Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2447: Suffering

Chapter 2447 Seven Volumes 151

Who cheated on his own daughter?Wanxi just wanted to tease Xiaoqi again, but now that everyone is watching in front of the palace gate, Wanxi doesn't want to make her daughter shy in public, so Wanxi just said these two sentences and indulged Xiaoqi go.

Only then did Wanxi go forward to greet Nala, and the other concubines who came back from the garden also greeted Wanxi.

It's fine for others, but Wanxi couldn't help but pay attention to Concubine Xin.

Ordinarily, Concubine Xin's fetus has reached this stage, and her belly should be growing day by day.Even Wanxi's return to the palace is not long, but it's been half a month anyway, Concubine Xin's belly should be bigger again.

But Wanxi didn't expect that Concubine Xin's body and appearance didn't change much from half a month ago.

Even though Wanxi knew that the emperor had prepared for this matter, she still didn't know the root cause, so she was still a little surprised.

Seeing Wanxi looking at her, Concubine Xin proudly raised her chin, supported by Le Rong and Le Yi, and stepped forward cautiously.He didn't do the squatting salute, but only performed a "forehead wiping salute" superficially.

"Forehead Wiping Salute" When saluting, the woman's head is slightly lowered forward, and at the same time, her right hand is raised to the forehead. In front of the forehead, the palm of the hand is inward, the back of the hand is outward, and the five fingers are close together, making a flat wipe from left to right.The number of forehead wipes depends on the degree of etiquette, ranging from one time to three times or more.

This "forehead wiping ceremony" is used among women of the same generation, so it is not as respectful as the squatting ceremony; and depending on the distance, the number of forehead wipes varies from once to three times... Concubine Xin just wiped her forehead with Wanxi Li, please just wipe your forehead once, the unruliness and rudeness in it are almost surpassed.

Wanxi could understand everything, but she just smiled lightly, "It's already November, and the day when Concubine Xin's sister is going to give birth is not far away. No matter how polite or rude, it's not as important as the emperor's heir, right? "

Wanxi's eyes turned lightly, and she turned around Concubine Xin's belly, "I haven't seen you for half a month, why does Sister Xin Concubine seem to be a little thinner? This is not good, if the belly circumference is too small, then It will affect the amount of amniotic fluid; if the amniotic fluid is too little, it is not good for the child."

Concubine Xin bit her lips lightly, and subconsciously turned her body sideways, trying to cover her stomach so that Wanxi could not see it.

"The imperial concubine is worrying too much, I don't think my stomach is getting smaller! Besides, the imperial doctor comes to ask for pulse every day, and they all say that my pulse is stable and my shape is very good..."

Wan Xi also nodded, "That's a good thing, I would like to congratulate Sister Concubine Xin. This time, after returning to the palace, Sister Concubine Xin can wait for the delivery with peace of mind."

After Wanxi finished speaking, without waiting for Concubine Xin to answer, she stretched out her hand with a smile, and greeted Concubine Rong who was just behind Concubine Xin.

"I would like to congratulate you. I will prepare everything for you in the Palace of Eternal Life for Nisha, so I will tell Nisha to go back and see if there is anything missing. , then come and tell me, and I will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make up for it.”

Concubine Xin was startled, and couldn't help but stop and look back, staring at Wanxi.

Wanxi naturally didn't have time to talk to Concubine Xin, Yurui next to Wanxi saw it, and squatted halfway towards Concubine Xin with a smile, "Concubine Xin, do you have something to go back to Concubine Gui?"

Concubine Xin took a deep breath, stared at Wanxi's back and asked, "...What do they mean? Is it possible that Concubine Rong, a well-behaved girl from the Ministry of Education, is also enfeoffed?"

Yurui seemed to have heard some big joke, and couldn't help laughing, "Concubine Xin doesn't know yet? Nisha, the concubine Rong, is a well-behaved girl who is not about to enter the imperial court, but the emperor who is about to enter the palace in ten days. On the previous October 25th, a decree was issued, titled 'Ning Chang Zai'."

"What did you say?" Concubine Xin couldn't help panting, her eyes turned cold.

Yurui smiled calmly, "That's right, the emperor is in this October, it's the beginning, middle, and end of the month, and three newcomers are conferred consecutively! Blessings are always there, on October 25th, Feng Yong is always there, and on October [-]th, Feng Ning is always here... It's been a few years since I have seen the emperor such a brainstorming newcomer. I don't know if the emperor will continue in the future Where is the person who bestowed the seal?"

Also for the harem, Yurui was full of joy, "Conferring these three newcomers in a row, then this time the Empress Dowager celebrates her birthday and New Year's Day, there will be no excitement in our palace. Concubine Xin, you Say, don't you?"

Concubine Xin stood where she was, staring at Yu Rui's face.

She's not stupid, she can see that Yu Rui's face full of joy is intentionally made to show her, just to annoy her!
Concubine Xin clenched her teeth, "Mr. Rui, I don't understand. It's like you are not the emperor's harem. Why are you so happy that the emperor has appointed three newcomers in a row! I don't know why. You are short-sighted, or you purposely acted in front of my eyes!"

"Lack of heart?" Yu Rui met Concubine Xin's eyes with a smile, "Concubine Xin, do you want to say that you have 'one more heart than dry'? But the concubine feels that the heart of a person Too much is not a good thing."

Yurui stopped laughing, "A heart so riddled with holes, what's so good about it, what's there to show off?"

Concubine Xin never expected that she would be taught a lesson by a little nobleman today!

Concubine Xin just sneered, "Well, you are a noble man! Don't think that with a big tree behind you, you will be able to enjoy the shade all your life! Don't forget how many years have passed since you entered the seal! Are you Are you in favor of yourself, or do you already have a son and a half daughter?"

"After all, you are still not a woman in a coat under the Ministry of Internal Affairs! No matter what position you are in, and no matter who you rely on, it is still not your turn to talk to me like this!"

Yu Rui wasn't annoyed, instead she smiled even more intensely, and even took a few steps forward, getting closer to Concubine Xin.

On the contrary, Concubine Xin lost her balance, supported Le Rong and Le Yi with both hands, and took several steps back.

"Mr. Rui, you... what do you want to do?!"

Yurui stared at Concubine Xin's fluster, and blinked with a smile, "Concubine Xin, don't panic, I'm just a coat under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how dare I do something to you, a noble man from Manchuria with a yellow flag inlaid?"

Concubine Xin gritted her silver teeth tightly, and then stood firm, raised her chin high, and looked at her proudly, "You just need to know who you are!"

Yurui raised her eyes lightly, not paying attention to Concubine Xin's arrogance at all.

"I admit that I was born in Baoyi under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so if you want to come to the noble concubine Xin who was born in Manchuria with the Yellow Banner... Even after hearing a few words from me, you still feel hurt. Are you ashamed to fall down in front of someone like me on purpose? Besides, Concubine Xin already has so many eyes in her heart, so it doesn't matter if I pierce one more, doesn't it?"

After Yurui finished speaking, she squatted halfway with a smile on her face, and regardless of Concubine Xin's expression, she walked back to Wanxi's side lightly.

After Wanxi and Concubine Rong finished arranging Ning Changzai's bedroom, they looked back at Yurui with a smile on her face, and couldn't help but follow Yurui's direction to look at Concubine Xin.

Yu Rui said softly, "After all, she is about to give birth at this moment, so no sister will teach her personally. My sister is respected as a noble concubine at this moment, if you want to get angry with her, you will be degrading yourself; She took the opportunity to make a fuss."

"Sister, let me go, and I'm still there. I'm just a nobleman, and I come from the Ministry of Internal Affairs that she despises in her eyes. She's ashamed to set up other scenes in front of my eyes!"

Wanxi also chuckled, but still squeezed Yurui's hand, "No matter what, don't be mad at her, it's not worth it."

Yu Rui nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, sister."
Concubine Xin returned to the palace full of anger, but when she entered the palace gate, she felt her belly slump. She hurried into the clean room, only to find that she was red again!
Concubine Xin couldn't care less about tidying herself up, so she called out to Le Rong in shock.

When Le Rong came in and saw it, he was also taken aback.

Le Rong asked cautiously, "The slave should prepare the 'menstrual tape' for the master..."

Concubine Xin grabbed Le Rong's hand.

"What are you doing! Menstruation belt? How can I use menstruation belt at this time, and how can my redness be menstruation?! If people find out, how do you want to go?"

Le Rong also trembled, "The slave should die... But, master, master can't just let Luohong go like this? If the master doesn't use the menstrual belt, Luohong will inevitably get stained on his clothes. If the clothes are sent to Starch, sooner or later someone will find out."

Concubine Xin herself was both annoyed and surprised, "I'm just leaking red, after all, it's not menstruation again. After all, the menstruation belt can't be used!"

"As for the clothes... you go and prepare some straw paper. Just use these straw paper to pad the cushions. After all, there is no need to ask for the menstrual belt!"

Le Rong also had no choice but to nod, and went to fetch a stack of straw paper after mosing himself.

Fortunately, this is the clean room, and the straw paper is outside.

Le Rong waited on Concubine Xin to fold the straw paper and carefully put it under the underpants, then helped Concubine Xin get up and walk back to the bedroom.

Le Rong asked in a low voice, "...The slave will go and ask the doctor Chen to take the pulse, so that the master can feel at ease?"

Concubine Xin sat down for a long while without speaking.

It stands to reason that at this time, the imperial physician should be called immediately.But she felt that this time there was a lot of falling red, so much that it was not just described as "leaking red", so she also had the heart of avoiding medical treatment, but she didn't dare to ask the imperial doctor to come immediately.

If the imperial doctor came and said that it was a menstruation, how would she live?
She has been pregnant for six months, if the menstruation happened suddenly, even the spittle of those people in the harem could drown her to death!
"No... no need to call the imperial doctor!" The more her heart trembled, the more forceful her mouth became, "It's just a little leak, so what's the matter? It must be coming back from the Old Summer Palace today, traveling in horses and horses along the way." It was bumpy, so maybe it was just stretching."

"Just lie down and you'll be fine once you stabilize." Concubine Xin stretched out her hand as she said, "Quickly, help me in and lie down. When I rest, I'll be fine."
The emperor had only returned to the palace for two days after serving as the empress dowager. On November [-]th, news came suddenly: Liang Shizheng, a scholar of Dongge University, had passed away.

The emperor issued a decree, ordering the five sons of the emperor to go to the funeral.

In addition, he was donated to the Taibao, enshrined in the Xianliang Temple, and rewarded 1000 taels of silver in the inner treasury for funerals.

When this news spread to Zhaoxiang's office, it was like another thunderbolt exploded above Yongqi's head!

In July, he had just put on a smile for Prince Su; only four months later, he was going to give a libation to the minister in November...

If it is said to wear filial piety for Prince Lu, he can still emphasize to others, because Prince Lu is a close relative, uncle of Huang Ama, and the heir of the fourth brother Yongxuan, so Huang Ama asked him to wear filial piety, it is In order to cultivate his benevolence and filial piety.

But this Liang Shizheng is no longer the prince of the nearby clan, he is just a minister!
The resentment in my heart was like a fire temporarily wrapped in paper.

The flames were about to soar into the sky, but he had to try his best to suppress it—the paper wrapped in the fire was not just a sliver of reason that he was holding tightly to and refused to let go; it was also a little bit of luck that he was cautious about in his heart. ?

He only wished that all of this was a coincidence, not that Huang Ama had already known something and beat and punished him; it was not that Huang Ama had given up on him...

But even though the fire was covered with a layer of paper, it didn't completely burn his reason, but it still burned his heart to ashes.

Not knowing how to comfort himself, and having no way to vent, he suddenly knocked all the study rooms and calligraphy on the desk to the ground! .
There were bursts of cracking sounds from the main room, and all the family members in Zhaoxiang's house were alarmed.

Hu Borong's Da Gege was weak in body and couldn't stand the fright, so he was so frightened that he burst into tears.

Yingyuan couldn't help but get up and walk to the window, she was still worried after all, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to breathe, using that bit of warmth to try her best to melt the frost on the window glass, carefully watching the main room.

Huang Liu and Zi Wan also couldn't help asking softly, "Master, what's wrong with Elder Brother? What kind of gentle and refined man was Elder Brother in the past, he was affectionate towards Master and kind to his servants. But now My elder brother, but... it seems like a different person."

Yingyuan also gently closed her eyes.

Outside the window, E Ning has come in a hurry and ran up the steps.

At this time, Zi Yingyuan is unwilling to persuade, and Hu Borong is afraid to persuade, so E Ning is the only one who can persuade her.

But before entering the Nuan Pavilion, E Ning's scalp was also a little numb.

Her dowry woman, Yinhuan, was also so nervous that her face turned pale, and she couldn't help dissuading her softly, "Girl... my elder brother is getting angry right now, if master goes in, I'm afraid I will suffer from my elder brother's temper." .”

E Ning nodded, "Why don't I know? It's just...my Ama is gone, and I don't have any sons and daughters. In this world, I will only have my elder brother. He is mine. Heaven is my land and everything to me."

"Even if I want to bear his anger, I, a Fujin, can't dodge it. I can only help him in the same boat and share weal and woe."

Yinhuan's eyes were all red when he heard that, so he nodded, "Young lady's heart for elder brother is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth. It's a pity that elder brother is willing to go to the children on both sides, but he just refuses to give it to me." Fujin is a child..."

"If you ask the servant to say that Elder Brother's luck has turned around now, it all started from the disease in his leg. And Elder Brother's leg disease is not all because of that person in the West Hall? Why should he be so cheap? Go, but tell the master that you are going to be angry with elder brother?"

E Ning clenched her fingertips tightly.

"Why are you still talking about this now! Besides, I don't think it's the elder brother's leg disease that changed the luck. After all, no one, whether it's the emperor or the front court and the harem, knew that the elder brother's leg is ill. Get sick."

"If you want me to say, my elder brother's annoyance, after all, originated from the emperor. I don't know if the emperor is getting old, and the orders that have been issued recently are all inexplicable. In May, we My elder brother clearly rescued the emperor from the fire in Qingyan, Jiuzhou, and it would be fine if the emperor didn't give me a reward, but in July, I actually asked our elder brother to wear filial piety for Prince Lu;"

"Now, it's only been four months, and the emperor doesn't know what he's thinking, but he wants our elder brother to give a libation to the ministers...then the ones who are still ready are the fourth and sixth elder brothers who have already been born No need, why did the emperor ask our elder brother to go? At least there is a ready-made eighth elder brother in the palace, can't the emperor ask eighth elder brother to go there once?"

E Ning and Yinhuan had already carefully lowered their voices when they spoke outside, but all the noises still penetrated into the warm pavilion.Yong Qi roared impatiently, "Who's outside?"

San De, who was waiting outside, was so frightened that he hurriedly bowed to E Ning.

E Ning took a deep breath, then raised the curtain and stepped over the threshold, "Brother, it's me."
Seeing that it was E Ning, although Yong Qi said she was more polite, but with her long eyebrows and tight locks, it was obvious that she didn't want to see E Ning either.

E Ning's heart suddenly turned cold, but he tried his best to control it, and put on a smile on his face as hard as he could, and said softly, "It doesn't matter if I go to drink for Liang Shizheng? After all, Liang Shizheng is also an important minister. He is not a clan king, but he is also a scholar of Dongge University and a minister of the Central Committee. Even if Elder Brother goes to give Liang Shizheng a drink, he will not lose his status."

Yong Qi frowned again, raised her eyes and stared at E Ning slowly, "But do you know that the brother Grandpa cared about the most, the old Prince Yunxiang passed away, and Grandpa only sent the fifth uncle Went to wear filial piety with Prince Hong Zhou, and didn't ask Huang Ama to go at all. Liang Shizheng is an important minister, but how is he compared to the old Prince Yi?"

E Ning opened her mouth in embarrassment, "...But Huang Ama's order has been made, no matter what Elder Brother does, he must go according to the order, right?"

E Ning rolled her eyes, "Why don't you just say that elder brother is sick, and push this errand?" E Ning clapped her hands happily when she said that, "After all, Huang Ama also knows that elder brother knows The legs are sick, the root cause of the disease is that Elder Brother is trying to save Huang Ama? Huang Ama even personally selected the imperial doctor to treat Elder Brother~~"

"Old brother only needs to say this, Huang Ama will naturally believe it, and naturally feel pity for elder brother in every possible way, so naturally there is no need for elder brother to go to libation."

After hearing E Ning's words, Yong Qi's eyes lit up.

It's just that the light was only on for a moment, and then went out sadly.

"But why have you forgotten, what kind of person is Huang Ama? He already knew that my leg was broken, and he would never forget that I carried him out of the Jiuzhou Qingyan fire, and his leg was broken." Because of this, I couldn't support my illness... Huang Ama knew this in his heart, but he still ordered me to drink a drink for Liang Shizheng. It's not that Huang Ama forgot, but Huang Ama deliberately arranged this. "

"At this time, I am not the only adult prince, but the fourth brother and the sixth brother are both heirs, and at least the eighth... But Huang Ama still asked me to go, so it can be seen that Huang Ama has already thought about it. "

The more Yong Qi said, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Now Yongxuan and Yongrong are both heirs, and he and Yongxuan are the only grown-up princes left... But between him and the crippled old eighth, Huang Ama still favors Yongxuan!
The prince who is expected to inherit the great rule naturally cannot wear filial piety and drink for his courtiers.Lao Ba is such a cripple, Huang Ama even wants to continue to give him a little bit of thought, but no longer gives him any room!
In the same year, after only four months, he did this to his courtiers twice... before going to the harem, and everyone could see clearly.

Hehe, hehe, Huang Ama almost officially announced to the world that he, the fifth son of the emperor, has completely fallen out of favor, and in Huang Ama's heart, he has no qualifications to inherit the throne at all!
"I can't..." Yong Qi bowed her head deeply, "I can't disobey Huang Ama again now. I have to do what he tells me to do; even if I don't want to, I will never You can’t show the slightest reluctance to come.”

"Only in this way, can I still leave myself a last chance to go. Only in this way, can I still have a little possibility-maybe Huang Ama will still think that I am better after all. Change your mind."

Hearing elder brother say such words, E Ning also trembled fiercely, and tears fell down by herself when she drooped her eyes.

"My elder brother, don't say such things! There is no reason, Huang Ama has no reason to give up on us. Elder brother, you are the best son of Huang Ama. You are both civil and military, benevolent, filial and diligent. What I said...Huang Amata, why did he suddenly change his mind? It doesn't make sense at all!"

Yong Qi lowered her eyes wearily, "Don't cry, and don't feel wronged... You can help me think about it now, what might go wrong between us after July, let Huang Ama know about it?"

E Ning didn't dare to cry anymore, wiped away her tears and tried hard to think back.

But after a while, a thought floated up from the bottom of her heart, and E Ning's own heart thumped.

E Ning didn't dare to speak, she just looked up at Yong Qi.

Yong Qi stared at E Ning, then nodded slowly, "...you've thought about that too, haven't you? It's exactly what I thought."

"Since I dressed Prince Lu as a filial piety in July, I have almost closed the door to thank guests, and it is impossible to make any mistakes. The only exception is that I listened to your idea, pretended to be an actor in the Nanfu, and went out through the gate of Fuyuan Yuanzi, I have been to Prince Jane's mansion."

E Ning shuddered, only to feel that the blood all over his body rushed to the top of his head, and his limbs were cold for a while.

"But, but elder brother, concubines are all, they are all anxious for elder brother, and they are also for elder brother's great cause!"

Yong Qi closed her eyes tiredly, "Well, I naturally know that you are doing it for my own good. But people in this world, everyone has good intentions but does something wrong... Huang Ama's will this time It caught me off guard, so I was worried that Huang Ama already knew something. Fujin, you are doing it for my own good, but this time, you have hurt me."

(Thank you for your companionship and encouragement in March, and "cutting melons and vegetables" will start in April. Prepare your melon seeds and benches~~)

(End of this chapter)

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