Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2496 Volume 8 21 Belly Size

Chapter 2496 Eight Volumes 21 Belly Size
Back in the bedroom, Nala sat down angrily, gritted his teeth in hatred, and slapped the Kang table hard with his fists.

It seemed that the palm was no longer her own, or that the hand had been made of gold and stone, and she no longer knew the pain.

"I'm so mad! I can't spare them! Every one of them will get retribution for what happened today!"

Dege and Guoxin looked at each other cautiously.

Sure enough, Nalashi raised his eyes sharply and stared at the three of them, "...I am humiliated like this today, and you three can also watch like this? The master's humiliation is the sin of your slaves!"

Dege, Guoxin, and Gengen all hurried forward and squatted on the ground, "If you fail the master, the slave deserves to die."

Nala narrowed his eyes slightly, "Now we are in Hangzhou, this is the territory of the Han people! You go and find out, how can the Han people get out of their hearts in Hangzhou and even in the south of the Yangtze River... Make sure you know, Come back and report to me."

Dege and the others were all shivering in series!
Who is the master's idea to inquire about?Is it Concubine Ling, Concubine Qing, or—the Empress Dowager and the Emperor!
No matter which one of them, they are all going to lose their heads!

Nalashi glanced at the expressions of the three of them, and couldn't help but sneer, "What are you afraid of! I will take care of everything, and I don't need you to be big and go to the sky when the time comes!"

"Besides, as I said, I told you to learn the method of the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River to curse people! At that time, even if you commit a crime, it will naturally be thought to be a trap set up by the hooves of the Han people in the harem, so naturally we will leave it clean net!"
The turmoil of this day passed, and the next day, that is, the tenth day of the second lunar month, the emperor officially issued an order on Wushi.

"Bian Tahai, deputy governor of Aksu, and others made a statement: The office sent 240 Wushi Hui people from the Azalea family. On the night of February [-]th, they gathered in the city and shot and wounded the Green Banner soldiers."

The emperor could not tolerate the chaos, so he made a decision: "...all those who provoked the quarrel, must strictly implement the law to show the punishment." But at the same time, the emperor did not forget the people in Wushi who had nothing to do with it: "Still tell the Hui people in all cities, so that they can rest in peace and not panic."

After Wanxi got the letter, she finally came to look for Concubine Rong, looked carefully at Concubine Rong's expression, and asked softly, "Ah, is this embarrassing for you?"

People in the mainland don't know much about Huibu, and the same is true for the harem.After all, as long as Huibu is mentioned, it will be associated with Concubine Rong.Therefore, the disturbance in Wushi can be directly regarded as another trouble in Rongpin's mother clan.

On the contrary, Concubine Rong smiled open-mindedly, "If others are so worried about me, that's fine. But Majesty, you have read "Pictures of the Western Regions" and learned about the customs of my hometown, how can you ask such a question? Come?"

"It makes me feel sad, Baibai has been on such good terms with you these past few years!" Concubine Rong said, twisting her body on purpose, and then turned her back, as if she was going to ignore Wanxi, "Is the imperial concubine empress also?" You want to ask me: The 'Azalea Branch' sent by Wushi Office, but the emperor did it for me?!"

Who made it so famous in ancient times that "a concubine who rides the world of mortals laughs, and no one knows that it is a lychee", which makes people take it for granted that the emperor must be willing to buy the fruit that the concubine likes for his favorite concubine, no matter how far away the mountain is. Ah, all the trees were sent to the palace.

Wanxi laughed, and hurriedly said good things, "Okay, okay, I just beat you up. I understand that it is the emperor who loves you and wants to buy a jujube tree for you and send it to Beijing, but why buy it from Wushi?" Go? That's not where your mother's house is, and it hasn't been under your family's rule for many years."

Concubine Rong's family and the Zhuo family have lived in Yarkand and Kashgar for generations.During the rebellion of Daxie and Zhuo, the centers controlled by the two brothers, Daxie and Zhuo, were Yarkand and Kashgar.

As for Wushi, it was not at all a boundary with the Zhuo clan's control.

Wanxi sighed softly, "I know, Wushi is actually the domain of the Hodges family."

The Huojisi family, whose ancestors belonged to Turpan, migrated from Turpan to Wushi and Aksu, and these two big cities became their family's territory.

However, the Huojisi family and the Hezhuo family are quite powerful, and there is no relationship of subordinates.Hodges even made good friends with Junggar back then, and once wanted to use the gift of Junggar to "return the president to the Ministry".Therefore, Hodges' ambition and power are not inferior to the two brothers Daxie and Zhuo.

"At this time, Achimbak in Wushi is the younger brother of Yusufu, the king of Hami County... Therefore, if the Jujube Branch is sent from Wushi Office, it is not the Huojisi family who wants to pay tribute, but Yusufu The family wants to pay tribute. But no matter which of their two families, it has nothing to do with your mother's family."

The eight princely families of the Hui tribe (four kings and four princes), the Hami Hui Wang Yusufu family, and the Huojisi family are all among them.This "Azalea Branch" has been implicated in the two princes, which shows that it is deeply involved.Therefore, the emperor endured it for three days, and after deliberating in every possible way, he officially issued the decree. (In addition, there are Emin, Zhuojia, and Edujia that we mentioned earlier...)
Concubine Rong sneered, "That's exactly what happened! Huojisi and Yusufu want to pay tribute to the jujube tree to please the emperor, so what does it have to do with me? Why do people in the harem charge me with this crime? Come on!"
Wanxi was also slightly shocked.

Rong Pin's tone revealed too much grievance and indignation.

If a matter that had nothing to do with Concubine Rong's mother's family accidentally hurt Concubine Rong due to prejudice, it would instead implicate the Zhuo family who had nothing to do with it. It also became related.

Wanxi closed her eyes, reached out her hand, and held Pin Rong's hand tightly.

"Ah, you have been wronged... Who told you that you are the daughter of the Hezhuo family, and your status is comparable to that of the princess of Huibu? Go to your mother's house. No matter who returns to the city to rebel, it will be said that your mother's house will rebel again."

Concubine Rong sneered, but when she raised her eyes, her eyes were still red.

"I'm not Concubine Yang Gui, I really can't bear the crime of being a concubine who ruined the country!"

Wanxi sighed softly, "Okay, okay, Concubine Yang is a noble concubine, and now I am also a noble concubine, so just treat them as scolding me, and it has nothing to do with you."

Hearing that Wanxi had shared the burden for her in this way, Concubine Rong finally had a good time, and her temper was half gone.

"You don't have to share the burden for me, after all, it has nothing to do with you~"

Wanxi deliberately said, "How can you say that it has nothing to do with me? Our father-in-law is General Zhaohui. With the iron and blood skills of General Zhaohui Pinghui, maybe the sand date tree that Wu Shi paid tribute to is to please Zhaohui. General Hui's daughter-in-law—our chirp!"

When Wanxi said this, Concubine Rong couldn't help laughing, "Okay, okay, if it's for us, I can bear the crime! Okay, let them go chew their tongues, I don't care anymore!"

Wanxi lowered her eyes quietly, and patted Rong Pin's hand, "Because we are chirping, you don't care if they gossip. But... your uncle and brother have no friendship with us chirping after all. Don't care?"

Concubine Rong raised her long black eyebrows leisurely, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let my uncle and brother know the grievances in my heart. Instead, I will tell them that after this incident, the emperor will treat me better; And you, you helped me relax earlier."

Wanxi quietly breathed a sigh of relief, "China is so big, but the emperor lives in the capital, so the mountains, the south, the sea, the north, where don't you give tribute to the emperor? Exotic flowers and plants, birds and animals are all included in the tribute. We live forever In the palace, go to the white ape and black bear who once received tribute from foreign feudal clans!"

"Not to mention anything else, in Kanto there is also a special "Dashou Ula Department" to send the special products of Kanto to the palace every year. Those who specialize in paying tribute to pine cones are called "Songta Ke"; those who specialize in catching sturgeon fish are called It's called 'Glugaidae'; these are all paid tribute to the imperial court, and they are all income and dispatched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Why did they go to a certain harem for enjoyment alone? Therefore, those people say that they are just for the sake of You—then you are blindfolded and talking nonsense."

"Or some people say that the Western Regions are far away, and it is not as close as the Kanto. Therefore, the jujube trees sent to Beijing from such a long distance must be the emperor just to please you - they forgot that Fujian also pays tribute to litchi trees every year. Ah! The Western Regions are to the west, and Fujian is to the south, thousands of miles away from the capital... Did the lychee tree ever come here to pay tribute to someone like Concubine Yang?"

Concubine Rong also laughed, "No! The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a lot of records. When I entered the lychee tree and produced lychees, the emperor rewarded everyone in the harem according to the number, and no one would be left behind easily. Go, never just for one person!"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, "That's right. So the emperor's decree also made it clear, 'It's a very small matter to send the sycamore family. Why send such a person back, so as to cause trouble?' The emperor said to pay tribute to Sha Jujube tree, it’s such a trivial matter, it’s nothing important, it just needs to mobilize people. How can such a trivial matter like the emperor’s contempt be ‘to please’ you?”

"So, it's 'no one knows it's litchi'. In our Qing Dynasty, there was never a certain concubine laughing in the harem. Then this time Wushi runs the Azalea Branch, it really shouldn't be you, Ah Mu. A person is angry and weeps."

Concubine Rong's nose was sore again, but she finally calmed down and nodded with a slight smile.

"Anyway, there is another noble concubine in this harem, you understand me."

Wanxi shook her head, "Who says I'm the only one? There's also Sister Lu, Sister Chen, Concubine Ying, Concubine Yu, they all understand you."

"More importantly, there is the emperor! If the emperor will let you go back to the Ministry, the "Illustrated Records of the Western Regions", the knowledge of the Western Regions, the emperor has read more than me. How the emperor has treated you and how he has treated you these years Mother's family, you should have more confidence in your heart."

Concubine Rong bowed her head, a blush finally appeared on her beautiful face.

"In our Western Regions, since the time of the "36 Western Regions" in the Han Dynasty, there have been no counties and counties, only city-states. Therefore, the entire Hui tribe is centered on a few big cities, and several big families are divided into them, and they are not subordinate to each other. .”

"That is to say, my family is Hezhuo, but in fact, the Hezhuo family that returned to Xinjiang is not the only one. My family is Baishan School Hezhuo, and the deadly rival Black Mountain School also has Hezhuo; there are also families that were not born of holy descendants, but because of He serves as an elder in the church, so he can also be called Hezhuo—for example, Hodges’ father also claims to be Hezhuo...In fact, these families are not the same thing at all.”

Wanxi nodded, "It's because they don't understand that they are all confused. That's why the emperor sent a bachelor. It took many years to complete the "Pictures of the Western Regions", and the emperor also ordered the "Biography of the Achievements of the Princes of the Hui Ministry", just to make Hui All the secrets have been lifted, and it is known to the mainland... Is this not the emperor's painstaking efforts?"

Concubine Rong couldn't deny it, and nodded vigorously with a blushing face, "I know that our emperor is different from the emperors of all ages. Only he truly regards the Western Regions as a part of the Qing Dynasty, instead of just coming to pay tribute. foreign domain."

Wanxi smiled, "You're right, since the Western Regions were officially included in the "Full Map of Imperial Yu" from our emperor, then the emperor regards you all as his own family. What's more, there is your favorite in the harem. Concubine~~"

Concubine Rong couldn't bear it anymore, blushed and spat, "Anyone can say it, but you can't! If I favor the concubine, am I now above you, or do I have more children than you? "

Concubine Rong's appearance finally made Wanxi feel relieved.

Wanxi said softly, "No matter what you say, your family is the holy descendants of the people in Xinjiang who pay homage to them. Now every year when Ban Burke goes to Beijing for a pilgrimage, he will go to salute in front of your uncle, brother, and nephew. It is enough for you Home still has great influence on the whole Huijiang."

Wanxi pondered for a while, and said slowly, "It's not terrible if a Wushi is in chaos; the terrible thing is that other Huicheng will also be moved by people... Once the whole Huijiang is in chaos again, the imperial court will definitely have heavy troops Overwhelming, the Western Regions, which have just been pacified for five years, are about to be wiped out again."

Rong Bin stood up abruptly, "I understand! I will immediately write to my brother and tell him to try to turn things around, and if I don't tell the rest of the city to go back, they will be in chaos too! ——especially Yarkand and Kashgar, where my mother's family lived for a long time. Two cities!"
Two days later, Concubine Rong excitedly came to see Wanxi.

As soon as they met, Concubine Rong stepped forward and held Wanxi's hand, "I have brought you good news! I know that you were willing to be friendly with me at the beginning because of another person..."

Wanxi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, her heart skipped a beat, "Mrs. Reyimu?"

Two days ago, it was said that Yarkand, where Concubine Rong's mother's family lived, could not be messed up, and after Concubine Rong's mother's family moved to Beijing, the emperor handed over the post of Aqim Burke in Yarkand to E Dui .

There are two couples, Edui and Reyimu, guarding Yaerqiang, and Wanxi is both relieved and worried.

She believed that Mrs. Reimu understood the righteousness and would not rebel against the court; but because of this, she was worried about Mrs. Reimu's safety.

Concubine Rong nodded with a smile, "My brother also told me that since Wushi had an accident a month ago, E Duiboke actually sent a letter to my brother: Reyi Muben is in Kuqa, assisting the eldest son in managing the warehouse Che, when she heard that there was a change in Wushi, she told her eldest son Esman to obey the orders of the imperial court, and at the same time led her entourage, drove three thousand miles in five days, and entered Yarkand."

"At this time, the people in Yaerqiang city were raging. Many Burkes made weapons and gathered horses in the outskirts of the city. There was a tendency of storms. Edui was helpless, crying day and night, and his eyes were swollen. Reyimu immediately ordered to kill Slaughter cattle and goats, prepare a banquet, and invite all Burkes, imams and elders to the banquet, while secretly checking the number of weapons prepared by each Burke."

"At the banquet, Reyimu said: 'You have nothing to do. The Emperor Meng is kind enough to be a commoner. Now that Wushi is rebellious, and he will be wiped out immediately, he wants to imitate you. He is an unfaithful and unrighteous ghost? Although I am a woman and a Taoist family , but I still have the ability to kill you today, if you don’t promise me today, don’t even think about going out of this door again!'”

Wanxi's heart was shaken, and she was moved to tears by Mrs. Reyimu's courage and strategy.

This extraordinary woman is worthy of her admiration for many years.

Seeing Wanxi's expression, Concubine Rong felt proud, "At that time, everyone was astonished and looked around, only to see that the gate was guarded very strictly... Only then did I realize that every word a woman said was nailed. After accepting it, they all knelt down and said they would not rebel against the imperial court. Then Reyimu set up a banquet again, knowing the benefits and disadvantages, and everyone shed tears after hearing it."

"But those men often say one thing with their mouths, but they say another thing behind their backs. Therefore, Reimu called out the singer to persuade him to drink, and secretly ordered his men to take the weapons of Burke and the elders. They were all put away, and their mounts were let go."

"Not only that, but during the day, Edui led all the Burkes to gather at the official residence of the minister in charge; at night, they dispersed separately, so that they had no chance to move their minds in private. In this way, Burke of Yarkand Then the elders settled down. Reyimu helped her husband make daily inspections until the whole border was peaceful."

Wanxi clenched Rongpin's hand tightly with joy, "What a wonderful woman, I am so in admiration! Ah Yu, in my heart, you must be a Huibu strange woman who is as wise and courageous as Mrs. Reimu, and understands righteousness. go!"

Embarrassed, Concubine Rong lowered her head and smiled, "... Anyway, I will do my best."
For the past few days, Wanxi has been careful to accompany Concubine Rong, and together with Concubine Rong, she is planning for the affairs of the Northwest.Finally, on the twelfth day of the second lunar month, the hearts of Concubine Rong and her brother were probably settled down, and Madam Reimu's feat of stabilizing Yarkand made Wanxi finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The emperor visited Lingyin Temple on the twelfth day of the second lunar month.

The status of Lingyin Temple to Hangzhou is self-evident.The emperor visited this place during his four southern tours.

Wanxi and Yuqin come to offer incense with the emperor.

Because all the monasteries are monks, the six senses are pure, so they are concubines in the harem, and it is convenient to meet each other.

Yuqin conversed skillfully with the monks in Jiangnan dialect, while Wanxi looked carefully at the emperor.

Although the emperor said that he was relaxed and did not show the worries in his heart, how could Wanxi not understand that the uneasiness in the northwest and the uncertainty in the harem made the emperor feel uneasy.

The emperor talked to the abbot and monk Delin of Lingyin Temple for a while, but he asked the abbot and monk who picked him up in the past, what was the relationship with Delin, where did he go now, and who recommended Delin to be the abbot and monk Yes... These are just the most common questions, even eminent monks can't relieve the emperor's worries.

After the emperor calmly finished speaking for a while, he went to the palace to drink tea.

Monk Delin presented the new Longjing tea, and Yinyin introduced the various benefits of the new Longjing tea.

This February Longjing tea was supposed to be the freshest new tea, but Wanxi drank several sips for nothing, and she couldn't taste any sweetness.

She only lowered her eyes to watch her heart, focusing on her own thoughts.

After a while, she saw that the emperor also put down the teacup lazily, and did not praise the new tea, so she understood that the emperor also didn't care about it.

Wanxi deliberately smiled and said to the emperor, "It is said that this servant has accompanied me to Lingyin Temple two or three times, but how can I not remember how many Buddha statues were carved on Feilai Peak? The cliff carvings are Merit, since I have been here, I don’t dare to say that I salute according to the person, but I have to remember it at least.”

The emperor glanced at Wanxi helplessly, "Since the Five Dynasties, Song, and Yuan Dynasties, there have been cliff carvings on Feilai Peak. It has been 800 years, and at least hundreds of Buddha statues have accumulated. Where can you remember them all clearly? "

Wanxi pouted stubbornly, "That means the slave is not sincere enough. Your Majesty, I beg you to go with the slave again today!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows.

Wanxi quietly reached out and pulled the emperor's cuff from under the table.

The emperor was helpless, raised his eyebrows and said to the abbot monk Delin, "Got it, let's make offerings to the Buddha!"
Wanxi got her wish and followed the emperor to Feilai Peak.

Although Wanxi said that she wanted to recognize hundreds of Buddha statues, she went straight to the Budai monk from the Song Dynasty as soon as she came.

Pointing at the Buddha statue, Wanxi couldn't help but smile, tilted her head and asked the emperor softly, "...Buddhist statues are supposed to be solemn treasures, but why does he laugh every time he comes to see him?"

Hearing that the imperial concubine asked a question, it was the first time for Delin to pick up the driver, so she stepped forward to explain in trepidation.Tell Wanxi one by one the allusions of the big belly that can tolerate and laugh so ridiculously.

Wanxi also laughed, and clapped her hands and said, "I am stupid. Since this is Hangzhou Lingyin, I think there is a Zen theory in this story. I just feel happy. The emperor is a disciple of Buddhism. I think I can understand the profound Zen theory. to be more at ease."

The emperor raised his eyebrows suddenly, raised his eyes to look at Budai monk, and then stared sideways at Wanxi...

Finally, the red lips hooked slightly, and he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

There is a wind blowing between the mountains and forests, faintly and slowly, and it is clear to the ears.

Wanxi suddenly listened carefully, and then quietly tugged on the emperor's cuff, "Listen, Your Majesty, is someone playing the flute?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Wanxi shook her head, "That's why the servant misheard—it seems that it's not a flute, but a whistle."

Wanxi listened for a while, then clapped her hands and laughed, "Like that eagle-bone deer whistle!"

Mentioning the deer whistle, the sweetness from many years ago appeared in the hearts of both of them.

The emperor's smile hung even more firmly on the corner of his lips, and he couldn't let it go easily.

Wanxi was even more delighted, so she looked back and asked the abbot and monk Delin, "Is it the sound of the magic weapon in the temple?"

Delin also listened to it, and laughed, "It's a magic weapon, but it's not a magic weapon. It's a destiny, and the sound of nature plays a bright light. It must be because the emperor came to my cloud forest, and the Buddha felt it, so it responds to the heaven and the earth."

Delin stretched out her hand and pointed to a small stone cave on the mountain wall.

(End of this chapter)

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