Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2462 What's in the stomach

Chapter 2462 Seven Volumes 166 What's in the Stomach

Tana smiled. "Master, why have you forgotten Chen Shiguan's vow to go there? You are the mother of the Zhenggong, how could he dare to deceive you like a mere ninth-rank medical doctor?"

"Besides, at this point, Concubine Xin's baby is destined to be wrong, and this is naturally due to Chen Shiguan's contribution."

After thinking about it, Nala's lips curled up triumphantly, "Then I don't worry."

After tossing all night, Concubine Xin didn't give birth to anything, except for tossing herself to exhaustion, and tossing the two old ladies, Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Wu, almost "out of the core".

At dawn, Nala couldn't stand it any longer, looking at the situation inside, Concubine Xin was about to fall asleep, and it seemed that there was no movement for the time being.

Nala yawned and got up, and called Sun to ask him alone.

Mrs. Sun was originally the one chosen by Mrs. Nala, but she was a little disappointed by Mrs. Nala before.So I talked back and forth alone, and I couldn't help being cautious again.

Nala glanced at her, "I've been tossing and tossing for most of the night, but I haven't given birth yet. Based on your experience, what's going on?"

After all, Concubine Xin had a stomachache, and it was only a night later, but Sun didn't dare to say anything, so she lowered her head and hesitated and said euphemistically, "Accordingly, from stomachache to childbirth, there is indeed a lot of trouble. They still go some days later. Concubine Xin has only started making noises since yesterday, but she didn't give birth last night, so I'm afraid I have to wait a few more days to go."

Nala was delighted to hear this, but turned her head and ignored Sun.

Tana then smiled and said, "Grandma Sun is really loyal. This time, Grandma Sun put all her heart on Concubine Xin and the emperor's heir when she served Concubine Xin's concubine and the emperor's heir. She forgot how she got into this palace." here."

Sun was terrified, and hurriedly knelt down, "I will never forget that it was the Queen's master who ordered the servant to come... How dare the servant not to go to the master's empress? It's just, just, this matter is important, and the servant doesn't have that kind of thing." courage……"

Nalashi was impatient to hear, and squinted his eyes, "That's enough~~ What do you think, just keep it in your heart, there is no need to say it, and I don't bother to listen."

"Anyway, what do you care about? I just need to see how you do it. You have been serving in Concubine Xin's Palace for three months now. What have you said and how you have done in the past four months? I can see it naturally.”

Nala stared at Sun fiercely while speaking, "...the same thing, I kept it in my heart."

What the Queen's master said clearly made it clear that she was already going to take revenge on her, didn't she?
Sun's face paled in shock, and she quickly knelt down and kowtowed, "I dare not, I dare not, my slave!"

Nalashi ignored her again, but Tana took the conversation and said with a half-smile, "Grandma didn't dare? Grandma said she didn't dare, but she did everything that should be done. Since you can do everything , why does grandma still have to say something and dare not go?"

Sun closed her eyes in despair, kowtowed upwards and said, "...Going back to the queen's master, according to the slaves, the concubine Xin's baby is no longer conceived."

As if she just knew about it, Nala turned her head and stared at Sun, "Why did Grandma Sun say that? Didn't she just toss for a night? After a few nights of tossing, the baby was born."

Mrs. Sun kowtowed again and again, "Going back to the empress's master, I really can't give birth... Concubine Xin, she doesn't move at all in her stomach. If Si gives birth, the emperor's heir should reincarnate inside, so that he can work hard both inside and outside. Let's go. But there is no movement in Concubine Xin's stomach, so no matter how hard we work outside, it will be of no avail!"

Mrs. Nala finally laughed, and looked at Mrs. Sun approvingly, "What about Mrs. Wu, what did she say?"

Sun hurriedly said, "Grandma Wu said a long time ago that Concubine Xin's concubine's concubine's fetus is gone. On the contrary, the servant wanted to be more careful, so she persuaded Grandma Wu to wait a little longer."

Nala nodded slowly, "Hmph, since you two grandmas have already said that, why bother? Don't tell Concubine Xin to suffer such trivial crimes, so you two grandmas have to follow suit." Going through the night and the day? Just like this, the whole night passed, Concubine Xin fell asleep by herself, but you two still have to take turns to accompany her, in case she suddenly makes any movement again."

Tana lost no time in beating the side drum, "Not only do you have to accompany us, but also the queen master and us have to go together! It's your duty to accompany you. What about the queen master, the majestic mother of the palace, why should I accompany you?" Doing it all night long?"

Mrs. Sun understood it, and said, "This servant will go to inform the guard of the palace supervisor, and tell them clearly that Concubine Xin's concubine... is hopeless."

Only then did Nala nodded in satisfaction, "Well, let's go now. Both the emperor and the empress dowager are waiting for the letter. I think I didn't sleep well this night."
This night, in fact, the entire harem did not sleep well.

Wanxi got up early, and just after drinking a bowl of hot porridge, Yuqin arrived.

"Did you hear that? It's said that Concubine Xin was tossing around on the rope all night last night, her hands were all bald from the rope, but nothing was born."

Wanxi nodded, but she didn't dare to relax just now, she just said lightly, "... After all, it's only the first night. Sister, don't forget, when I gave birth to Xiaoqi, I struggled with my bones, but I just reported it. When I was happy, my stomach started to hurt. When I gave birth, it took two months to give birth."

Although Yuqin said that she had never given birth, she was quite certain, "You started to have pain when you were seven months old, and the pain lasted for two months when you gave birth, which is within a reasonable period of pregnancy. But what about her, She reported Yuxi on December 25th, and it has been three months since then, which means she is pregnant in October!"

"Could it be that she won't be able to conceive now, so she has to wait two or three months? She's pregnant in October, and it's ripe; but she's pregnant in twelve or three months. What does she want to give birth to?"

"I'm afraid she wants to give birth to the third prince of Nezha!" Yu Rui came in from the outside and picked up the conversation with a smile.

Calling Yurui such a gag, Wanxi couldn't help laughing.

No, Li Jing's wife is said to have been pregnant for three years before giving birth to the third prince Nezha.

"Maybe Concubine Xin is really willing to use this story to tell about the miracle of the child in her womb." Wanxi couldn't help but sneer.

Yurui snorted, walked over and said, "I just managed to find out what's going on at the House of Internal Affairs. It turned out that the two grandmothers who guarded the moon said early in the morning that Concubine Xin's child was gone. They have jointly reported Knowing about the empress, with the empress' consent, this is the formal notification to Wang Changgui, the chief supervisor of the palace, and the palace supervisor has already sent people to Jiuzhou Qingyan and Changchun Garden to report back to the emperor and empress dowager."

Both Wanxi and Yuqin couldn't help raising their eyes.

Yuqin couldn't hold back anymore, and asked anxiously, "Concubine Xin's child is really gone?"

Yu Rui nodded, "The two moon-shouling grandmas are together, so there shouldn't be any misreading. Besides, this matter concerns their own wealth and life, how dare they talk nonsense?"
Although Wanxi tried her best to calm down, her heart was also agitated like a drumbeat.

She couldn't tell whether the sonorous unison rhythm was her own heartbeat or an auditory hallucination echoing in her ears.

She clenched Yuqin with one hand and Yurui with the other.

All the close sisters knew how long she had been waiting for Concubine Xin's day!

Yuqin was also so excited that her eye circles were red, but she still couldn't help muttering, "But Concubine Xin's belly, why is it still bulging up to now? Although it's not the same size as it was before she gave birth, it's been really big in the past few months. Drumming..."

Both Wanxi and Yurui shook their heads.

Wanxi took a deep breath, lowered her head, and hid an eager smile on her lips.

"The only way to know all this is to ask the emperor. Sister, don't worry, the announcement of all this is close at hand."
Because of Concubine Xin's precious family background, even after the Empress Dowager got Xin'er, it was rare for her to come from Changchun Garden in person.

Although the emperor was a step behind the empress dowager, he finally came late.

The emperor, empress, and empress dowager gathered together, sat down in the main hall, and asked the two moon-guarding grandmas together.

Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Wu carefully told the Empress Dowager that they had been serving Concubine Xin for the past few months, but they did not feel any fetal movement.

The Empress Dowager was also startled, staring at the two of them and asked, "You two are both experienced grandmothers, old people who depended heavily on the birth of the emperor's heir in the palace. Since you, Mrs. Sun, Mrs. Wu Since you haven't felt Concubine Xin's fetal movement since February, why didn't you two report it earlier?"

Both Sun and Wu hurriedly knelt down and said, "How dare you lie to me? Actually, it is..."

The emperor raised his eyebrows leisurely by the side, "The empress wronged them. In fact, Mrs. Sun has gone back to her son and the empress long ago. It was Concubine Xin who denied it herself, saying that she could feel the fetal movement every morning and evening, and even scolded her." The Sun family is useless."

"Although the son believes in Mrs. Sun's experience, he will not make mistakes; but after all, the son has to give Concubine Xin a chance, so let's just think that Mrs. Sun made a mistake. The son is the master, and he added another to Concubine Xin's palace. I will go to guard the moon, grandma Wu."

As the emperor spoke, he raised his eyes and glanced at the Empress Dowager, "This Wu family was chosen by my son himself, so there will be no mistakes."

Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Wu both prostrated themselves together and said, "The two servants have already understood, but Concubine Xin's master insisted that the two slaves were wrong. The two slaves dare not disobey Concubine Xin's master. Being able to spend time with Concubine Xin and Master Xin, until the day of giving birth, it will be at this time, and the truth will naturally come to light."

The empress dowager closed her eyes annoyed, "Announce the imperial physician to come again! Grandma Shouyue may have something wrong, but I have to wait for the imperial physician to decide!"

The emperor snorted softly, "Emperor Niang is right, you have to call in an authoritative imperial doctor."

Mao Tuan'er was clever, and immediately understood the meaning of the emperor's words, so he hurriedly knelt down to accept the order, "Hey, I'm going to invite the imperial doctor!"

Mao Tuan'er slipped out, but the Empress Dowager was taken aback, and pointed at Mao Tuan'er's back and asked the emperor, "...why, why is it him?"

The emperor sighed, "This slave made a mistake back then, so he asked his son to punish him and sent him to the emperor's ancestor to guard the imperial tomb. But after all, he is the eunuch Haha Zhuzi who has been serving his son since he was a child. It has always been useful. He was originally Li Yu's apprentice, and my son was counting on him to replace Li Yu..."

"Li Yu is getting old and has left the palace to take care of the elderly, and now he has passed away for a long time. My son often dreams about it at night, always thinking of himself when he was a child. At that time, Li Yu and this servant were by his side."

"After all, my son is over half a hundred years old. At this age, it is inevitable to miss the past. Besides, this slave has been sincerely repenting in the past few years in the imperial mausoleum. The past few years have made him atone for his sins. Son Taking advantage of this visit to the mausoleum, I brought him back."

The empress dowager also remembered the monkey-like haha ​​bead eunuch next to her son.

The empress dowager sighed, "According to his age, he will be over 30 this year."

The emperor nodded, "Isn't it? When he was young, he relied on his son's trust, so he did things in a daze. Now that he is over the years, he can finally calm down and take care of his son."

The empress dowager sighed again when she thought of Li Yu, "Li Yu was also the eunuch of your emperor's grandfather, and when you went to your emperor's ancestor, your emperor assigned Li Yu to you. Li Yu is here to serve you."

"Li Yu took care of me carefully, which made me feel grateful all these years. Li Yu is really a loyal servant. He went out of the palace when he was old, but he still went to the imperial tomb of your imperial grandfather... He took care of you. You have completed the errands your imperial grandfather entrusted to him these years, so he is going to deal with your imperial grandfather, and in the end he will be by your imperial grandfather's side."

Speaking of this, the emperor's eyes were already red.

It's just that as the emperor, he couldn't shed tears for a eunuch.The emperor took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at the ceiling, and smiled faintly, "Yes. Mao Tuan'er is Li Yu's apprentice, even if he made mistakes in the past, no one else could compare with him. That's why my son insisted on bringing him Come back to the palace and tell him to always be by his son's side."

The empress dowager was also moved, so she let go of all the doubts in her heart.

Only Nala lowered her head, although she didn't get involved in the conversation between mother and son, she didn't know what she was thinking.
After a while, Mao Tuan'er finally invited the "imperial doctor".

It was none other than Shi Shiqi.

Since the emperor asked to invite an "imperial doctor", Chen Shiguan, a ninth-rank doctor who is younger than a sesame seed, is naturally not qualified to come in front of the empress dowager to serve as an envoy.

There are not many imperial doctors with the highest rank in the palace. The empress dowager felt relieved when she saw that it was an imperial doctor and heard that she had always been on duty in Concubine Xin's Palace.Busy and earnest orders, called to take the pulse of Concubine Xin carefully to see if Concubine Xin's fetus is there or not.

Shi Shiqi didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurried inside to ask for his pulse.

Le Rong and Le Yi took care of her personally, Le Rong lowered the bed curtain, and Le Yi covered Concubine Xin's wrist with a handkerchief.

Concubine Xin's fetal problems had spread throughout the harem, but concubine Xin's own people in the palace dared not say a word.At this time, Concubine Xin didn't know what was going on outside, so she still put on airs, coupled with a guilty conscience, afraid of being seen by Shi Shiqi, she shouted angrily, "Where is this coming from?" The rules? I am in labor right now, how can I make it easy for a man to come close to me? Why not retreat outside the warm pavilion?!"

Le Yi couldn't help but rolled her eyelids, she was really getting impatient with Concubine Xin now.

"Tell the imperial doctor to retreat outside the Nuan Pavilion? Master, how will the imperial doctor diagnose the pulse?"

Concubine Xin gritted her teeth and said, "Tell him Xuansi to diagnose the pulse?"

Even Yue Yi was about to laugh, "Master, are you serious?"

Across the house and outside, just rely on a rope tied to the wrist, can you get a glimpse of the pulse by the slight pulsation transmitted by that rope?

Although the legend of "diagnosing the pulse with a silk thread" has been spread in the harem for thousands of years, in the final analysis, it is just a formality.

After all, what the imperial doctor pays attention to is "seeing, hearing, asking and feeling", and feeling the pulse is at the end.Therefore, when the imperial physicians really want to use this method to see the inner court dignitaries, they still have to first describe the illness through the officials and women around the concubines.

But now, are Le Yi and Le Rong still that patient, helping Concubine Xin describe her condition?
Besides, what's the matter with Concubine Xin herself, she and Le Yi and Le Rong are still in love with each other, and Le Yi is even more lazy to lie for her again.

But Concubine Xin still insisted, "...just do it like this!"

Le Yi shrugged, took the handkerchief from Concubine Xin's wrist, found a long silk thread, and tied one end to Concubine Xin's wrist.

On the other side, Le Rong politely invited Shi Shiqi to sit outside the green gauze cupboard, and Le Yi also handed over the other end of the silk thread.

Shi Shiqi was not in a hurry to feel his pulse, instead he followed the usual practice and asked for help first, looking at Le Rong, "I don't know that Concubine Xin..."

Le Rong didn't want to go around anymore, so she lowered her voice and said, "In the past few months, I have been leaking red. But my stomach has always been bulging, but the size of the bulging has not changed much."

Shi Shiqi frowned, and finally put his fingertips on the silk thread.

For a long time, Shi Shiqi didn't dare to draw conclusions lightly.

It was about half an hour after the incense stick, Shi Shiqi asked Le Rong with some embarrassment, "I don't know how many times a day, Concubine Xin... in the past few months?"

Le Rong also blushed when asked, coughed, and said in a low voice, "How many times a day? In the past few months, it's only once a few days."

Shi Shiqi opened his mouth, and he quickly lowered his head in embarrassment.

Seeing that something was wrong, Le Rong hurriedly asked in a low voice, "Why did Doctor Shi ask this?"

Shi Shiqi has been on duty in Concubine Xin's Palace for many years, and has also been friends with Le Rong for many years, so he didn't hide it, and said in a low voice, "... Your Majesty's belly is protruding, and the next official is worried at this moment, but Your Majesty is actually—— dry constipation."

Le Rong also opened his mouth wide in surprise.
Shi Shiqi didn't dare to delay, put away the silk thread, knelt down to Concubine Xin outside the green gauze cupboard and bid farewell, then hurriedly returned to the front hall to answer in front of Sangong.

The Empress Dowager had been waiting for a long time, before Shi Shiqi knelt down and saluted, she hurriedly said, "What's going on, let's talk first!"

Shi Shiqi said embarrassingly, "According to my minister, Concubine Xin really is—the happy pulse is gone."

The imperial doctor said so, although the empress dowager was shocked, she couldn't help but sigh.

"But how did you say that? She herself said that the fetus is still moving, not to mention her stomach is always bulging, isn't it?"

The emperor watched from the side, and sighed softly, "Shi Shiqi, if you have anything to say, you can play it back in front of the empress dowager. If there is nothing, ask the empress dowager to worry about it later."

Shi Shiqi knew that the emperor himself was proficient in medical skills, since the emperor has said so, I am afraid that the emperor already knows it.

Shi Shiqi didn't dare to hide it even more, and hurriedly said, "Since there is no joy pulse, but the stomach is still swollen, I see it as a sign of spleen deficiency and intestinal dryness."

The emperor was startled, "That is to say—is it distended, constipated?"

Nalashi suddenly smiled too, but she didn't have time to stop it.Asked the empress dowager to come over and stare at her, she quickly lowered her head.

However, she still couldn't help whispering to Tana, "Fortunately, she still insisted that she was the heir of the emperor, but it turned out that it was all shit!"
Shi Shiqi resigned and left, Concubine Xin felt a little uneasy across the green gauze cabinet.

Seeing Le Rong and Le Yi coming in with the silk thread, she quickly asked, "What did Shi Shiqi cut out? Did he tell you? He went to the emperor and empress dowager again, what did he say?"

Le Yi was already too lazy to talk to Concubine Xin, but Le Rong still couldn't bear it, so she continued to cover up and said, "Master, don't worry, Doctor Shi said that everything is fine."

"Everything is fine?" Concubine Xin squinted at Le Rong, "Then he means that my child is fine, right?"

Le Rong was stumped, and cast a glance at Le Yi for help.

Yue Yi twirled her fingers leisurely around the silk thread, and said slowly, "...it is said that mother and child are connected, and the situation of the emperor's heir is the best in the master's heart. The master firmly believes that the emperor's heir will be fine, so everything must be fine. OK."

Le Yi used Concubine Xin's own words to block Concubine Xin back.

"After all, Shi Shiqi is the one who diagnoses the pulse with Xuansi, how much can he understand?" Le Yi's eyes were light.

"He really can't see anything?" Concubine Xin was still worried, so she kept her eyes on Le Yi.

Le Yi shrugged, "What does the master say? Is there really a doctor in this world who can use such a long thread to travel such a distance, and who can feel the pulse?"

"Master insists on asking Shi Shiqi Xuansi to diagnose the pulse, isn't it just a way to rest assured?"

Concubine Xin breathed a sigh of relief, but she still said, "Leyi, go to the front hall and stare at them, and find out what they are saying. At this moment, only you two can reassure me. Apart from you, I No one can believe it."

Yue Yi twisted the silk thread around her finger again, although she was a little reluctant, she still turned around and left.

Concubine Xin then looked away, and couldn't help staring at Le Rong, "... What happened to Le Yi these days? Or, when did I offend her?"

Le Rong's heart also trembled, and she also felt that Le Yi had indeed left some traces these days.

Le Rong hurriedly said, "No, master is too worried. In fact, Yue Yi is also very anxious about the matter of master's delivery. I am concerned about it, so I am emotionally unstable. Please forgive me."

Concubine Xin nodded slowly, "If that's the case, that's fine. Otherwise... I will be the first to spare her!"

(After these two days of busy work, I will add more monthly tickets to my friends~~)

(End of this chapter)

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