Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2505, Volume 8, 30 Lan Palace Leader

Chapter 2505 Eight Volumes 30 Lan Palace Leader
Wanxi and Yurui hugged each other and wept, as if the heavens also felt it, and it was raining down outside the window.

With red eyes, Yuchan quietly came in to report: "Master, Master Rui, Young Master Mao is here."

Wanxi hurriedly wiped away her tears, "Call it."

Mao Tuan'er's coming now must have been instructed by the emperor.

Besides, Wanxi didn't want to cry again in front of Mao Tuan'er.

Although we met Mao Tuan'er in the third room, but we went there in front of the emperor and empress dowager, so we couldn't talk to Mao Tuan'er alone.Now that Mao Tuaner came to see her alone, apart from possibly conveying the emperor's will, it must also be that Mao Tuaner wanted to confess to her alone.

But what is Mao Tuan'er really guilty of?
Xiaoliu has already gone, and Wanxi doesn't want to drag the living people down with more grief.They are all her relatives, and they even love the child more than herself.Although the child is gone, they shouldn't be told to go with eternal sorrow.

Wanxi called Cuihuan and Cuixiu to come in, and helped Yurui down first.

Maotuan'er came in and knelt down on his knees, waiting to kowtow heavily, unexpectedly, Yuchan from the other side rushed out and stuffed a thick prayer mat into Maotuan'er's forehead and In the gap before the ground went.

Mao Tuan'er was startled, and raised his eyes in panic.

Although Wanxi's eyes are still red, she is no longer allowed to cry anymore.

If she wanted everyone to stop blaming herself, then she had to get better herself first.

Wanxi sniffed, "Stop knocking, and you're not allowed to cry, and you're not allowed to say any more apologies."

Mao Tuan'er trembled violently, as if his heart had been clenched and crushed.

He wasn't for himself, not even for Elder Sixteen—but, he felt sorry for Master Ling.

Master Ling was originally born weak, and he was even the most slender and graceful among all the inner court dignitaries in the entire harem.But her heart is stronger and tougher than anyone else.

Not only did she carry her own harem career, she carried her own children, and she spread her wings like an old hen, protecting everyone around her as best she could.

She never refused to embarrass them.

Mao Tuaner took a deep breath, his heart churned, and he wanted to tell Master Ling all the things he took out from the clean room of Nala's bedroom with his own hands... But he must not forget the emperor's order, so cruel If you want to, you can't say it in front of Master Ling.

Death is a terrible thing, but those filthy things are a hundred times more terrible than death itself.If the master hears and sees it, maybe he will never be able to get out of the shadow of this incident in the future.

He had no choice but to hold back, took a deep breath to swallow the tears, and then raised his head, his face was already full of smiles.

"The slave is going back and forth with the master. The emperor said that today he wants to see the Kazakh envoys, and then he will go to the Paradise to give a banquet and watch a play. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it through the whole day."

Wanxi nodded, "I already know, why did the emperor ask you to come here again? You go back to the emperor for me, everything is fine for me, I have nothing to worry about, just ask the emperor to concentrate on government affairs."

The northwestern Huibei is in chaos again, and the imperial army has begun to suppress the rebellion.If the rebels in the city of Ush wanted to escape, they must go to the west.According to the old practice of Junggar, Daxie and Zhuo in the past, they would go to Kazakhs if they were not going to Breut.

The emperor personally received the Kazakh envoys at this meeting, and he also wanted to watch a play with Paradise, for this purpose.

Long distances can be used for close attack, and it can stabilize the Kazakhs, so that they will not make troubles together after taking advantage of the Wushi chaos, otherwise the northwest will become uncontrollable.

Mao Tuan'er laughed, but this time it was a sincere smile, no longer forced.

"It's the slave who is stupid and hasn't said anything. The master allowed the slave to repeat - the emperor said that today he has to work all day, not only can't come to see the master, even the empress dowager can't go there." Please."

"Therefore, the emperor ordered: Please the noble concubine and master lead the inner court to go to the Changchun Garden together, and pay respects to the empress dowager!"
"Huh?" Wanxi was stunned.

Wanxi is a noble concubine, so it is not unusual to go to Changchun Garden to pay respects to the empress dowager, but this time the emperor's oral order is - she will lead the inner court to pay respects to the empress dowager!
Originally, the leader Lan Gong was the exclusive right of Zhonggong.

Only when the middle palace is not in the capital, can the royal concubine act on her behalf.

But at this time, Nala is in Beijing, and she is still a legitimate queen!
Mao Tuan'er understood, and kowtowed with a smile, "My slave congratulates master... In the emperor's heart, the master is already the head of the six palaces. Although the queen is still there, in the emperor's heart, the existence of that person has been ruled out."

When Yuchan and the others heard this, they were so happy that they hurried forward and knelt down together.

"Slave and others congratulate the master, from today onwards, leader Lan Gong!"

Wanxi slowly raised her head and sat upright.

"Since it is our duty to do so, let's go."
When the nobles and above the lords gathered, the rain in the sky had already stopped.

On the sky, the clouds opened and the rain closed, and the sunshine appeared little by little.

And with the crisp applause, everyone looked from a distance, only to see that the umbrella was divided into two parts, and the one guided by the guard of honor was the imperial concubine Wanxi.

Since it is the imperial concubine's guard of honor, there will be no empress here today.So, it was the noble concubine who led them to the Changchun Garden to salute the empress dowager instead of the empress?

It seems a little too presumptuous for the noble concubine to act as the empress.After all, it is only a noble concubine, or a concubine's room; between the noble concubine and the queen, there is still a royal concubine!
Yuqin and other people who share the same love with Wanxi as sisters immediately understood that this was all tears of joy.

Concubine Yu and the others were stunned, but they didn't dare to show it, so they had to go back to work according to the order of walking.

Not to mention that the heads of the inner court were all accidents, even the officials of the Du Yu Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who were in charge of guiding, were not prepared enough.

Because everyone knew that Empress Nala was in the Forbidden City and not in the Old Summer Palace at this time, so they didn't expect that today the inner court officials would line up a guard of honor, and all the officials would go to salute the Empress Dowager together.Among the lunches was Shi Ge, a member of the Duyu Division of the Internal Affairs Bureau who was a follower, but he didn't come.
In the Changchun Garden, the empress dowager received a notice from the palace supervisor and knew that she was going to be promoted to the seat and accepted the honor of the head of the inner court.

The empress dowager did not expect that the person who led the harem was Wanxi.

The empress dowager also sighed on the throne.

I didn't expect it, but it was also within reason.

It is impossible for the emperor to forgive Nala's crazy and unreasonable things.Besides, Nalashi was cursing the empress dowager herself, and the empress dowager couldn't get rid of the knot so quickly.

Therefore, the empress dowager accepted the greetings from the heads of the inner court headed by Wanxi smoothly.

The empress dowager said the usual things that should be said to the empress, such as serving her all the way, it is hard work; for example, walking all the way from the Old Summer Palace is also filial piety... Such words are replaced by saying to Wanxi.

Although Wanxi is still a noble concubine, in terms of these points, she is no different from the status of the middle palace.

Please be safe, when the chiefs of the inner court resigned, although the empress dowager was a little reluctant, she still had to say, "...the empress is ill, and you have to take care of the affairs of the harem in the future, noble concubine."

Wanxi is dignified and courteous, "This is a matter of concubine status, please rest assured the empress dowager."

After stepping out of the Empress Dowager's Palace, Concubine Yu couldn't help but step forward, walked to Concubine Shu, and hurriedly said, "This is weird. Shouldn't you be promoted to the imperial concubine and lead the harem to the empress when she was ill? She And why!"

Concubine Shu looked back at Concubine Yu, but she smiled, "It doesn't matter if I get promoted or not. If Concubine Yu can't see it, why don't you go to the emperor and ask for grace to be promoted."

"Concubine Yu has been a concubine for 20 years, she has given birth to a prince, and the prince has a grandson... After all, she should be promoted to concubine. I can't even figure out why the emperor didn't move Concubine Yu for you. move."

Concubine Yu's complexion changed.

Concubine Shu slightly raised her eyebrows, "Concubine Yu should take care of her own affairs first, and then worry about me."
On this day, all the dignitaries of the inner court went to Changchun Garden with Wanxi to pay respects to the Empress Dowager, and the emperor's itinerary was also clear: summon the Kazakh envoys, and then go to see a play with the Paradise.

But the emperor still "missed" Nala's family despite his busy schedule.

Nala, who has been locked in the Yikun Palace for almost a month, is like a frog trapped at the bottom of a well. When he looks up, he can only see the square sky in the yard of the back hall of the Yikun Palace.

In the majestic palace, let alone that she couldn't get out of Yikun Palace, in fact, even the door of the back hall of Yikun Palace was locked.

Even the square sky outside the window, she could only see through the window.That world no longer belongs to her.

After a month of struggle and despair, she gradually became numb.

She no longer expected any news from the two clumsy, timid little girls beside her.

She just stayed in the back hall of Yikun Palace, withered and waiting to die.

Early this morning, two little girls came in to serve.Nalashi opened his tired eyes, stared at the two of them, and asked in a hoarse voice, "You two... what are your names?"

The two women looked at each other, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and say:
"The slave is called Erniu."

"The slave is Wu Niu."

"What did you say?!" Nala couldn't help but shudder, and couldn't help but slap the table hard, "Say it again, is this your original name?"

The official women in Nala's Palace have always only chosen girls from Manchu families.According to the custom of the Manchu family, in fact, all girls can be called big girl, second girl, or even fifth girl and sixth girl according to the order of the family.

Therefore, the second girl and the fifth girl may really be the real names of the two official girls.

It's just that Nala's back still couldn't help getting chills when she heard this - these two names always reminded her of the two women who were related to her in the imperial concubine's palace!
The two women didn't hide anything, so they squatted down on the ground and handed over the truth. "Back to the queen master, the names of the two slaves... yes, when they were picked up to serve the master that day, a few masters asked me to change them."

"As expected!" Nala gritted her teeth angrily, "They're willing to tell you to tell the truth, and that's a clear statement. They're not afraid to let me know. This is really, really no longer paying attention to me!"

The "Er Niu" bowed her head deeply, "Mao Tuan'er Wen Da also said... Please, the Queen's master, never forget the name 'Er Niu'."

Nala took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.

In the dignified palace, now her fate is held in the hands of several eunuchs, and she has been reduced to the point where she will be tortured by a group of eunuchs!

"Okay, okay..." She gritted her teeth, "I will remember it well! When I get through this shoal, I will be the first one to kill them all!"

The two women did not dare to speak, and bowed their heads deeply.

Nala closed her eyes, thinking about her current situation.

Although she is already in a desperate situation, her heart is not dead yet.

Because she is still alive, and because the emperor has not abolished the empress, that is to say, the emperor does not dare!
She is the side Fujin bestowed to the emperor by the late emperor, she is the middle palace that the empress dowager personally decreed, and she is the daughter-in-law accepted by the ancestors in the middle hall of the Taimiao!

The emperor just wanted to abolish the empress, but he might not have the guts!
So for the present plan... Her last and last reliance is still with the empress dowager.

She still has one move left: she must try to see the empress dowager again, and must convince the empress dowager that the method of "calling the soul" she did in Hangzhou was not to kill the empress dowager.

"I asked you to find out when the Empress Dowager will return to Luan. I have told you these days, but you have been gourds all the time!" Nala couldn't help complaining.

The two women looked at each other again, and the five girls said cautiously, "Go back to the Queen's master, the old master of the Queen Mother has already returned to Changchun Garden yesterday."

Nala stood up excitedly, "Finally back!"

As Nala said, he tugged at the clothes on his body, "I have to pay my respects to the empress dowager! Even if the emperor forbids it, wouldn't the empress dowager not ask?"

Wu Niu bit her lip, and said cautiously, "Go back to the empress...today, today, the noble concubine has led the inner court to go to the Changchun Garden to pay her respects to the empress dowager."
Nala was startled fiercely, and stared at the two women in disbelief.

"You are wrong! It was Ling Guifei who went to pay respects to the empress dowager, or she brought a group of them to pay respects to the empress dowager! How could she lead the heads of the inner court to pay respects to the empress dowager?"

The two women were trembling with fright, but they could only bite the bullet and return, "...Yes, it was the noble concubine and master who led all the heads of the inner court to pay their respects. The honor guards of the House of Internal Affairs were all lined up, and the internal officials cited earlier The leaders and the officials of Duyu who followed behind have all gone."

Nala was stunned for a long while, then turned her head to stare at the two women and then smiled, "The servants deliberately told you to tell me this news, didn't they? They just wanted to see me suffer, they wanted to see me being tortured Trapped in the apse of Yikun Palace, even with wings, I can't fly to the Forbidden City, let alone the imperial garden!"

The two women did not dare to speak, so they could only prostrate themselves on the ground to plead guilty.

Who are the two of them provoking? They were originally the soft-spoken rough envoys of the Yikun Palace. Now they are locked in the apse of the Yikun Palace with Nala, and they are not allowed to go out. Shi also asked the two of them to inquire about the news, they, how could they do it?

Now that several masters have given the news and asked them to report back to the queen's master, why can't they not reply?Besides, isn't it the queen's master who asked them to inquire about the news outside?

How come there is news, is the Queen's master going to lose his temper with the two of them again?

The two women felt wronged and scared at the same time.

The three in front, Dege, Guoxin, and Genggen, were beaten as severely as [-] boards, and the two of them also watched helplessly!

Those three, who were originally the first-class and second-class girls who served in front of the queen's master, still ended up like this.As for the two of them, they were rough envoys, wouldn't it be even more miserable?
Entering the palace originally thought that it was a matter of luck to be able to enter the palace of the queen's master, but now I feel that it is really bad luck for eight lifetimes to enter the queen's palace to serve her...

The two of them had resentment in their hearts, so they leaned more towards the eunuchs outside from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, now my fate is being pinched in the palms of those people, if I don't understand, it will only make me suffer more.

The two of them described Nala's reaction and cursing today.

Now Kai Qili, the chief eunuch of Ren Yikun Palace, laughed when he heard this, and comforted the two of them, "Don't worry, I happen to have something to go back to our empress master."
Seeing Kai Qili coming in, Nala's face was full of defense.

"What are you doing here? Even if you are guarding me by order, don't forget the rules in the palace! Eunuchs are not allowed to enter alone to answer!"

Kai Qili laughed, and stood up from the ground calmly.

Before Nala called him flat.

Nala's eyes narrowed again, "You are so brave!"

Kai Qili lightly brushed the dust off his robe, "What's the hurry, master empress? The servant got up, just to wait for master empress to get up earlier, don't delay the time, and there is no way to reply to the emperor's order. The emperor is waiting for the letter from the slaves."

Nalashi was taken aback, "Let's drive? Where are you going?"

Nala couldn't help feeling hopeful in his heart, "The emperor allowed me to go out, didn't he?"

"Or the Empress Dowager wants to see me. It's the Empress Dowager who asked me to pay my respects, isn't it?"

Kai Qili laughed silently, with eyebrows raised and eyes raised.

"You don't have to think about that, my lord. The emperor's orders are passed on, asking my lord to vacate Yikun Palace and move it to Yonghe Palace."
"What did you say? Yonghe Palace?" Nala was stunned, "...Where is the former concubine Wan in Yonghe Palace?"

Kai Qili said with a smile, "Although the emperor didn't show this to the servant, but the servant is thinking that the concubine Wan and the seventh princess will probably move into our Yikun Palace."

The Yonghe Palace is in the East Sixth Palace.The Jingyang Palace to the north of the Yonghe Palace was inhabited, and it was used by the emperor to collect books; therefore, the Yonghe Palace became the most northeast corner of the entire harem.

The Emperor's Hall of Mental Cultivation is in the southwest corner, and the Yonghe Palace is in the northeast corner. This is the sleeping palace farthest from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Originally, the Yonghe Palace was housed by Concubine Wan, because Concubine Wan had no conflicts in her heart and had no concern for the emperor's favor, so she was happy to go to peace.But now, the emperor wants to give her such a bedroom which is the farthest from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

That's—a veritable cold palace, isn't it?

"What does the emperor mean?" Nala was annoyed, "I want to see the emperor, you go and pass on my words, saying that I want to meet the emperor, ask me!"

Kai Qili smiled unhurriedly, "What do you want to ask, Master Empress? First show it to the servant, and then the servant can answer to the emperor to understand."

Nala gritted her teeth, "This palace is still the empress, or the middle palace! How could anyone regard the bedroom in the harem that is farthest from the Hall of Mental Cultivation as the queen's bedroom?"

"That's how it is..." Kai Qili did not rush, "I'm not going to hide it from my master, but I have consulted a few senior managers about this matter in advance. The senior managers all said that although the Yonghe Palace is a bit remote , but also worthy of the role of the middle palace."

Kai Qili smiled and said, "Master, the empress will not forget that in the sixth year of Qianlong, because Empress Xiao Gongren once lived in the Yonghe Palace, the emperor decreed that the plaque in the Kunning Palace be placed in the right place. Yuan' will be hung in the Yonghe Palace."

"Although the 'Weizheng Kunyuan' plaque is to commemorate Empress Xiao Gongren, but with this plaque, I don't want to wrong the empress and master. The Yonghe Palace can be used as the queen's palace."

After all, the opening ceremony was just a chief eunuch, and he hadn't had the chance to listen to the emperor's words in person in front of the emperor.In fact, the emperor said in front of his master Wei Zhu and Mao Tuaner, "Isn't she most concerned about the status of this empress? Well, then I will tell her to guard the four words 'Weizheng Kunyuan'. Keep it until you die!"

"Let her live with the words 'Weizheng Kunyuan' every day. And I will never see her again, regardless of life or death!"
It was April 27th, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported the absence of the retinue of Wailang Shige, a member of the Duyu Division.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs found out that the reason for Shige's absence was that it was raining, and he was delayed on the road, so he couldn't come.

"Wai Lang, Du Yu's official?" The emperor narrowed his long eyes when he received the memorial, "The first wave of people who are not afraid of death has already jumped out! That's fine, I will follow his wish!"

The Duyu Division belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is in charge of the selection of military officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the affairs of fishing.

Dege and the other three were sent to the "Dashang Ula Office" outside the pass, which was under Du Yusi's rule.

Therefore, even though it is extremely difficult for other ministers to know the current situation in Nala's Palace, the officials of the Duyu Division do know about it because they have to handle related matters.

Mao Tuan'er was listening by the side, his eyes turned slightly cold.

Mao Tuan'er also understood that the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were all fighting for Nala's injustice.

That's right, in their eyes, Nala's family is the queen and their serious mistress; on the contrary, the master was born in the inner circle, and they can't even compare with them... Now the women in Nala's palace have suffered so much. Some people feel that it is time to jump out and show their loyalty to the decent mistress.

The emperor replied coldly: "Wailang Shige and the officials of the Du Yusi who live in the Yuanmingyuan should be called there for investigation!"

The emperor put the approved playbook aside, and then his gaze fell back to the earlier playbook.

A small internal affairs official, Wailang, is just the beginning.In fact, it jumped out earlier than this stone lattice, and there is already a prince!

Fifth elder brother Yongqi's greeting book had already been sent to the emperor.Yongqi's intercession for the "Emperor Mother" has already been presented in front of the emperor earnestly!

It was already April 27, and the emperor couldn't help looking out the window.

It's Dragon Boat Festival again.

God willing.

(Thank you for your monthly tickets, khlim, zhangmeijiao, Guomiaotang, red sleeve book friends with tail number 2697, summerblue, Mu Xizhen and others for your rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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