Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 241 Crimson Snow

Chapter 241 Crimson Snow (2 more)
Wanxi's heart moved, and she hurriedly dragged Yuqin inside: "My sister came early today, and the other concubines haven't come yet. Taking advantage of this quietness, my sister must finish her greetings early to avoid those people."

Yuqin frowned slightly: "You mean...?"

Wanxi sighed softly: "Yes. They can't see sister's hands, but they can see the tired look on her face. Then they can't sit still anymore, maybe they will make up something to embarrass sister."

Yuqin patted Wanxi's hand lightly: "I will do as you said."
Wanxi hurried on, and finally left Changchun Palace with Yuqin protected before the arrival of the concubines.

Wanxi also made a special effort to protect Yuqin and made a detour, avoiding the long street where all the concubines walked, so as not to run into each other.

When Yuqin was finally escorted back to Chuxiu Palace safely, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She helped Nianchun to serve Yuqin to change clothes and wash up, and she fell asleep watching Yuqin, so she left.

Nianchun delivered to the door, and asked in a low voice: "It seems that our little master is a good thing, right? The emperor will turn over the cards tonight, maybe tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow...as long as our little master is up to date , a male and a half female, our young master's future will not be inferior to that of a pure concubine who is also a Han female, right?"

As a slave in this palace, who doesn't want his master to be favored?Wanxi patted Nianchun's hand and nodded with a smile: "I will."
After leaving Chuxiu Palace, Wanxi didn't want to go back to Changchun Palace.She wandered the long street for two steps, then turned her head and saw the imperial garden.

In the harem of this season, the coolest and most pleasant place is the imperial garden.At this time, all the concubines were still paying their respects in the Changchun Palace, and they were probably talking about what happened to Sister Lu last night, so she didn't want to listen, so she simply went into the imperial garden while there was no one around.

Quietly walking into the imperial garden, a green shade of flowers and trees came towards me, making Wanxi take a deep breath comfortably.

Her gaze first glanced at the Yangxing Zhai in the southwest corner.A bamboo pergola is being erected outside the building.The three-storey pergola looks like a colorful building on the surface, but it is not covered with colored silk, just to help the Yangxing Zhai cover the sun from the outside and make the Yangxing Zhai a bit cooler.

The pergola was erected in summer and dismantled in autumn.

Wanxi knew that the reason why it took a lot of effort to shade the sun here was because the emperor liked to study in Yangxingzhai in summer.

She stared at the pergola that was about to be completed for a while, then turned around and walked towards the southeast.

The southeast corner is "Jiangxuezhai".It is said that Jiangxuezhai got its name because of the crabapple planted in front of the building.Every flowering period, the wind comes and the flowers fall, floating like crimson snowflakes.

Begonia... Wanxi couldn't help standing still.

There are also begonias in front of Yongshou Palace.

"Who's standing there?"

Wanxi was in a daze, but suddenly heard someone scolding inside.Wanxi hurriedly looked away, but it turned out that someone in "Jiang Xuezhai" had already made it to the place first.

The person who scolded her was an official woman, about 20 years old.Wanxi recognized it at a glance, and hurriedly bowed: "But Aunt Cheng Jue?"

It was Cheng Jue, the woman serving by Pin Shu's side.

Because Concubine Shu was young, among the six women sent in by the family, four were older, and they wanted to assist Concubine Shu in the palace so that Concubine Shu would not be disadvantaged in terms of worldly relationships.

Cheng Jue narrowed his eyes and snorted softly: "I don't know who it is, so it's Miss Wan from Changchun Palace."

Wanxi also nodded with a smile, and looked into the window shallowly: "I don't know if Master Shu is in the room. If he is, the slave disturbed the master and turned to the master to plead guilty."

 Thank you for the blue red envelope; the 5888 big red envelope from Yusheng, the 1888 red envelope from Zhengqy, the 188 red envelope from Qingyu Mulan, and the 188 red envelope from Minmin; intersecting straight lines of flash diamonds + flowers, flowers from Xiangxiang Princess Hui, and those from bitter cold Flowers~~ It’s costing everyone again, I’m trying to add more flowers today!
(End of this chapter)

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