Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2494, Volume 8, 19 Retribution Has Arrived

Chapter 2494 Eight Volumes 19 Retribution Has Arrived
Yuchan saw that there was something wrong with Wanxi's expression, so she didn't dare to hide it, she quickly squatted down and said, "Master, it's... Gao Yuncong."

Wanxi frowned, "I think it might be him."

This time on the southern tour, the emperor was accompanied by old people, so it was natural that they all had the same mouth.The only variable is that this time Gao Yun has always gone for Mao Tuan'er and asked Mao Tuan'er to stay in Beijing.

Yuchan hurriedly asked, "Master... what's wrong with this?"

Yuchan naturally understands that in this harem, even if she is helping the master to inquire about the news, it cannot be indiscriminate.If you find the wrong person, you can’t guarantee that the news will be accurate, or you may even let someone take advantage of your loopholes and spread false news on purpose;

Secondly, if the person who sent the message was inappropriate, she might not be able to help the master keep this secret in the future, and if she blared so much that everyone knew about the palace ban, then she would not be serving the master, but a disaster for the master.

Yuchan hurriedly explained, "Although Gao Yuncong was transferred to the office after Lord Mao returned to the palace, firstly, he served the emperor in front of the emperor all those years ago, and he has always been respectful to the master; secondly, Gao Yuncong was recommended by Lord Mao back then, right? The servant thought, what he said should be accurate."

Wanxi shook her head, "It's okay, I just lost my mind a little bit, which made you worry."

Yuchan and the others are all asking her for news, so Wanxi shouldn't be suspicious.Besides, Gao Yuncong has always been filial to her, and she knows it too.

She just couldn't help worrying that the matter of Wu Shi was too confidential, and Gao Yuncong, as a person in front of the emperor, shouldn't have kept his mouth shut.

Even she, she herself still felt that Gao Yuncong shouldn't have explained this directly so smoothly.

If Gao Yuncong wanted to show filial piety to her, all he needed to do was dial a few words from the cloud to make her vaguely know that something happened again when he returned to the Ministry, and that would be enough.

The emperor has not officially issued an order on this matter, which means that the tone has not been set for this matter, so Gao Yun has always dared to speak out first - this is really not a good thing.

Because of this, Wanxi couldn't help recalling the past when Gao Yuncong was suddenly transferred from the emperor's side.

In fact, until now, Wanxi still doesn't know why Gao Yuncong was suddenly transferred from the imperial court to the performance office.She and the people around her only guessed that perhaps because Mao Tuan'er came back to the palace, the emperor left the position of close servant to Mao Tuan'er.

But... Even if Mao Tuan'er came back, Gao Yun didn't have to be moved to the performance office.After all, there are still so many people serving in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so why can't there be another Gao Yun to go?

Wanxi couldn't help but hang in her heart—could it be that Gao Yuncong made some mistake that caused the emperor to demote Gao Yuncong to the performance office?

So what mistake did Gao Yuncong make? ——Could it be, like this time, that it was the sin of not saying anything?

What inappropriate things did Gao Yun say in the days before and after Mao Tuan'er returned to the palace?
The more Wanxi thought about it, the more inexplicably anxious she felt.It seemed as if the answer was right in front of her eyes, but she still couldn't make up her mind for a while.

"No matter what, you guys reward him for me this time; but next time if you have something else, don't ask him." Wanxi raised her hand and pressed the center of her eyebrows, "After all, there are so many people in front of the emperor, so you don't have to ask him. so understandable."
Seeing Wanxi's expression, Yuchan felt something was wrong.This makes the wink tell others to quit.

Only Wanxi and Yuchan were left in the hall, and Yuchan hurriedly pulled up her robe and knelt down, "Master, this servant did something wrong today. This servant is stupid, I just thought about it for a while, and I just felt—— I'm afraid that this matter was originally too confidential, after all, Concubine Rong, her elder brother, and the princes who returned to the Ministry all came to the south of the Yangtze River, so there have been changes in the Western Regions, and the emperor has not given any word yet."

"At this time, even Gao Yuncong should not have said this first. Although he helped us, this gangster was a bit flattering and clinging, and the master felt that Gao Yuncong was here. Humans are not worth entrusting."

Wan Xi nodded.

As expected of Yuchan, as worthy of succeeding Yuhu, Erniu, and Yurui, and becoming the woman in charge of her palace, she really can understand her state of mind.

Wanxi sighed, "He is so ignorant, if he can tell us this today, he might be able to tell others tomorrow; or even tell us everything we asked him about. Tell someone to go."

Yuchan's face also turned pale, "Master, punish this slave. This slave's head has turned into a dead elm lump today!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes faintly, "It's nothing more than this time, I will keep it from the emperor for the time being."

After all, Gao Yuncong was recommended by Mao Tuan'er, and if the emperor wanted to investigate, Yuchan would inevitably be involved.

"It's just..." Wanxi bowed her head and pondered, "I want to know why he moved to the performance office. You don't have to deliberately avoid him in the future, you can talk as you want, just keep your mouth safe A gatekeeper."

Wanxi raised her eyes, and looked at Yuchan quietly, "You can also tell him about my attitude today... make him feel a little scared, and he will come to see me himself in order to save his life."
On the eighth day of the second lunar month, the emperor still suppressed the news of Wushi, and no decree came out.

Wanxi understands that the emperor may not be able to make a decision for a while, and he is even more concerned about the concubine Rong who is accompanying him on the southern tour, and the princes and princes who are going back to his ministry.

Although Wanxi said that she hadn't been able to wait for the emperor's will on Wushi's matter for the time being, as expected, she waited for Gao Yuncong.

Gao Yun saw Wanxi from the inside, and kowtowed heavily on the ground, begging again and again, "I also beg the concubine and master to be kind, to take care of this dog's life as a slave..."

Wanxi raised her eyes quietly, "Don't talk nonsense about the word 'dog life'. The dog was once the savior of the ancestor emperor of the Qing Dynasty."

Gao Yuncong was even more awed by Wanxi's attitude.

He kowtowed even more, "Master, concubine, please be kind... Slave, this slave has been with Grandpa Mao Tuan'er since I was a child, thanks to Grandpa Mao Tuan'er's recommendation to enter the palace. The slave's crime is small, if Grandpa Mao Tuan'er is implicated, then A slave can't afford it."

Gao Yuncong said, tearing up, "Grandpa Mao Tuan'er is still in Beijing at this moment, it's far away from Hangzhou, if the servant implicates Grandpa Mao Tuan'er thousands of miles away, there's no way to know Grandpa Mao Tuan'er is going to..."

Wanxi lowered her eyes, "I just want to ask you——Why were you moved to the performance room?"
Hearing that the noble concubine and master asked about this, Gao Yun felt as if he was stepping on a cliff, and fell straight down.

Wanxi stared straight at Gao Yuncong's face, seeing that Gao Yuncong's expression changed, she slammed the Kang table down.

"This Palace asks you! If you answer truthfully, I can take care of everything here; if you don't say what you should say at this moment, but just talk nonsense about what the Emperor shouldn't say... No need This palace governs you, and the emperor governs you!"

In front of Gao Yuncong, Wanxi has solemnly used the title of "Bengong", which has never happened in many years.

Wanxi's attitude was clearly placed in front of Gao Yuncong.

Gao Yuncong shivered, kowtowed again on the ground, and cried again, "Going back to the noble concubine master, this slave is full of kindness, but I want to repay Grandpa Mao Tuan'er and Aunt Erniu...... Cheng Xiang..."

There was a thump in Wanxi's heart.

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Mao Tuan'er and Er Niu!" Wanxi asked sharply, unable to calm down.

Gao Yun cried from the ground, "...the slave grew up with Grandpa Mao Tuan'er in the Imperial Mausoleum, and Grandpa Mao Tuan'er also praised him, so the slave is like Grandpa Mao Tuan'er's own son. Mao Tuan'er Whenever Grandpa has any personal matters, if he can't get out of the imperial tomb, he will ask the servant to go on errands and tell Aunt Erniu face to face."

"That's why, that's why this slave treats Aunt Erniu as her own mother..."

Wanxi also frowned.

Although the eunuch is not a whole person, this Gao Yuncong is afraid that he has been cleansed since he was a child, but that cleansing can't cleanse the thoughts in a person's head from the root, so Gao Yuncong really saw through the hairball Let's go to the matter between Er Niu and Er Niu.

"Slave, I heard the eighth elder brother and the emperor crying that day, and knew that someone was going to make a fuss about Grandpa Mao Tuan'er and Aunt Erniu again, so I was afraid that Grandpa Mao Tuan'er and Aunt Erniu would suffer. People framed him, so he didn't hesitate to violate the rules of the palace, even his own head, and sent the news to the imperial tomb in advance."

"However, this slave would have thought that Aunt Erniu would, because of this news, commit suicide." Gao Yuncong cried until his nose burst into tears, "This servant treats Aunt Erniu as his own mother. How could this slave sincerely kill Aunt Erniu..."

Wanxi's eyes darkened for a while, and her body shook.Fortunately, there was a hand pillow beside her, and Wanxi grabbed hold of it, barely stabilizing her figure.

"Imperial concubine and master!" Gao Yuncong also exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward on his knees, trying to support Wanxi.

Wanxi stabilized herself, and slowly raised her eyes, but stared at Gao Yuncong firmly.

"Who is it? Who refuses to let them go, after so many years, they still want to separate their lives forever?!"

Gao Yuncong had never seen a noble concubine like this before, so his shoulders trembled in shock, "The servant just saw the eighth elder brother crying in front of the emperor... I think the person who came up with the design must have been rushed I went with Eighth Brother. In addition to hearing about Grandpa Mao Tuan'er and Aunt Erniu, the servant also heard the names of the official women under Master Ruigui..."

Wanxi laughed, her laughter was so bitter, "Going for your eighth elder brother? But the second girl is from my palace, and Cuihuan is also from my palace! So that person is just targeting at eighth brother. It’s a banner for brother to go, but he’s still aiming at me inside!”

Gao Yun didn't dare to answer carelessly from now on, so he thought about it carefully, and said, "I'm stupid, I can't think of going as much as the concubine and master for a while. The slave just wanted to stare at the eighth elder brother at that time." Who would be the one who refuses to let go?"

"The slave was thinking, maybe it's because of the prince's biological mother. The slave risked his life to guess, maybe one is the master of our queen, and the other is the master of the fifth elder brother's biological mother, Concubine Yu?"

Wanxi narrowed her eyes, "You're right. From the point of view of the prince, Concubine Yu regards Yongxuan as a thorn in her side; but, thinking about it, their mother and son should not forget Yingyuan from Suo Chuoluo's family. Where's Qi's Gege! If you really hold on to Cui Huan's affairs, you will definitely implicate your Ruigui master, so what good will it do them?"

Gao Yun didn't dare to vent his anger, "...then, then, there is only one person left, and that is, the queen's master."

The doubts in my heart finally took shape.The grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. She already knows who to ask for debts, and Wanxi has calmed down.

Wanxi rolled up her cuffs.

In the leap February in Hangzhou, the heat is already growing.

"There is one more person... Although Concubine Yu and Yongqi may not want to implicate Yurui, but Yongqi's concubine Fujin E Ning may not be unwilling."

Gao Yuncong lay on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

Wanxi took a deep breath, and after she calmed down, her mind was already working quickly.

"Gao Yuncong, I want you to tell the truth again—in this harem, besides telling my people in the palace, where else in the palace do you know everything and say everything?"

Gao Yuncong opened his mouth wide, like a stranded fish.

Wanxi sneered unceremoniously, "It's already here, and you still want to hide it? Maybe you have thought of a way to protect yourself, so I don't need to take care of it for you!"

"Or, in your heart, you think you can find a backer who is more capable than me!"

In the harem, Wanxi has already occupied the position of noble concubine, only under Queen Nala.Therefore, Wanxi's remarks have been directly directed at Nala.Gao Yun never understood the meaning of Wanxi's warning at this time!
Gao Yun grinned a little bit from the embarrassment, but he had to admit, "The concubine's master Mingjian...slaves, slaves are also people under the eaves, and the queen's master is the mother of the palace after all..."

Wanxi took a deep breath, "I don't blame you for your embarrassment. But at this time, because of Er Niu's matter, she and I are doomed to be at odds. Then at this moment, you can't You have to make a choice between me and her!"

Wanxi suddenly raised her eyes, her eyes were as nail-like as nails, "Gao Yuncong, it was you who said with red lips and white teeth just now that you regard Erniu as your own mother... If someone kills your mother, you can stand by and watch, even Instead, are you helping the evildoers?"

Gao Yuncong was trembling all over again, lying on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

He said the words himself, but now he is being held back by the imperial concubine... If he does not agree, it is clear that he is doomed to be trapped in a cocoon.

He choked with sobs and let it go, "The concubine master is right, I will not kill Boren, Boren died because of me. What's more, I regard Aunt Erniu as my own mother in my heart! Slave, slave chooses concubine master, slave this Your life belongs to the noble concubine and master!"

Wanxi lowered her head slightly, raised her head slowly, and waved to Gao Yuncong.

Gao Yun stepped forward from his knees, Wanxi asked in a low voice, "Have you talked to the queen about Wushi?"
The next day was the ninth day of the second lunar month, and the emperor kept his mouth shut, and did not issue a single word of decree on Wushi.

It was as if the emperor didn't even know that this happened.

The day was not yet up (2-3 p.m.) and the emperor had dinner at the West Lake Palace.

As if rarely happy, the emperor specially called Nalashi, Wanxi, and Yuqin to accompany him.

This time there are six people accompanying the master, two of them are not qualified to accompany the emperor to have meals; the other four are above the concubines.But the emperor recruited the three of them alone today, only one concubine Rong was missing.

Nalashi, Wanxi, and Yuqin came in. Looking at the situation, the three of them actually had a lot of confidence in their hearts.

Yuqin broke the silence first, and bowed to the emperor with a smile, "When the holy driver arrives in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he will be at my mother's house. I heard that the ministers and businessmen in Jiangnan have presented local dishes to the emperor. This is why I joined in the fun , specially prepared a piece of 'whole shredded pork' for the emperor, and I hope the emperor will not dislike my poor cooking skills."

The emperor nodded with a smile and ordered people to put it up.

But Nala didn't want to listen to Yuqin's active courtship, so she snorted, "Why didn't the emperor call Rong Concubine today?"

Nala glanced at the emperor triumphantly, "Could it be that the emperor also rebelled because they returned to the army, so the emperor also wanted to take his anger out on her?"
When Nala's words fell to the ground, there was a slight silence in the hall.

Wanxi and Yuqin looked at each other, Wanxi lowered her head and smiled softly, "I dared to steal the words from the emperor, so I will return to my master first..." After Wanxi finished speaking, she looked at the emperor charmingly, "Your Majesty, Can the concubine be so presumptuous?"

The emperor snorted softly, "I'm also curious, what do you want to say."

Although Wanxi is 39 years old this year, among the four present, Wanxi is still the youngest.Therefore, Wanxi did not hide her beauty, "Back to the master, it's all because of Sister Lu's naughtiness! It's not good for her to serve the emperor today, but she prepared 'whole shredded pork'..."

"Master, please listen, even if you want to use pork for cooking, you don't have to make 'whole shredded pork', then you really don't want to let anything else go..." Wanxi said as she covered her lips with her sleeves , and lightly patted Yuqin's arm, "Just because Sister Lu is so naughty, Concubine Rong is inconvenient!"

Concubine Rong is from the Ministry of Hui. According to the belief, pigs are the most filthy things in the world. Therefore, not only do they not eat pork, but they are also unclean if they touch a pig, or even smell it.

If Concubine Rong is present at the table, then "whole shredded pork" is placed on the table, which is the most contemptuous way for Concubine Rong.Therefore, since there is such a dish, even if Concubine Rong goes all out to disobey the emperor's order, she will never come.

The emperor also smiled, and nodded at Wanxi, "Well, it's true that the imperial concubine knows and understands the concubine Rong the most in this harem. That's because tonight's dinner is not served by Concubine Qing. Shredded pork' is still a dish made with big meat and oil. I can't call Concubine Rong here."

Wanxi smiled and said, "Even if Concubine Rong can't come, please don't forget Concubine Rong to go, Your Majesty."

The emperor smiled, and ordered the Huiren imperial chef who was accompanying him to cook the roe deer meat alone and give it to the concubine Rong. (Roe deer has cloven hoofs, eats grass, and is similar to sheep, so the meat of roe deer can be eaten)
Seeing that Wanxi knew Concubine Rong so well, and went to take care of Concubine Rong in front of the emperor, Nala heard it harshly, so she sneered, "Isn't Concubine Qing a good sister of Concubine Ling for many years? The imperial concubine even criticized the dishes Qingfei brought in?"

"Is it because the sisterhood has been as thin as paper for many years, or is Ling Guifei also a person who likes the new and dislikes the old?"

Wanxi's eyes froze slightly, she turned her head to look over, but she responded with a clear smile.

"Today, the mistress should be very happy, because the queen loves pork the most! The emperor just said that there are many dishes cooked with pork and oil in this table. Naturally, the emperor did not prepare it for the sake of eating pork." Concubine Rong, it is for the empress!"

"It's Sister Lu. I specially prepared this 'whole shredded pork' today. Isn't it for the favor of the master and empress?"

Nala suddenly raised her eyebrows.

Although Concubine Ling's attitude was a bit unruly, at least what Concubine Ling said was quite useful to her.

She ignored Wanxi for the time being, just raised her eyes to look at the emperor, and smiled affectionately, "Is what Ling Guifei said right? Is the banquet prepared by the emperor today really for the sake of my concubine?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, although he was noncommittal, he still ordered Yuqinjin's dish.

"Since the queen likes it, the 'whole shredded pork' dish that Concubine Qing bought will be rewarded to the queen. The queen can keep it for one person to enjoy."

Yuqin listened by the side, as if it had nothing to do with her.Only then did he get up and squat slightly, "This is my honor, I hope the master will not dislike it."

Nala didn't expect that the emperor would reward Yuqin's food directly to her, but asked her to sit on the seat and grope for a while, but couldn't figure out whether she should be happy or should not happy.

Nala just cleared her throat in embarrassment, "The concubine is very grateful to the emperor for her kindness."

Since it was a dish rewarded by the emperor, Nala stretched out his chopsticks to taste it on the spot.

The emperor stared at Nala, and calmly said, "...how did the queen know that the Western Regions are in chaos again?"
Nalashi took a mouthful of shredded pork, and before he could swallow it, he was startled, and the shredded pork was stuck in his throat.

She spoke in a hurry, her fleshy threads were twisted and hard to wrap around her throat.

She was choked and coughed, and the cough was earth-shattering.

Both Wanxi and Yuqin used "cup shields" to cover the emperor, lest Nalashi spray something and splash the emperor all over again.

There was still a smile on the corner of the emperor's lips, but the ends of his long eyes were already a little cold.

"The queen speaks slowly. I have plenty of time, and if I spare the time, I will wait for the queen to explain every word clearly."
Nala's heart trembled again, but he swallowed all the shredded pork stuck in his throat with all his might.

She took a big breath, refused to admit defeat but carefully fixed the emperor's eyes.

"...The emperor is not happy? Could it be that the emperor feels that I, the mother of the Qing Dynasty and the queen of the palace, should not be able to know that the Western Regions are in chaos again?"

Seeing that Nala brought out her big shield from the central palace again, even the emperor couldn't help laughing.

"I'm just curious. I've never said a single word of this letter. How did the queen, a woman in the palace, know it? Could it be that a strong wind from the Western Regions just happened to blow into the queen's ears?" Is it possible to tell the queen to be thousands of miles away and give birth to Shunfeng ear?!"

 Concubine Qing's dishes are all real historical data.It’s fun, just in time for the Wushi Rebellion, the emperor rewarded Nalashi with whole shredded pork~~ The real history is always the most exciting story.

(End of this chapter)

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