Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2524 Volume 9 6 Years Old Zhao Chao

Chapter 2524 Nine Volumes 6 Years Old Chaochao
Yuchan and the others also secretly stuck out their tongues.

The emperor was justified in scolding.

The emperor laughed when he saw how ghostly they were, stretched out his arms, and hugged Wanxi flatly!

"You are thinking of your master. Besides, when she came back from the garden, she was still wearing a big dress and flag shoes because of her status. She should be extra careful. Then I won't let your master walk by herself. Are you all at ease?"

Yuchan and the others all laughed and squatted together to thank the emperor for his kindness.

The emperor raised his head and smiled like a boy, left the servants behind, took a big stride, carried Wanxi in his arms, and went directly into the Ming Room of the main hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.Go straight past the imperial case, throne and screen that symbolize the emperor's power, and go straight to the small gate under the plaque of "Zhongzheng Renhe".

Under the plaque is the book partition, and behind the screen of the throne, there are two small doors, "Tian Che" and "Andun".

Even in this small hall, there is also a universe inside - just on the left and right sides of the hall, each has a small door, leading to the east and west sides of the apse respectively.

The concubines are usually not qualified to walk through this hallway, even if they are high-ranking concubines who may walk through this hallway, when they reach the two small doors on the left and right, they should have to divide their things.

In the palace ban, where the hierarchy is the most important in the world, the directions leading to the two small doors already represent different levels: the east is higher, and the west is lower.

When Wanxi came here before, she had to go left and west.

This small door leading to the east ear room of the back hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation was only accessible by empresses in the past.

Today, the emperor stood in front of the two small gates, without hesitation, hugged Wanxi, then turned around and headed towards the small gate to the east!Wanxi was a little surprised, and carefully reminded the emperor, "Master! That's the east ear room."

The corner of the emperor's lips hooked slightly, "Oh? Really?"

Even though he said that, it seemed that he had just remembered that there was still a queen in the harem, but he kept walking, relying on his long legs, he hurried out in three steps at a time, and then walked directly into the east ear room !
Naturally, this road was not a road that the slaves dared to take. Gao Yun had been winking from Zao Zao, and led Yuchan and others to go east from outside the main hall, and detoured to the backyard through the passage outside the hall.
The east ear room of the apse of the Hall of Mental Cultivation is five rooms wide, the front eaves have a corridor, the east is connected with the east enclosure, and the yellow glazed tiles are hard on the top.There is a bright room in the middle, and there is a secondary room and a tip room in the east and west.In the middle, there is a sill wall and a window with step-by-step brocade.

The regulation of these five bays is the same as that of the emperor's bedroom - the apse of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

This side room has a five-room pattern of one bright, two times, and two ends, which has a clear distinction in level from the east and west enclosures where ordinary concubines live in the Hall of Mental Cultivation—the east and west enclosures are all one Ming. The pattern of "three rooms" twice.

In front of the corridor of the east ear room is the famous and huge crystal stone.The meaning is bright and aboveboard, pure and flawless.This crystal stone is only placed outside the east ear room, which highlights the respect of the status of the east ear room.

Because of this, when Wanxi lived in Yongshou Palace in the past, she often walked in and out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation through the small door on the north wall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but she did not dare to walk through the auspicious gate next to the east ear room. Go around the distance and walk through the Ruyi Gate between the West Ear Room and the West Wai Room.

But today, Wanxi was hugged by the emperor and walked into the east ear room, her heart jumped into a ball.

The east ear room and west ear room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation seem to be just a matter of location, and it seems that it is only a few steps away... But in the most hierarchical harem in the world, how many steps is the distance? The other shore that concubines can never reach in their lifetime.

Never dared to think that one day, she, a woman surnamed Han under Xin Zheku, could come here in the harem of the Qing Dynasty!
——Besides, the queen is still here!
Her eyes were already hazy, Wanxi stretched out her arms and hugged the emperor's neck, choked with sobs, "Master...how can this be done?"

The emperor chuckled, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't cry. Don't hurt our children."

Wanxi sniffled, "But, after all, this breaks the rules, and I have already overstepped. If the empress dowager and the clan members know about it, wouldn't it be another disturbance?"

The emperor snorted softly, but avoided the important ones, raised his eyes and asked Wanxi to look at the forehead on the door, "Look at the four characters 'Xiang Kai Lin Zhi', isn't it just for you? Who is more worthy of this temple than you?"

The hall forehead is the inscription above the hall, and the four characters "Xiangkai Linzhi" imply congratulations on the birth of a son.

The so-called "the phoenix sings, the zither makes friends; the auspiciousness presents the lin toes, and celebrates the katydids", this is exactly the royal family's expectation for the succession of descendants.And the queen is the mother of all the princes and daughters, so it is appropriate that the temple of "Xiangkai Linzhi" should only be hung in the queen's bedroom.

At this time, only Wanxi was pregnant with a child in the entire harem; moreover, looking at the entire harem, only Wanxi gave birth to the most children for the emperor.

Even - at this time, except for the Nala family, all the inner court dignitaries who had given birth to the emperor are no longer alive; and even if the Nala family is alive, it is equivalent to death in the emperor's heart.

Asking the emperor to say this, Wanxi blushed, but she had no words to refute.

The emperor walked to the edge of the kang and sat down, carefully put Wanxi down, "It's the master who told you to come in, so you can live in peace. Everything is your own master, whoever doesn't like it, tell them to come and talk to the master!"

As the chief manager of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Wei Zhu also came in to serve, knelt down and explained to Wanxi, "Master, the imperial concubine, the entire east anteroom has been re-arranged by the emperor's decree. Take a look, master imperial concubine, The paintings on the wall, the mattresses on the kang, and the furnishings on the shelves are all new!"

"Imperial concubine and master, take a look. If there is anything wrong, the servant will take someone to rearrange it. The emperor said, you must call the imperial concubine and master here, so that everything goes well."

The furnishings next to it are small and broken, and Wanxi couldn't see them for a while, but when she raised her eyes, she saw the new paintings on the wall first.

Wanxi first saw the "Sui Dynasty Picture" on the wall by Jin Tingbiao!

——This painting is not a side note, it is one of the few "Pictures of Years and Dynasty" that Wanxi saw in the Hall of Worship that revealed the emperor's heart.This one is exactly the "Gengchen Sui Dynasty Picture" painted in the 25th year of Qianlong!
It is in the annals of this year-old court map that the emperor once used the poem "Yi Xinshao Jiaqing", which corresponds to the meaning of the prince's birth in the emperor's New Year's test poem "榑木先满, Shaohaihong".

Today, the emperor specially invited this "Picture of Years and Dynasties" from the Chonghua Palace, and officially hung it in Wanxi's bedroom in the Hall of Mental Cultivation—and it was just under the forehead of "Xiangkai Linzhi". The central idea is self-explanatory.

Wanxi was happy in her heart, but the tip of her nose still couldn't help being sore.

Because that year she saw not only this picture of Sui Dynasty, but also "Guiwei Sui Dynasty Picture", which was painted on the first day of the Lunar New Year in the 28th year of Qianlong, and Xiao Shiliu was born in November of the 27th year of Qianlong Thirty days, so the picture of the Sui Dynasty was drawn when Xiao Shiliu was just a full moon.

On the picture of the Sui Dynasty, among several kinds of auspicious tribute fruits, the emperor asked the painter to draw a big, red and vivid pomegranate in the most eye-catching place... Under the picture of the Sui Dynasty, the emperor also specially Yu Minzhong, a bachelor, was ordered to transcribe all the poems of the monarch and his ministers in that year on it.

The emperor personally inscribed the picture of the age of the year, and it was called "Chunzao"...

Now that she has finally officially entered the east ear room of the Lord's Hall of Mental Cultivation, the picture of the year when Xiao Fifteen was born has been officially hung up; but the picture of Xiao Sixteen... maybe in this life, the emperor will never let her see it again Bar?

Her heart was sore, but she suppressed it and just smiled.The emperor reached out and gently held her hand, "Don't just look up at the paintings on the wall, don't forget to lower your head and look at the child in your stomach."

The emperor was right, Wanxi finally burst into tears and smiled, she looked away and looked down at her stomach, the emperor also stretched out his hand, joined her hand, and lightly covered her stomach together.

There are always joys and sorrows in this world, and even the house of the emperor cannot be fulfilled.However, there is a precious heart. Although it cannot be redeemed in everything, it has the power to heal.

Wanxi held back her sadness, smiled, and threw herself into the embrace of the emperor.

As a woman in the harem, to be able to make it this far, and to be able to win the emperor's care for these years, she has nothing left to ask for.

The so-called consummation, she has already obtained what she deserves and what she should not get in this harem.If this is not consummation, what should it be called?
The news that the imperial concubine officially moved into the east wing of the Hall of Mental Cultivation had spread throughout the harem that night.

There is no need for anyone to spread the word, just because the concubines should go to the imperial concubine's palace to pay their respects every morning and evening, but when they arrived at Chuxiu Palace this night, there was no one there. Respectfully report to the inner court leaders one by one.

Such a situation, from the inside, is reasonable, after all, the queen has already been abolished; but if it is from the outside, after all, it is beyond the control.Therefore, when the concubines heard this, they were happy and worried.

Yuqin, Concubine Ying and the others were all overjoyed for Wanxi when they heard the good meaning.

The emperor asked Wanxi to move into the east wing of the Hall of Mental Cultivation at this moment. Apart from the actual meaning of her name, she also wanted Wanxi to raise this new baby in the place closest to the emperor's bedroom. Here comes the child.

It can be seen that the emperor attaches great importance to this child.

But Concubine Yu and the others heard the opposite meaning, and they became more and more annoyed and overstepped the restraint - after all, they are only imperial concubines, and the empress is not dead yet!Even if you live in the side room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, you should also live in the west side room, and it shouldn't be the east side room!

Concubine Yu was so angry that she went back to her bedroom, the knot in her heart couldn't be dispelled no matter what.

This year, she felt that she was a little bit unlucky: Yongqi finally had a son-in-law, but died before living a full moon; and Yongqi... her leg disease worsened, and she couldn't get off the kang, and she couldn't even come to greet her.

Only ginseng was used to hang it, and the ginseng in his own quota was not enough, so he came to tell her quietly, and she sent him all the ginseng in her quota.There is also the one who is always there, and the one who is often borrowed from her and her own palace... These two ranks are low, and there are few ginseng in the quota, but it is better than nothing, and this will be given to Yongqi all at once. wrapped it up.

It's okay to say how much ginseng is, but what really worries her is Yongqi's body.

She is just such a son, and now she is over fifty, if something happens to Yong Qi, she will have nothing.

"What about E Ning, why didn't you see her come in today to ask for peace?"

Just returned to the Forbidden City from the Old Summer Palace, E Ning was supposed to come in to say hello.

Sandan's face was also gloomy, and he said in a low voice, "Wu Fujin's health is not good either... After the death of my elder brother, he is also sick."

"Ah, yes." Concubine Yu patted her forehead, "Sandan, my head hurts. Go and get me a strangler, I have to put it on."

Because it was used in the house, Sandan didn't go to get the mink's one, but only took a black velveteen one, and waited for Concubine Yu to tighten it.

Concubine Yu looked in the mirror, somehow got annoyed again, stretched out her hand and tore off the strap again.

She thought of her own grandmother, who was in her 80s and [-]s and always suffered from head pains in winter, so she couldn't do without her head.The style used is also such a black velveteen.

When she saw herself in the mirror, she seemed to see her grandmother back then—but she was only in her 50s, and she didn't want to be as old as her grandmother!

Think about the imperial concubine, who can still conceive a child at forty.And what about herself?Ever since she gave birth to Yongqi at the age of 27, she has never had the emperor's favor...

"I don't understand why!" She threw the lezi on the table, "If there was only one concubine Ling in the past, it's fine if the emperor doesn't want to be the second concubine for the time being. Now she is already the concubine of the emperor. The noble concubine is gone, the position of noble concubine is completely vacant, why can't the emperor enter the position of concubine again?"

Now above the imperial concubine, she is the oldest one who has given birth to a prince, and she is the only one left!
Why can't the emperor see her?Why?

It was because of Yong Qi, the emperor valued Yong Qi so much, so the emperor should give her a chance, right?

"No, you can't do that!"

Concubine Yu grabbed the leash and put it on herself again.

"The emperor came back from Rehe this year, and he only cared about the imperial concubine. Yes, she lost a child, but my Yongqi also lost a son! The emperor can't just focus on the harem and ignore the descendants!"
Early the next morning, Concubine Yu followed all the harem into the east ear room of Yangxin Hall to pay her respects to Wanxi, then turned around and went to the harem to see the emperor.

Wei Zhu stopped Concubine Yu in embarrassment, "Master Yu Concubine, why doesn't Master Yu know the emperor's daily time? The Emperor got up before dawn to deal with state affairs, and now he is summoning ministers. Master Yu Concubine is asking for an audience at this time, and the slave is Even if you have ten heads, you don’t dare to bother the emperor, do you?”

Concubine Yu stared at Wei Zhu coldly, "I don't care how many heads you have, but the matter in front of me concerns the prince and grandson, the emperor can't see me!"

Wei Zhu and Gao Yuncong met each other's eyes, and reluctantly went in to report.

It took a long time for the emperor to come back from the front hall to see Concubine Yu in the back hall.

Concubine Yu entered the room to salute, and she was already in tears, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Yong Qi is ill again... On the fourth day after the Emperor came back to Beijing, Yong Qi's son-in-law who had been looking forward to for many years finally came, but she hasn't waited any longer. Long, before you can bring him to show the emperor, the child is, already... Yong Qi is suffering, and the concubine is also suffering!"

The emperor returned to Beijing on September 22, and Yong Qi's son was born on September 26. It is said that the emperor, who is a grandfather, should go to see him if he really takes pity on that child.

But the emperor was busy at that moment, so he couldn't go to see it.

The emperor didn't expect that the child could not even make it to the full moon, so he died young.

From the perspective of family relationship, the emperor felt a little uncomfortable.

The emperor comforted him with gentle words, "I know you and Yongqi are both uncomfortable. After all, I have been looking forward to several years for my son-in-law, and I finally got it, but I couldn't raise it to the full moon... It's not that I don't care about Yongqi. Just returned to Beijing, everything is complicated, I can't get out of my life for a while."

Concubine Yu smiled, and turned her head to look out the window, "My concubine came in today to pay her respects to the imperial concubine, and saw that the east anteroom was really tidied up. The paintings on the wall and the furnishings on the shelves were all changed, big and small. once."

The emperor frowned, "I personally inquired about the refurbishment of the east ear room, but if you want to say that I only care about this matter and ignore the emperor's grandson, then you really have wronged me! You should know, I will return In the past month since I came to the palace, apart from fasting and offering sacrifices to the Taimiao, I also personally held the final ceremony! Which one of these things is not complicated, and which one can’t be done by myself?"

Concubine Yu wept, "What the emperor said is true! The emperor is very close to Yuchen, so he wants to do everything by himself... However, the child is gone, no matter what method he uses, he can't get it back. Isn't the emperor I feel sorry for Yongqi, why can't I ask Yongqi after I'm done working? His leg has a seizure, and he can't even get off the kang!"

The emperor also closed his eyes deeply, and sighed, "Go and tell Yong Qi, I will go to see him when I have time. Other than that... let him recover from his illness with peace of mind, and he doesn't need to worry about everything in the past. Just focus on taking care of your body.”

The emperor's words already hinted that the matter of Sangzhai Dorji could be put aside for the time being, and Yong Qi would not be pursued.

The emperor also sent Yongqi's medical records, and carefully read the prescriptions given to Yongqi by imperial physicians Zhang Rufan and Song Guorui.

Seeing that the amount of ginseng used was huge, the emperor frowned, but still ordered, "Since Yong Qi started to use ginseng, the amount far exceeded his quota. As long as this prescription is beneficial to him, how many people don't have it?" Pass the decree to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, telling the Ministry of Internal Affairs that the fifth elder brother can use it, and there is no need to follow the prince's statute! If there is any shortage, it can be used from my statute, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

But Concubine Yu was still crying and fell to the ground, "Your Majesty...it's really a bad time to use ginseng, and Yong Qi uses such a large amount! I am worried that Yong Qi is completely hurt because of the premature death of her son-in-law. Heart, this can't be relieved. The concubine also begged the emperor to grant more blessings to protect Yongqi from recovery."

"Your Majesty... Has Your Majesty forgotten that Yong Qi's leg fell to save the Emperor..."

The emperor was also speechless for a while, and gently closed his eyes.

At his age, what he is most afraid of is actually sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

Besides, Yong Qi was once the son he placed high hopes on, and Yong Qi was actually his eldest son...

The emperor nodded slowly, "Okay, I understand. You first take the ginseng and pass on my words to Yongqi. Let him understand that he is also my son, and his son is also my grandson, and so is I." Feel sorry for their father and son."
After Concubine Yu left, the emperor personally called two imperial physicians, Zhang Rufan and Song Guorui, to spread out this year's pulse case and carefully examine Yongqi's situation.

Zhang Rufan and Song Guorui, the two imperial physicians, were careful to protect themselves, but the emperor could also see that Yongqi's situation was really not good.

"So much ginseng is used every month for decoction and medicine!"

Ginseng is what hangs the last breath when people's lives are dying.Not only has Yongqi started to use it, but she has already used it so much. What's more terrible is that despite using so much ginseng, Yongqi's situation has not improved, on the contrary - it has gone from bad to worse.

The emperor threw away the pulse case, and couldn't help but have red eyes.

After all, it was his son, after all, the son he had placed high hopes on... How could he bear to watch him go from bad to worse, yet remain indifferent?

On November [-]th, after offering sacrifices to the heavens on the Winter Solstice Festival and celebrating the empress dowager, the emperor issued a decree: "The fifth son of the emperor, Yongqi, has grown up and should be knighted. He should be named a prince. All the ceremonies that should be performed, each The yamen's case has been played."

Yongqi's appointment as a prince this time is because "due to a serious illness, he was named a prince".This is the meaning of joy.

On the other hand, if Yongqi hadn't been seriously ill at this time, the emperor might not be able to make him a prince.
In any case, in such an unfavorable year for Concubine Yu and Yongqi's mother and son, it is always a great happy event for Yongqi to be named a prince.

Although Concubine Yu didn't get the emperor's favor because of this, she went a step further in terms of position; but at least she made her son officially get the title of prince.

Concubine Yu was overjoyed, and she said to everyone in private, "Although the elder brother Yonghuang was also named a prince, it was all posthumous; among the princes, only my Yongqi was the first He was officially named a prince when he was born!"

Concubine Yu was elated, and E Chang Zaizi was also happy.

After her E family's building collapsed, all her hopes were pinned on Yong Qi.Pian E Ning finally gave birth to a grandson of the emperor, but she died... But God has eyes, and because of this bad heart, the emperor finally agreed to make Yongqi the prince.

E Changzai has been in the harem all these years, this day is the most elated day, and she talks about it when she sees people, and her face is smeared.

"Now that the emperor is at this age, establishing a crown prince is a big deal. Isn't it clear what the emperor means?"

Concubine Yu and E Changzai are in such a proud situation, Bai Changzai sees it every day, even though he is holding back, he still feels a little bit unhappy.

But Bai Chang was caring about Wanxi's body, so he resisted not talking to Wanxi, and only talked to Yuqin in private.

After all, Brother Fifteen was raised by Yuqin, and Yuqin also cares about this matter.

"Looking at Concubine Yu's appearance, this time she finally raised her eyebrows and elated. She lifted the fifth prince to the sky, but trampled all the other princes to the ground. According to her, it is because the fifth prince is the only one among the living princes. For the prince, it means that the emperor prefers the fifth elder brother, expressly implying that the fifth elder brother is already the crown prince!"

 Thank you Lan, Cai, lingsheuewen, Snow Mountain Old Demon, If the Moon, Fructose Miao, a_1hk-b4, mi.mi, Ruqinger, irenelauyy, Grass Flower, Lingshanghua, misia1985, summerblue and others for their rewards.Tell everyone to spend money, and have a happy little holiday!
(End of this chapter)

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