Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 252 Want to Peck

Chapter 252 Want to Peck (3 More)
Mao Tuan'er was already poking his head at the door, Wanxi understood that she couldn't stay any longer.

"My lord is going to tell this story again..." Wanxi hurriedly lowered her head and avoided it.

Although the emperor couldn't hide his slight disappointment, he still raised his eyebrows proudly: "My lord has the bottom line, you are about to agree! See, you have been quietly learning how to survive in this palace. Although the time is still short, you have already adapted well." very good!"

"I understand, you will promise me the day you confirm that you have learned it!"

When Wanxi walked to the door, she couldn't help turning her head and making a grimace: "Master speaks for himself!"

The emperor couldn't help being emotional for a moment, he ran after her, grabbed her little hand, and wanted to peck her little mouth.

Before Wanxi was forced to look at the little bird, there was a faint movement in her heart, so he pecked it down, she was not surprised.

Since he was not flustered, he still had time to reach out and block it.She covered her mouth, raised her eyes and looked at him shyly: "Master...slave, I'm still going to make up my mind~"

Although, I don't hate him treating her like this; but after all... I haven't completely stopped thinking about going out of the palace.

The emperor snorted, but he didn't retreat, he just pecked at the back of her hand—a kiss through her catkin.

Mao Tuan'er outside looked dumbfounded for a moment, turned his head and bumped his forehead on the door frame, making a "dang".

Wanxi became even more shy and unbearable, stomping her feet and trying to run away again.

The emperor could only sigh, stepped forward and grabbed her arm again: "Still running! There are three or four thresholds in front of you!"
The two of them were jubilant, unexpectedly, the pair of birds in the cage also jumped up, chirping and cooing.

Wanxi's heart moved, she couldn't help blushing and said to the emperor: "My lord, this servant once went to Master Chen's Yonghe Palace. At that time, I only felt that the ground was covered with thick shade, and it was a bit too deserted. The pair of birds in the cage have festive feathers. , with a lively temper, don't you think it's better...?"

The emperor pretended to be angry and raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to play tricks on me! I have other uses. If you want to give a gift, go to another one."

He turned his face again... Wanxi stared at him straight: "You are stingy. That couple is not a good couple after all!"

The emperor was so annoyed by her, he stepped forward and brought her back: "What are you talking about? Don't rush away, you should explain clearly to the Lord."

Wanxi took a careful breath, and turned her beautiful eyes lightly: "I mean, I don't think the breed of this bird is pure anyway. I have a noble status, so it's not good to play with such a miscellaneous pair of birds. It's better to reward the servants." , tell the servant to send it to a better place?"

The emperor rolled his eyes: "No. I caught it myself in the forest in the garden. Even if it may not be easy to grow, I still care about it!"

Wanxi didn't know what to do, seeing Mao Tuan'er was about to faint again, so she had to bless her body and give up.

Walking to the door, raising his hand to open the door, the soft bracelets on his wrists jingled again.

Wanxi couldn't help but stop, stroked the soft bracelet again, and couldn't help turning her head to look back.

Standing in front of the crabapple tree, the emperor raised his eyebrows leisurely: "Why, are you reluctant to leave?"

As he spoke, he came forward again, grabbed Wanxi's hand, and wanted to peck her little mouth again.

Wanxi blushed and backed away: "I have one more question to ask my master! — That is, my master smashed this bracelet on purpose that day, right?"

The emperor didn't speak, but raised his eyebrows lightly.

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat again: "Master was worried that this bracelet would cause trouble for the servants sooner or later, so I kept trying to smash it. Master said that, but it was not all because of being careful with Master Jiu, but to do it early. Alright, let’s deal with the situation like today, right?”

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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