Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2454 Volume 7 158 There is no way to eliminate this situation

Chapter 2454 Seven Volumes 158

Xiaoqi was officially assigned to Lawang, which was a great joy for Wanxi.As a mother, this is the first time Wanxi has felt the joy of arranging happy events for her child.

It's just that the joy is the joy, Wanxi still has a heartache buried in her heart after all.

This heartache is for Qilin to protect the child.

Taking advantage of the Lantern Festival to go to the palace to watch operas and give banquets, as well as the most important fire opera, Jiu Fujin, as the Duchess, also entered the inner court to receive the banquet together.

Wanxi was finally able to meet Jiufujin.

As expected, Wanxi saw sadness and exhaustion in Jiufujin's eyes.

This kind of exhaustion, Wanxi can think, must be the tears that have been shed for many days.

Wanxi felt uncomfortable and guilty, just held Jiufujin's hand, bowed her head deeply, and said, "...that year Qing Gun Zabu rebelled against the imperial court, and the Northwest was even more tense. At that time, only Prince Chaoyong could restrain Ka The ministries of Erka ensure the safety of the North Road. Xiaoqi refers to marrying Lawang, and it was her duty as the princess of the Qing Dynasty at that time."

Jiufujin nodded sadly, "Your servant understands... In fact, I have known this letter for several years. Since the 21st year of Qianlong, every time Lord Chenggun Zhabu sent a memorial to the emperor, he had to greet the Seventh Princess. .His playbook was sent to the military aircraft department first. After all, Master Jiu is the leader of the military aircraft. How can he not see it? If Master Jiu knows, the servant will naturally know too."

"That's why this slave and Master Jiu are sincerely congratulating your master and the seventh princess..." Jiu Fujin tried his best to laugh, but still couldn't hide the tears from the corners of his eyes. They are all prepared, but the servant just feels sorry for Kang'er. In fact, all of us as elders are just playing charades, and only he, the child, is kept in the dark. Therefore, when the emperor's will is announced, we are not doing anything, but the child is ,but……"

Wanxi hurriedly asked, "What happened to Qilin Bao?"

She was afraid that Qilinbao would get angry if he got the letter, so she told Yongxing to pay more attention to Qilinbao when he was in the study.But when Yong Xing came back, he only said that Qi Lin Bao didn't see anything special.

Wanxi also thought that Qilinbao was hiding his sadness, at least he could still go to school, so that would be fine.But judging from Jiufu Jin's tone at this time, the child might not be well at all.

Jiufujin tried his best to hold back his sadness, but his lips still trembled, "That child, that child locked himself in the room after the emperor issued an order, and never saw anyone. During the day, he can still enter the palace and the study room with a normal expression But when I got home at night, I couldn't see him...Even if Master Jiu and I went to his door to persuade him, he wouldn't open the door, let alone say a word to us."

"I'm worried that the child has held grudges against Master Jiu and me, thinking that we deliberately kept it from him and didn't tell him... The child is eleven years old this year. The son is the easiest to get separated from his parents, or to be disobedient. The slave is really worried, worried that because of this idea, the child will be separated from the slave and the ninth master. "

Wanxi's heart was pierced when she heard it, and she tightly held Jiu Fujin's hand, wishing to share Jiu Fujin's pain.

"Lan Pei, listen to me. Although the emperor has never said it clearly, the emperor's heart is not completely unaware. The emperor has always been the person with the most clear grievances and grievances in the world. What's more, he also watched Qilin Bao grow up with his own eyes. He Qilin will definitely not be treated badly. Even in marriage, Brother Ling and Brother Long are both foreheads, I believe that as long as there is a princess and princess of the same age, the emperor will definitely choose a good match for Qilin."

Lan Pei's eyes lit up, and she squatted down in front of Wanxi, "Then please ask the master to make a match, why don't you assign the ninth princess to Kang'er!"

"If it is said that the seventh princess got married early, the slave's Kang'er will not have time to get this blessing; but as far as the slave knows, the emperor has not officially selected a quota for the ninth princess to go! The slave is asking for this kind of favor for Kang'er at this time. Still in time!"

Lan Pei finally said these words clearly, Wan Xi was so sad that her throat choked, and she didn't know how to refuse.

After a while, Wanxi took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

"Lan Pei, listen to me, there are still many princesses and princesses who are about the same age as Qilin Bao, and even the eldest daughter, and there are a few who are raised together in the inner court. Not to mention others, it is the eldest brother of the third elder brother Yongzhang. Ge Ge Mian Jin grew up with Xiao Qi in the inner court. That child is the same age as Xiao Qi, and he was born beautiful and intelligent..."

Mian Jin was also raised in the inner court, but Lan Pei had only heard about it from her sister Concubine Shu and Fu Kang'an.It's just that Mianjin's biological mother has a low status, even the emperor's granddaughter, and the level of canonization will not be high in the future, so Lan Pei is somewhat reluctant.

But at this moment, no matter how you say it, Ruo Fukang'an is doomed not to have a relationship with the seventh princess, and the concubine and master hesitated when talking about the ninth princess, Lan Pei couldn't help but would rather give in a step down.

——It is the daughter of the concubine of the third elder brother, who is also the granddaughter of the emperor after all, and grew up with the seventh princess and Kang'er, so it's okay.

Lan Pei then saluted in front of Wanxi again, "I hope the master will complete everything."

Wan Xi still shook her head, "There's no need to rush this matter. For us at this time, perhaps a finger-pointing marriage is not difficult, but the real difficulty is not to make Qilin protect the child's heart. If this finger-pointing Marriage can make Qilin better off, then let's ask the emperor now; but if this marriage cannot make Qilin better immediately, or even make Qilin more uncomfortable, then we...we should delay it slow."

"After all, Qilin Bao is only eleven years old, and there are still a few years before he gets married."

Wanxi stared at Lanpei, "So Hu Huizi, all the burdens are still on Lanpei's shoulders. I hope you can spend more time with Qilin Bao, don't make that child discouraged. If you treat him well Get up, I promise you, when the time comes, I will immediately ask the emperor."

After thinking about it, Lan Pei could only nod with tears in his eyes, "I will follow Master Ling's instructions, and I will go back to accompany Kang'er."

Jiufujin had been gone for quite a while, but Wanxi herself was still sitting on the edge of the Kang, unable to recover.

She could imagine what Fukang'an's child would look like when he was sad - because she knew what Master Jiu looked like when he was sad.Qilinbao is Jiuye's direct son, and he is the child who most resembles Jiuye in appearance and expression, so she only needs to think of Jiuye's appearance, and she can naturally think of Qilinbao's appearance.

As a result, she could only see a sad face dimly in front of her eyes, and the sadness in those black pupils almost drowned her.She was also in a trance for a while, unable to distinguish whether it was the child Qilinbao she saw in front of her eyes, or the Jiuye who was still a boy back then.

In this world, besides the emperor and her own children, the person she least wants to hurt is Master Jiu.She had already made Master Jiu sad once back then, how could she have imagined that after many years, her daughter would call Master Jiu's son again, and she would be sad again in exactly the same way...

But she didn't have a better way.Even though she still has Jiujiu, the matter of fate is the most erratic, but Jiujiu has already imprinted a little brother Zhalan in her heart.Between her daughter's own wish and Jiuye's son, she still favored her daughter once more.

She felt sorry for Qilin protecting the child, and even more sorry for Master Jiu and Fujin Jiu.

There is no way to get rid of this situation, if there is still a little room for turning everything around, it would be great...

"Ernie, what's wrong with you?" It was Xiao Qi who walked in lightly, and saw her crying.

Just because he was his own child, so Xiao Qi came in, and the officials and eunuchs who were serving outside didn't have to come in to report, Xiao Qi walked in directly.

Wanxi hurriedly turned her back, raised her sleeves to wipe away her tears, and tried her best to smile calmly, "It's okay."

Xiao Qi quietly sat down on the red sandalwood pedal under Wanxi's feet, and lowered her head, "Daughter knows, Aunt Jiu just came."

Wanxi couldn't help but hold her breath nervously, looking down at her daughter.

But from this angle, you can only see the top of Xiao Qi's hair, but you can't see the expression on Xiao Qi's face.

"... Liansheng, you just came here after hearing that Aunt Nine came to pay her respects, didn't you?"

Xiao Qi didn't speak, and lowered her head deeply.

Wanxi stared at the top of the child's hair, and could still see her small shoulders, which had such soft lines, but also supported her small stubbornness.

Wanxi seemed to see herself, the same self with a little pride back then who didn't want to succumb to the arrangement of fate.

Wanxi's vision was slightly blurred.

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked her daughter's shoulder, "You too—you can't worry about Qilinbao, are you?"

Xiaoqi's shoulder swayed slightly, and then finally nodded.The child still refused to turn around, let alone raise his head, but there was some trembling in his voice, "...Ene, Qilin Bao didn't come to the palace to pay New Year's greetings this year, let alone to the garden to watch a fire show. It's not like He. From childhood to adulthood, in these years, didn’t he come to the palace early? Not to mention that this fire box was his favorite to see. He also said that when he passed thirteen, he could enter the palace. Now that the palace is serving as a guard, he will show it to me with his own hands."

When Xiao Qi said this, she was so choked up that she couldn't speak.

Wanxi was so sad that she couldn't help herself.At this moment, there is only the mother who is sad for the children; where is there any high-ranking concubine, she slipped down from the kang, squatted beside her daughter, and hugged Xiaoqi in her arms.

She didn't force her to look at her daughter's face, she let her daughter bury her face in the folds of her clothes.

"Liansheng, in fact, Er Nie is also worried about Qilinbao. You are right, because of his temperament, if he does not come to the palace to pay New Year's greetings, and does not come to the garden to see the fire box, it must mean that he is sad... But Liansheng Ah, is there anything perfect in this world that makes everyone happy and no one sad? Maybe, but it is more likely that the thing itself is insignificant, so that even those who have lost their minds can not really be happy. You care, that's why you can laugh like a normal person, right?"

"According to my experience over the years, I feel that any important thing in this world can't achieve the best of both worlds and make everyone happy. In one thing, there will always be gains and losses. Those who get it will be happy, but those who lose it will be sad. Just like the moon waxes and wanes, this matter is never perfect.”

"So, son, no matter how worried we are about Qilin protecting that child, we really can't give him what he wants, and we really can't heal his wounds. We are sad, we are worried about him, Of course it should; but I have to say it again—silly boy, I absolutely don’t want you to think that you did something wrong because of this, let alone blame yourself for Qilinbao.”

"In this matter, Qilin is innocent, and Liansheng, you have done nothing wrong either. If anyone is at fault, I'm afraid it's just the timing is wrong, something wrong."

Xiao Qi listened quietly, and finally nodded vigorously in her mother's arms.It's just that the tears flowed down even more violently.

Wanxi hugged Xiaoqi tightly, and said softly, "Cry if you want to cry, Ernie won't stop you, and you don't have to feel ashamed. How old are you this year, silly boy, you don't know until this year." Nine years old, still a child. Tears are a child's natural right, and perhaps the best language for children. If you don't want to speak, you don't have to speak here. You can shed tears as much as you want. "

"When the tears are dry, Ernie, wait for you to calm down. Then this matter will be over, and we will only prepare for the future from now on, waiting to grow up and marry Lawang, okay? ?”

Xiaoqi hugged Wanxi tightly, and finally cried out in relief.

Wanxi caresses her daughter's white hair.She knew that based on her daughter's age, the sadness and reluctance at this time may not be all about love; at Xiao Qi's age, she would not understand all of those feelings.

Xiaoqi's tears at this time are all for the love she grew up with Qilin Baohe and Lawang, and for the memories of those childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts.

It's like three good friends, but on a certain day, you can only choose one to walk together for a lifetime, but the other will let go forever, and it will not be easy to even meet again in the future... Such sadness is A child can't bear it.

Fortunately, the children are still young, so this kind of sadness will not be the kind of mourning for love.

The face of a child, crying fast, I believe it will get better soon.

Wanxi only hoped that after Xiao Qi cried so hard, her pure heart would gradually calm down.
After the Lantern Festival, the emperor arranged the schedule for visiting the mausoleum in February: it was scheduled to be opened on the ninth day of February to pay respects to the Tailing mausoleum.All the ceremonies should be prepared respectfully and carefully in each of the yamen as usual.

However, because of something on her mind, Wanxi accidentally caught a cold and coughed for several days, and her body was a little sick.

Wanxi then asked the emperor that Yeling should stay in Beijing this time and not accompany her.

The emperor personally gave Wanxi's pulse, and he knew that Wanxi was harboring several angers at the same time.

The emperor carefully helped Wanxi to lie down, tucked the quilt tightly, and held Wanxi's hand and said, "...I don't want you to know, but I just don't want you to get angry. But you still got angry. What's the trouble?"

Wanxi was a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly found a reason for herself, "Master Yin Jishan has respectfully invited you to tour the south next year, and next year will be the time for pomegranate pox vaccination. I am thinking that next year I am afraid that I will have to accompany the emperor to go south, so this year Just stay in Beijing and spend some time with Shiliu."

The emperor had no choice but to snort, "You have already said that, so I can only agree."

Only then did Wanxi smile weakly, lowered her head and said softly, "Don't you blame the slave?"

The emperor shook his head, "It's fine if you don't go. There are many things to do this year. You stay in Beijing, so I feel at ease."

"It's just that I have one more thing I want to ask the Lord for grace." Wanxi stood up and stared at the emperor, "The rules in the palace are strict. Except for the special permission of the Lord and the Empress, no one is allowed to leave the palace. My slave will enter the palace again to greet my master...but since Yuye and Mao Tuan'er left the palace, I miss Yuye and Mao Tuan'er so much."

"If the master loves the servant, this time when he goes to visit the mausoleum, can he meet Mao Tuan'er for me anyway? It's not convenient for the master to see Yu Ye again, but after all, Mao Tuan'er was once a man in front of the imperial court, so it would be convenient for the emperor to meet him .”

The emperor chuckled, stretched out his hand and scratched the bridge of Wanxi's nose.

"It's too late for you to say it. In fact, the master has already issued an order and asked someone to arrange it. When the time comes, after the master finishes his ceremony in front of the mausoleum, Mao Tuan'er will be summoned."

Wanxi was overjoyed, "You can also see Mao Tuan'er in Tailing?"

The Tailing Mausoleum of Emperor Yongzheng and the Jingling Mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi are not in the same place. According to the orientation, Tailing Mausoleum is in the west and Jingling Mausoleum is in the east.Mao Tuan'er was working in Jingling of Lord Kangxi, so it was still some distance away from Tailing.

Thinking about it this way, the emperor's arrangement is the most secure.

The emperor nodded and turned his head to look at Wanxi, "At this time, the person who passed the decree was already on the way. The Lord made an excuse and sent an errand to send some things from Jingling to Tailing. This errand is called Mao The group will go in person."

"Mao Tuan'er will set off from Jingling on the first day of February. Before my master arrives at Tailing, he must have arrived first."

Wanxi was pleasantly surprised, but not without worry, she stretched out her hand to grab the cuff of the emperor's pajamas, "...if my lord wants to see Mao Tuan'er, the emperor's order must first be conveyed to the internal affairs official in charge of Dongling .Then the officials of Tangling's Internal Affairs Department, can you rest assured?"

The emperor glanced at Wanxi, but smiled slowly, "I'm sorry they don't dare to think about it. Besides, this time, I also ordered someone to accompany Mao Tuan'er all the way. go."

The emperor blinked at Wanxi, "Who do you think is the commander-in-chief of Malan Town?"

Wanxi was stopped by the question, how could she recognize a military officer so far away?

The emperor smiled softly, "The chief military officer is Man Dou, the uncle of Yongchangzai Wang family. The Lord just gave him the title of Yongchangzai, and her mother's family is proud of serving them. This small matter will definitely be handled safely. "
After receiving the letter from the emperor that he would go to Yeling again in February, Concubine Xin's heart was already in a mess, and she became even more flustered.

There is not much left for her, just the last three months.But seeing that the first month is slipping away like this; in February, when the emperor visits the mausoleum, she will definitely not be able to accompany her at this time, so if February is delayed like this, then March will be her time to give birth—she will arrive Time, what if you can't give birth?

Distraught, she asked the Eighth Princess Shunying almost every day if she had seen Huang Ama and if she had told Huang Ama what she had said.

The eighth princess didn't know why her mother was so anxious, so she could only tell the truth, "My daughter met Huang Ama, and she also told Huang Ama...Huang Ama just asked her to study hard. Huang Ama said that her daughter I'm still young, so I'm not in a hurry to get married, and I'm not in a hurry to talk about it when my daughter is a few years older."

Concubine Xin's heart sank, she stared at her daughter closely, "Then why did you reply? Your Huang Ama said so, you have to try to persuade your Huang Ama!"

The eighth princess looked puzzled, and whispered, "...but my daughter doesn't want to marry. My daughter also thinks what Huang Ama said is right. After all, my daughter is still young, and she is not yet married. Why do you want to marry?" In such a hurry?"

Concubine Xin was stunned, staring blankly at her daughter.

After a long time, Concubine Xin yelled anxiously, "Why are you so stupid, why are you so ignorant of mother's heart! Don't you know how anxious I am to see your Emma, ​​you should try to help me out! Go with this wish, no matter what method you use, you have to persuade and pull your Huang Ama to come!"

The eighth princess, Bao'er, was terrified, staring blankly at her mother, tears rolling in her eye sockets, not daring to fall.

Her daughter's grievances, she couldn't calm Concubine Xin down at this moment, she just felt that she was on top of the hot pot, covering her head with her hands, "God, how did I give birth to a child like you! , I have already started to study the palace rules at home, understand the new love stories in the palace, and carefully plan for my own future... But what about you, what about you, besides riding a horse, every day is archery!"

The eighth princess fell to her knees in shock, and when she raised her eyes, tears were streaming down her face.She stretched out her hand to hold her mother's hand, "Emiang, Emiang, please don't cry, my daughter knows she was wrong, and my daughter pleaded guilty to her..."

Concubine Xin pulled her hair, but she couldn't listen to her daughter's crying and words, she just screamed frantically, "What should I do, my God, what should I do now?!"

Le Rong and Le Yi were watching, but couldn't bear it, Le Rong stepped forward to comfort the master, and Le Yi took the opportunity to persuade the eighth princess to go out.

The eighth princess came out of Concubine Xin's bedroom, shook off Le Yi's hand, and ran out.

Le Yi didn't keep up for a while, so she could only shout from behind, "Princess, Princess Eight! Where are you going?"

The eighth princess cried and ran all the way to Jiuzhou Qingyan.But on the way, he was seen by Chen Shiguan.

After all, Yueyi is a woman, and she can't run away from the half-aged child of the eighth princess. Fortunately, Chen Shiguan came to meet him, and when he saw this situation, he stopped the eighth princess.

The eighth princess cried loudly, wanting to break away from Chen Shiguan, stomped her feet and said, "Leave me alone! I'm going to see Huang Ama, I'm going to invite Huang Ama. I don't want to make Er Niang suffer any more. I'm going to kneel and beg Huang Ama. Ma, if Huang Ama doesn't come, I won't get up."

Le Yi also shed tears in distress.

Chen Shiguan looked up at Wang Leyi, nodded gently, and then coaxed the eighth princess softly, "Isn't the princess just wanting to invite the emperor to come? Then leave it to Weichen, and ask Weichen to ask the emperor to come and see Xin on behalf of the princess." Concubine, is the princess okay?"

The eighth princess cried and shook her head, "Even if I invite you, I don't know if Huang Ama is willing to come; how do you know that you can invite me if you go?"

Chen Shiguan had no choice but to take care of everything, "I also learned from the princess and knelt outside the emperor's palace. If the emperor doesn't come, I won't get up, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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