told her to take care of her in Beijing.The chores in the palace are only left to Yuqin, if Yuqin can't take care of it, Hu Shijie and others will do it for her.

Wanxi also nodded with a smile, "I also wish you all the best this autumn."

As Wanxi said, she quietly stuffed a small object into the emperor's hand.The emperor couldn't guess what it was for a moment, so he hurriedly avoided the crowd, turned around and opened his hands to look.

It was actually a small scale pole with a small weight hanging on it.

This is what Wanxi calls "weighing (scaling) your heart as you wish".

It's just that this scale beam is neither gold nor wood, but it's made of face.

After kneading, send it to the oven to bake, and when it is hardened, it will be finalized.Just like "stove food".

Wanxi smiled and blinked, "If you get hungry on the way, it can still fill your stomach. The servant added a lot of high-quality green osmanthus honey, and added glutinous rice noodles to the wheat flour, so I'm really hungry."

The emperor snorted, "Hmm, so it's a 'Jiangmi Tiao'~"

Wanxi couldn't help laughing, pulled the emperor's arm and said in a low voice, "Master, you are right! The size of the scale, the servant made it according to Yuanzi's fingers... Master, take a bite of this glutinous rice stick Son, it's like biting our Yuanzi's finger."

This sentence Wanxi was originally said sweetly, but it brought out the sadness in the emperor's heart.

He stretched out his hand to take Xiao Shiwu, hugged him in his arms and kissed again and again. He purposely raised a finger, opened his mouth wide, and took a bite, "Ahh... Huang Ama put Yuanzi's finger Bite it off, put it in your pocket, and take it away!"

Little Shiwu was not afraid, just giggled, and held up his ten fat fingers, "Ama still biting. And, and!"

The emperor turned his eyes to look at Wanxi, and felt even more pity in his heart, "...don't be tired. When the master comes back, our child will meet again soon. Thinking about the scene at that time, how much will it be?" good."

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, my master. This servant has already had several children, so why don't you still worry about it? You must be able to take good care of your stomach, and also take care of Yuanzi." Safe and secure."

The emperor grabbed Wanxi's hand again, looked left and right, took advantage of others' unawareness, and quickly kissed Wanxi's finger, "... Listen to the letter, the master weighs in, there will be good news soon, At that time, I will definitely make you happy!"

Although Wanxi didn't understand it for the time being, she nodded with a smile, "No matter what it is...as long as the master says so, the servant will wait."

The emperor turned his eyes to Yuqin.

"Concubine Qing, I entrust the imperial concubine and the children to you. Work harder, so that everything will be safe."

Yuqin hurriedly squatted down, "Don't worry, the emperor, I will do my best."
The emperor left, and Wanxi stayed in the Old Summer Palace with Yuqin and others. Although she was a little lonely, the flowers and trees in the Old Summer Palace were full of shade and the water was particularly strong, which made Xia Ri not sad.

On July [-]th, when Wanxi celebrated Xiaoqi and Jiujiu's birthday, she also invited Qingzao over as in previous years.

That time Mulan fell in autumn was a nightmare for Qing Zao, so no matter how autumn fell, the emperor would be sympathetic, so it would not be difficult for her to go with her again.

Even on this day, news came from Luanjia that the emperor had arrived at the Summer Resort, which made Wanxi feel relieved.

She has spent the past few days instructing Yuqin on all matters in the palace.Yuqin has been in the palace for many years, and she can get started very quickly, so she doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Wanxi personally took Qingzao and a few children to the "Ten Thousand Flowers Array".The emperor was not in the capital, so the Ten Thousand Flowers Formation could no longer have the grand occasion of the past, but Wanxi personally shook Qing Zao's hand, and together they went to the octagonal pavilion in the middle of the maze, looked down at the maze, and faintly talked about that On the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve one year, Yongxuan met Cuihuan by chance here.

In fact, it was love at first sight, but Wanxi always cared about Qing Zao's feelings, so she used the words "encounter" to replace the saying "love at first sight".

"Everything is not like the legends of outsiders. Yongxuan has always come to my palace since he was a child, but he has always been the most well-behaved child. Ever since he was ten years old, he has never turned his eyes when he came to my palace, and just walked straight in. Say hello to me, and never take a second look at the ladies in the palace. Therefore, Yongxuan actually didn't know Cui Huan before, let alone love; if it is a coincidence, it was the night of Zhongyuan that year .”

Qing Zao listened to Wanxi's eloquence, and the corners of her eyes finally got wet.

She has her own sadness, and she is also touched by the scene that night, "It turns out that it is like this... It was the birthday of the eighth elder brother, but I met such an embarrassment. Huang Ama was still watching from the pavilion. The eighth elder brother didn't want to put that The embarrassment fell into the eyes of Huang Ama, thanks to the arrival of Cui Huan, he relieved his distress."

Qing Zao sniffed, "It's no wonder that the eighth elder brother would have fallen in love with Cuihuan early. If I were the eighth elder brother, I would also fall in love at that moment."

Wanxi gently held Qingzao's hand, "But I think it wasn't his greatest distress at that time, but the situation before and after this time... And this time, you are the one who shouldered everything and helped Yongxuan The most dangerous things were resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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