Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 246 Looking Forward

Chapter 246 Looking Forward (7 More)
The emperor raised his eyebrows, not forgetting to lower his head to tease the bird in the cage, and whistled softly.

"It's serious, where is it! You didn't disturb me, you just disturbed my birds."

The emperor smiled and brought the birdcage to Concubine Yi: "Birds are the most timid and cannot be frightened. They like soft-spoken ones. If they are all loud and loud, even the birds will get bored. Lan You said it, didn't you?"

Lan Jin's heart swayed fiercely again, and she hurriedly lowered her voice: "I ask the Holy Spirit to punish me."

The emperor laughed again: "What's the matter? Lan Jin, you seem to be very afraid of me. Why, do you think I look very fierce?"

Lan Jin's small face was already pale, and she quickly lowered her head without daring to look at the emperor: "No! I think the emperor is amiable."

The emperor raised his eyebrows: "What happened just now that made you so angry?"

As the emperor said, he put away his smile slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, the person kneeling on the ground should be someone from the queen's palace. If she's wrong, Lan Jin, you can just throw her in front of the queen. The queen is the last People who are good at palace rules will naturally give you an explanation."

The emperor said intentionally or unintentionally: "When I was in the garden before, there was also a head of the inner court who made arbitrarily arbitrarily asserted opinions. He once wanted to go overboard and punish the officials and women in other palaces. I will punish them all!"
Concubine Shu didn't dare to speak for a while, so Cheng Jue kowtowed forward: "Returning to the Holy Majesty, the fourth girl came to the palace to greet the master, and the master saw a pair of jade bracelets on the fourth girl's wrists, so he borrowed them to play with them. Two days. Today, I happened to be writing in this pavilion, took off the jade bracelet and put it aside, and then talked to Miss Wan, and the jade bracelet disappeared!"

"The master originally said that it doesn't matter if the bracelet is gone; if Miss Wan likes it, the master will naturally give it to me. It's just that this pair of bracelets has a history, it is the fourth girl's betrothal gift, and it is said that it is the relic of the queen's master Er Niang. Therefore, the master had to find out. Since there is no outsider in this hall, the two slaves dared to ask Miss Wan to help them find it."

Wanxi quietly raised her eyes to look at the emperor, her pretty face was already pale.

This soft bracelet contains the hearts of both Master Jiu and Master Jiu. If it is found out like this, it will be a burden, and it may even implicate the reputation of Master Jiu and Master Jiu.

The emperor only slightly raised his eyebrows: "Oh? So that's the case. If that's the case, then the jade bracelet should be searched hard. There are only a few people in this hall, so it's easy to find."

He even winked at Concubine Shu: "Lan Pei's dowry must not be ambiguous. I have given you permission to look for it. Keep looking, and you must find it!"
Wanxi is already stupid.

Fourth Master, why did he say such a thing?

After receiving the emperor's oral order, Cheng Jue and Ruhuan became even more ambitious, and when they came up, they grabbed Wanxi's arm more resolutely, and continued to search for it in the sleeve!
No matter how deeply Wanxi hid the soft bracelet, she could no longer bear the search.

But the emperor suddenly stopped, and turned to Concubine Shu, "I would like to ask first: what kind of jade bracelet is it? Only in this way, once it is found, I will be able to settle the case for you." .”

Concubine Shu carefully described the color, shape and pattern of the jade bracelet.

The emperor pointed to the paper and pen on her table: "Draw it, let me see clearly."

Concubine Shu had no choice but to paint, the specific color and texture are not easy to express with pen and ink, but the shape can still be traced, after all, it is such a circle.

The emperor nodded and smiled after seeing it: "I see clearly. Come, search for me!"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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