Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2538 Volume 9 20 Little girl is 4 years old!

Chapter 2538 Nine Volumes 20 Little girl, 40 years old!

After Li Yuming was dealt with, no one dared to ask the emperor to wear filial piety and salute Nala in front of the emperor.

Besides, Nala's death was indeed a little untimely, because the emperor's Longevity Day was in August.

From July 27, celebrations for the Emperor's Longevity Day have already begun.

On July 27, the emperor served the empress dowager Xin Juan a Shengjing for breakfast and dinner.And give banquets to subordinate princes and ministers, as well as Mongolian princes and Taiji.

It was still the same the next day.

And this day was less than half a month before Nala's death.The feast of singing and dancing at the Summer Resort was full of joy. Who still remembers the lonely death of the person who bore the title of empress in the capital palace?

From this day, from July 27th, 28th, the second day to the eighth day, the tenth day, and the twelfth day of the eighth day to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the emperor will serve the empress dowager a banquet, and give banquets to princes and ministers.During the nineteen days from July 27 to August [-], the emperor actually gave banquets for fourteen days!
This is no longer an ordinary celebration, it is almost a feast every day, which shows the joy in the emperor's heart.

In this year's Longevity Festival celebration, Xiao Shiwu finally got his wish, and also got the summer court clothes. He wore them with the princes and ministers, the Mongolian prince Taiji, etc., and went to the Danbo Jingcheng Hall together to celebrate the Longevity Festival for the emperor.

Because Xiao Shiwu had already officially attended the clan banquet on New Year's Day, so attending the celebration ceremony this time was not as eye-catching as the first time.Wanxi finally took out the plate of lapis lazuli beads that Xiao Shiwu caught when she was catching Zhou Zhou.

Wearing court clothes, you have to wear court beads, and it's time to officially prepare a court beads for Xiao Shiwu.

But the court beads were too small, and they were used by children to catch Zhou. Although Wanxi was very reluctant, she still handed it over ruthlessly, and asked the Neifu Manufacturing Office to dismantle the beads, and re-matched beads and Buddha heads. Go to Chaozhu with a suitable size for Xiao Shiwu at this time.

Even such a small change did not escape the emperor's eyes.The emperor looked at a group of tall and big people, only a half-short boy like Xiao Shiwu followed him to pay respects, and couldn't help but focus on the little guy.

Fifteen is short, even Chaozhu is one size smaller than others.

This is not about the length, but that even the beads are small. The emperor understood it at a glance, and smiled even more happily.
That night, the emperor honored the empress dowager, had a banquet with all the harem and ministers, and watched a play. The emperor was sitting by the empress dowager's seat, but he still quietly reached back and held Wanxi's hand who was sitting behind him.

"That Chao Zhu'er, it looks pretty good."

Wanxi's heart was sweetened, and she hurriedly said in a low voice, "I changed that good thing of my master without permission, and I didn't ask for an order beforehand, so can you blame me?"

The emperor smiled, "Look at you! The master gave Yuanzi the chaozhu, so how to use it will naturally be changed according to his stature. Otherwise, it will depend on the length used by the child who caught Zhou. Can you just wrap your hands around your neck as bracelets?"

Wanxi tilted her head to look at the emperor, although she could only see most of the back of the emperor's head from her angle, but couldn't see the emperor's face, but this angle was a bit strange and sweet.

Wanxi laughed playfully, "How did you recognize it?"

The emperor snorted softly, "Pearls are so small. They were originally intended for one-year-old children, and those beads are not much bigger than rice beads. I wondered, no matter if it was the Ministry of Industry or the Office of Internal Construction, who would dare to give us Yuanzi used such a bigger bead? Forgive them for not dared, but after thinking about it, it was you, a mother, who dared to wrong him like this. How can you not guess this?"

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled, "My master wronged me. How can I wrong him? It is his best fortune to be able to use the court beads that my master used earlier."

At this moment, all words were superfluous, and the emperor only clasped Wanxi's hands tightly in his cuffs.

Gathering in front of the harem to celebrate the Son of Heaven's Longevity Day, so lively, the two of them couldn't even face each other, but with their little hands hooked like this, they felt so satisfied in their hearts .
From July to August, the Summer Resort is full of joy, but there is nowhere to complain of desolation in Beijing.

On July 52th, Elder Brother Yongzhen returned to Beijing according to the order.

The capital and the Summer Resort met for hundreds of miles. Shengjia came all the way. He started on the eighth day of the seventh lunar month and arrived on the fourteenth day of the seventh month. He traveled for six or seven days on the way; Hurry up, but after all, he is only a 15-year-old boy; and when he suddenly heard that his mother had passed away, his heart was in a mess, so he wanted to run like crazy on the way, and the entourage The guards and guards didn't dare to let him go.

This is the fastest way to do it, and it only doubles the itinerary of the brigade every day. It will take more than three days for Yongzhen to return to the capital.

The emperor ordered Nala's funeral to be in accordance with the imperial concubine's rule, and Nala's title was originally the empress, so her body should have been parked in the inner court for some days.

If it is according to the identity of the empress, then the corpse should be parked in Jingshan Guande Hall; if it is according to the example of the imperial concubine, it should also be parked in the Ji'an Palace in the palace.After stopping for a few days, they will be moved from inside the palace to the funeral palace of Jing'an Zhuang outside the palace, waiting for the completion of the garden dormitory, and then perform the funeral ceremony of Anda.

But on the day of her death, Nala's corpse was directly moved to Jing'an Zhuang Funeral Palace outside the palace, and it was not stopped by Ji'an in the palace at all.

Therefore, when Yongzhen returned to Beijing, he did not go to the palace to wear filial piety, but went directly to Jing'an Funeral Palace.

But because Nala died at an inappropriate time, because the filial dress had to be taken off on the Emperor's Longevity Day—so what about the empress, after all, the empress's funeral had to give way to the emperor's happy event.

Therefore, in the past, Yongqi and others took off their filial piety for the prince before the thirteenth day of the eighth month; The day has been removed.

On the first day of the eighth month, Yongzheng had already returned to Yuanmingyuan from Jing'an Village.

According to the system, the queen mourns, and the prince and princess wear filial piety for a hundred days.Within a hundred days, the daily life is not white, the men's hair is cut off, and the crown is not decorated; the woman's hair is cut, and the hairpins are not worn on the head.

If the biological mother of the prince and princess is not a queen, but only a concubine, then the prince and princess should also wear filial piety for their biological mother for 27 days.

But Yongzheng only set off for Beijing from the Summer Resort on July [-]th, during which time he galloped his horses desperately, until the first day of August when he took off his clothes, the time to put on filial piety was not even half a month.

What's more, the emperor never ordered Yongzheng to cut off the braids of his hair and not to shave his head according to the traditional funeral rituals of the Manchus.

In this world, when a woman dies, other people don't have to remember it, but their own children should do their part in filial piety—but Nala Shi didn't even have the full filial piety of his own son after all.

Whether as a queen or as a mother, at the end of her life, all she had left was to fetch water from a bamboo basket.
On August [-], after celebrating the Longevity Festival at the Summer Resort, the emperor got up from the Summer Resort and went to Mulan Paddock.

This time, the empress dowager was left in the summer resort again.Wanxi this year is the same as last year, she still didn't stay in the summer resort to serve the empress dowager, she didn't have to bear the responsibilities of Xiaoxian and Nala in the past, and was taken away by the emperor.

After entering the Mulan paddock, the emperor was in high spirits. Even though he was 56 years old, he still walked around the paddock for several days and gained a lot.I can't see that the death of the queen has affected my mood in the slightest.

This year, Yongqi passed away. Among the princes, besides the fourth elder brother Yongxuan and the sixth elder brother Yongrong, the twelfth elder brother Yongzheng returned to Beijing. The prince who was driving in Mulan also Only Yong Xuan, Yong Xing and Xiao Shiwu were left.

Yongxuan is already the de facto eldest son of the emperor, even if he has a leg problem, he has to take the lead.

Although Xiao Shiwu was small and not as tall as a horse's leg, he also volunteered and strongly requested the emperor to get on the horse with him.

Although he is young, since he has formally entered school, besides studying in his daily homework, he already has the riding and archery skills taught by Wu Wenda.Therefore, it is no problem for Xiao Shiwu to get on the horse at this time.

The local Mongolian princes were very keen, and immediately found a pony for Xiao Shiwu. The bridle and saddle were all small.

Wanxi and Yuqin watched Xiao Shiwu get on the horse in person, and Yuqin couldn't help but sighed contentedly, "Yuanzi, you are better than Qingeriang, you dare to ride a horse to hunt when you are so old. You Qingeriang and I, even the horse Don't dare to stand in front of me."

Wanxi also laughed, "I can also ride a donkey, and I have to be watched by people in front and behind. I just fell off several times when I was a child... Yuanzi, you have surpassed Ernie."

Xiao Shiwu was well-behaved, leaned over and stretched out two arms, one arm wrapped around a mother-in-law, and said sweetly, "Enie, Qinger's mother, my son is riding for my mother-in-law! Seeing my son riding a horse, my mother-in-law They are just like riding on your own!"

Wanxi and Yuqin sighed and looked at each other, and found that both of them were blushing with satisfaction.The two looked at each other with a smile, and held hands together again.
Although Xiao Shiwu followed Xingwei at such a young age, Wanxi was a little worried, but later saw that the emperor sent the guards around the emperor to protect Xiao Shiwu.Especially at this time, Fu Long'an, who is the ambassador of Luanyiwei, personally followed Xiaoshiwu, so Wanxi felt relieved.

The surrounding people galloped wildly, having fun.Concubine Yu of the harem and other princesses from Manmeng all followed, and the camp became quiet.

Wanxi and Yuqin stood side by side on the high platform to say goodbye, until the whole group of people disappeared, and the surrounding fields gradually became quiet.Yuqin suddenly turned her head and smiled, "For so many years, every time I came to Mulan, as long as I came with the driver, I never didn't worry about it. I was always worried that if it spread out and ran out, someone must design it again. suffer here."

"But this time...Jiu'er, it's the first time I feel so peaceful in my heart. How can I find the silence of the four fields so pleasant to my ears?"

Wanxi stared at Yuqin, held Yuqin's hand, and nodded, "Aren't I in the same state of mind as my sister? In these years, too many things happened to Mulan, and too many people were killed or injured. People are gone."

"Don't talk about others, let's talk about us, since the first autumn ceremony in the sixth year of Qianlong's reign, the two of us just entered the palace that year and didn't understand anything, so I was tricked and fell off the horse; There are also our two sisters, so we can lose our peace."

"In the following years, Qingzao, Concubine Xun, and A Rishan had accidents one by one; even in Jingzhong, taking advantage of the emperor's absence in the palace, there were Shunhua's, Yufei's children, and my child... Leave. In those years, when I thought of Mulan Qiuxi, my heart trembled."

"But this year, even Xiao Shiwu got on the horse at such an age. If it were in previous years, I would have refused at all costs; but at this time, my mind is as calm as water."

Yuqin nodded with a smile, and there was a twinkle in her eyes, "Thank you, the emperor! Finally, we and our children have cleaned up this harem! Even if there are one or two small fleas, they are too old He is too light, and his status is too low, and he can't afford to jump up and down, so he can't hurt us and our children."

Wanxi nodded happily, "That's right. I said last time that life is not confusing at forty, but this sense of transcendence is actually given by the emperor. If there is no emperor, how can this harem be peaceful throughout the ages? How could we have such a day of enjoying the tranquility of this harem side by side?"

Wanxi took a deep breath, looked up at the high sky and green fields, "...this is already bestowed by the emperor, the best gift for forty thousand years."

Yuqin also laughed, and clapped her hands, "This year is your [-]th birthday! I still think about coming during the Chinese New Year. What good will the emperor give you this year?"

Wanxi blushed, "Look at you, sister, you are so bad~~ The head of the inner court has passed through thousands of years, and there are regulations in the palace. Naturally, they are rewarded according to the regulations. No one can be special. After all, everything must be recorded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs In the background, how could the emperor go against the rules of the ancestors and the rules of the palace appointed by the emperor?"

Yuqin laughed, and suddenly reached out and tapped Wanxi's nose, "Look at you! How dare you talk! You still want to ask the emperor to give you something this year to be satisfied, huh?"

"I can clearly see that the emperor has given you almost everything that can and cannot be given this year! In this harem of the Qing Dynasty, who else can live a full life for the first time? At the age of 40, Qianqiu has won such a heavy heart, huh?"
Just one day before Wanxi's 40-year-old Qianqiu's full birthday, that is, the eighth day of September, the emperor specially rushed to this day to send his bodyguard, Zarafeng'a, to the summer resort to the empress dowager's palace to greet the empress dowager on his behalf.

The emperor is extremely filial, no matter whether he is on a southern tour or a northern tour, even if he is not with the empress dowager, he will send guards to greet him on his behalf. This is already a common practice.Wanxi didn't care.

On the ninth day of September, Wanxi's 40-year-old Qianqiu celebrates her birthday.

Early in the morning of this day, the emperor's gift was rewarded, including nine items, namely Ruyi, antiques, brocade, and Tibetan incense, nine categories each, totaling ninety-nine 81 items.

Coincidentally, although the birthdays of the empress and imperial concubine are ninety-nine gifts, Wanxi's birthday also happens to be on September [-]th. Special means to go.

In addition to these ninety-nine items, the emperor rewarded an additional 500 taels of silver.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs had already requested these things to be prepared in June, and they were sent to Mulan Paddock early, just waiting for Wanxi to celebrate her 40th birthday on the ninth day of September.Even Wanxi took a lot of time to see all the 81 items with her own eyes.

And in the big tent with yellow curtains in front, the emperor even gave a banquet to the Mongolian princes and Taiji soldiers on this day...

It is not uncommon for the emperor to give a banquet to the Mongolian princes on the way of the siege, but what is strange is that the emperor even gave a banquet to the soldiers this time, and everyone in the entire imperial city tent was full of joy.

The emperor didn't give a banquet early or late, so he gave it on the day of Wanxi's [-]th birthday, and there were even soldiers. Concubine congratulations.

In the past, whether it was Empress Xiaoxian or Nala family, the emperor always issued an order to stop the banquet on Qianqiu's birthday.Each of these two queens happened in the year when the accident happened, and because their birthdays were on the tour, they each had such a time that the emperor gave a banquet to accompany the princes and ministers.

And Wanxi, even though she is only an imperial concubine, received a feast from the emperor during her [-]th birthday, and even soldiers were included. The scale was larger than before.

Wanxi checked the reward items and put away the silver ingots.Yongxuan has already led a group of princes and grandchildren, as well as princes and grandsons Fujin, to salute Wanxi.

On this day, Zhang Sanying's palace was sympathetic to the family and the country, and the monarch and his ministers were harmonious.
After the feast is over, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The emperor came over, lifted the curtain and leaned against the tent door, stared at Wanxi and smiled, "Are you sleepy?"

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "I'm so happy today, how can I sleep?"

The emperor blinked, and came over to hold Wanxi's hand, "Since I can't sleep, go out and run with my grandfather!"

The paddock in September was already cold, and the emperor wrapped Wanxi into the cloak, warming Wanxi with his own body.

Wanxi leaned against the emperor's arms, looking up at the sky of the prairie.

The sky is the same high, the stars and the moon are the same, but it looks different from the grassland.The sky became lower, as if you could touch it with your hand; there were also extraordinarily many stars, some of which had never been seen in Beijing.

And the emperor is the sky in this world, and her husband is also her sky.It was also when they were in the grassland that the emperor and her could relax so closely and accompany her so closely.

Don't care about the rules of the ancestors, don't care about the empress dowager, and there is no red wall to restrict their steps, they can just ride a horse together, embrace each other, trust the horse freely, and go wherever they want.

So this paddock, even though she has been here with the emperor too many times, and even in the past many years, she was always worried about accidents... But she still hasn't come here enough.

"What are you thinking about?" The emperor gently rubbed his chin on Wanxi's forehead, "Little girl, you are 40 years old! Do you still like those things today?"

The emperor said a little annoyed, "It's a pity that the rules set in the past, there are already rules for each position and what gifts should be given for the whole life. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Palace Supervisor will do it. It's not good for the Lord. Change to something else."

Wanxi raised her head high, resting her head on the emperor's heart, staring at the emperor from the opposite angle.

After watching for a long while, Wanxi suddenly burst out laughing mischievously.

"Sister Lu laughed at me that day, saying that I was greedy, what else do you want from me? I pretended not to understand that day, but why did my father suddenly commit the same momentary confusion as me? "

Wanxi sat up straight as she said, turned around, put her arms around the emperor's neck, and took the initiative to put her lips together and kissed her.

At this time, she was 40 years old, and her grandfather was 56 years old, but at this moment, facing each other alone on the grassland under the starlight, she seemed to be the 14-year-old girl back then, while he was still tall and beautiful. Stand up, brows and eyes lightly raised.

"This year, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Lord gave Xiao Shiwu a clan banquet, the earliest child among all the princes to participate in the clan banquet."

"In February, I reported the good fortune, and my father told me to take care of my baby and ignore external affairs. During this period, my father went to Zhaoxiang's office to punish the people around Yongqi... In March, when Yongqi passed away, my father will Yong Qi's affairs have been dealt with tactfully but resolutely."

"In May, I gave birth to Xiao Qiqi with peace of mind. From the day this child sat down, if the father hadn't hung me with ginseng, I don't know if he would have come to this world smoothly."

"And in July—the one from the Yonghe Palace finally passed away, and the grievances and grievances between me and him over the years have finally been settled."

The September night breeze in the grassland is really cool.When it gets into a person's nose, the tip of the nose suddenly becomes sour.

But today is her forty thousand years of life, where can she shed tears?She had to laugh, expressing her love and gratitude to the emperor with a smile for the emperor to see.

She sniffed hard, raised her head high and stared at the emperor with a smile, "Master, this year is my fortieth birthday. From the first day of the new year to this time, sister Lu and I suddenly discovered that Those people and things that wronged me and put Xiao Shiwu at risk have quietly disappeared."

"...The Lord also said that he didn't know what gifts to exchange for me? The Lord has already given me these. This is already the best thing a harem woman can get. The Lord wants to give me more What? And I, how dare I ask for anything else?"

"That's enough, Lord, enough." Wanxi stretched out her arms to hug the emperor tightly, and pressed all of herself tightly against the emperor.

From the fifth year of Qianlong to today, 26 years have passed.But at this moment, she was thrown into his arms, and she was so close to her grandfather, her heart was still beating as before; and she herself, at this moment, seemed to be in the same state of mind as before, shyly and quietly joy.

At the age of 40, the reason why the women in the harem start to live their entire lives at the age of 40 is not because 40 years old is already a threshold for a harem woman.The empress Xiaoxian, the imperial concubine Huixian, and too many people back then failed to cross this threshold, and were forever stopped before the age of 40.

For those lucky enough to pass this threshold, the next full life will be ten years later, at the age of 50.

And at that time, ten years later, how many people can wait for each other before that threshold?
Wanxi doesn't know if she has another chance, but she knows that this time, she will have to give up all the emperor's best intentions in the year of her 40th birthday.

She has no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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