Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2429 Volume 7 132 Thunder

Chapter 2429 Seven Volumes 132 Thunder

Yong Qi suddenly changed color.

"Suddenly the fire broke out, and everyone was only protecting themselves. There are hundreds of internal prisons, guards, and guards in Jiuzhou Qingyan, but they are too busy to take care of themselves! Besides, to them, Huang Ama is just a king; But for you and me, Huang Ama is the father, how can we compare the importance of this?"

Yong Xuan narrowed his eyes and focused on Yong Qi's smile, "It turns out that Fifth Brother meant that when Jiuzhou Qingyan was in the water, all the internal prisons, guards, and guards in the palace were only concerned with protecting themselves, not saving him; Waiting for the fifth brother to come all the way, and carry Huang Ama alone..."

Yongqi heard that Yongxuan's words were getting more and more wrong, so she also let out a low voice, "It's been a while since you came, why don't you hurry up and say hello to Khan Ama?"

At this time, all the kings came to greet the emperor, Wanxi looked over with a sigh of relief, and called Yongxuan.

Only then did Yongxuan hold back what she hadn't finished speaking, and hurriedly stepped forward to talk to Wanxi, and then went to the emperor to say hello.

Yong Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as he relaxed, his legs hurt again, and he couldn't support his weight even more, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground.

The emperor saw it from a distance, so he quickly ordered, "Gao Yuncong, hurry up and send the imperial doctor to see if your fifth elder brother is okay!"
"Jiuzhou Qingyan" put out fires everywhere, and then double-checked the remaining fires, and could no longer live in a short time.

Wanxi first invited the emperor to "Tiandi Family Spring" and personally waited on the emperor to wash his face and change his clothes.

After tidying up, the emperor sat on the kang, but the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

Wanxi knew that the emperor was the emperor on horseback, but after all, he was over half a hundred years old, so she was shocked by the sudden flood in the bedroom.

Wanxi asked cautiously, "...I saw Yongqi rushing out of the fireworks with her master on her back. Where are the inner prisoner, guards, and guards? Could it be that everyone was so focused on fighting the fire that they forgot to rescue her?" No?"

The emperor pursed his thin lips tightly, "You actually answered the question! I don't know what happened to each of them, but none of them stepped forward to save him!"

The emperor became more and more annoyed, and called Gao Yuncong to pass the decree: "The Old Summer Palace caught fire today, and everyone tried their best to fight it. But Namutu, Naqin, Zhaode, Baoping, Wanfu, Li Jinggao, etc., are looking for a place to sit! Baoping year Old, it is difficult to stand up, but what kind of matter is this, Yi and others can't work hard, but want to be comfortable, it is unbearable! The wooden picture and so on, I will submit it to the ministers of the guards for discussion."

"Luanyi Weizhang Jingbo Ning, standing on the porch, watching from the window! Yi is a Manchurian, does not think hard, treats it as a drama, and his heart is unquestionable! The Fa should be executed immediately, dismissed from office, and sent to Ili to Erlu Special slave!"

Wanxi was also taken aback, the emperor's bedroom was on fire, and the guards from Zi Xungui's family, not only didn't rescue him, they didn't put out the fire, they even found a seat and sat down to watch?

The emperor's words were also euphemistic: "Although there is a fire, I don't need to wait for the rescue. You should follow the crowd to watch." (Even if the internal prison and guards are responsible for the fire fighting, they don't need to reach out, at least they should stand aside Let's see if there is a place for them!)
What is even more incomprehensible is that Bo Ning, who is the guard of Luan Yi and Zhang Jing, not only does not escort the driver, but also does not put out the fire, but also stands in the window to watch, just like watching a play!

Wanxi's heart is full of ghosts, these guards, are their heads blurred by the smoke?As bodyguards who don't know how to escort them, if the emperor makes any mistake, not only will they lose their heads, but their own family will also be punished along with it!

——This matter is really unreasonable.

Could it be that a group of imperial guards deliberately did not move, just to give the prince a chance to make meritorious service in front of the emperor?
It's just that the emperor was frightened and angry at this moment, so Wanxi also held back her words for the time being.
Just as Gao Yun ran out to deliver the decree, the Nala family had already arrived with all the dignitaries of the inner court. Everyone shouted and ran forward, clustered around the emperor, and greeted the emperor with one tongue.

The Empress Dowager also sent Fu Hai, the chief executive, to greet her.

The emperor sighed, "I'm fine, you all can rest assured."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Concubine Yu shed tears, "...I just heard that Yong Qi arrived in time and escaped the fireworks with the emperor. The emperor is safe, and Yong Qi's leg was hurt. It's all worth it if you get hurt."

The emperor frowned, "Yongqi's leg, is it hurt? Where is the injury? Why didn't the imperial doctor come to report it?"

Concubine Yu choked up and said, "I can't see where the injury is at the moment, but Yongqi can't stand up anymore. The imperial doctors don't dare to judge for a while, and it will take a few more days to be sure. I am worried, I'm afraid Yongqi ran all the way with the emperor on his back, this will strain the leg bones, and I'm afraid it will hurt the muscles and bones."

"It's because Yong Qi was afraid that the emperor would be worried, so she stopped the imperial physician and didn't tell them to go back and forth with the emperor, but only hoped that the emperor could feel at ease..."

The emperor also let out a long sigh, "Yongqi is filial, regardless of his own safety, he is worthy of being my son." The emperor raised his eyes and asked Hu Shijie, "Who is the imperial physician who treated Yongqi?"

Hu Shijie quickly knelt down and played back: "Zhang Rufan, Song Guorui, etc. are all available in the imperial hospital, and they are famous doctors who treat bones."

Only then did the emperor nod his head, "Pass down my oral order, telling the imperial physicians to carefully diagnose and treat the fifth son of the emperor, and not to be negligent in the slightest, otherwise I will only ask them!"

Concubine Yu was satisfied now, but instead she kept crying.

The emperor sighed, and raised his hand to caress Concubine Fuyu's shoulder, "Yongqi is young, she must be fine, don't worry."

Concubine Yu is like this, Wanxi can see it at the bank, she just turned her head and told Yuchan and others to fulfill the "friendship of the landlord", to sit and prepare tea for the lords who came to say hello.

Yuqin couldn't help it, and came over and whispered to Wanxi, "Look at Concubine Yu's appearance, I'm afraid the emperor will forget that she is Yongqi's biological mother. In my opinion, the emperor should Reward her for giving birth to Yongqi! It just happened that yesterday was her 50th birthday. Didn’t the emperor just follow the usual practice and only give 300 taels of silver? Then today I will give her a special favor. Reward it!"

Wanxi glanced at Yuqin quietly, "The most terrifying thing about walking in the water is not being burned by the flames, but being choked by the smoke, which temporarily confused the mind. But the smoke will eventually dissipate." Son."

Yuqin squinted her eyes, "You mean, there's something strange about this?"

Wanxi nodded, "Sister, can you imagine that the guards and guards in Qingyan, Jiuzhou, seem to have forgotten their duties and ignored their heads? The emperor's bedroom was on fire, and they It's like watching a show, just sitting on the porch and watching, but not going to rescue him... It seems that they are all waiting for the fifth elder brother to arrive, and they have done this."

Yuqin couldn't help but sneered, "Oh, there is such a thing! Unless those guards are under the curse of a witch, there is really no way to explain it!"

Wanxi squeezed Yuqin's hand, "The emperor is still in shock and hasn't calmed down yet. Who is the emperor, and how can he be easily deceived? Let's just wait, the emperor calms down and calms down. There will be a day when I understand."
On the other side, Nala couldn't get used to Concubine Yu anymore, so she got up and walked over to tear Concubine Yu away.

"Although it is said that Jiuzhou Qingyan passed away today, the emperor is safe and sound. This is a great joy. Besides, don't forget that today is the Duanyang Festival... Concubine Yu, you are crying so much, this is what you do What!"

Concubine Yu raised her eyes and stared at Nalashi, feeling even more depressed.

Coincidentally, Concubine Yu's own 50th birthday was on the fourth day of May, but the emperor decreed on the third day of May that "Nasuken, the deputy capital of Urumqi, will be the deputy capital of the Red Banner Mongolia. "

Those who were originally "Vice-capital commanders" were actually granted the title of deputy capital commanders of the Eight Banners; and those who worked in Urumqi far away have already been recalled to Beijing.This means that this Nasuken has been promoted no matter from the truth or from the fiction.

And this Nasuken, who was awarded the title of vice capital, was none other than Nala's nephew.After the Nala clan succeeded to the middle palace, her father and brother died in the 15th year of Qianlong, and his nephew inherited the title of Marquis of Chengen.

On the third day of May, the queen's nephew was promoted; on the fifth day of May, the son of the imperial concubine was promoted.However, Concubine Yu herself, who had such an important birthday as her 50th birthday on the fourth day of May, didn't have any special treatment, how could she feel at ease?

"What the empress said is that the emperor did not make any mistakes today, so it is naturally a great joy... But this is not because Yong Qi arrived in time, regardless of her own safety, and carried the emperor on her back?" Concubine Yu said with a trace Grief and anger almost roared out from Nalashi.

Nala couldn't help raising her eyebrows, turned her eyes and stared at Concubine Yu with a sneer, "The Emperor is the Son of Heaven, and he deserves to be protected by heaven! What happened today is the emperor's prosperity! Why, Concubine Yu felt that what happened today It's all due to Yongqi alone, but it's not the emperor who has been blessed by heaven?"

Concubine Yu clenched her teeth, and fixed her eyes on Nalashi.

The emperor frowned, "Enough is enough. I'm tired, you all kneel down."
Embarrassed, Nala took all the harem back and left, walked outside the palace gate, and finally couldn't help but glared at Concubine Yu fiercely.

Wanxi personally sent Nala outside the palace gate, and when she returned to the palace, the people beside her said nothing, but waited on the emperor herself, and only softly persuaded, "My lord has been tired for a day today. Set it up."

The emperor stretched out his hand to grab Wanxi's hand, "You have seen what happened today... Do you think there is something wrong?"

Wanxi understood in her heart, but she didn't want to add trouble to the emperor's heart at this moment, so she pretended to be stupid and said, "Master, you mean the guards who were punished in the decree today are lazy? The servant is going to Jiuzhou to clean up Yan today. At the gate of the palace, I saw Yongqi coming out with the emperor on her back, but I didn't go in to see the details of the fire. But the servant thought, the guards are all from the noble families of the Eight Banners, and they are all important ministers of the Qing Dynasty for many generations. How could the disciples who came out be disloyal to the emperor and protect the lord?"

"But since they were not in a hurry to come forward to rescue them today, this servant guessed, maybe it was the fire today, which was not big in the first place? If it was just a small fire, the emperor's safety would not be in danger if the internal eunuchs and guards put out the fire. It is dangerous, so they are not in a hurry, right?"

The emperor snorted, "Even if the fire is not big, they shouldn't sit idly by!"

Wanxi raised her legs and sat on the edge of the kang, gently rubbing the emperor's shoulder blades, "...Don't worry, sir, after all, what just happened today, I haven't woken up yet. Don't be in a hurry, sir. Get a good night's sleep, and when you wake up tomorrow morning, make a long-term plan."

The emperor sighed, and stretched out his hand to hold Wanxi's hand, "...Even this kind of thing can happen in the master's bedroom. How can the master rest in peace?"

The emperor rested his head on the emperor's shoulder, "No matter what you say, today is a lucky day. The empress is right, I am the son of heaven, and I am proud of God's protection. Therefore, even if the palace is on fire, I will always make me unscathed go."

The emperor snorted softly, pulled down Wanxi's hand, and hugged Wanxi into his arms.

"...Master, in thirteen days, I will be leaving for autumn."

Wanxi was startled, "So early this year?"

The emperor frowned, "After all, Jiuzhou Qingyan has passed the fire, and it will take time to repair it. It is better to go to Rehe earlier this year. When I return from Rehe, it should be repaired."

Wanxi nodded, "That's what I said."

The emperor tilted his head and stared at Wanxi.

Wanxi smiled, and rubbed her cheek against the side of the emperor's neck, "...Master, the sixteenth is less than six months old, and the servant really can't let go."

Wanxi lay in the emperor's arms, "Don't worry, my lord. When my lord Qiuxi comes back, Shiliu should be able to crawl, and then I can go to relieve the emperor's boredom."

Wanxi turned her eyes to look at the darkened sky outside the window, "Concubine Yu said at that moment that Yong Qi's leg seemed to be hurt. Master will go in autumn in thirteen days, so Yong Qi might not be able to accompany her this year." Did you go together?"

The emperor also nodded, "Well, if he really hurt his bones and bones, the Lord will not ask him to go with him, and he should recuperate in Beijing."

Wanxi twirled her fingertips unintentionally on the emperor's shoulder, "If Yongqi stays in Beijing to take care of her, it stands to reason that Concubine Yu should also stay and take care of her."

The emperor snorted softly, "She is already fifty. How can she go on tour with the master?"

Wanxi hugged the emperor, "Then I beg you, this time, let me stay in Beijing. I really can't let go of the pomegranate."

The emperor sighed softly, "That's right. You have to pass the first year and wean you. Don't say you can't let go, how can you be willing to let go?"
That night, the emperor slept like a child in Wanxi's arms.

At the age of 53, I have seen too many storms and waves in my life, as if those storms in the past were bigger than this time.But maybe it is because he is old after all, after half a hundred years, the day when his lifespan will end is getting closer and closer. I don't know when the end will come suddenly, so he will care so much about the fire in the bedroom this time. ?
But after all, he is still the Son of Heaven, no matter how much he cares and fears in his heart, he can't let outsiders see it.What's more, he can't let outsiders understand that what he is afraid of is not the fire, but the day when his lifespan is about to end.

Wanxi hugged the emperor tightly, as if she was hugging Xiao Shiwu and pomegranate.

She wanted him to know in his dreams that she was by his side.No matter when and where, she was always within a hand's reach, accompanying him, not going anywhere.

It is also because he understands his worries about the future, and knows that he has been quietly preparing for the future since he turned 50, so today he rewarded Xiao Shiwu with the blue-glazed brush wash, and her heart ached. Worrying is nothing but worrying, but how can you not understand his heart?

He is 53 years old. If we calculate according to the lifespan of the previous emperors of the Qing Dynasty, the days to come are numbered; but Xiao Shiwu is not yet three years old, and she is the son of a woman with a Han surname under Xin Zhe Ku. , if there is such a day in the future - she has no mother's family to rely on in the previous dynasty, and there is no clan to support her in the harem, so she doesn't even need to think about it, she knows that Xiaoshiwu's road in the future will definitely be better than any prince. It's all going to be hard.

Therefore, the emperor wanted to keep testing the intentions of ministers and clansmen while he was still in his prime, while he was still able to control the world.

If anyone was dissatisfied with Xiao Shiwu, he would make those people appear early, so that the emperor would have time to crack them one by one, and pave the way for Xiao Shiwu's future in time.

Also, if the emperor has to go first in the future, they will be orphaned and widowed, alone and helpless.

Thinking of this, Wanxi's tears fell silently by herself.She didn't want to think about such a thing, but she couldn't think about it at all.It's just that when she thinks that there will be a day when she will be separated from her grandfather forever, no matter who leaves first, it will be a life that she doesn't want to live alone, and it hurts her heart.

"Why are you crying?" The emperor was still in his dream, but he heard Wanxi's sobbing, raised his hand to touch subconsciously, and touched the wetness on Wanxi's cheek.

Wanxi hurriedly rubbed her face on her shoulder, hugged him, and pressed her cheek to his heart.

"It's okay, I just feel sorry for Grandpa. Thinking about the fire today, even though I knew it was not a big fire, I was still afraid after all."

The emperor stretched out his arms and hugged Wanxi even tighter, "Don't be afraid... Xiao Shiwu hasn't grown up yet, how could I leave your mother and son? I won't, I have to guard you two, and don't call anyone People have the opportunity to bully you."

Wanxi smiled with tears in her eyes, and nodded vigorously in the emperor's arms, "My Lord keeps his word."

The emperor snorted and smiled, "You are not joking."

Wanxi stretched out her arms and hugged the emperor's neck tightly, "I'm fine, but I have to protect Yuanzi... If I don't have my master, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect him by myself."

The emperor kissed Wanxi's eyebrows lightly, "I promise, I will never break my promise."
The emperor got up early the next day and immediately rushed to the Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager.

Also called the old lady at ease.

On this day, the emperor ordered that Luan go to Rehe to stay on May [-]th.

When the emperor made this decree, the front and rear palaces were also relieved: it can be seen that Jiuzhou Qingyan's fire is not big, the emperor is not injured, or he will not go to Rehe so soon.

However, because of this, the ministers had some discussions in private, even several Zhang Jing from the Military Aircraft Department were discussing in private: Since the fire was not big and the emperor was not injured, the fifth elder brother had to carry the emperor on his back. Zhou Qingyan... This is a bit too serious, isn't it?

When Fu Heng entered the door and heard it, he couldn't help frowning, and raised his eyes to glance at the Zhang Jings.

Zhang Jing's heart trembled, they quickly shut their mouths tightly, bowed and hid.

Fu Heng sat down and couldn't help sighing.Ever since Zhao Yi passed the Tanhualang exam and entered the Hanlin Academy, no one in Zhangjing, the military plane, was in his favor.Even when I want to find someone to talk to on weekdays, I don't know who to talk to.

What's more, what he wants to discuss at this moment is also about the prince.The fifth elder brother was so serious, it really made him feel a little uneasy.But I don't know if Jiu'er in the inner court...has understood this level?

Now the fifth elder brother has grown up, and he has become an Ama himself, and he is no longer the smart and handsome boy he was back then.And Jiu'er's two princes are still young.

Although the Emperor is protecting the situation in the harem, has Jiu'er understood it and figured out how to deal with it? .
Following the emperor's decree to set the date of Qiluan, the personnel accompanying the harem were also set.

This year, there are eight people who accompanied me to Rehe: Empress, Concubine Qing, Concubine Ying, Concubine Xin, Concubine Yu, Concubine Shen, Concubine Rong, and Xin Changzai.There are 17 women under his command.

Wanxi naturally paid the most attention to Concubine Xin's escort this time.

Yuqin got the letter, so she came here to reassure Wanxi, "...after all, I'm the one who is responsible for this matter, so you can rest assured."

Wanxi also sighed, "Because of the fire in May, we didn't pay attention to Concubine Xin's side for the time being. Being able to drive to Mulan this time is another chance for her."

"Of course she hasn't given up yet. In the past two months, Yuse has met her privately. When I met her earlier, she took the opportunity to nourish her body. Instead, she nourished herself to be radiant. She just waited for the opportunity to come." "Yuqin sneered, "Although I was able to avoid you this time, I drove to Rehe and told her love that the opportunity came again, but whether this opportunity leads to the gate of life or the gate of death, the other end is Look at the path she chooses!"

Wanxi squeezed Yuqin's hand, "Sister, Rehe is not as good as Jingli, sister should be careful about everything."

Yuqin nodded, "Anyway, this time Gaowa, Ayu and the others will go with us. Concubine Yu and Xin Changzai are of one mind with us. Even if you didn't go, everything will be safe and secure."
After the May Festival, the day when the emperor will rise up on the eighteenth day of the fifth lunar month is just around the corner, and the front and rear palaces are all busy for it.

Even in such a short period of ten days, the emperor still has a few important matters to deal with personally: one is to be awarded the top three in the palace examination this year;

So no one was prepared, the emperor suddenly issued two decrees a few days later, declaring Prince Yuguo Hongluo.

First, on the ninth day of May, the emperor issued a decree to reprimand Prince Guo Hongluo for being young and restless.Although the emperor did not directly punish Hongluo, he dismissed the "manager" of Hongluo Palace, Chang Shi, and handed it over to the Minister of Military Aircraft for interrogation and conviction.

When the news spread to Yuanmingyuan, Wanxi sat on the edge of the kang and thought about it with her head down.

Seeing the master pondering, Yuchan stepped forward and replied, "On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the master's heart was hanging on the emperor's safety, so he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. But the slave saw that Prince Guo was the latest among all the kings; 'Jiuzhou Qingyan', Prince Naguo even joked with the kings, as if he didn't take the fire incident seriously..."

Wanxi frowned, "So, Prince Guo's performance is quite similar to the guards who punished him before?"

Yuchan nodded, "This also shows that the fire was not that big at the time."

Wanxi's eyes drooped slightly, "The guards just sit and watch the fire start, they don't put out the fire if they don't save you, and leave the chance of meritorious deeds to Yong Qi; Prince Guo is exactly the same... It seems that among the clan princes, there may be some people who are as good as Yong Qi. Qi Xin has a tacit understanding."

(Du Niang said that the emperor was furious at Hongzhou. The historical fact is actually Hongluo. Hongzhou is just eating Hongluo's brand, and there are many loopholes in the encyclopedia~~see you tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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