Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2541 Volume 9 23 Grandpa is like a child

Chapter 2541 Nine Volumes 23 Master is like a child

Wanxi stayed in the palace to prepare for the empress dowager's birthday celebration, and the emperor returned from the palace to the Yuanmingyuan on November [-] to welcome the empress dowager back to the palace.

On November [-]th, the emperor went to the Changchun Garden to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager. By the way, he played the matter of returning to the palace tomorrow, and asked the Empress Dowager to make preparations.

The empress dowager knew that Zi Wanxi was not in the Yuanmingyuan at this moment, so instead she brought up the matter of entering the Six Palaces with the emperor.

"It's been a few years since this harem has been properly sealed off. Now many seats are almost empty, especially those high ones. And the nobles often occupy the same seats, and there are too many people. Among them, many of them have been in the palace for more than 20 or [-] years and have not moved. It is really unreasonable to ask them to stick to those low positions for so many years."

"Emperor, since my holy birthday is approaching, why don't you move the position in the harem again? This is also your emperor's kindness, and it's also a birthday celebration for me, isn't it?"

The emperor naturally noticed that the empress dowager used the name "zhen" in front of him on a rare occasion today.

The empress dowagers can call themselves zhen, and they can use bright yellow and dragon patterns, but the empress dowagers avoid using "zhen" in daily life, and only use it in official documents such as Yizhi.

Because this old lady is the emperor's biological mother, she has always wanted to maintain the unique status of the emperor, so she has hardly used the word "zhen" verbally in these years.

But today, the old lady used it.This one word clearly revealed the determination in the old lady's heart.

——In this world, the Son of Heaven is not the only one who calls himself a widow!

Moreover, the status of women has always been high in the Qing Dynasty, and there has long been a precedent for the empress dowager to manage politics, especially in the management and enfeoffment of the harem, even the emperor had to listen to the empress dowager's opinion.All canonized edicts must have the empress dowager's treasure, and they can be justified in the name of "following the empress dowager's edict".

That's why the empress dowager was able to resolutely support Nala as the empress, but today, the same story seems to have the meaning of repeating itself.

It’s just that the Nala clan was already a hidden residence in the Fujin Dynasty back then. In the 13th year of Qianlong, Empress Xiaoxian and Huang Guifei passed away one after another, so the Nala clan had a logical reason to go further; but today, it is the empress dowager mother. Those two from the same family, but they are only in the status of nobles, the difference is too far.

"Emperor, I have not forgotten that when Xiaoxian passed away, you sealed off the Sixth Palace; now that Nala is dead, you should at least unify the status of the harem." The Empress Dowager With a serious expression, he looked like "If you don't agree, I will never end with you". "Besides, in the past years, before Zhen Shengshou, you thought that I celebrated my birthday as a name, but many people went to Jinfeng..."
The emperor knew what was going on in his heart, so he just smiled lightly, "I'm sorry to ask Ernie, but Ernie is rushing to my son. The son is actually going to report this matter to Ernie."

The Empress Dowager raised her eyebrows, "So, you've already prepared the seal of the harem?"

The emperor stood up and saluted, "The Jinfeng who came at this moment is to celebrate Ernie's birthday. Since it is a birthday celebration, it is fine to have the festive spirit, it doesn't matter if it is a big seal or not."

The empress dowager was a policeman in her heart, squinting at the emperor, "Then you only want to get a part of the seal? Tell me, who do you want to get into the seal this time?! Don't tell me, you want to get into the seal again!" Royal concubine! I have already said it, and I forbid it!"

The emperor suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and raised his eyebrows lightly, "Ene just admonished his son last time, saying that at any rate, Nala had just died, so he shouldn't enter the harem again so early; but today Ene suddenly urged his son to enter the harem again." Sealing the harem... This is embarrassing for my son."

The Empress Dowager herself is also a stalker.

Yes, isn't this contradictory?
But the empress dowager is also smart, she just hesitated a little, then raised her hand and knocked on her forehead, "Oh, I'm old...don't say what I said a few days ago, it's what I said this morning. I can’t even remember.”

My own mother has already said that, so what can the emperor do?
However, the emperor had already had a plan in mind, so he still had a smile on his face, "My son loves Enie the most, so the son has already thought of a way to achieve both. Ernie said that he should take into account the name of Nala, and the son Thinking, this time, it is not suitable for high-ranking officials to be entrusted; and if you want to celebrate Ernie's birthday, you have to be enfeoffed—the son thought, just pick a new person and give him the first enfeoffment."

The emperor said, turning his head to Gao Yuncong, "Go, invite the newly sealed Ming Changzai in."

Gao Yun made a sound of "嗻", and not long after, he led a beautiful and graceful woman in with lotus steps.

The empress dowager is getting old, although she hasn't seen the face of the newcomer clearly from a distance, but just judging from the outline, she is shocked!
Such a graceful and graceful look, especially such a lotus-like gait, is another Han woman!

——Only a man and woman with bound feet can have such a gait!
The emperor looked back with a smile, "Ming Chang is here, come and salute the Empress Dowager."

"Ernie, this is Ming Changzai, whom my son has just decreed to be enfeoffed today. She is also the daughter of the Jiangnan Chen family, and she is a sister of the same family as Concubine Wan."

Mingchang bowed to the Empress Dowager Niaoya Tingting very carefully, with a rather pitiful demeanor.

The emperor looked at Ming Chang with a gentle smile, "Chang Guiren entered the palace, and Lan Guiren entered the palace together for Niu Hulu's family; at this time, Ming Chang is entering the palace, and he and his concubine Wan can shine together again."
The empress dowager looked at her son, and felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart at this moment.

Just because she cared about the imperial concubine's background and refused to agree to be named empress, the son knew that she wanted to praise Chang Guiren and Lan Guiren, so he chose another Han woman to enter the palace!

"But Emperor, Wanbi is an old man who lived in your residence back then. It was pointed out to you by the late emperor. The reason why Wanbi was able to enter the palace back then was because she was from the Chen family in Haining, and her uncle was a scholar Chen Shi. groom!"

"And you Ming Chang is here, but your father, Chen Yanlun, is a white man and has no official position! What reason did you choose such a daughter of a commoner from the south of the Yangtze River to enter the palace?"

Even though the imperial concubine Chunhui was born as a Han woman, it was because Chunhui's elder was the governor of the south of the Yangtze River during the reign of Emperor Kangxi, so Chunhui was eligible to be elected to the court as the daughter of a famous Hanchen family. .

The emperor smiled lightly, "It's because of the concubine Wan. The mother's family of the concubine Wan was originally a famous family, and she didn't need to be supported by the banner, so the son didn't ask the Chen family to join the banner. But since the concubine Wan is already the son's concubine, and It was the emperor's father who pointed it out to his son back then, so the son should naturally treat him with courtesy—so Concubine Wan will be renamed 'Chen Jia' in her genealogy in the future."

"Then that is to say, even though the Chen family has not entered the banner, they still have the qualifications to be bannermen; since Ming Changzai is the daughter of the Chen family and the sister of Concubine Wan, he can naturally be elected to the palace."
On November [-]th, the emperor came back to the palace from the imperial garden with the newly sealed Mingchang in the honor of the empress dowager.

Along the way, the empress dowager was so angry that she refused to talk to the emperor.

But after the emperor returned to the palace, he entered the fasting palace to fast and was busy with offering sacrifices to the heavens during the Winter Solstice Festival. No matter how unhappy the empress dowager was, she couldn't catch the emperor anymore.

Before the emperor entered the fasting palace, he handed Ming Changzai over to Wanxi, "tell me to live with Concubine Wan, it's also a care."

The emperor went to the fasting palace, and Wanxi also entered the palace unexpectedly Mingchang was there, so he quietly asked the concubine Wan.

Not to mention Wanxi, Wanpin was also taken aback.

When De and Mingchang asked about their seniority, Wanbi carefully deduced the family tree in her heart, and only then did she have some clues.

When Concubine Wan met Wanxi, she said with a smile, "I have been in the palace for 40 years, but Ming Changzai is only a teenager. I didn't even know that I had such a younger sister of the same clan."

Wanxi also euphemistically said, "Every time the emperor visits Jiangning, the emperor always lives in my sister's private garden. These years, I have disturbed my sister's family a lot. The emperor chose another sister from the Chen family to come to the palace. It must be to my sister. Thank you from my mother's family."

Wanbi laughed, "You also remember that my mother's family is from Haining, so I have to remind you that Ming Changzai is from Yangzhou."

"Not in the same place as my sister and mother's family?" Wanxi had some eyebrows in her heart, "Is it a side branch?"

Concubine Wan smiled and nodded, "Exactly. Her family is not close to my branch, but it is not far from the branch of imperial physician Chen Shiguan."

Wanxi suddenly realized, "I can't complain."

Chen Shiguan, an imperial physician, had been expelled from the genealogy, so he had already moved away from Haining.Ming Changzai's family probably moved to Yangzhou, hundreds of miles away, for the same reason.

Wanxi patted Wanxi's hand, "Since Ming Changzai is closer to the branch of the imperial physician Chen Shiguan, I think, the emperor chose Ming Changzai to enter the palace at this juncture, so it should be 'curing'. Rather than 'disease'~"

Wanbi has always been the most detached person in the harem, and now, after hearing Wanbi's explanation, Wanxi bowed her head and smiled knowingly.

"Thank you, Sister Chen. It's great that Ming Changzai can live with my sister. If there is something missing in Mingchang, my sister can call Chi Shao and the others to come and tell me, don't call Ming Changzai Go wronged."
After the empress dowager's birthday, Yongxing and Fuling got married on December [-]th.

The emperor and Wanxi went to the Chonghua Palace to accept Yongxing and his lucky bell to salute.

Because Fuling finally officially became the prince's heir to Fujin, Zhuanxiang didn't care about Jiu Ye's identity as Fujin, but because of Fuling, he was granted the title of first-class wife.So far, Zhuanxiang is no longer an unnamed concubine of the Fu family, just like Yongxuanfu Jin Qingzao's mother, with the identity of a concubine with a Han surname, she finally got the concubine of Mrs. Yipin.

Now that the imperial edict is in place, it doesn't really matter whether he has the name of Cian Fujin in the mansion or not.

It's just that Wanxi still cares about Zhuanxiang.This kind of mood, is it not Wanxi's debt to Yuhu back then?

After all, Wanxi's status was not high back then, but now she is the lord of the harem, and her words are already Yizhi.

On the day of the formal salute, Lord Jiu has already done what Wanxi wished, and put on the memorial book to ask for the seal of the side Fujin.

In Fu Heng's mansion, although Jiufu Jin was a bit upset, for her, Zhuan Xiang was better than Yun Xiang.Yunxiang has the status of the Fujin, but Zhuanxiang has not given birth to a child, but the daughter is already the prince Fujin, so this is enough to be the title of the Fujin.

Jiufujin also asked the fourth princess to send a message to thank Wanxi.Wanxi also understood that Jiufujin's test has passed.

If this is the time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new in December, Zhuanxiang and Fuling's mother and daughter will finally have a double happiness.

After Fuling gave the emperor and imperial concubine a big gift, she also gave another gift to Wanxi alone, as a thank you for her mother.

Wanxi patted Fuling's hand with a smile, "Don't thank me, you have to thank yourself. In the end, it was because you were chosen as the prince's concubine Fujin that you were able to get your mother-in-law's order, so it was logical that you, Ama, be your mother." Please seal your mother-in-law. The blessings of your mother-in-law belong to you."

Fuling said secretly with tears in her eyes, "But Er Niang had already told her daughter-in-law that if it wasn't for Huang A Niang, Er Niang might not have been blessed enough to give birth to a daughter-in-law."

Wanxi said, "Your mother-in-law is also an idiot. In fact, why didn't she help me back then? Besides, she was able to get you in the end, and it was her reward for her affection for you, Ama."

Fu Ling smiled gratified, "Before entering the palace, Er Niang told the daughter-in-law that the daughter-in-law used to be the daughter of Ama and Er Niang in her mother's house, but after entering the palace, she will be the daughter of Huang A Niang."

Wanxi stretched out her arms to embrace Fuling, "That would be great! Back then, I was cared for by the imperial concubine Shujia, and I had a mother-child relationship with Yongxing; now you are both my daughter-in-law and my daughter, I'm even happier then!"
Here in Yongxing, the marriages were bustling with excitement, the feasts continued, and the rewards from the emperor also flowed endlessly.

The most frustrated one is the twelfth elder brother Yongxie.

Obviously the same age as Yong Xing, and the alleged marriage in the same year, even Fujin had already entered the palace to wait for the marriage, but it was postponed because of the birth mother.

Now that his biological mother is dead, the identity of the first prince is already in name only; and Fujin is in the palace, but he doesn't know when he will get married... Yongzhen is extremely depressed, except for the celebrations and banquets that he has to attend, he spends the rest of his time hiding Back to Yuqing Palace, shut himself in the dormitory to sleep with his head covered.

It's not that outsiders can't think of Yongzhen's state at this time, but no one cares about it; but Xiao Shiwu sees it, and always knocks on the door himself, wanting to talk to Brother Twelve.

Because of his biological mother, Yong Xing didn't want to talk to Xiao Shiwu; but because of the embarrassing situation at this time, he didn't dare to keep Xiao Shiwu in the cold.So he could only open the door and ask Xiao Shiwu to come in.

Yong Xing's own statement was because Xiao Fifteen was young and didn't understand his feelings, so he didn't want to talk to Xiao Shiwu.

Xiao Shiwu didn't doubt it, no matter what excuse Yong Xing made, he nodded seriously.He just said, "I just don't understand what Brother Twelfth is thinking, so it's fine to just sit and accompany Brother Twelfth. After all, I can't let Brother Twelfth be bored by himself."

Xiao Shiwu does what he says, even though he is young, he really comes to accompany him every time.

At this time, Yongzheng most experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings and the inconsistency of the world.At this time, everyone was afraid to avoid him, but it happened that this little fifteen, the little fifteen born by the imperial concubine, such a young little fifteen, was the only one to accompany him.

This little brother, who is just six years old, has brought the most precious piece of family warmth to Yongxin during the coldest winter in Yongxin's life.
At the end of this year, there were many happy events, so the emperor should be happier.But Wanxi watched, the emperor was still a little unhappy.

Just after Yong Xingcheng's wedding, on December [-]th, the emperor suddenly issued another decree. "Decree to military ministers, etc.: Vice Dutong Deyun, Zongbing Deyu, and Suozhu, each with a bow to respectfully invite the Empress Dowager Shengan. The foreign deputy Dutong, Zongbing, etc., such as respectfully meeting the Empress Dowager on the Longevity Festival and New Year's Day During the festival, you should pay your respects. You should not pay your respects repeatedly for no reason."

"It is neither the Empress Dowager's Longevity Day nor the New Year's Day. Deyun and others have asked the Empress Dowager to be safe for no reason. And should go to ask the ministers and officials who are safe to know."

Just because the two governors and ministers gave the empress dowager an invitation to the empress dowager on the day that was not the empress dowager's birthday or the Chinese New Year, the emperor became so angry that he even issued an edict to warn... Wanxi can see that the emperor is still Fighting with the empress dowager.

Wanxi understood that this incident was caused by herself, and she was the only person in the world who could persuade the emperor to make peace.

If she doesn't say this, the emperor's grievance will not be resolved.

Wanxi specially prepared Saqima this day, and led people to erect a light pole in the Hall of Mental Cultivation in person, preparing to raise red lights during the New Year, calling them "sky lanterns". The emperor invited the emperor to come and see them together.

Although the emperor was a little unhappy, but seeing that Wanxi and the people were preparing for the excitement, he became more interested, and personally stepped forward to erect the light pole with the eunuchs.

After a lot of work, I saw some beads of sweat on my forehead, and my mood became brighter.Wanxi looked at it before stepping forward and chuckling, "Master, it's almost Chinese New Year, so don't be so sullen all the time."

The emperor reached out to hold Wanxi's hand, and the two went back to the east ear room to sit down.

The emperor was also a little embarrassed, glanced at Wanxi and asked, "You... know everything?"

Wan Xi lowered her head and smiled, "If Yong Xing hadn't just gotten married, I would almost have thought that the emperor was only six years old."

The emperor spat softly, and slapped Wanxi on the back of her hand, "You think the master is playing with a child's temper?"

Wanxi did not deny it this time, she smiled and lowered her eyes, "The 56-year-old emperor is as innocent and cute as a child, so I am a blessed person!"

The emperor smiled, and the block under his heart disintegrated little by little.

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked over, and said softly, "The 56-year-old emperor still wants to play with his childish temper, and there is still a mother to spoil, this is my greatest blessing~~"

The emperor was stunned, staring at Wanxi quietly, unable to speak, but stretched out his hand and squeezed Wanxi's hand tightly.

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, "I remember that there was a common saying in the folks when I was young, which said, 'No matter how old a person is, he must have a mother'; are more precious."

"The Lord is the Son of Heaven, so he is the most blessed person in the world. At this time Eleventh Elder Brother has just got married, and it is time to enjoy the blessings of his children and grandchildren. But at this time, the Emperor still has the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, this blessing It is even more incomparable to others.”

"The longevity of the empress dowager is the emperor, the greatest blessing of our Qing Dynasty, isn't it? If the empress dowager can stay with the emperor for one more day, the emperor will still have the opportunity to play childish temper, so I shouldn't fight with the empress dowager , Grandpa, wouldn't this also be a blessing that I can't live with myself, Grandpa said, right?"

The emperor was speechless, and lowered his head in shame in front of Wanxi, he could only hold Wanxi's little hand, fiddling with it, speechless.

After a long while, the emperor found a reason to defend himself, "Then, the decree is not wrong, this meeting is neither the emperor's mother's birthday, nor New Year's Day, what kind of papers are these governors and ministers from other provinces going to give? "

Wanxi smiled and said, "Master...it's the middle of December! It's half a month away from the Empress Dowager's birthday, and half a month away from New Year's Day... At this time, the governor is paying her respects to the Empress Dowager." Zhezi, you can go to the Empress Dowager Shengshou in the front, and New Year's Day in the back."

"This timing is not related to the empress dowager's birthday and New Year's Day, but it happens to be connected to each other~~"

The emperor was left speechless by the question again, and felt embarrassed, so he hurriedly turned his back and grabbed Saqima to eat.

Instead of biting off the whole piece, it was like a child eating the Sachima one by one with the tips of its nails.

Wanxi looked at it, wanting to laugh, but also soft-hearted.

It is said that the 75-year-old empress dowager is an old child, but how about the 56-year-old emperor, who looks like an old child now.

Wanxi reached out and poked the emperor, "It's Chinese New Year, sir, stop fighting with the empress dowager?"

"Or take a ten thousand step back and say that there is no unresolved knot between mother and child. It's okay if you want to act like a baby with the empress dowager; but let's close the palace door and do it in private? Don't blame the ministers. Let them know what to do, okay?"

The emperor asked Wanxi to persuade her softly, but in fact the knot in his heart had already opened, but the emperor couldn't admit his mistake, so he was a little twitchy and muttered in a low voice, "Actually, it's filial piety for them to give Er Nie a greeting... ...I didn't want to argue with them either, who told them not to say hello sooner or later, but to choose to submit papers when my heart is unhappy these days?"

Wanxi smiled and fell into the emperor's arms, hugging the emperor softly.

"My lord is right. No one is to blame for this. In fact, no one is wrong. It's just that the timing is not good."

Wanxi paused, and said slowly, "Actually, many things in this world are also true. In fact, everyone is right. What is wrong is something that people cannot choose or change."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly, how could he fail to understand what Wanxi was talking about.

Wanxi raised her head and looked at the emperor with a smile, "If manpower can change it, then we should do our best; but if manpower can't change it... Lord, then let's not blame anyone, just let nature take its course." ,Okay?"

The emperor's throat choked, and he stretched out his hand to hug Wanxi tightly, "But I am the Son of Heaven! What others can't change, I should be able to change!"

Wanxi smiled in relief, and tilted her head to look at him, "Even if I can change the empress dowager's temperament, don't you care what I think in my heart? Master...don't worry about your fighting spirit, anyway. Just ask me what's on my mind, okay?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "Jiu'er, you..."

Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "Master, I never wanted to be a queen."

(End of this chapter)

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