Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2478 Volume 8 3

Chapter 2478 Eight Volumes 3

The death of Fugui was a little too "timely".

She had an accident on the fifth day of August, and the Emperor's Longevity Day was on the thirteenth day of the eighth month, with a difference of only eight days.Originally, from the second day of August, the celebration banquets and various ceremonial sacrifices in the summer resort had already started one after another, which made no one inside or outside the palace care about the cause of her death for the time being.

After all, how does the death of a little nobleman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs compare with the longevity of the emperor?

It's just that Wanxi has some doubts in her heart, but it's not easy to bring it up on the emperor's birthday - after all, the emperor is now over half a hundred years old, who at this age likes to go to the palace on the occasion of his birthday? How about listening to the cause of death of others?

The emperor's birthday was celebrated together with the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th. After the excitement, on August [-]th, according to the established schedule, the emperor drove from the Summer Resort to the Mulan paddock with the empress dowager.

Fugui's death was completely abandoned because of this.

It was already the eighth day of October when Shengjia and his party returned to Beijing.It has been two months since Fugui's accident.

The capital in October was already cold, and Chengde in October snowed earlier than the capital.

Back among the red walls and golden tiles in Beijing, Wanxi couldn't help but look back, as if she could still see the snow in Chengde as soon as she looked back.That piece of heaven and earth is white, has someone's sins been washed away?

Or, the snow in Chengde is also telling the injustice of Fugui's death?
Wanxi returned to Tiandi Family Spring and was reunited with Yu Rui and the children, she was very happy.The joy of the reunion of the flesh and blood and the sisters, somehow washed away the pity in Wanxi's heart.

At night, Wanxi personally coaxed pomegranate to sleep, and then came back to talk to Yurui.Only then did the death of Mr. Fugui come up.

Yu Rui let out an "oops" and said, "This time my sister went with me in the autumn, and I stayed in Beijing. I didn't know the news so quickly. So there is something, I can't communicate with my sister, and I can't communicate with my sister." I want to go."

"What's the matter?" Wanxi looked up at Yurui.

Yurui asked Cuihuan to go, and after a while brought back a small brocade box, "This is it."

Wanxi took it over to look at it, but saw it was a box of silver needles.

Wanxi was a little surprised, just waiting for Yurui's explanation.

Yurui said, "This is what Ruigui gave me."

Wanxi was also taken aback, "Oh? When did it happen?"

Yu Rui said, "It's the end of July. I'm counting the schedule at that time. The emperor is already staying at the Summer Resort, preparing for the Autumn Ceremony and the Longevity Festival. At that time, everyone inside and outside the womb will be busy for the emperor's longevity." They are all sent to the Mountain Resort in Beijing to send congratulatory gifts, but I never thought that Fugui would ask someone to bring this back from the Mountain Resort for me."

"She only said that she entered the palace late and was young. She didn't know that she was born on the same day as me until she brought me this box."

"Oh?" Wanxi was also surprised, "They are all born on the nineteenth day of the first lunar month?"

Yurui nodded, "It seems to be so. She said that she entered the palace late, and she was first appointed as a resident in October last year. After she was first appointed, she was always serving in the Empress Dowager's Palace. She didn't have much chance to walk over to us. That's why I never knew that my birthday was on the same day as hers."

"In addition, she was only promoted to nobleman in March this year, so she has the same status as me, so it is convenient to walk around together, but she has already missed her birthday in the first month. She was at the Summer Resort at that time, and saw the Emperor's Longevity Festival I was planning to go to celebrate, and then I remembered that I should also give me another congratulatory gift."

Wanxi looked down at the box of silver needles, "In that case, she has a heart. It's just that she wanted to give you a gift, but why did she send you a box of silver needles?"

Silver is precious, even if it is made into fine needles, the weight of this small box is not light, so this intention must be sincere.But if you want to give a sincere gift, what's wrong with it? Why is it a needle?

——If you follow the folk saying, in fact, it is not good to give needles on birthdays.

"But since Mrs. Fugui just sent you the needle, and it was specially sent back from the Summer Resort...then there must be her special intentions in it." Wanxi narrowed her eyes slightly.

Yu Rui also nodded, "After all, none of us are good at women's reds. In fact, the needles and threads are the last thing we need. It's a pity to give us ordinary embroidery needles, let alone silver needles. It's a waste."

"At that time, I only thought that this rich man might be a little young and ignorant, and maybe even mocked us, so I didn't take it seriously. Let her come back together, and then just throw it back to her face to face. But it's impossible to imagine... She didn't come back alive."

Wanxi couldn't help but move in her heart, "But when it comes to needlework, I think of Concubine Shen. At the palace banquet on the Duanyang Festival, the emperor wore a sachet embroidered by Concubine Shen on his waist... If we talk about the craftsmanship of this needlework , this year, the one who was in the limelight originally was Concubine Shen."

Yu Rui was also slightly taken aback, and then her eyes lit up.

"Sister! Maybe Mr. Fu Gui also used this silver needle to hint at our concubine's prudence!"

Wanxi took a deep breath, raised her eyes to look at Yurui, and nodded slightly, "I think so too."
The emperor was going to pay his respects at Anyou Palace that night when he returned to Beijing, so he stayed in Jiuzhou Qingyan.The next day the emperor finished his work, so he came to visit Wanxi.

Manchu women are used to placing needlework baskets on the kang, either on the kang table, or on the top of the kang, or tucked under the quilt of the kang.After all, they don't betray others, showing the hard work of the women.

It's just that Wanxi's needlework skills have always been a little lacking, so Wanxi always hides her own needlework basket, not to let the emperor see it.

But today, the needlework basket was not collected in time, and the emperor found it fresh after looking at it, so he took a special look inside.

After seeing this, the emperor frowned, "Hey, where did you get the silver needle?"

Silver is precious, even the palace does not have any embroidery needles made of silver, it is too wasteful.

Wanxi stared into the emperor's eyes, "...in the palace, no one dares to grind silver into needles unless it is rewarded by the Lord."

The emperor bit his lips, looked up at Wanxi, "You know?"

Wanxi twisted her body on purpose, "What does this servant know? This servant doesn't know anything."

The emperor was very guilty, so he hurriedly leaned over and sat together shoulder to shoulder, and lightly bumped Wanxi with his arm, "...isn't it true that during the Duanyang Festival this year, the incense embroidered by Concubine Shen The bag is very good, Grandpa chose to wear it, so I have to give her something."

"After thinking about it, since she is good at needlework, then I might as well reward her with a box of silver needles."

Wanxi was not narrow-minded, but she clapped her hands happily after hearing this, "Sure enough, I gave Concubine Shen a box of silver needles! Good job!"

Both Fugui and Concubine Shen are dead, so Wanxi and Yurui can only guess what the box of silver needles means.

After all, if she wants to get the answer, Wanxi can only start from the emperor and test the emperor once.

The emperor is also cute, and she got it right after she tried it, and it didn't take much trouble.
Seeing Wanxi's expression, the emperor also raised his long eyebrows.

"How do you say it? Could it be that your box of silver needles is actually the one that the Lord gave to Concubine Shen?"

Wanxi didn't answer, but asked the emperor instead, "Concubine Shen died of illness, and her belongings should be taken back by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Lord, where is the box of silver needles from Concubine Shen? Has the Ministry of Internal Affairs found them?"

The emperor shook his head, "In the past few months, we have been focusing on Qiu Xi's affairs, so whether it is the relics of Mr. Fugui or Concubine Shen, they have not yet been presented."

Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief again, and the suspicion in her heart can be confirmed again - since Concubine Shen's relics have not been collected yet, they are still in Nala's palace.In the few days before the accident, Mr. Fugui, everyone in the Mountain Resort knew that Mr. Fugui was helping the queen to give the emperor's birthday gift... Then maybe, Mr. Fugui saw this box at Nala's place silver needle.

If this is the case, then Wanxi can really catch some of Nala's tricks.

——Concubine Shen died in Beijing. Before Concubine Shen's relics were collected, even if Nala was the queen, there was no reason to casually move Concubine Shen's relics.What's more, this box of silver needles is a gift from the emperor, so only the emperor personally orders to dispose of it.

But if Nala family not only touched Concubine Shen's relics, but also took this box of silver needles to the Summer Resort on a special trip... Then it can quite show that Nala Shi is very concerned about Concubine Shen's affairs up.

To kill someone, the most important thing is to find the motive.If this box of silver needles can be confirmed to be the relic of Concubine Shen, then this box of silver needles can also find out Nala's motive for being unfavorable to Concubine Shen.

Wanxi felt relieved, so she turned around and put away the silver needle, not asking the emperor to ask any more questions for the time being.

The emperor frowned, "Look at how narrow-minded you are! I have already said that this is a reciprocation. Concubine Shen embroidered a sachet for you, and I rewarded you with a box of silver needles... Besides, Concubine Shen Time is gone, thanks to you still playing petty temper with grandpa."

Wanxi was also happy to admit that, after all, she just wiped away the real source of the silver needle for the time being.

This time, Wanxi has to personally investigate and confirm all the evidence of Nala's crimes, and then she will officially hold it in front of the emperor. However, Wanxi still hopes that she can pull out every abacus bead by herself.
Because of the dawn brought by the sudden appearance of this box of silver needles, Wanxi was really happy tonight.

But this happiness is to be kept from the emperor for the time being, so Wanxi is secretly having fun.

With this kind of stealthy joy, Wanxi was very emotional tonight, all of which were proactive.

When she finally got back on her feet, Wanxi couldn't help but be attracted by the scene at this moment—Little Xin, a woman surnamed Kuhan, is now "King's Landing" above the Son of Heaven.

His joy, his urgency, are all under her control, and he can't let him go. This time, they all have to be at her disposal...

The majestic emperor has to submit to her at this moment, so - what about the queen?

The days when the Nala family relied on themselves as the lord of the middle palace and dominated the harem... there will be a day when it will come to an end!
When Wanxi was at her peak, amidst her shouts of joy, she vaguely had a premonition—that day was not far away.
The physical and mental satisfaction of this night made Wanxi couldn't help smiling when she talked about Yinzhen with Yu Ruizhong the next day.

"I think this Fugui is also a smart person. Maybe she has already discovered that the Queen's attitude towards her is different, so she also kept an eye out and found the silver needle left by the concubine Shen by the Queen's side. So I managed to send it out."

"She wanted to give it to me, but I was also in the Summer Resort at that time, and she didn't dare to tell the truth, whether the queen would know about it. So she made a detour and asked someone to send it back to the capital to hand it over to me. You go——she understands that this physical evidence will come into my hands sooner or later."

Yu Rui also sighed, "Maybe she didn't expect that she didn't come back alive?"

Wanxi's smile also withered, "Although she is smart, she still has a low status and is young. Even if she has the empress dowager's protection, she is still no match for the empress."

Yu Rui also sneered, "She is the empress, but the lord of the harem, she can naturally cover the sky with one hand! Besides, the empress dowager is over seventy years old now, how can there be a spiritual leader who can restrain her? The emperor can't Watching in the harem all the time, this makes the queen more and more willful!"

Wanxi nodded, "When people are proud, they are most likely to forget themselves. As the saying goes, the evil done by the sky is still forgiven, but the evil done by oneself is not to be lived. From June to August, two people died one after another... She didn't know how to restrain herself, then Her retribution is coming!"
During the past three months in Qiuxi, two important ministers from the previous dynasty passed away.

One is the Ningjun Wang Hongjun who was first given half of his salary by the emperor and then his full salary.

After all, this is also the son of the old thirteenth master Yinxiang, and based on the brotherhood between the old thirteenth master and Yongzheng master, if the emperor can find a little bit of forgiveness for seeing Hongzhen, he will not be able to abolish his salary one after another. .

This Hongjun would pick a time even when he passed away, not too early or too late, and he went there just one day after the Emperor's Longevity Festival.

Another one who passed away was Tong Guangcheng, the Mongolian capital of Zhenghuang Banner.This is no one else, but the elder brother of Jiu Ye Fu Heng.

Because of the elder brother's death, Master Jiu followed Sheng Jia back to Beijing, and immediately rushed to Guangcheng Mansion to attend the funeral.

Wanxi did not meet this Guangcheng, but for the sake of Lord Jiu, she personally sent her own memorial ceremony to Jiufu Jin Lanpei.

Lan Pei then handed the sign into the palace, and personally thanked Wanxi for coming.

It's been a long time since we saw each other again, Wanxi grabbed Lan Pei and expressed condolences a lot. After asking Lan Pei, she asked how many of Lan Pei's children, and finally she tactfully asked Master Jiu——Master Jiu must be very sad when his elder brother passed away. .

Lan Pei also sighed, "To tell the truth, my master, our Fu family also looks glorious, after all, it is the Dan Chan family of Empress Xiaoxian. There is Jiu Ye who is the leader of the military plane like this now, and there are no grand masters in the generation of children and nephews." Chengengong Mingrui is now General Yili; the rest are Long'er as Heshuo's son-in-law, and Ling'er as Duoluo's son-in-law... It seems that they are all looked at by people."

"But in fact, the eyes of the world are full of snobbery, even the slave family. In fact, the former ministers didn't really pay attention to it--before Jiu Ye returned to Beijing, he went to the uncle's house to sacrifice There were very few courtiers who paid homage; but when Master Jiu came back, the carriages and horses of the ministers who went to pay homage to the homage filled the streets and alleys..."

"As the brother of Empress Xiaoxian, Grandpa Guangcheng was an official to the top, but he ended up in such a miserable state after his death. After all, even if the family finally became lively at this time, those people didn't go to worship Uncle went there just to show Jiu Ye."

"Master Jiu also sighed with me after he returned to the mansion, saying that he himself is fortunate to have the trust of the emperor, otherwise even the brother of Empress Xiaoxian will be like the uncle, and in fact he is not taken seriously. Ministers It’s not about Empress Dan Chan, what the ministers always see is the emperor’s attitude.”

After hearing this, Wanxi felt sore for Lord Jiu.

To outsiders, Jiuye, who looks so high above and below one person, is so glorious, but only Wanxi understands that Jiuye's status today does not come from Empress Xiaoxian, nor from his so-called high-ranking family of the Shaji Fucha family. In fact, it all came from Master Jiu's understanding of the emperor's mind, he always chose to stand with the emperor during the most difficult times, and tried his best to solve the emperor's problems.

Therefore, Master Jiu never dared to take his current status for granted, let alone believe that his status would never be defeated—Master Jiu knew that if he wanted to consolidate his position, he could not rely on mentioning Empress Xiaoxian, nor could he just rely on a few When it comes to family affairs, he can only devote himself to the government every day, to solve the emperor's worries and problems from time to time, or if there is a war, he will make military exploits...

In the end, Master Jiu is the ultimate minister, so he has to pay more than all the ministers.It is not an exaggeration to use the word "death".

It's just that Wanxi couldn't point out all these words in front of Lan Pei, so she could only smile and say, "It's a matter of opinion. Master Jiu is so sad that there is no one to express his condolences; but the other way around Well, all the ministers left because of Lord Jiu. Does this prove the prestige of Lord Jiu in the court... In this world, how can there be the best of both worlds? It just depends on how to make a trade-off, and is more willing to accept that Go to the uncomfortable side; or simply turn it over and just look at the comforting side."

Lan Pei also nodded, "This servant is going to persuade Lord Jiu to go tonight!"

Wanxi couldn't tell what it was like, so she hurriedly said, "What I said may not be effective. Your husband and wife are deeply affectionate, you can just use your own way to persuade, but don't use my bad idea to persuade you." .”

Lan Pei shook his head, "It is because of being married for many years that the slave can understand Master Jiu's state of mind. It is something that Master Jiu can't think of no matter how hard it is, as long as he says it is what the master wants, Master Jiu will be enlightened immediately , Mossey went away immediately."

"He has exhausted himself physically and mentally for the funeral of the uncle these days, so the slave can only use the words of the master to cheer Jiuye up quickly."

No matter what, it's always good for Master Jiu——Wanxi also smiled and stopped insisting.

Jiufujin raised his eyes to look at Wanxi, and asked tactfully after a while, "I don't know how the Eighth Princess will arrange after Concubine Xin passed away?"

Wanxi clenched her fingertips tightly, restraining the urge to frown.

Wanxi tried her best to smile lightly, "Shunying, what the emperor means is that she is temporarily handed over to Concubine Ying to be raised."

Why didn't Lan Pei see the slight hint of hesitation in Wanxi's expression, so she hurriedly hid her expression carefully, and said with a smile, "That's fine, that's fine. Concubine Ying has been in the concubine's position for many years. It is even higher than Concubine Xin when she was alive. The Eighth Princess is going with Concubine Ying's master, which is another step up, after all, it is good for the Eighth Princess."

"In this way...the eighth princess's forehead should be decided in one or two years, right?"

"You can do it~~" While talking, Concubine Shu came in from the outside.The sisters don't need to see outsiders, so they directly told Jiu Fujin.

In fact, Wanxi was worried that Jiufu Jin would not be able to let go of this idea, so she had already talked with Concubine Shu in private.After all, it was still inconvenient to directly talk about the unspeakable hiddenness in Shunying's child, so Wanxi simply blamed herself for the reasons, and only said that she and Dai Jiashi had been at odds over the years, so she never wanted Dai Jiashi's daughter to become a Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin's daughter-in-law went.

Although they are sisters, the rules of superiority and inferiority have to be observed, so Lan Pei hastily saluted Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu snorted, "Anyway, Long'er is already He Shuo's son-in-law, so there's no way that two brothers can become He Shuo's son-in-law, right?"

Jiu Fujin pouted a little, "But there are already two foreheads at home... Ordinarily, this is fine, so why not have another Heshuo? Besides, Kanger and the eighth princess are indeed Aren't they pretty old?"

Concubine Shu hurriedly glanced at Wanxi, and said helplessly, "You! It's a shame that you came to the palace today to pay respects to Concubine Ling. If you really become Dai Jia's in-laws in the future, I see how you will come here in the future. What about making the noble concubine come here?"

Jiu Fujin hurriedly said politely and wanly, "Master, please don't worry too much! After all, Concubine Xin is no longer here... What I value is only the Eighth Princess, and has nothing to do with Concubine Xin."

Wanxi simply got angry on purpose, turned away from looking at Jiufu Jin, and just said, "...Where in this world is there a girl who is not like Er Niang? Although the eighth princess is still young at the moment, who knows that the more she gets As she grows older, will she become more and more temperamental with her mother-in-law?"

Wanxi intentionally added another piece of information, "Don't think I'm supercilious, what I said is all reasonable and well-founded! I won't hide it from you either. Dai Jia wears filial piety, do you know how Shunying killed Liansheng?"

Jiu Fujin was also taken aback, "Why, the eighth princess is disrespectful to the seventh princess?"

Wanxi sighed, "That is to say, Liansheng remembers that he is an older sister, and the eighth princess's mother-in-law is newly passed away, so Liansheng just doesn't want to see the same thing. Otherwise, the sisters will be a little bit worried. I've got my grudges gone in the morning."

Concubine Shu hurriedly beat the side drums, "Did you hear that? If you accept such a daughter-in-law, do you want to find anger for Kang'er, or yourself?"

Jiufujin was also in a bit of trouble, when he returned to the mansion, he couldn't help himself, so he whispered to Zhuanxiang in private.

Unexpectedly, it happened that Fukang'an came back from school and was walking to the corridor.

That kid was naughty, and originally wanted to listen to the wall and have some fun.Unexpectedly, what he heard made him freeze on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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