Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2486: See Who Falls Into The Ditch

Chapter 2486 Eight Volumes 11 See Who Falls Into The Ditch (Add More)
Nala stared at the empress dowager for a long while, as if she still couldn't believe it, the empress dowager scolded her for two Han surnamed Baoyi!

She stood firm for a while, then shook her head, "Emperor Niang... is always the same as Ling Guifei, she is a woman with a Han surname! Even if her Ama is already in the high position in the capital, even if her whole family has changed, she will always be a woman with the same surname as Ling Guifei. She has a full name, but her surname is still Wang, and she is still a girl with a Han surname!"

The Empress Dowager couldn't help frowning, she didn't understand that Nala was reminding her that she had been trying to balance the Man and Han in the harem over the years, and that Han women were not allowed to surpass the noble ladies of the Man and Mongolian families.

The empress dowager also took a breath, and said as calmly as possible, "Ling Zhi is just a resident, and now he is still a teenage girl, so what's the matter?"

Nala smiled, "That's right, it doesn't matter if Yongchang is here, but Concubine Ling is already in the position of concubine, only under the daughter-in-law! Besides, there are so many people crowded into the position of concubine now, but the emperor It’s just that I didn’t think about making another noble concubine!”

The empress dowager was also helpless, "Turn through the old imperial calendar again~~"

Why was the Empress Dowager willing?But after all, she couldn't hold back her son, and besides, Xiao Shiwu's grandson really liked her now.Therefore, in the past few years, she couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

A noble concubine is a noble concubine, after all, it is still a concubine's room, not a queen.Besides, there was an old rule that Huixian was a noble concubine in the past, and the emperor didn't go too far.

What's more, Nala's turning up the old score in front of her eyes is almost like directly accusing her, a mother, of not being able to control her son, the empress dowager is quite unhappy.

An old man over seventy years old, as the queen mother, naturally has no worries about food and clothing; at this time, what else can a child work for, isn't it just a matter of "sound ears".After asking Nala's family to talk about this incident, the old lady felt that it would be difficult to wake up early this morning, so she was unwilling to go to Nala's family.

"The queen came to wait for my old lady to get up, and I have a filial piety. Now I have finished my clothes and your rules, so I will not keep you. You are the queen, and the young people in the harem still need you Manage. You can go back now, I won't keep you here anymore."

Nala resigned in embarrassment, returned to his Yikun Palace, dropped the stove, twisted himself and sat on the edge of the Kang, already so angry that tears rolled down his face.

"Why do they treat me like this? As a daughter-in-law, how can I feel sorry for them? In the end, she just turned to her son. Why should I use the Chinese surnames of each son?" The hooves are also put on the table, isn’t this sincerely insulting me? Who said that only the ladies of the Manchu family can be in charge of the harem of the Qing Dynasty? Is she old and confused, or is she not admitting it?”
The seventh day of December is the eighth princess Shunying's birthday. This year, especially Shunying's first birthday after losing her biological mother, this day is a bit special.

Although the emperor had punished Xiang and agreed to move Shunying into the Xianfu Palace, Concubine Ying was still responsible for taking care of Shunying, so Concubine Ying came to Wanxi to discuss this in advance to see how to handle it.

Wanxi nodded after hearing this, "Even if she makes mistakes again, she is still the emperor's daughter after all. We who are aunts should give some rewards when it's her birthday."

Xiao Shiwu listened quietly by the side, then crawled upside down and hugged Wanxi's arm, "Ernie, my son is not angry with Eighth Sister."

This sentence made Wanxi's nose sore.

Thousands of words, or the persuasion of many people, are actually not worth the son's words.

Concubine Ying's eyes were also red, and she stretched out her arms to hug Xiao Shiwu, "Oh, why is Yuanzi so magnanimous? It's really rare."

Little Shiwu patted his heart, "My son has long been healed, Ernie and Yingerniang don't have to worry."

No matter how young Xiao Shiwu was, he could tell that Enie loved him dearly. As soon as he came to greet him, he immediately told him to take off his shoes and get on the kang, he was not allowed to stand on the ground, let alone run and jump to play.He understood that Ernie was worried that he was still weak.

After asking her son to say this, Wanxi completely let go of her breath.

As long as the son doesn't care, then she, the mother, has nothing to let go of.

Besides, the emperor has already dealt with it.There is nothing dissatisfied in her heart.

Wanxi then took Concubine Ying's hand, "Don't look at others, just look at her as the emperor's flesh and blood. According to the rules in the palace, what should we give in previous years, this year we will still give according to the rules. That's enough."

Concubine Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "If I don't care about her, I can't face it; but if I manage her, I feel sorry for Xiao Yuanzi..."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "Then you can rest assured now."
Just the day before Shunying's birthday, that is, on the sixth day of December, it snowed in the capital.

When Shunying's birthday came, the whole world in the capital was white.The red walls and golden tiles of the Forbidden City, coupled with such Yushu Qionghua, are even more beautiful like Yaotai in the sky.

In any case, for a child who just lost his birth mother, such a birthday scene can be regarded as a blessing from God.

Starting early in the morning, headed by Nala, the harem masters lined up to send all the rewards to Xianfu Palace.

Although Xianfu Palace is forbidden, but today is a special day, so people are not allowed to enter Xianfu Palace to visit Shunying.

It's just that Xiang's promise was a good thing, so the emperor ordered the eunuch of Xianfu Palace to guard Xiang to promise to go out, and Xiang was not allowed to agree to go out, let alone handover with outsiders.

Xiao Qi followed Concubine Wan, and also went to Wanxi Palace to greet her early in the morning, and Xiao Qi also asked Wan Xi, "Yuanzi is so careful that she can stop being angry with her, so the daughter, who is an older sister, should also be a sister?" to see her?"

Wanxi also nodded, "Go. No matter how she treats you, don't shake your own habit of dealing with people and things."

Xiaoqi brought Jiujiu and his niece Mianjin, and each prepared some congratulatory gifts, so they prepared to go there together.

After all, Wanxi, Wanbi, and Rongbi still have to pull them back and tell them again and again, "...Be careful when you go."
In the Xianfu Palace, it was finally lively after a long absence.

All the chiefs of the inner court arrived first, and the others arrived later, and Shunying's attitude also differentiated between the far and the near.

The person Shunying likes to meet the most, and the person who is most sincere to thank her, is not the Empress Nala, nor the noble concubine Wanxi, or even Concubine Ying who bears the name of her adoptive mother, but Concubine Shu.

Wanxi watched from the side, then turned away as well, pretending not to see it.

Concubine Shu came over later, her face was not happy, but rather embarrassed, she muttered softly and softly, "You don't have to hide, I have already seen your expression. Really, what is this child thinking?"

Wanxi lowered her head and chuckled, "It's rare that she likes you so much, why don't you just bring her by your side and raise her. Asking her to agree with Xiang will not learn anything good."

Concubine Shu spat softly, "Look at what you're talking about? If I had thought this way, I would have agreed to it when Dai Jiashi took the initiative to flirt with me a few years ago. Now this child is already The bigger you are, the more you have your own ideas, and the bigger you are, the harder it is to put together, so I won’t cause this trouble.”

"Besides, I'm not unaware of what this child did to Xiao Shiwu... If I ask her to go, won't I have to break up with you again?"

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "It's not that serious. After all, she is still a child, and what I hate more is that Xiang promised."

Concubine Shu still shook her head firmly, "After all, I can't take care of Yongxuan here, I really don't have that ability!"

Wanxi looked down at the light and shadow on the floor tiles, "It's just... Jiufu Jin's side also takes her status as Princess Heshuo seriously. After all, at this moment, among the princesses of the emperor, there is no one who intends to marry her." , and she's the only one left."

Concubine Shu also understood, and then sighed, "My sister, I know about it. She is also a little unwilling. After all, Brother Long is He Shuo's son-in-law, and the son-in-law of Rue Xiang is also Duo Luo's son-in-law; then Even the son of her elder brother Guangcheng, Mingliang, and the daughter of the prince Yunxuan, both got the status of Duo Luo's son-in-law. She always thought about giving Qilin Baobo the title of forehead... Or, even though Qilin Bao is the eldest son, he is not the eldest son, and he does not have the military merits of Brother Ling. Now that he is getting older, he still has no status. In the future, he will only have to go to the battlefield to earn military merits okay."

Wanxi nodded, "Why don't I understand. Just look at it, is this Shun Ying a good match for Qilin Bao?"

Concubine Shu frowned, "That's right!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "I, in fact, I felt sorry for Jiufu Jin in this matter. Xiaoqi had pointed out marriage early, but now Jiujiu has also asked the emperor to promise to Zhaohui's family, which has failed twice. Jiufu Jin's wishes. Therefore, I am a little embarrassed to tell Shunying what she said directly..."

Concubine Shu understood, so she also nodded, "That's up to me to say. After all, I can't just watch my own nephew take that step."

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "You are willing to open your mouth, that would be the most appropriate."

While talking, someone reported outside that the gifts of the fourth princess and the fourth son-in-law had also arrived.

After all, He Jia is also Shunying's elder sister, even if the two sisters have no feelings for each other, this etiquette is still indispensable.

Wanxi looked back, only to see that it was Fu Kang'an who came in holding a gift box.

Wanxi was not surprised, but she couldn't help but sigh softly.
If it was the nephew of the next minister's family, Xiaoqi and Jiujiu would definitely avoid seeing him.But Fukang'an grew up together since he was a child, and he is also the son of the uncle Guo's family, which is different from others, so the door control is not so strict.

Xiaoqi and Jiujiu were also there, so they ran into each other without avoiding it.

Xiaoqi couldn't explain why, she was a little hungry and panicked, and hurriedly grabbed Mianjin and wanted to turn around the corridor.

Fukang'an has become more and more promising, young and heroic, tall and long.With a sway, even though he was still holding a heavy gift box in his hand, he still blocked Xiao Qi's head in three steps and two steps, blocking Xiao Qi's way forward.

Under the eaves of the corridor, when they met on a narrow road, Xiaoqi's face turned red, and she dodged and glared at him, "When did you get this job and go to the fourth sister's princess mansion as a promise? You are married to Baoyi Zuoling and Neiguan, and there are at least dozens of people inside and outside, why can't you choose Su La as a servant, and you can only count on you to come to the palace to run errands?"

Fu Kang'an was not annoyed, he just stood on the porch and stared at Xiao Qi, a little silly and happy.

Jiujiu connected with sister Xiaoqi, so she could feel her sister's uneasiness even more, so she stood up for her sister and scolded, "Brother Bao, what are you doing? You are blocking my way, get up quickly!" Go! Good dogs don't get in the way, don't you know?"

Fukang'an rolled his eyes in annoyance, then Xiaoqi let go of his eyes, but still salivated at Jiujiule, "Look at what Princess Jiu said! Didn't I go forward to greet Princess and Gege to say hello?" Yet?"

As Fu Kang'an said, he still performed the courtesy of a courtier in a serious manner, and knelt on one leg for the three little girls.

Jiujiu had nothing to say, so he could only say in embarrassment, "How can I be honored by Brother Bao? Hurry up. I don't know how good my uncle and aunt are, so I need to ask Brother Bao to greet you two on our behalf. "

It's rare for Jiujiu to say such demure words in front of Fukang'an, but Fukang'an was also a little dazed.It took me a long time to rejoice, "You really look more like Zalanna's nerd!"

Fukang'an seemed to be having a lively conversation with Jiujiu, but in fact, his eyes just stopped at Jiujiu's place unsteadily, and almost rolled over to Xiaoqi's side after saying a single word.However, his speaking speed was always fast, which made the eyeballs flow like water waves, and his brain was mighty and mighty, all flooded towards Xiaoqi.

Xiao Qi frowned even more, and quickly turned around, hiding half of her body behind Mian Hui, only showing half of her face to face Fu Kang'an, "Why are you confused? Sending congratulatory gifts to Shunying for the fourth sister and fourth brother-in-law, you should hurry in and pay your respects to the eighth princess! The eighth princess is the main road today, we are all guests, but we just came to join in the fun, why are you here You saluted us outside, but you are not in a hurry to go in and salute the Lord?"

Only in the face of Xiao Qi's questioning, Fu Kang'an was occasionally unable to answer, and was speechless.

He just smirked even more, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

It's all because Xiaoqi's clothes look good today.This is Chu Qing after the snow, the big woolen clothes Xiao Qi is wearing today, the wind fur around the neckline is also white fox, the same snow white, standing in the wind and letting the wind blow, it looks even smaller Qi's whole person was slim and graceful, as if he had turned into a spirit in the snow.

It's just... Xiaoqi, like Ling Niangniang, doesn't like to wear too bright colors, which is set off by Bai Xue, making her little face look a little pale.He was even more worried, did she cough again?Her habit of coughing every autumn and winter has tormented her every year since she was a child.At least he was in front of her when she was a child, whenever she coughed, he would make her laugh like a dog.But now, he is old and can no longer walk freely in the inner court, so when she coughs, who will make her laugh again?

But when he thought about it again, his heart became confused again.Just like the snow scum on the eaves, blown by the wind, there are nowhere to go.

——Of course there is also Lawang.Her forehead, the husband that the emperor pointed to her.

Her cough was no longer his turn to worry about.From then on, the relationship between him and her could no longer go back to the time when they were children, they could no longer be together like that day and night, and they could no longer be so indifferent—from then on, she was the princess of the Qing Dynasty, and he was just his minions.

At this moment, Fukang'an's young heart seems to be half-clear, half-ignorant, half-understanding, all in this pure white world, flickering, ups and downs.

Xiao Qi saw that he was stunned, so he quickly turned his eyes to look around.

There are so many people here today, she can't make herself mess up, and she can't make him mess up either.

Huang Ama has officially appointed her.If he was a bit confused and asked outsiders to spread the word, he would not take Huang Ama's imperial decree to heart.

She became cruel and tugged at Mianjin's sleeve, "Let's go!"

It just so happened that Shunying in the hall got Xin'er and waited inside for a while, but finally couldn't bear it anymore, and ran out happily, and also walked down to the eaves of the corridor.

Shunying blushed with excitement, her eyes were fixed on Fukang'an, and she called happily but cautiously, "Brother Bao? Are you really here? It's my birthday today, I really didn't expect to see you .”

Xiaoqi's heart sank slightly, and she exerted all her strength, pulled Mianjin and Jiujiu, turned around and left.

But Fukangan was in a hurry, turned his head and stared at Shunying coldly, "The eighth princess misunderstood. The slave came in today, just to run errands for the fourth princess and brother. According to the rules, the slave is still a white man, no The status has no rank, and it is not the turn of the slaves to enter to congratulate the eighth princess."

After Fukang'an finished speaking, he stuffed the gift box in his hand into Shunying's arms, and then turned around to chase Xiao Qi and the others.

Shunying couldn't see why, so she became anxious, stomped her feet holding the gift box and shouted, "Qilinbao, stop for my princess!"

Fukang'an gritted his teeth, wanting to ignore it, Shunying yelled, "I am the princess of the Qing Dynasty, and you are just the son of a minister, let alone a white man! How dare you disobey me?"

Fukang'an stopped abruptly, turned his head and stared at Shunying bitterly.

"Princess Eight, what other orders do you have for your slaves?"

His tone was docile, but his eyes were already filled with anger... Shunying also thumped in her heart.However, other than this method, how else could she stop him?
Shunying didn't want to give in, she raised her neck, "You...you haven't greeted me yet!"

Fukang'an raised the corners of his lips in a daze, turned around almost in mid-air, and knelt down on the ground with one leg with a bang.It was a deadly cold day, and the ground was as cold and hard as ice and stone.But his knee just knocked down so abruptly, as if he didn't even know the pain.

"Your servant, the eighth princess, please! Can the eighth princess let the slave go?"

Shunying stomped her feet in embarrassment, "Are you in such a hurry?... You just said hello, but today is my birthday, shouldn't you congratulate me again?"

With Shunying blocking left and right, Xiaoqi and the three of them have successfully turned around the corridor and left the second door.

After Fukang'an finished speaking the auspicious words, he turned his head and saw that Xiao Qi had disappeared.

Fukang'an's heart was blocked to death, and then he raised his eyes to look at Shunying, with a sneer that couldn't be stopped.

Shunying glanced at his appearance, trembling in her heart, "You, what are you laughing at? You, you just said auspicious words to me, didn't you prepare a congratulatory gift for me?"

Fukang'an sneered, and suddenly waved at Shunying, "Eighth princess, come here. We have to find a place where no one is around and show it to you alone to have fun with the stuff I prepared."

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Shunying happily entrusted the gift box to Qi Jiashi, and hurriedly followed behind Fukang'an, and the two ran to the backyard.

Passing through the small door attached to the wall on the clip, the two of them came to the backyard.

There is a well pavilion in the backyard, but the backyard is inhabited. The east Nuange of the backyard is the "Qin Deqi" where the emperor kept the guqin, and the west is the "painting meditation room" where the emperor kept the paintings. Therefore, the backyard is quiet and no one comes.

Fukang'an strode all the way to the side of the well pavilion, then stopped, and turned around quickly.

Shunying followed with great difficulty, but was startled by Fukang'an's sudden aura.

Shunying raised her eyes to look at Fukang'an, "Brother Bao, where's your thing? Can you show it to me now?"

Fukangan giggled, pointed at the mouth of the well, "I hid there. Come here, and I'll show you."

Shunying didn't doubt it, she stepped forward and looked in through the hoop well stone.

Standing behind Shunying, Fukang's eyes were clear, so he suddenly stepped forward and pushed Shunying's back...

Just after the snow fell, the twelfth lunar month in the capital was freezing, the edge of the well was slippery like a mirror, Shunying was unprepared, so she couldn't control her whole body, she kept facing the edge of the well Slid over!
Fortunately, the palace has always been very strict with the management of well water.For fear that someone would fall into the well, or commit suicide by throwing himself into the well, an extra hoop stone was placed around the mouth of all the wells.The inner diameter of the hoop well stone is just enough to accommodate a bucket, but it is narrower than a person's stature.

Therefore, Shunying slid all the way to the edge of the well, but was stopped by the hoop well stone.She grabbed the hoop well stone, looked back in panic, and looked at Fukang'an puzzled.

"Brother Bao, why are you doing this to me?"

Standing beside the pavilion pillar, Fukang An held his arms and sneered, "Eighth Princess, I heard that Brother Fifteen ate something wrong a few days ago, so someone wanted to slander Seventh Princess and Ninth Princess! But I think , Such a person deserves to die!"

Shunying shivered, "You, what do you mean? You want to stand up for them, so you want to push me into the well?"

Under the balance of life and death, Shunying's heart was also cold, and she warned coldly: "Although this is the backyard, it is only a row of houses away from the front yard! If I shout loudly here, the front yard can also be heard See!"

"Brother Bao, don't forget your identity! No matter what I do, I am also the daughter of my Huang Ama, Princess Heshuo of the Qing Dynasty! If you dare to treat me like this, it is a serious crime of confiscating your family. Not only You are going to lose your head, and everyone in your family will die with you!"

Fukangan smiled, without any fear on his face.

"You are right. You are a princess and I am a slave. Even for the lives of my family, I dare not push you into the well... Between you and me, if someone has to die, then that's okay." It must be me, not you."

Shunying was a little confused, and stared at Fukang'an in a daze, "Brother Bao, what do you mean by...?"

Fukang'an took his time and approached step by step.

Shunying felt the danger, but firstly, she was frightened before her legs went limp, and secondly, the ground was too slippery, so she couldn't get up anyway, so she could only cling to the hooping stone in vain, and firmly stabilized her figure. .

With a smile on his lips, Fu Kang'an squatted down beside Shunying, approached Shunying's ear, and said softly, "Princess Eight, don't be afraid... The servant dare not harm the princess, but the princess dares to harm the servant."

Shocked, Shunying couldn't help shouting, "What do you want to do?"

Fukangan shook his head, "The eighth princess is the master, and the slave is just a slave. The master wants the slave to die, but the slave dare not die..."

As Fukang'an said, he stepped onto the hooping stone by himself!
Although the palace set up this hoop of well stones on the edge of the well, it was to prevent danger.However, although the hooping stone can stop an adult from going, it may not be able to stop a child's stature.Besides, Fukang'an, a boy like a reincarnated monkey, is the most capable of shrinking his bones and twisting his waist.

With a twist of his body, his whole shoulder has successfully got into the mouth of the well!

If a person's shoulders can get through, then the whole body will not be unable to fall.

Shunying panicked and wanted to go forward and catch Fukang'an.She was so anxious that she cried, "Brother Bao, what are you doing?"

Fukang'an didn't rush, turned back from the well mouth again, and whispered in Shunying's ear, "...you said, if you pushed me into the well with your own hands, would anyone want to match us up?" Two go?"

Only then did Shunying understand, her face turned pale with shock, and her whole body shivered even more.

Fukang'an blinked and smiled, "Want me to be your forehead? Princess Eight, you will never think about it in this life..."

Fukang'an smiled slyly like a monkey, and then his whole body slipped away from Shunying's fingertips, and he jumped towards the mouth of the well automatically!
Before entering the well, he raised his voice and screamed, "Princess Eight, what are you doing? Save—life—ah..."

Shunying reached out to grab it, but he fell down!
In the front yard, Wanxi was talking to Concubine Shu, and seeing that Xiao Qi and the others had already gone back, she wanted to find Fu Kang'an and take them away with her.

Today's etiquette is up, that's enough, nothing else will cause chaos.

But this time, Fukang'an was gone.Just as I was about to ask someone to look for it, I heard hoarse screams from the backyard.

A group of eunuchs figured out where they were, and they all ran towards the backyard.Wanxi and Concubine Shu looked at each other, and then they both hurried to the backyard from the hallway of the front hall.

When they got to the backyard, they saw Shunying lying on the hoop well stone, with both hands stretched forward, on the mouth of the well.

The eunuchs had already discovered Fukang'an in the well, and they were in a hurry to get buckets and long ropes; some people hurriedly called for the "skilled and brave eunuch" who knew kung fu in the palace, and several of them joined forces to ask Move the hoop well stone away.

Seeing the crowd gathered around, Shunying was so frightened that she shed tears and waved her hands desperately, "It wasn't me, I really didn't push it..."

 Add more, thank you for your support~~O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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