Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2458: Master Hate Me

Chapter 2458 Master Hate Me

"What's the matter with you, huh?"

Mao Tuan'er's head was bleeding, but it hurt Wanxi's heart.Wanxi rushed forward, grabbed Mao Tuan'er by the collar, and lifted him up, preventing him from kowtowing again.

"I don't need you to kowtow for her, and I don't need her to kowtow for me! I just want her, be good..."

Mao Tuan'er tightly closed her eyes, her face was as pale as paper besides being haggard.

The pain in Wanxi's heart screamed and swept away. She stared at Mao Tuan'er, but she didn't dare to speak out. She lowered her volume carefully and asked, "...then why did you come back? Why don't you stay in the imperial mausoleum, what are you doing when you come back?"

It took a lot of trouble back then to send the two of them out of the palace safely.Besides, if Mao Tuan'er came back and Yu Ye stayed in Huangling Village by herself, she would have a house and land, and no worries about food and clothing, but how would she spend those lonely years?

Wanxi even thought of a way to explain for Mao Tuan'er, so she asked in a low voice, "Are you coming back this time just as an excuse to send the emperor back to the palace? Or is it because you came back to the palace to supervise some business? Or, You two are worried about me, so you took this opportunity to come back and take a look at me?"

"You're going to go back when you're done, aren't you?"

Mao Tuan'er never opened her eyes again, and Wan Xi's heart rose again.

"What do you mean? Do you stay here when you return to the palace, and never go back?"

Mao Tuan'er didn't reply.

Wanxi felt a twinge in her heart, she loosened her fingers and put the hair ball back on the ground.

"Bastard, you still dare to lie to me? What happened to Yuye, something must have happened to her!"

At this time, Wanxi couldn't care less about her status as a noble concubine of the Qing Dynasty, and she even forgot that she was in the emperor's bedroom, Jiuzhou Qingyan.At this moment, she could only see Mao Tuan'er in her eyes, and she could only think of Yu Ye in her heart!

Something was wrong, from the first time she saw Mao Tuan'er, she felt something was wrong!
Mao Tuan'er and Yu Ye finally stayed together outside the palace, how could Mao Tuan'er leave Yu Ye and come back to the palace alone?But since Mao Tuan'er is back, there is only one possibility—that is, something happened to Yu Ye...

Only when the only concern in Mao Tuan'er's heart is broken, can he leave Huangling Village and return to the palace that he no longer cares about.

No, no, it wasn't when she noticed Mao Tuan'er's back that she noticed the abnormality; it was when she welcomed the emperor back at the gate of the Grand Palace, and when she saw the emperor's eyes dodge, she had already noticed it!
At this time, it was not only Mao Tuan'er who was hiding the truth from her, but also——the emperor.

The more Wanxi thinks about it, the more her heart hurts, the pain is so painful that she can't breathe.

She raised her hand to grab her neckline and loosen it, so that she could use all her strength to forcefully inhale some air.

The emperor stepped forward to support her firmly.His big palm pressed against her shoulder, and the warmth of his palm pressed against her body through the clothes.

She knew that she had the emperor to rely on, but she couldn't calm down at this moment.

She turned her head abruptly, and stared at the emperor with tears in her eyes, "Your Majesty... are you still unwilling to tell me? The Emperor also has the heart to continue to keep me in the dark?"

Wanxi said as she raised her robe and knelt down, "The servant dared to ask the emperor for a favor, and asked the emperor to allow the servant to go to the imperial mausoleum. This year, brother Miande's Fujin Ah Rishan should be buried, right? The emperor On behalf of the emperor and empress, the quasi-slaves will personally send them off."

If the emperor and Mao Tuan'er are still unwilling to tell the truth, then Wanxi can only go this way by herself, and she must see Yuye with her own eyes to be at ease.

Because that child... is not only Yu Ye in the palace, but also the second girl who grew up with her!
The emperor took a deep breath, his long eyes were full of worry, but his thin lips curved slightly.

"Look at you, silly, where are you thinking? If Mao Tuan'er and Yu Ye really want to keep something from you, why bother to bring Mao Tuan'er back? There is no place where I can arrange for Mao Tuan'er to go. More, in this world is not only the palace where the eunuchs go?"

"If you really want to hide it from you, I will send Mao Tuan'er to the Summer Resort, or Xiangshan Palace; or the Nanyuan Palace, or the Changchun Garden where the Empress Dowager stays...there are so many places, it can be anywhere. Well, after all, the Lord has a way to prevent you from seeing him, that's all."

The emperor said a few words, but even Wanxi was speechless.

The emperor patted Wanxi's hand and smiled consolingly, "Since I brought Mao Tuan'er back to the palace, neither of them is fine. I am naturally not afraid that he will be seen by you, so I put it on the nine Zhou Qing Yan."

"Although I didn't ask him to greet you as soon as he came back, isn't it just because he was afraid that you would think wildly? You can make it clear that you didn't hide him on purpose so that you wouldn't see him."

Wanxi couldn't think of a way to refute the emperor's words for a while, but she only felt that her heart was still sad and she couldn't let it go.

The emperor grabbed Wanxi's hand, turned around and walked towards the bedroom, "Don't worry, listen to what I told you, this time it's not just Mao Tuan'er who came back by himself, Yu Ye actually brought you back with a letter... You grew up together, and she knows you best, but she also knows that you are afraid to worry about her, so she wrote you a letter in person."

While talking, the emperor had successfully brought Wanxi into the bedroom, and helped her sit down on the edge of the kang.

"Ordinarily, the rules in this palace are set by the master himself. The master made a decree when he first became the throne, and the women who are not allowed to leave the palace at the end of the year, come back to the palace to greet the master; it is the palace. It is also forbidden to communicate privately inside and outside the palace. But I know you are anxious, so I made an exception for you and allowed Yuye to write to you, and I brought it back personally."

Wanxi raised her eyes in joy, reached out and grabbed the emperor's sleeve.

"Is what you said really true? Where is the letter? Please show me quickly!"

The emperor sighed softly, "Before I was outside in front of so many people, it was not convenient for me to talk to you. Something happened to Yuye and Mao Tuan'er, that's why Mao Tuan'er came back to the palace Yes. It's just that it's not the same as what you think. "

After speaking, the emperor turned around and went to the imperial book table, took out a letter from a small drawer, and handed it to Wanxi.

Wanxi can recognize Yuye's handwriting at a glance.After receiving the letter, Wanxi felt a little more at ease.

Wanxi hurriedly took out the letterhead and read it carefully——

At the beginning of the letter, Yuye greeted Wanxi, congratulated Wanxi for having so many children, and regretted Xiao Luer's passing away.

Wanxi hurriedly skimmed over these, eagerly looking for the matter between her and Mao Tuan'er between the lines.

Finally, in the middle of the letter, I saw Yu Ye writing: "The slave knows that if the master sees Mao Tuan'er and goes back to the palace, he will definitely worry about the slave. The slave can imagine what the master will look like when he is anxious... The master will Won't you slap the hair ball in a hurry, or even the emperor will have to follow suit?"

Yuye's tone was brisk, as if she was that quick-talking and mischievous girl from before.

"If the master wants to slap Mao Tuan'er, then the servant will not stop him. The master just slaps it away! But the master must not wrong the emperor... The emperor did not deliberately hide it from the master. It was the slave who begged the emperor to ask the emperor to temporarily Don't tell the master."

"It's not because of anything else, in fact—it's because the slave has no face to face the master, let alone ask the emperor to tell the master about the slave. Because the slave, alas, actually failed the master's wishes..."

Seeing this, Wanxi raised her eyes to look at the emperor in amazement.

The emperor was not in a hurry to tell the truth, but just sat aside, subconsciously turning his giant clam wrench with his fingertips.

Manchu men all learn to ride and shoot, and the finger pull is essential for bow and archery, so the finger pull is the most inseparable decoration on a man's finger.The emperor is also very particular about Suchang, and there is a special treasure box in which there are finger pullers of various materials.Every day, they are changed with the clothes of the day, and they are not the same.

Seeing Wanxi raise her eyes, the emperor smiled "heh", "Why are you looking at me? Just read the letter. I think that girl Yuye will tell you everything."

Wanxi also bowed her head and continued to read the letter.

I saw Yuye wrote, "The slave and Mao Tuan'er knew each other as children, and they quarreled as soon as they met; so after the slave entered the palace, in our Yongshou Palace, he also got used to fighting with Mao Tuan'er. Looking back on that time now, I still can’t help but laugh from the bottom of my heart.”

"That was really a happy time. Apart from the years when I grew up with my master in the flower field, this slave is the best memory in this slave's life. The slave was lost in such happiness and forgot With Mao Tuan'er's identity, he gradually fell in love with him..."

"At that time, I was still young, and I only knew how to judge a person by his appearance, but he would rather deceive himself and others to forget his inner reality. After leaving the palace, the servant also thought that he would be with Mao Tuan'er for a lifetime, and grow old together go."

Seeing this, Wanxi couldn't help frowning.

When Yuye came here, her tone changed, "Master, do you know what life is like in Huangling Village? The slave thought that he had finally escaped the palace's open and dark arrows, and always thought that Huangling was a paradise, but he really came here. Only then did I realize that these villages that appeared because of the imperial mausoleum are actually as lonely as being in a tomb.”

"In this Imperial Tomb Village, apart from the eunuch guarding the mausoleum, there are also the chief minister of the Dongling Internal Affairs Office, and the seven people in charge of Fangfang, nine Yuanwailang, eight principals, eight Shangchazheng, Shang There are nine cooks, seven internal management leaders, five Shangshan assistants, five Shangcha assistants, seven deputy internal management leaders, three commissioned deputy internal management leaders, 20 reminders, and 550 deacons. …these people work together to manage the rituals of offering sacrifices to the garden and the opening and closing of the sanctuary.”

"For all the small sacrifices of Lunar New Year every month, the shrine is opened, and the officials in charge of Fang Langzhong salute, the tea is served on the tea table, the tea milk is offered, the meal is served on the dining table, the inner tube is led into the fruit table, the powder bait is offered, and the tea is served. Deputy and Shangshan deputy are accompanied by offerings; Shangcha, Shangshan, Xiangren, etc. deliver incense boxes, burn candles, offer nobles, and mats. Every year during the Qingming Festival, Zhongyuan, Winter Solstice, New Year's Eve and death days, officials will be sent to the mausoleum to salute , the officials in charge of the pass and Fang Langzhong all offer offerings like ceremonies."

"Mao Tuan'er, the eunuch guarding the mausoleum, is similar to what the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do every day... Master, these things seem to be lively, but in fact they are fine every year or two. If things go on like this for a long time, people will get tired of looking at them. These people, they are clearly living people, but what they do every day is to serve the dead. If it goes on for a long time, they themselves will also become numb. He's as tall as a living dead."

"The master knows that Mao Tuan'er was the most mischievous in the past, and the way he got along with his slaves was to fight and fight. But when he arrived at the imperial mausoleum, he changed, and he was no longer like him before. , has also become——go to the living dead. Master, can you imagine how lonely the slave must be in that Huangling Village, guarding the hairball that is no longer what it used to be?"

Wanxi couldn't stand it any longer, she turned away, looked away, and took several deep breaths to go.

But after all, I still couldn't let it go, and when my heart calmed down a bit, I looked back.

"The slave and the master can talk from the bottom of their hearts—the loneliness in Huangling Village is not bad, and the slave can also follow the example of the master, raise more flowers and plants, or go to cats, dogs, fish and insects. Go through the loneliness during the day. But at night...Master, at night, the slave has to face Mao Tuan'er's true identity. After all, he is not a whole person."

"The slave used to be young, and only cared about the childhood sweethearts and fights with Mao Tuan'er; but as he got older, the slave also understood what a woman wanted. And Mao Tuan'er not only became a living Dead man, he can't give the slave what he wants... The slave can't help but want a child even after he's over thirty, but this is the last thing Mao Tuan'er can give to the slave."

"The servant is a little bored, and I can't see the future. The servant thinks, maybe the fate between the servant and Mao Tuan'er is over."

Wanxi curled up her fingers and almost rolled up the letter paper.There were mixed feelings in her heart, the resentment, disappointment, but also consideration and understanding, all these surged and stirred in her heart, making her unable to calm down.

The emperor stared carefully at Wanxi, then came over and stretched out his hand, wanting to take the letter from Wanxi and read it.

Wanxi still twisted her body away, took a deep breath, and went to see by herself.

"To tell the truth, master, this slave has met someone. He is the chief soldier of Malan Town, and he is in charge of the security around the imperial mausoleum. Coincidentally, his family was originally from Shenyang, and his tone of voice is similar to that of master, master, and Fujin." They are very similar, and the slave sounds very close."

"The slave...so he found him as a reliance. He is a military commander. Although he is a little older, he is still powerful enough to protect the slave, and he will definitely be able to give the slave a child...The slave followed him. , I have made it clear to Mao Tuan'er."

"We get together once in this life, Mao Tuan'er is also a sensible person, and the two of us get together and get together well. Because of this, he can't stay in the imperial mausoleum any longer, and it also saves the three of us from meeting each other every day. He is a man after all. Eunuch, for him, the best way out in this world is still in the palace, in front of the emperor. That's why he decided to go back to the palace...Master, please don't mention slaves again in front of him, and This old farewell will save him from being ashamed and troubled."

I also ask the master not to blame me, the slave will never have the face to see the master again in this life, so I can only present this letter in my own handwriting.He didn't dare to ask the master to forgive his sins, but he only prayed to the heaven for the master to be safe every year. "

"I also pray for the seventh princess, ninth princess, fifteenth elder brother, and sixteenth elder brother to be healthy and auspicious, and to inherit the great cause early."

"Slave Erniu Yuye, bow and kowtow again."

After Wanxi looked at it, she was stunned for a long time, she didn't know what her mood was at the moment.

After a long time, Wanxi raised her eyes and stared at the emperor.

Judging from the emperor's figure and expression, Wanxi knew that the emperor was probably watching her all the time.

Wanxi took a deep breath, tried her best to appear calm, and only asked lightly, "The commander-in-chief of Malan Town... I remember that the emperor said that he is the uncle who will always be there."

The emperor nodded, "That's right, his name is Mandou, and he's an always-present uncle."

Wanxi frowned lightly, "My slave remembers that the always-present Ama is an old woman, and the always-present Ama is over sixty this year, right? What about Mandou, what is the age of this year?"

The emperor thought for a while, "Mandou is almost the same as his ever-present father, and he is now in his sixtieth year."

"The sixtieth year," Wanxi couldn't control herself, and laughed, "The sixtieth year!"

That's right, even in his sixtieth year, as a general, he is still very powerful, so he is still better than a eunuch, isn't he?
It's not wrong for Yuye to think so, is it?What could she blame Yuye for?
Wanxi only punched herself hard on the heart twice, "Thousands of mistakes, so it was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked them to leave the palace, I might as well keep them by my side..."

Even though she knew it was dangerous, she still had a chance to protect them; as long as they were not asked to leave the palace, Yuye would not have such a heart, and she would still be able to live happily with Mao Tuan'er. Is it old?
... No, no, she didn't blame Yuye, it's not that she couldn't understand Yuye's mood.However, she still feels sorry for Mao Tuan'er, and the injury Mao Tuan'er suffered at this time has nothing to do with her!

The emperor came over and held Wanxi's hand, staring down at the letter paper that had been crumpled by Wanxi, "Yuye, what did you say?"

Wanxi looked up sadly, but shook her head, "Master, I'm so tired. I want to resign and go back to sleep."

The emperor stretched out his arms to hug Wanxi, "Just sleep here. I don't worry if you go back like this."

Wanxi shook her head, snuggled into the emperor's arms, but still felt tired, "I thank the emperor for your kindness, but I still... go back to my palace so that I can sleep soundly."

"You don't have to worry about the servant. The servant is fine. The servant just needs to have a good sleep. When he wakes up, he will be fine."

The emperor hurriedly ordered Hu Shijie to send Wanxi back in person.
The emperor personally watched Wanxi leave, and then he turned around and called Mao Tuan'er in.

Mao Tuan'er kowtowed at the emperor's feet with red eyes, "Today the concubine and master are so sad, they are all slaves and deserve to die..."

The emperor shook his head, "If you deserve to die, how can I be exonerated? Don't I also have to watch her suffer?"

Mao Tuan'er burst into tears, "If this humble life of this slave can be redeemed, then this slave is willing to ask the emperor to die."

But the emperor patted the Kang table, and the finger of the giant clam knocked on the table, cracking it unexpectedly.

"Death? If you just begged to die, why did you come back! You just died in the imperial mausoleum, and you can continue to serve the emperor underground!"

Mao Tuan'er wept and said, "...the moment Yu Ye left, the slave also wished he could go with him immediately. It's just that the slave can't let go of Yu Ye's entrustment before leaving. Yu Ye said that now the noble concubine and the master are in the palace. Although the palace is protected by the emperor, there are still so many people in the harem, and now the heirs are all grown up. The situation in the palace will only be more complicated than before; the battles surrounding the concubine and master are no longer just A battle for favor between the masters."

"The master of the noble concubine has seven orifices in her heart, but the master of the noble concubine has a kind heart after all. Even if she uses tricks, she only uses tricks to protect herself and the people around her, but she never takes the initiative to harm others; therefore, the master is under the design of others who are scheming. It will inevitably suffer a loss."

"What's more, the noble concubine and the master now have four children, and the noble concubine and the master have a heart that has to be divided into many parts. It is inevitable that one of them will be plotted against if one is not careful... Yuye said, slave I have to go back to the palace, and I have to go back to the side of the noble concubine and master to help the noble concubine and master.

Mao Tuan'er burst into tears when he said this.

"Yu Ye said that she can no longer go back to the palace to protect the concubine and the young masters in person, so she wants me to come back, to come back without any worries, and to concentrate on serving the concubine and master...and also to spend that time of hers. Share, together with generation."

The emperor also closed his eyes tightly, and nodded deeply, "You two, you both have your heart. It is worthwhile for your noble concubine and master to treat you sincerely."

"It's just that girl Yuye is willing to ruin her reputation like that... Why did she change her mind and go with Mandou? She is an old man in his 60s!"

Mao Tuan'er smiled, sadly but proudly, "Because Yuye knows that only in this way can she explain why the slave came back to the palace; and can the concubine and master let her go... Although she has ruined herself However, this servant understands everything in his heart. On the contrary, this servant cherishes this meeting and getting to know her more and more in this lifetime."

The emperor nodded, quickly raised his hand, and quickly wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, then I will hide it for you like this. Mandou, I will pass on a message in private to let him know what to do and what not to do. From then on, every six months, there will be A letter from Yuye was sent in from Mandou's home along with Mandou's greeting book."

Mao Tuan'er kowtowed again, "There is still Yongchang... If the servant dares to ask the emperor, he has to tell Yongchang to go in advance, so don't miss it in front of the noble concubine and master."

The emperor nodded, "Okay, I'm going to pay my respects to the empress dowager, and see Yongchang by the way."
March has finally come, and the scenery in the Old Summer Palace is already beautiful.

Just like a girl who has finally grown up, although the youthfulness has not completely faded away, the mature brightness is already overflowing in the corners of the eyes and brows, and there is nowhere to stop it.

When Wanxi saw Yongchang again, she felt the same feeling in her heart.

Yongchang found Wanxi in Wang Lingzhi, and hurried forward to pay his respects.

(End of this chapter)

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