Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 244 Splitting

Chapter 244 Splitting (5 more)
"Miss Wan, I heard that you have known Fu Jiuye for a long time; when you entered the palace last year, Fu Jiuye even contradicted Concubine Xian for you! Why, don't you feel that you still owe me an explanation?!"

Concubine Shu's question, like a hill, suddenly hit Wanxi head-on.

Wanxi felt out of breath.

Although she has realized since Master Jiu got married that she will have to face this problem sooner or later, but she still didn't expect it to be so soon.

Wanxi carefully pressed the soft bracelet hidden in the sleeve, took a deep breath and said, "Master Yi always wants to show you first, what happened to Jiufujin?"

In the two meetings with Master Jiu in the palace and the garden, Master Jiu avoided answering about Fujin.What happened between the two of them, she had no way of knowing in detail.

Lan Jin slapped the window sill with hatred: "...Since we got married, Master Fu Jiu has always lived in a separate room with my little sister!"
Wanxi's heart wobbled.

Master Jiu vaguely mentioned the word "indifferent", but she just didn't expect it to be so indifferent.

No wonder Shu Pin was furious at this time.She herself has not yet slept in the palace, and her younger sister is also alone in the Jiuye's mansion... This tone is unbearable for anyone.

Wanxi took a breath quietly, and said softly: "I heard that Jiufu Jin's age is one year younger than Master Yi's. So, this year is thirteen."

Concubine Yi narrowed her eyes: "I know what you want to say. You want to say that because my little sister is still young, Master Jiu is not married."

Wanxi sighed softly: "The slave is also guessing, but Master Yi is clear. From Master Yi, you can see Jiufu Jin's appearance; Master Kuang Yi also said that Jiufujin has a soft temper... I wonder how Master Jiu would not cherish it?"
"If that's the case, it's reasonable." Yi Pin narrowed her eyes, "I'm afraid it's not true. It's because someone out there is hooking Master Jiu's heart and telling him to be half-hearted!"

Wanxi responded carefully: "Returning to Master Yi, the servant secretly thinks that the husband and wife are the most suspicious. No matter whether they sleep together or not, Jiufujin's name has been determined, and it is the Holy Majesty's finger marriage, so no one can change it. If Jiufujin If you have something on your mind, you can clear it up with Master Jiu face to face."

"If Master Jiu says yes, then he is right; if Master Jiu says no, then it's definitely not someone else's guessing. It depends on Jiu Fujin's own judgment. Master Yi is in the palace after all, limited here Within the high walls, how can we know everything about Jiu Ye and Jiu Fujin?"

Concubine Yi squinted her eyes when Wan Xi said it: "You're a coincidence. But let me ask you, isn't that person called Fu Jiu who has other things in mind, isn't it you?"

Yipin's words were like a sharp knife, cutting through the air, and slashed directly in front of Wanxi's eyes!

Wanxi took a careful breath: "Master Yi, why did you say that?"

Yipin turned her head to look at Cheng Jue, Cheng Jue immediately sneered: "Then girl, show us the jade bracelet on your wrist!"

After talking, Cheng Jue and Ruhuan came forward, one of them grabbed a sleeve of Wanxi's sleeve, and opened the sleeve to look for it!
At this moment, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the window.

"Who's here? What's the noise?"

Hearing that voice, everyone present was startled.

Before everyone could react, the emperor in normal clothes walked in leisurely.

He was also holding a jade-white ivory hexagonal birdcage in his hand, in which stood a pair of colorful budgerigars.Looking at this body, one doesn't see the majesty of the emperor, but looks more relaxed and amiable like a kid from a rich family.

Concubine Shu, who was waiting for the emperor by the window, never thought that she would actually be waiting for the emperor in Jiangxuexuan. She was overjoyed for a moment, and hurriedly knelt down: "My concubine, I respectfully invite Shengan."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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