Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2526, Volume 9, 8

Chapter 2526 Nine Volumes 8 The Youngest Son Enrolls
As soon as December 27 sent out an order for a banquet on the first day of the first lunar month, all the princes hurriedly got busy.

In Yuqing Palace, Xiao Shiwu watched Eleventh Brother and Twelfth Brother carefully arrange their clothes, and it felt refreshing.

He used to be young and didn't understand the significance of having a banquet in Qianqing Palace. It was enough for him to go to Kunning Palace with Er Niang and Qing Concubine Er Niang to have a feast with the female relatives.

But he has officially entered school this year, and even his residence has been moved from Concubine Qing Palace to Yuqing Palace. In his own mind, he already regards himself as an adult, an upright man.

But he wandered around and found that among the brothers and nephews, he was the only one who was excluded from this matter, except for Fifth Brother who was sick in bed.

He couldn't help it, so he went out and pulled Yong Xing's sleeve and said, "Brother Eleven, your clothes are so pretty!"

Naturally, it looks good. The princes have to wear formal dresses when they attend the family banquet of Qianqing Palace.The most luxurious and solemn dress, a full set of court crowns and court beads, not to mention how luxurious and shining.

Moreover, his Empress Ama just re-established the bedding regulations for princes and county kings in October, and set the bedding rules for princes to use lynx cats with sable hearts and mink fur around them.The futons of the prince and the county king are made of sable hair, and the fur of the lynx mantle grows around the futon... Even the futon is so beautiful, Xiao Shiwu has long been envious of it.

The princes who have not been knighted in the palace have the same clothes and treatment, but in this year, among Xiao Shiwu's elder brothers, the fourth brother Yongxuan and the sixth brother Yongrong have already been knighted; the eldest nephew Mian De has also inherited Now that you are a prince...then they all wear their own court clothes and sit on those beautiful mats.

In addition, although his seventh brother-in-law Lawang is not a few years older than him, he is the son of the prince, even taller than the county king!Even though the seventh brother-in-law was not able to attend the family banquet of the Qianqing Palace because he was not yet married, his emperor Ama specially allowed his seventh brother-in-law's uncle, Che Budenzabu, to attend the family banquet - Chebudenzabu is of course not a royal family member. The reason why my family was able to attend the family banquet was naturally to represent Qiezuo!

Che Budeng Zhabu is also a prince...
Xiao Shiwu said it quite euphemistically, saying that children like nice clothes, but Yong Xing was not deceived, as soon as he looked down at Xiao Shiwu's expression, he was overjoyed.

"How to say, you want to go too, don't you?"

Little Shiwu pouted, "No, I just think Brother Eleven's clothes look really nice~~"

Xiao Shiwu, even though he has entered school, the House of Internal Affairs has prepared the prince's regular clothes for school use; but Xiao Shiwu is not yet ready to participate in any court affairs, so he hasn't made a dress for him yet, and he hasn't given him a court uniform yet. Guan and Chaozhuer.

Yong Xing thought for a while, "Don't worry, little fifteen, in a few years, you will be able to attend the banquet."

Among the princes, the third elder brother, the fourth elder brother, and the fifth elder brother did not enter the Qianqing palace banquet until the 17th year of Qianlong.That year, the third elder brother was 19 years old, the fourth elder brother was 14 years old, and the fifth elder brother was 12 years old;

The sixth elder brother Yongrong and the eighth elder brother Yongxuan entered the clan's family banquet in the 23rd year of Qianlong.That year, Yongrong was 16 years old; Yongxuan was 13 years old.

The eleventh elder brother Yongxuan, the twelfth elder brother Yongxie, the emperor's eldest grandson Miande, and the emperor's second grandson Mianen were four people who entered the Qianqing Palace's family banquet in the 27th year of Qianlong.That year, the two princes were 11 years old; the two grandsons were 16 years old.

It can be seen from this that all the princes and grandchildren have to officially enter the Qianqing Palace family banquet after they have reached the age of ten.At that time, she was about to grow up, behaved well, and understood the rules, at least she could sit securely at the banquet table of the Qianqing Palace.

As for Xiao Shiwu, Qianlong's birthday was October 25th in the 25th year, and this meeting is only two months away from the fifth birthday.For such an immature child, not to mention he doesn't understand the rules of the family banquet in the Qianqing Palace, it is even difficult for him to sit still in the Qianqing Palace.No one can guarantee that such a child can't sit still for a while, and feels boring, so he can run away~
Yong Xing squatted down and coaxed Xiao Shiwu, "How about this, Brother Eleven knows you like delicious food, are you curious about what delicious food is on the clan banquet? Tell Brother Eleven what you want to eat, Ten Brother One will secretly store it in your sleeve, and let it come back to you!"

Yong Xing said with a bitter face on purpose, "Brother Eleven, to tell you the truth, the banquet at the Qianqing Palace is actually quite bitter. When we go in front of Huang Ama and the clan members, the rule is that we can't be neglected at all. It's on the table. It is full of delicious food, but I dare not touch it, if you are greedy, what kind of etiquette is wrong, Huang Ama will not tolerate it."

"When I come back to school after the new year, the master and Yan Da will surely get the news, so we will be fined to stand, or we will have to write double characters!"

Xiao Shiwu is so young after all, Yong Xing thought that the child must be frightened when he said such a thing.

Yong Xun didn't know that Xiao Shiwu went to say hello to Wanxi that night, so he took Wanxi's hand and asked, "Ener, what are the rules for family banquets in the Qianqing Palace? Ernie, can you teach your son?"

Xiao Shiwu suddenly said this, which shocked Wanxi and Yuqin.

Wanxi and Yuqin looked at each other, then they both laughed, "Why do you ask this? You are still young, not yet old enough to join the banquet, and there are still a few years left, so let you have a good time and play a little longer." In the past year, there is no need to follow the rules."

Yuqin also said, "Isn't it? Look at your brother Lawang, who is 12 years old this year, but your emperor Ama is still not invited to the clan banquet, and his uncle, Prince Chebudenzabu, has to attend the banquet instead of him." Well. Brother Lawang is not in a hurry, you are still twice your age, why worry, my son?"

Jiujiu was mischievous, and stuck his head out from the other door to make a face at Xiaoshiwu, "Besides, you don't have court clothes and crowns, so why are you going? Are you going with only your butt?"

Xiaoqi was learning embroidery from Baiguo on the outer kang, and when she heard Jiujiu being mischievous, she also laughed, "He really doesn't need to wear court clothes, and it doesn't matter if he is naked, as long as he wears a big red beaded curtain around his stomach. "

Xiaoqi's words made Wanxi and Yuqin laugh too.

Bai Guo clapped her hands, "Why is what the Seventh Princess said so right? Our fifteenth brother, as long as we hang a bright red pocket around, we will look like a blessing in the New Year pictures!"

Everyone was laughing, but Xiao Shiwu really had something on his mind, and he lowered his head a little unhappy.

Wanxi felt sorry for her son, and pulled Xiao Shiwu over and hugged her in her arms, "Chinese New Year is not only fun in Qianqing Palace, we can also have fun in Kunning Palace. It's just that the court clothes of the brothers are beautiful, you don't have any for the time being." It's okay. Er Nie and your concubine Qing Er Niang have already prepared new clothes for you, and we look good too, and I will change them inside and out for you in the evening of thirty!"

Yuqin coaxed Xiao Shiwu to leave, but Xiao Shiwu still pouted.

After finishing his work, the emperor came over from the front hall and asked, "What's wrong with Yuanzi? When he left, he could see his pouting two feet high from the window! Who messed with him?"

Wanxi smiled helplessly, "Your child has a heart, don't worry about it."

The emperor sat down and gently stroked Wanxi's belly, "...it's a child's heart, but our Yuanzi is not a naughty child, he has always been wise and sensible. Today is not happy, there must be a reason."

Knowing a son is like a father, the emperor said so, Wanxi also knew that she couldn't hide it, so she sighed lightly and explained the whole story.

The emperor didn't say anything, but just laughed.

"Master still laughing?" Wanxi stretched out her foot, and gently poked the emperor with the tip of her toe, "I'm so worried, I said so many words to explain him, but it seems that the child has the back of the old master. "

The emperor laughed, took advantage of the opportunity to hold Wanxi's ankle, and gently massaged, "Isn't it good that he has the old master's waist? He is a prince, and the sooner he has the old master's waist, the happier I will be!"

Wanxi raised her hand and pressed her forehead, "I don't know how to coax him to go to the New Year's Eve. There are only three days left, and he will still pout on the first day of the first lunar month, so what can I do?"

The emperor patted the soles of Wanxi's feet lightly, "You don't have to worry about it, there is still the master. Take care of yourself and take care of yourself, don't think about anything. Tell him later!"
The emperor said that he was in charge of talking to Xiao Shiwu, but Wanxi didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that it was the emperor who coaxed Xiao Shiwu.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year in the 31st year of Qianlong, Wanxi carefully got off the kang, changed her court clothes, and was about to go to the Kunning Palace for family sacrifices. Gao Yuncong suddenly ran over from the front hall, his face flushed with excitement.

Wanxi smiled lightly, "You are the first one to come to pay New Year's greetings today. New Year's Eve, you will be rewarded twice."

Gao Yun kowtowed from the ground, "The slave is not here to ask for a reward. The slave is here to congratulate the imperial concubine and master!"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows too.

She is currently living in the east wing of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the emperor is only with her now, and the emperor left only in the morning, and he has not heard anything from the emperor, why is this so happy?

Gao Yuncong was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore, "The emperor just issued a decree: Brother Fifteen is also invited to the banquet. Here you go."

Although Wanxi said she was pleasantly surprised, the surprise was actually greater than the joy.

"This, how can this be done?"

Although it is a family banquet, it is the Qianqing Palace family banquet on the first day of the Lunar New Year, so the prince and clan members have to wear court clothes. This is the most formal attire... Little Shiwu is not ready for the court clothes yet, so this The imperial decree was issued suddenly, where should I find court clothes and court crowns for Xiao Shiwu?

"Could it be that...you really want that kid to bare his ass and go for a big red bag?" Wanxi herself was very happy.

There were footsteps outside the door, and the emperor stepped in through the curtain.

Gao Yun didn't dare to speak from the ground.

The emperor glared at him, "You still can't control your mouth! But I can spare you what happened to you today! Don't you dare to go to the respect room and the house of internal affairs to pass the decree?"

Gao Yun ran away as soon as he could, and Wanxi paid New Year's greetings to the emperor, but she still couldn't hide her worry.

The emperor snorted softly, took a small bundle from behind, and placed it in front of Wanxi.

"To wear new clothes during the Chinese New Year, I have already prepared a set for Xiao Shiwu."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.

Quickly stretching out his hand, it really is a set of the prince's court clothes, the Golden Dragon Coat!
Since it is court clothes, compared with auspicious clothes, extra collars are required.In the small set of clothes in front of her, even the collar is prepared in a serious manner - this is the first time Wanxi has seen such a small collar in the years since she entered the palace.

This principle is the same as that of entering the harem, that is, the decree can be made temporarily on the first day of the new year, but the corresponding clothes and hats must be prepared in advance.Moreover, court clothes are the most regulated, and they can't be prepared in three or two days, at least a few months.

Wanxi was so surprised and delighted that she couldn't help but want to choke up, "When did the master prepare it?"

The emperor shrugged, "Anyway, don't you have to prepare the imperial concubine's crown dress for you this year? There are some leftovers, and if it is ruined, it will be ruined, so I thought, let's prepare the next one for Xiao Shiwu first." .”

The emperor smiled narrowly, "You are enfeoffed as imperial concubine, and Xiao Shiwu is already the son of the lord... Although this court dress was prepared a little earlier, maybe it will be useful?"

Wanxi really wanted to cry with joy, "Since the emperor has prepared the court clothes a long time ago, the emperor suddenly ordered him to have a banquet on the first day of the new year, it really scared me!"

The emperor blinked and smiled, "How about a surprise? Just don't let that kid know in advance, so he can be so happy today!"

The emperor snorted softly, "I have to tell that kid, the next prince still has silver rewards for this New Year's eve; his is gone!"

Wanxi covered her face with a smile while hugging the small court dress.No, this set of expensive court clothes is not comparable to the silver rewards that other princes received during the Chinese New Year?

After the joy was over, Wanxi was still a little worried, "But the rules... I haven't had time to teach him yet. When the time comes to the Qianqing Palace, the princes, grandchildren, clan princes and princes will be present. What if he makes a joke?"

The emperor stretched out his hand and gently tapped Wanxi's forehead, "Okay, are you still worried? They say children's words are innocent, he is so young, who can ask him to go with those troublesome rules?"

"When the time comes, Grandpa will be by his side. Whatever Grandpa gives him to eat, he will eat whatever... Are you still worried?"
On the first day of the first lunar month, the emperor led the princes, grandsons and clan relatives to give a banquet in Qianqing Palace; Give another feast.

Wanxi has reached five months, and her belly is swollen.Although his body is a bit heavy, he still personally leads the Six Palaces and performs family sacrifices.

As for cooking blessing meat and making offerings, etc., which should have been done by hand, it is natural that Concubine Shu, Concubine Qing, and officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Fujin will share the burden.

In this first Kunning Palace Family Sacrifice that was not presided over by the empress herself, no one could take over and replace the imperial concubine because of her sinking body.

On the contrary, there was no Concubine Yu in Kunning Palace, so some people didn't notice it.

In the Qianqing Palace, the fifth elder brother Yongqi, who is already the de facto eldest son of the emperor and has just been conferred the title of Prince Rong, not only failed to come here in honor and accept congratulations from all the clansmen, on the contrary—absent from this final event. An important family dinner is going.

Yong Qi didn't come, but at the clan banquet, there was an extra fat fifteen elder brother who was not much bigger than Dou'er.

Elder Brother Fifteen himself is not as tall as the legs of a table, but he is solemnly wearing a small court dress, with the most luxurious and grand court crown on his head.

The prince's court crown is made of smoked mink. From the first day of November to the Shangyuan, the top of the green fox is used. The second floor of the golden dragon is decorated with ten oriental beads and a ruby ​​on the top.

The prince's winter court clothes are golden in color, the shawl and skirt are all covered with sable, the sleeves are embroidered with smoked mink, and there is a dragon on the front and back on each shoulder.

The emperor's court belt is golden in color, with four jade square plates with gold titles, each decorated with four east beads, and a cat's eye stone in the middle, and the left and right sash are like belt colors.

After wearing the whole set of court clothes, it was resplendent and jeweled, reflecting the light on a child's white jade-like face.

Xiao Shiwu himself also understands the grandness of the Qianqing Palace family banquet, so from the moment he walked into the palace, there was no playfulness of a five-year-old child on his face, but a grand and solemn look, full of solemn expressions beyond his age .

Little Shiwu was able to join the banquet, which shocked all the princes and clan members; and when they saw that the child was not nervous and restrained, but with a solemn expression on his face, everyone couldn't help feeling strange Come to think of it - this five-year-old and two-month-old prince, in the heart of the emperor, is definitely not as big as a bean.

Even judging from the fact that these fifteen elder brothers were completely different from the age of other princes, among all the princes, the emperor is the only one who treats these fifteen elder brothers, and all other princes cannot compare.

Because of his young age of 15, Yong Xing and Yong Xing are the closest to him.

Yong Xing naturally stayed by Xiao Shiwu's side, and personally stretched out his hand to lead Xiao Shiwu away.

As the only direct prince ever, this is the first time that Yongzheng attended the clan banquet in such an embarrassing capacity, especially in the astonished sight of Xiao Shiwu, he didn't know how to deal with himself.

Little Shiwu suddenly turned his head to look over, "Brother Twelfth, lead me too! I can't walk steadily, this road is really long."

Yongzhen let out a long breath, hurriedly stepped forward and also took Xiao Shiwu's other hand.

Xiao Shiwu firmly held Yong Xin's fingers tightly, "Brother Twelfth, if someone proposes a toast to me later, Brother Twelfth must block it for me."

Yongzhen was startled, and then amused by Xiao Shiwu's innocence and old-fashionedness, "Which of them dares to toast you? Huang Ama must be the first to let go."

Little Shiwu thought about it seriously, "After all, there are still so many nephews, or even grandchildren... Although I am young, I am their uncle and uncle. If they come to toast, I can't run away."

Yong Xin couldn't hold back, raised his head and laughed loudly, "Okay, okay, if someone comes to toast, Brother Twelfth will block it for you!"

The appearance between Xiao Shiwu and Twelfth Elder Brother made all the clan members present stare straight at him.

They are all descendants of the Aixinjueluo family. Over the years since the Qing Dynasty established the country, they have really seen too many battles for reserve positions.From their point of view, now that the queen is locked in the cold palace, there must be a battle between the twelve elder brothers born by the empress and the fifteen elder brothers born by the imperial concubine.

And the fifteenth elder brother is only so young, and the twelveth elder brother is a righteous prince, and a direct prince of pure Manchu blood, and with a hint of "the mourning soldier must win", naturally he is more respected by the clansmen. support.

But who would have thought that instead of making cold eyebrows between the two brothers, they were talking and laughing at Yanyan.

Look at the hands of the two of them, they are so affectionately clasped together.

Can the two brothers really forget the incompatibility between the two biological mothers?But since the two of them can do this, is it because the empress has always been virtuous and taught the elder brother well, or... the imperial concubine is virtuous, gaining power but not domineering?
The emperor watched Xiao Shiwu walk in with an older brother, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

He wouldn't be surprised if Yong Xing and Yong Xing took the initiative to do this.After all, princes also have the way of life of princes, and they always have to maintain such a picture of brotherhood in front of others-but Xiao Shiwu is only five years old and two months old, and he still doesn't know these polite things.

If the little fifteen is like this, it can only be based on his natural kindness, which is completely out of the heart of family affection.

The emperor smiled gratifiedly and waved his hands from a distance, "Little Shiwu, sit next to Huang Ama. Huang Ama has prepared a small chair for you."

Little Shiwu fell to his knees on the ground, "Huhuang Ama, my son wants to sit with Brother Eleven and Brother Twelve!"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Oh? You really don't want to come by Huang Ama's side?"

It is the dream of many princes to receive a banquet by the emperor's side.This little Yuanzi is still too young to understand the meaning of this.

Xiao Shiwu's chubby little face was smiling so much that his eyes disappeared, "Go back to Huang Ama, Brother Eleven said to pick up vegetables for his son, so he doesn't have to worry about his arms being short and out of reach; Brother Twelve If he said he would block the wine for his son, then his son would not have to worry about his nephews coming to toast!"

The emperor laughed, "Look at what you say! Can't Huang Ama serve you food and drinks, huh?"

Little Shiwu tightened his face, and said seriously, "Today is the family banquet of the Qianqing Palace. Huang Ama is not only the son's Ama, but also the patriarch of all the clans. Huang Ama doesn't have to only care about his son. , the son will be taken care of by his elder brothers; Huang Ama will bestow the king's grace on all the clansmen!"

The emperor invited his youngest son to a clan banquet for the first time today, and the little fifteenth elder brother was able to answer in front of the king in such a way that all the discerning clan members stood up and saluted the emperor one after another, "Although the fifteenth elder brother is young, But he was born benevolent and filial, quite like the emperor in those days. Although slaves and others live dozens of years longer, they are not as good as fifteen elder brothers..."

The emperor was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, so he nodded, "Okay, little fifteen, Huang Ama will allow you to sit with your eleventh and twelfth brothers!"

Yong Xing also hurriedly said, "My son will definitely take good care of the fifteenth younger brother, please rest assured Huang Ama."
It's the Chinese New Year, even the Yonghe Palace, which is a cold palace, has a little more joy this day, and two more dishes have been added to the menu.

Since dawn, the sound of firecrackers has been heard outside.Nala knew that the sound of firecrackers followed the emperor, as long as the emperor started driving, the firecrackers would follow.

She leaned against the window and listened for a while before she came back to her senses.

She thought she was ridiculous.The emperor has already treated her like this, so why does she care so much about which direction the firecrackers sound from?It was as if the emperor could still come to see her?

It's just that she's still not used to it.It's the new year, and on the first day of the new year in previous years, she herself is as busy as the emperor.The emperor got up from dawn to open the window to open the pen, and then went to the places where the gods were worshiped to burn incense and salute; she was the same, she got the concubines and goddesses from all over the place to salute.

After breakfast, the emperor went to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to accept the congratulations from all the officials, and she also had to receive the congratulations from the head of the inner court in the harem!

But today, how could she be so leisurely?She is still a queen, she has not been officially deposed, so how can she do nothing?

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival~~~
(End of this chapter)

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