Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2431 Chapter 7 134

Chapter 2431 Chapter Seven 134
Chen Shiguan came out of Nala's bedroom, politely thanked the eunuch who sent him out, turned his head and looked around when there were no one around, then under the cover of night, he smiled slightly.

The person the queen ordered was indeed Concubine Xin.

Although the scale of the palace is not comparable to that of the Forbidden City and the Old Summer Palace, the Karahetun Palace is already in Chengde, and it was the palace where the royal family lived in Rehe before the completion of the summer resort. Therefore, the scale of the palace is relatively large. , second only to the Summer Resort.

The construction of this palace began in the Shunzhi period and was completed in the Kangxi period. The chief designer is Lei Jinyu, the second generation descendant of the "Style Lei" family.

The entire Karahetun Xinggong consists of three parts: "Luanyang Villa" on the north bank of Luanhe River, "Xiaojin Mountain" in the middle of Luanhe River, and "Xinggong District" on the south bank of Luanhe River.

Therefore, even though it was only a temporary palace, in the darkness of night, there were long enough palace walls to allow Chen Shiguan to walk unhurriedly, allowing him to spread the smile on his lips.

He recalled in the night, when the empress slowly uttered the word "Concubine Xin", the panic that was clearly on his face at that moment.

He trembled on the ground, and hurriedly said, "That's a concubine, but this minister is only a low-ranking ninth-rank official... How can I have the guts to check on Concubine Xin, and how can I go to Concubine Xin's side?" ?”

At that moment, the Empress was sitting high above his head, brushing the summer fragrance pearls on her wrists with her fingers. He didn't dare to look up at this noble empress, but he could hear the rustling of her long nails scraping the fragrance pearls. ring.

Like a spring silkworm, chewing mulberry leaves.

It's just that I don't know whether the silk spit out of the mouth is just turned into gorgeous silk, or it is first bound into a cocoon.

"Since I asked you to investigate, I have already paved the way for you." He heard the Empress confidently say, "I will ask you to be on duty by Concubine Xin's side. Go to ask for Ping An's pulse every day, and you will have the opportunity to check it. clear."

He was still in shock at that time, and hurriedly said, "But under the position of Concubine Xin, there is already an imperial physician on duty. My minister..."

The empress laughed coldly, "But isn't this the way! How can the court officials bring out the imperial physicians around them? After all, there are only a few of you and her concubine. I don’t have the qualifications to have a separate imperial doctor.”

"Besides, you are young and have a raw face. You used to be a doctor and were not qualified to serve in the inner court. She has never seen you, let alone think that you are working for me. You can rest assured that she has no time to fortify you .”

He still didn't dare to agree, and said cautiously, "...If the scar on Empress Empress's face is indeed related to Empress Xin, but she dares to plot against the middle palace as a concubine, it can be seen how courageous this Empress Xin is. If there is a slight mistake, it's not a big deal for me to lose my head, but if the empress is involved, then I will die and dare not make amends."

The empress sneered, "It is said that the prosperity of this world is all for profit; if you have what you want, you will naturally be courageous. She has the courage to plot against me, and it is she who wants to take the emperor's favor from me." Chong; what about you, Chen Shiguan, if I promise you what you want, I don't believe you won't be courageous!"

"Chen Shiguan, listen carefully. You did something for me last time. You did a good job. Now you have been promoted from a doctor to a medical doctor and won the crown of the ninth rank. Then I will promise you another one today: as long as you do it for me." If I understand this matter, then you will be an 'officer'. There are 13 people in the eighth rank and 13 in the ninth rank. Well done, that is the eighth-rank official eye!"

The Empress's words were powerful and resounding, and it seemed that they were still echoing in his ears at this very moment.

Chen Shiguan laughed even more leisurely when he thought that he would be sent to Concubine Xin in a dignified manner by the empress.He stood up straight in the night, smiled and looked up at the stars and moon in the sky.

Although it is still full of stars, it is 23 after all, and that month has come to the end of its strength.
In the early morning of the next day, Nala rushed to the Empress Dowager's bedroom to wait on her before it was still dawn.

Even though the sky was not lit up, the candles were still flickering, and some makeup was carefully applied on Lashi's face, but it was still visible.

Anyi, Fu Cha, Wang and others dare not say anything, but the Empress Dowager can't ignore it.

The empress dowager hid a little bit back, and didn't let Nala's hand touch her, she frowned and asked, "Why do you have these red bumps on your face?"

Nala hurriedly said, "...It's just ringworm."

"Peach Blossom Ringworm again?" The Empress Dowager didn't believe it, "It happened in February and March, why did it happen again? The peach blossoms are all blooming and falling, where did your ringworm come from?"

Nala smiled awkwardly, "...Maybe the season in Rehe is later."

The empress dowager shook her head, "Don't touch your hands for the time being, let the servants take care of you. I'm afraid your illness is not as simple as tinea peach blossom, but you need to ask the imperial doctor to take a closer look."

Why can't Nala see that the empress dowager is disgusted, and she is afraid that if she touches it, it will also be infected!

Nalashi stood aside with his hands tied, the smile on his face was tinged by the chill in his heart.

This peach blossom ringworm made her lose face in front of the emperor last time; this time, it made the empress dowager so disgusted... The person who harmed her, she will die with him!
While talking, the emperor and the other seven accompanying lords also arrived, and came to say good morning to the empress dowager.

When everyone came in, they saw that Nala was standing aside with his hands tied, he didn't seem to be serving the empress dowager herself in the past.The emperor was puzzled and asked, "What rules does the empress stand by?"

The empress dowager sighed, "The empress has worked hard to serve me all the way. Now that the scar has appeared on my face again, I should take a good rest. Although I am used to serving by the empress, there are still a few people around me Go, even if it is not as caring as the queen, if you ask for temporary support for a few days, there is still some."

The Empress Dowager raised her eyes and looked at Nala Shi, "From tomorrow onwards, the Empress will no longer have to come to serve me. Of course I know your filial piety, but it's only important that you take good care of yourself at this moment. Otherwise Tangtang The Empress of the Qing Dynasty, the foreign feudal vassals on pilgrimage saw such a face, how could they be happy?"

Nala's heart was in pain, she couldn't help but cast a hard look at Concubine Xin in front of others.

"Huihuang's mother, my daughter-in-law is fine! It's just ringworm, just rub some rose nitrate and it will be fine!"

Yuqin and Concubine Ying watched from the side, both couldn't help but find it funny, they looked at each other quietly, both lowered their heads and held back their laughter.

Concubine Xin also felt Nala's gaze, and her heart skipped a beat.But at this moment, she can't be guilty, otherwise she will fall into the trap, and she will stand up straighter and raise her head high.

On the contrary, the emperor pondered slightly, "Emperor Niang has been traveling with her son all these years, and the queen is always by her side. If the empress is recuperating, will there be enough people around Huang Erniang?"

After all, there are countless women who are brought out by the empress dowager when they are on tour.

The Empress Dowager smiled, "I know you are worried about Anshou, Anyi, Shoushan, and Fuhai. They are all getting old, and their hands and feet are slow. But this time I also brought Fucha and Wang out. .These two children are very clever and clever, and they all need to be used, so don't worry."

Both Fu Cha and Wang blushed and hurried forward to salute.

The emperor smiled warmly, "Okay. You serve the empress dowager attentively, and I will remember you first in my heart."

The emperor turned his head and glanced at Nala, "Speaking of which, the queen's vision is good. The Fucha family and the Wang family were selected by the queen herself and sent to the Queen's Empress Palace to serve them."

The empress dowager also smiled, "Who says it's not."

The emperor nodded, "If it's someone else, my son can't rest assured; but since the queen personally chooses someone, he must act in accordance with the queen's rules, and the person selected by the queen to serve the queen's mother on her behalf, my son can rest assured gone."

The emperor nodded, "Since the empress is sick, how about this, the empress doesn't have to go to the summer resort with me and the emperor's mother. Let's turn around the Kalahetun palace and go to Tangquan palace to recuperate."
When Nala heard this, she was startled.

The Summer Resort is in Chengde, but the hot spring palace is in Zunhua.Chengde is in the northeast of the capital, while Zunhua is in the southeast of the capital, two or three hundred miles away.

If he had gone to Tangquan Palace alone, it would be a waste of time for Nala to come out with him this time.

Concubine Xin was overjoyed when she heard that, so she also smiled and said, "I have heard of the name of Tangquan Palace a long time ago. My concubine Ama was the governor of Zhili, so I also heard Ama mention Zunhua when I was young. This Tangquan Palace. My concubine, Ama, said that during the reign of the Holy Grandfather, the Holy Grandpa also sent Empress Xiaozhuang Wen to the Tangquan Palace to recuperate. Empress Xiaozhuang Wen was ill at that time, and she sat in the Tangquan Palace for more than 30 years. God, he was healed."

The emperor also nodded, "You are right. At that time, Empress Xiaozhuang Wen was concerned about government affairs and did not want to ask the emperor to accompany her, but the emperor was very filial and insisted on going with her. If you don't go and serve, how can you feel at ease? In terms of state affairs, the cabinet has been instructed to play it once every two days, so there will be no mistakes.'”

"When the emperor Feng Xiaozhuang Wen Empress arrived at the Tangquan Palace, he drove the horse up to Tangquan Xiaozhuang Wen Empress' Palace, and personally watched the palace staff laying out the luggage. When Xiaozhuang Wen Empress arrived at the hot spring, the emperor dismounted outside the archway and helped him personally. He took the chariot of the old man to the palace, waited for the empress dowager to descend into the palace, and then returned to the palace in Nianyuchi City to rest.

"The emperor rested quietly for Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, and left the Tangquan Palace for Empress Xiaozhuang Wen to stay there; he built a palace in the nearby Nyuchi as the place where the emperor stayed. Zunhua Tangquan, the emperor visited dozens of times in his life. many……"

Concubine Xin nodded with a smile, "That's right. Empress Xiaozhuang Wen's skin and interstitial disease could be cured well in Tangquan Palace, so the queen's scar disease is more suitable to go to Tangquan Palace to recuperate. Well done."

Concubine Xin squatted far away to salute Nala, "Empress Empress, don't worry, I will serve the Empress Dowager and the Emperor well."
When Nala returned to her bedroom, she was so annoyed that she broke a teacup.

"Look who made her proud! The more I realized, it was she who hurt me!"

The Luanjia of the emperor and empress dowager outside had already packed up and was about to leave the Karahe Tun Palace and go to the Summer Resort.Nala's family was alone and wanted to turn around and go south to Tangquan Palace.

Nala clenched her fingertips with hatred, "Where's Chen Shiguan? Go tell him now, as long as you find any clues about Concubine Xin, you don't have to show mercy, and teach her for me!"

"She was happy to send me to Tangquan Palace, so I asked her to fetch water from a bamboo basket along the way!"
On the night of this day, the Luanjia of the emperor and the empress dowager could arrive at the summer resort, and the Nala family was still far away from Zunhua.

She was not in a hurry, but slowed down her schedule as much as possible, waiting for news from Chen Shiguan.

The emperor also cared about her, and ordered the guards to send her an imperial poem this day.This poem was written ten years ago, in the 18th year of Qianlong.

This is a rare act of warmth by the emperor, but Nala read it, but felt bitter in his heart.

The emperor sent her to Tangquan far away, but he refused to stay with her, so what's the use of sending her such an empty poem?

She couldn't help laughing, laughing so hard that tears were about to burst out, "'The little spring breeze is warm and clear, and there is a lot of fun in the Li Palace'... Ha, Yi Qu, why can't I see a little bit of fun?"

"'There is a wonderful help in prolonging life, why bother to seek Huying. Cheng Huan's family law is the same as filial piety, and the gods have no extravagance'... The emperor followed the example of Lord Kangxi to be filial, but if he was filial, He should go to Tangquan with the Empress Dowager, right? How could he send the Empress Dowager to the Summer Resort, but leave me alone to Tangquan?”

Tana and Dege were also bitter in their hearts.Where is the Empress of the Central Palace who originally followed the Emperor and Empress Dowager Qiu Mulan, but was moved to the hot spring palace halfway?
Even if the empress had scars on her face again, soaking in hot springs would help her recovery, but it is not that there are no springs in Chengde, so why send the empress far away to the hot springs in Zunhua?

But Tana and Dege could only persuade, "Since Tangquan in Zunhua cured Empress Wen of Xiaozhuang's disease, it must be effective. If the master is gone, if the root of this ringworm can be completely eradicated Yes, it's a good thing."

Nala smiled wryly, "Then Tangquan can remove the root of the disease? Unfortunately, the root of the disease is a person. As long as this person is still there, even if the disease is cured this time, she can make trouble for me again." Come back next time!"

"So whether to go to Tangquan is secondary, what matters is Chen Shiguan's boss!"

Tana and Dege hurriedly said, "Master, please rest assured, the slaves have already entrusted this matter to Mr. Ohe... As Mr. Ohe is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who is accompanying you, the imperial hospital is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Next, with the help of Lord Ohe, Chen Shiguan will definitely be able to do the job assigned by the master steadily."
summer resort.

Without Nala's presence, the remaining seven heads of the inner court quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

On this day, the Minister of Internal Affairs led Chen Shiguan to Concubine Xin's bedroom to ask for a pulse.Concubine Xin saw that Chen Shiguan looked strange, so she asked a few more questions.

Like Nala, Concubine Xin also called Chen Shiguan in shock, and repeatedly inquired about Chen Shiguan's ancestral home and life experience.

Chen Shiguan understood that Concubine Xin was worried that he was also a member of Concubine Wan's mother's family.

Chen Shiguan took his time and brought up the family tree one by one.

"...Because of this name, Weichen was thought to be a member of the Haining Chen family from all the way from the local area to Beijing, and then to the Ministry of Rites to take the exam. But in fact, Weichen is an authentic Jiangnan Han, but he is from the Haining Chen family. My ancestors were originally from Bohai, and later migrated to the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, although they all have the surname of Chen, and the name of Weichen coincidentally resembles that of the great scholar Chen Shiguan, Weichen and the Chen family of Haining are neither the same ancestor nor the same membership."

Seeing that Chen Shiguan answered fluently, Concubine Xin must not be wrong.Otherwise, the local officials and officials of the Ministry of Rites who recommended Chen Shiguan to enter the Imperial Hospital would not have been able to find out his family's genealogy.

Concubine Xin nodded, "Then I would like to ask you something: the empress went to Tangquan to recuperate, in your opinion, can the empress' scar disease be eradicated from the root?"

Chen Shiguan smiled and lowered his head slowly.

Concubine Xin was really keen, and this temptation was quite tricky.

Chen Shiguan didn't answer for a long while, and Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, "Why didn't you answer?"

Only then did Chen Shiguan slowly say, "I don't know how to reply for a moment. Because there was a story about curing Empress Xiaozhuang Wen in the Tangquan Palace in the early years, it means that Tangquan is effective, and it should heal the empress's illness. It's just... ..."

Concubine Xin raised her eyebrows slightly, "Just what? I'd rather listen to what you said behind the 'just'."

Chen Shiguan kowtowed to the ground, "I don't dare to say it. If I say it, it will be a death penalty!"

Concubine Xin smiled instead, "What are you afraid of? Since I told you to tell me, then if you do, I will not tell others. But then again, I am also a concubine, so I told you to answer the question. But if you keep it secret and don’t answer it, if you tell it in depth, you will also be punished!”

Chen Shiguan trembled, and kowtowed to the ground again, "My minister's life is finally in the hands of Empress Xin... I only ask Empress Xin for her kindness, so that I can live for a few more years."

Concubine Xin finally laughed loudly, "Okay, I want you to die as an imperial physician, what do I want to do! Just tell me, I've heard about it, I won't spread the word."

Chen Shiguan fell to the ground and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Back to Xinpin, the royal family of the Qing Dynasty loves Tangquan, and it has been here for a long time. As early as the time of Taizu, he found Qinghe Tangquan in the boundary of Liaoyang Prefecture, built a hot spring temple, and often went to bathe there. Later Emperor Taizu and Yuan Chonghuan fought in Ningyuan City, and Emperor Taizu developed a poisonous sore on his back. Tangquan can be effective in treating sores and carbuncles, so Emperor Taizu once went to Qinghe Tangquan to heal his injuries."

Concubine Xin squinted her eyes, "Everyone knows the story afterward. Emperor Taizu suffered from a malignant sore and died not long after. According to you, the spring soup didn't work at all. ?!"

Chen Shiguan sighed heavily, "According to my humble minister, Tangquan should have had a miraculous effect on Emperor Taizu's sores back then. It was because Emperor Taizu felt comfortable in Tangquan at that time, and mistakenly thought that the sick body really recovered. , so that we can rush back to Shengjing. Otherwise, if the condition does not improve, how could Emperor Taizu take the risk of returning to the north?"

Concubine Xin spat, "After all you talk about, you still say that Tangquan has miraculous effects and can cure diseases!"

Chen Shiguan shook his head, "Mistress Xin, don't worry. If I mean that, how could the Emperor Taizu have passed away? I want to say that Tangquan can treat sores, carbuncles, but I can't be impatient. At least Just like Queen Wen of Xiaozhuang back then, she patiently treated for dozens of days before she dared to say it worked. But once she was impatient, she would inevitably regard the temporary relief as a recovery like Emperor Taizu did in the past, and rush back home in a hurry. In the end, it will—kill your life.”

Concubine Xin squinted at Chen Shiguan for a long time, and finally smiled slowly.

"I think I understand what you mean. The queen was sent to Zunhua by the emperor halfway this time, she must be unhappy; even if she went to Zunhua Tangquan, she couldn't be patient and recuperate slowly. Instead, she I will be very anxious, while thinking about what happened to the emperor with us in Rehe; at the same time, I am anxious to get cured earlier and return to Beijing as soon as possible..."

"In this way, Tangquan itself is effective, but it is hindered by her impatience. She will definitely not wait patiently until it is eradicated before returning, but may rush back in a hurry... If so, she will go After following in the footsteps of Emperor Taizu back then, perhaps a minor illness such as keloids could not be cured, but instead caused a bigger illness; or even lost his life."

Chen Shiguan just kowtowed like smashing garlic, "My humble servant speaks falsely of the Emperor Taizu and the empress, and this humble minister deserves death..."

Concubine Xin finally smiled with satisfaction, "It's a pity that you have been talking for so long, and you are talking about Qinghe Tangquan in Liaoyang Prefecture, but not Zunhua's Tangquan Palace."

Chen Shiguan was puzzled, hesitated for a long time, and then said again, "The Tangquan Palace in Zunhua was famous for curing Empress Wen of Xiaozhuang during the reign of Shengzu Ye. It's just... all kinds of things later have branded that place. Going to the ominous omen."

Concubine Xin's spirit was shaken, she sat up straight and stared at Chen Shiguan, "Tell me, what's so ominous?"

Chen Shiguan knelt up straight and closed his eyes with a look of despair that he knew he was in danger.

"Huixin concubine empress... When the late emperor came to the throne, he imprisoned the fourteenth elder brother Yunyu of the holy grandfather here. The late emperor issued an edict that 'his son Yunti should stay in Tangquan near the mausoleum, so that he can salute and devote himself to the great sacrifice. '...Yunti lived in Tangquan for more than three years."

"On the second day of May in the fourth year of Yongzheng, Cai Huaixi wrote a letter to Tangquan Yunti's mansion, attempting to elect Yunti to ascend the throne and usurp the throne...The first emperor then escorted Yunti from Tangquan Palace back to Beijing Shishouhuang Palace for imprisonment. Since then, Zunhua Tangquan has also been imprisoned. There is no record of princes living here in the Qing Dynasty."

Concubine Xin also thumped in her heart, "No wonder our emperor has been on the throne for 28 years, but he has never visited the Tangquan Palace in Zunhua in person. It turns out to be so unlucky!"

Concubine Xin laughed as she spoke, "But the emperor told the queen to go. Heh, the emperor is really cruel to the queen!"

Chen Shiguan prostrated himself, "That's why I said that the empress went to Tangquan Palace, how could it be possible to get rid of the root of the disease? The disease on the surface can be cured, but the emperor's heart can be changed again? So this minister is worried. , Tangquan returned from the palace, what is waiting for the empress is not recovery, but a deeper abyss."

(End of this chapter)

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