Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2441 Volume 7 145 Sour and Sweet

Chapter 2441 Seven Volumes 145 Sweet and Sour
The expression on Concubine Xin's face and the posture of her body clearly expressed her desire.

When the emperor was still on his horse, he had already seen it from afar.

He let the white horse walk up to the queue of the inner court chief, dismounted in a leisurely manner, handed the reins and whip to the accompanying Luan Yiwei guards leisurely, grasped the yellow belt around his waist with both hands, stood shallow and laugh.

He was not in a hurry to go to anyone at all, but first accepted the salute from the harem.

"Everyone gets up!" All the harem crouched down, and the emperor smiled heartily, stretched out his hand into the air, and gave everyone a hand, "I'll be away for ten days, you are in the garden Are you all well?"

All the harem smiled shyly, and hurriedly said to the emperor in unison, "I am well, thank you for your understanding."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, his eyes gliding over everyone's faces one by one; he also stopped on Concubine Xin's face along the way.

But it just stopped, not a little more than others.Even because there are the most people above the imperial concubine, there are six people lined up in a row, and according to the order of walking, Concubine Xin can only be placed at the far end.Because of the angle, the emperor's eyes stayed on her face for the shortest time.

The emperor's gaze stopped at Concubine Xin, but he strode up to Nala with a smile, and stretched out his hand with a smile, "Empress, I will trouble you for the next ten days."

The answer to who the emperor was going to was finally clearly presented in front of Concubine Xin.

A gust of cold air in October suddenly rushed into her nostrils and passed through the nasal cavity, as if turning into a thin blade, sharply cutting open her nasal cavity, throat and trachea.

I am not afraid of pain, but what I fear most is the bone-chilling cold.

Nalashi was very happy, with a touch of shyness, she stood up with the emperor's hand.His eyes rolled over the emperor's face with concern, and he said softly, "The emperor returned to the palace this time, and went to the Taimiao to pay respects to the ancestors; She is the emperor's wife, she was not able to accompany her this time, but she also sincerely kowtows to the ancestors."

The emperor smiled and nodded, "The empress has a heart."

Nala's eyes turned, looked over the emperor's shoulder, and looked behind the emperor.

"The concubine has already heard Xixin'er, the emperor bestowed blessings on the empress dowager's palace...Since it has been officially conferred, there is no need for blessings to continue serving in the Changchun Garden, and it should be with the emperor Are you going back to our garden?"

The emperor's long eyebrows were raised slightly, and his long eyes were filled with a smile, and he looked down at Nala.

Nala felt slightly guilty, and quickly said, "This concubine is thinking about arranging the bedroom for Fu Changzai, so I asked the emperor to give me a clear instruction, so that I can arrange it."

The emperor smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Nala's shoulder, and said loudly, "Fu Chang is here in Jinfeng, firstly because she is considerate in serving the Empress Dowager in the Empress Dowager's Palace, and makes the Empress Dowager happy; secondly, why not?" I heard that Fu Changzai was personally selected by the empress, and was personally sent to the empress dowager's palace, and recommended in front of the empress dowager... I can trust the empress's eyes, and I also like people whom the empress favors ~~”

The emperor's words directly linked Fu Changzai's sudden entry into the seal with Nala's family.To outsiders, it sounds as if Fu Changzai was suddenly awarded the title because of Nala's recommendation.

Nala was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't deny what the emperor said just now.She could only smile embarrassingly, "...the concubine chose the Fucha family and the Wang family, and sent them to the empress dowager's palace for the convenience of serving the empress dowager. Therefore, it doesn't matter what the concubine's vision is, what matters more If the empress dowager likes it, that's good."

The emperor smiled heartily, "The empress dowager likes it! The empress dowager said, during the four months of autumn Mulan, the empress went to the Tangquan palace, thanks to the Fucha family and the Wang family who served the empress dowager by her side. Said, it is indeed the person who was selected by the empress and personally educated, and her words and deeds are quite empress-like. Therefore, the empress dowager was not surrounded by the empress during those four months, but she was also treated by the Fucha family and the Wang family. The two waited very comfortably!"

Nala stood awkwardly in the distance, she couldn't decide whether the emperor's words were praise or derogation for her, so she could only smile bitterly with the corners of her lips curled up stiffly.

The emperor, however, stared at Nala, showing a rare empress' affection, "Because of this, I should reward the two of them. Since these two official women were chosen by the empress herself , then I should also attribute this matter to the queen."

"The empress dowager also said that this Fucha family is indeed from the same family as the Fucha family, so it is not the Shaji Fucha family, and it is not from the Xiaoxian family; but her ancestors are related to the Zhemin family. Therefore, Ah, Fu Changzai's appearance is quite a bit like that of Zhemin back then... After all, Zhemin was the first maidservant to serve me, and she was chosen by the empress dowager herself, so even though Zhemin died already Years later, the Empress Dowager still misses it. Now that Fu Chang is here again, she feels as if she is seeing Zhe Min."

The emperor even squeezed Nala's hand as he spoke, "The empress was with the sisters Zhemin back then. In the past 15 years, the empress has missed Zhemin all the time, and she can better understand how the empress dowager misses Zhemin in her heart. That's why I specially selected Fu Changzai to enter the palace and send it to the Empress Dowager's palace? I am very comforted by the empress's filial piety and nostalgia."

The emperor spoke so affectionately and eloquently, but Wanxi couldn't bear it when she stood behind Nala.She had no choice but to lower her head vigorously and pinch her palm with her nails, which prevented herself from laughing.

Your Majesty, this vixen really gets slippery with age.After this passage is finished, how long will it take the empress to digest it?
It was rare for the emperor to hold Nala's hand and say such a long sentence in front of everyone, and the rest of the people just stood by, so that's fine; only Concubine Xin really had a hard time.

The feeling of falling in her stomach became heavier and heavier, as if a hand was pulling her heart, and it fell down into her stomach together.

Queen! ——It turned out that this inexplicably enfeoffed Fu Changzai was chosen by the empress!
It must be because this blessing is always young, and it happens to be from the Fucha family, and its appearance is similar to that of Emperor Zhemin, so maybe the queen took advantage of the emperor's return to the palace, and this blessing Chang Zai pushed it in front of the emperor, and made the emperor look at it, so he was able to enter the seal!
After all, what is the Queen trying to do by doing this?Either the newcomers are used to divide her favor, or she refuses to let her be the most popular in the harem this year!

But no matter what Concubine Xin thought, the emperor never looked at her again.

The emperor only held Nala's hand, and it was a rare occasion for the emperor and empress to walk through the gate of the Grand Palace and return to the Old Summer Palace.
"The queen is taking revenge on me, she must have noticed that, so she is determined to take revenge on me today!"

Back in the bedroom, Concubine Xin was trembling with fear, pounding the table unwillingly and annoyed.

"I thought that when I came back pregnant with a child, Wei Wanxi was the one I should be on guard against the most; but I never thought that since I came back to this day, the one who tripped me up and caused me to suffer the most is actually Queen!"

Le Rong and Yue Yi are equally puzzled.

"On the contrary, I underestimated her. I always thought that the queen's temper was a natural tiger girl. She only cared about the immediate tongue in everything, and didn't have any plans for the future... But this time, the lucky one suddenly entered the seal. Ring the bell for me."

She herself is old now, and she knows that she has no chance to win back the emperor's heart, let alone have a chance to have another child, so she actually chose a new man early.This newcomer is also from the Fucha clan, and his appearance is similar to that of Empress Zhemin—after all, Empress Zhemin is the emperor's first woman!When the imperial concubine Zhemin was serving the emperor, even Empress Xiaoxian hadn't married yet!The emperor was his first woman when he was young, how could he not miss her?The queen, she just pinched a winning card in her hand early on. "

"But she also knows that there is such a newcomer coming into the palace, but anyone with a heart will definitely guard against this newcomer; this newcomer will definitely not get any good fruit, and there may even be some accident at any time, and he will die. Yes! So the empress is smart, she actually sent this newcomer into the empress dowager's palace to hide!"

"After all, the empress dowager stays in the Changchun garden all day long, and is not with us. No matter who in the harem wants to touch the newcomer's heart, they have no ability or the courage to stick their hands and eyes into the empress dowager's body." She went to Changchun Garden... She told the newcomer to stay in place until now, and she could take advantage of the opportunity when the emperor went to greet the empress dowager within three to five days, and asked the emperor to see the newcomer many times. Now it will be a matter of course, just Immediately after returning to Beijing, my son was called to seal it!"

Le Yi frowned, "But I remember, at that time, it was the imperial concubine Ling and the empress master who went to select the envoy girl of the Ministry of Internal Affairs~~ Then, in this matter, there is also the shadow of imperial concubine Ling?"

Concubine Xin sneered, "This time, it won't happen! At that time, even the concubine Ling and the empress went to select women together, but I heard that the empress only asked Concubine Ling to select people with the Han surname. My servant, Fu Changzai came from Manchuria like this, and was chosen by the empress herself!"

Le Rong and Le Yi also looked at each other and sighed, if this is true, the Queen has been planning for a long time, just to guard against their master.

Le Rong frowned and said, "After all, the queen's master is getting older, so this brain can calm down a little bit, so that's why you came up with such ideas?"

Concubine Xin narrowed her eyes, "It's reasonable to say that. People are treacherous and horses are slippery. She has been in the middle palace for more than ten years. It's time to learn this trick. I just didn't expect that she would This method was actually used on me! Wasn't she the most fierce fight with Concubine Ling, why didn't she use this method to deal with Concubine Ling?"

Le Rong raised his eyes, but hesitated to speak.

Concubine Xin also sighed deeply, and shook her head, "I know! It must be because of that, she noticed it, and that's why she hates me the most!"

Concubine Xin calmed down a bit, and lowered her head, "However, I'm not afraid of her! I have time to think about her now, so I might as well think about the emperor... Anyway, the emperor has one more thing to do today. Son, that pleases me somewhat."

The emperor came back today, although he granted Fu Chang to be there yesterday, but today the emperor did not bring Fu Chang back to Yuanmingyuan together.

Although the blessing is always there to serve the empress dowager, so it should be in the Changchun Garden; and the emperor came back from the Forbidden City, these are two places, maybe it's just that the emperor didn't take care of it for the time being.Sooner or later, Fu Changzai would have to be brought back from Changchun Garden.

But no matter what, Concubine Xin didn't bump into Na Fuchang today, so she could comfort herself a little.

Concubine Xin's gaze was heavy as she slid around the intricate patterns on the carpet.

"Go, call Chen Shiguan. Tell him to go back to Emperor Ming, and just say that I—see red!"
Chen Shiguan accepted Concubine Xin's order, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he was stunned, and hurriedly bowed to Le Yi, "Dare to ask Miss, does Concubine Xin really want to say that in a humble position?"

Le Yi also frowned.

Although she is not young, after all, she has not personally experienced these births.

"I know what you are worried about, Doctor Chen... We also feel that it is a bit inappropriate to say that. Don't tell the emperor to think that the master has slipped the tire, it will be bad."

If their master slipped away suddenly, how could the emperor spare her and Le Rong, the two close servants?

Chen Shiguan thought for a while, but smiled slowly, "If the concubine Xin really ordered it like this, the humble official will know how to tell the emperor when the time comes. It's just that the humble official can't guarantee that he can influence the emperor, so the emperor will come when the time comes. If you don't come...the humble job is really not sure."

Le Yi sighed, "Oh, I know too. But we slaves can only try our best to follow the orders of the master. Doctor Chen has the right to give it a try, no matter whether the emperor comes or not, in the end we will be under the master's order." Act in front of the camera and try to be considerate to each other."

Chen Shiguan raised his eyes to focus on Le Yi, bent his eyes and smiled, then turned around and left.

Le Yi didn't know why, maybe because of Chen Shiguan's crooked smile, she stood there for a long time and forgot to turn around.
Chen Shiguan should have agreed, but he was not in a hurry to go to Jiuzhou Qingyan.

He circled a few times, deliberately going further and further away.

It is reasonable for Chen Shiguan to do this, because the emperor is not in Jiuzhou Qingyan at this moment.

The emperor came to see Wanxi.

The emperor had been busy for ten days, and wanted to relax tonight, so he passed on the meal and wine.

The food and drink were set, but the emperor was holding the wine cup, not in a hurry to drink, but staring narrowly at Wanxi.

"That blessing is always there. You saw it when you were picking girls with the queen."

Wanxi didn't raise her head, she just held up her chopsticks and took care of the hot pot for the emperor herself.

In the winter of October, pots were added to the palace.Pickled cabbage, pork belly, and blood sausage were densely stacked layer by layer in the copper hot pot. The boiling water turned white flowers and bulged from the gaps in the dense vegetable stack, crooked the meat slices. .Wanxi had to use the ends of the chopsticks to press down a bit, and Fang Bujiao was twisted and twisted, which was not good-looking.

"The servant has seen it, but it can't be regarded as an official meeting. After all, Fu Changzai is from the Manchurian coating family, and the queen only asks the servant to pick out the Han surname and Hui Renzuo. As for the Manchurian coating family They are all chosen by the queen herself."

"Besides, today the emperor said that Fu Changzai is related to the noble concubine Zhemin, but his appearance is quite similar to the noble concubine Zhemin. It's just a pity that when the servant entered the palace, the noble concubine Zhemin had passed away However, the servant is destined to be with the imperial concubine Zhemin. Although the happy face of the imperial concubine Zhemin has also been hung in the Changchun Palace these years, the servant knows the face of the imperial concubine Zhemin. But after all, pictures are pictures, real people It's a real person, even this servant can't tell if Fu Changzai is really similar to the noble concubine Zhemin~"

As Wanxi said, she quietly turned her eyes and glanced at the emperor.

"But why is your majesty so stingy, and only granted him the first permanent residence? Since he is a member of the imperial concubine Zhemin's family, no matter whether the emperor sees it in the face of the imperial concubine Zhemin, whether it is the elder brother Yonghuang, the current Miande, etc. In the face of elder brother, it should be given to Fu Changzai to be a nobleman at the beginning, right?"

"Besides, even if you take ten thousand steps back, even if the imperial concubine Zhemin and the elder brother have passed away for many years, the emperor should at least look at the empress dowager, and he is the first person to be a noble person—after all, the empress palace Those who learn the rules in the palace, such as slaves and concubines, are nobles at the first appointment; shouldn't the empress dowager be higher than the queen, how can the emperor ask the empress dowager to learn the rules in the palace, and the first appointment is only permanent?"

After Wanxi finished speaking in succession, the emperor was already holding back his laughter, until his hands trembled.

This Linghu Jiu seemed to speak clearly and logically, but after all, he still couldn't hide a little sourness between the lines.

But the sourness is just right, just like the sauerkraut in the hot pot, only with it can the greasy white meat be relieved; it is also like the vinegar that cannot be separated from dumplings, if it is gone, it will be sour. It's tasteless.

If the acid is used well, it is sweet and delicious.

"Oh, who said that a woman in the empress dowager's palace, or a concubine's mother's family, can be named from a nobleman? This rule is just an example, but it is not a common practice. It is not a serious rule. After all, there is no There is a written saying. It all depends on the master's own thoughts. If the master likes it, then he will be named as a nobleman; Always, even promised to go!"

Wanxi rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushed slightly.Since he understood, he lowered his head and chuckled.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Could it be that you like Fu Chang's presence, and that's why you're enfeoffed?"

The emperor spat, "Just hold it up, and continue to ask questions knowingly ~~ After all, the Lord will not tell you to go as you wish, and will not give you words to understand!"

Wanxi also relaxed more and more, straightened her legs and stretched them under the kang table, and relaxed and relaxed her legs that were numb from sitting on them just now.

"The master refuses to show it, so the slave doesn't ask anymore! After all, the slave already feels that the master's bestowal is good!"

The emperor raised one eyebrow high, "What's a good way, tell me?"

Wanxi laughed, "It is said that the first seal is only given to Changzai. Generally, titles are not given, but only names are used. Since Fu Changzai came from the Fucha family, we can call it 'Fu Changzai'. Or 'Fu Chang Zai'; but the Lord just gave 'Fu Chang Zai' to go..."

Wanxi smiled mischievously, and tilted her head lightly, "The servant turned around and thought, since she was bestowed from the empress dowager's palace, then the servant will understand! - the emperor has given Yuse the title of 'Lu Changzai' before, This time, give another 'blessing is always there', this is the blessing and blessing!"

"It's only a matter of the emperor conferring a 'Shou Chang Zai', that means the three stars of 'Fu Lu Shou' are all gathered!"

The emperor finally laughed out loud, reached out and grabbed Wanxi's hand.

"How did you see it, huh?"

Wan Xi shrugged, "The slave doesn't know why. Obviously, the names of those people in the Empress Dowager's Palace are all obvious. The two chief eunuchs are named Shoushan and Fuhai respectively; the two aunts are named Anshou and Anyi. These are auspicious names that wish the Empress Dowager a long life."

The emperor nodded with a smile, "Well said. She served the empress dowager well, and she was also from Zhemin's mother's family, so the Lord was willing to allow her to live a more generous life in the palace. The permanent position given to her is very good. She can get 50 taels of silver a year, which is better than official women's life."

Wanxi then gave a gentle smile and nodded softly, "My lord is relieved, this time, the servant is not very tasty."

"Bah!" The emperor spat immediately, and took a chopstick of sauerkraut with him, and put it into Wanxi's mouth.
The emperor and Wanxi ate the meal slowly, and they chatted while eating.

Chen Shiguan finally made his way to Jiuzhou Qingyan, and like an earthworm, "guyong" came to Tiandijiachunlai.

He even sat at the door for a while, looked up and counted the stars in the sky, watched the stars turn around, and calculated that it was getting late, then handed the sign in, saying that he wanted to see the emperor.

It's this hour, even Fu Heng and the emperor's "evening meeting" will not be late for this time, so Chen Shiguan, a small imperial doctor, can't pass the sign in front of the emperor. stopped.

Hu Shijie even came to see Chen Shiguan in person, and said with a sullen face, "The emperor still arranges it. How many of us have the brains to dare to answer at this moment? It's not that our family doesn't help Chen Shiguan, it's that our family's brain wants to help Chen Shiguan." Self-protection. If Imperial Physician Chen insists on going in and answering our family, it is because Imperial Physician Chen deliberately wants our family to lose this head!"

Instead of being angry, Chen Shiguan smiled, and hurriedly bowed to the ground, "How dare you, how dare you! It's just a coincidence that I came here, so I'll just go back and answer Concubine Xin."

Chen Shiguan walked briskly back to Concubine Xin's bedroom, he only said that he had waited until now in front of Qingyan in Kyushu, but it was too late, and the palace supervisor stopped him.

Chen Shiguan aggrievedly pleaded guilty, "They are all low-level ministers who speak lightly, but they are doctors from the ninth rank. They are really small officials who cannot be lifted up in this palace... none of the father-in-laws in the palace take the words of the humble minister as their own." It's the same thing. This minister is responsible for the concubine Xin's entrustment, this minister really deserves to die."

Concubine Xin frowned, "Didn't you mention me? Didn't you say that I told you to invite the emperor, didn't you say that I became popular?"

Chen Shiguan looked puzzled, "Of course I said it. But...they...uh..." Chen Shiguan didn't dare to continue, but kowtowed to the ground.

"I have wronged my mother, I deserve to die for my crime. I also ask my mother to spare me from my errand, I dare not serve under my mother's position anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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