Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2545 Volume 9 27 Catkin Snow

Chapter 2545 Nine Volumes 27 Catkin Snow

Le Yi was crying and fussing like this, but she didn't say why, but she still disturbed Xiang and agreed to go.

Since Qianlong 29th November, 27th, when the emperor suddenly decreed to collect the goods and downgraded to agree, he was sadly imprisoned in the Xianfu Palace along with the eighth princess.

Almost three years have passed since then, but she dare not recall that scene back then.

If I think about it, I will vomit blood~
It's fine that the emperor took away her clothes, fabrics, and cloth ends; but the emperor shouldn't have taken back her gold and silver jewelry and melted them down!
——That's the way to deal with the belongings of a dead person, the emperor made it clear that he treated her as a dead person!
Over the past two years, there are two living dead people in this harem, one is the dead Queen Nala, and the other is her.

After all, Nala was the empress, and she was so angry that she couldn't bear to leave early; as for her, the emperor seemed to have completely forgotten her.

But it's not a bad thing, even though she didn't eat or drink, and lived a life like an official girl with the promised title, but at least the emperor didn't send eunuchs to disgust her every day... I heard Le Yi and the others muttering , Said that half of Nala's children were disgusted to death by those eunuchs.

Nala kept the empty title, but was killed by a wimp; as for her, she was downgraded to promise, but survived.

From this point of view, she is luckier than Nalashi.

She summoned Han Shi, the mother on the water, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

She is now the promised name, but in fact there is no official woman to serve her.Le Yi and the others are too lazy to talk to her.She was usually able to chat with a few maids in the palace who were in charge of boiling water and lighting.

At any rate, she still promised the little master that the status of a maid is not as good as that of an official girl, so she respects her a little.

Han looked around and said in a low voice, "Your servant is not sure. But it sounds vaguely like Miss Yue Yi and the Eighth Princess are talking about marriage..."

"Oh." Xiang promised that he knew it in his heart.

Xiang promised to motou and go back to his bedroom, and sat down in front of the dowry.

In the dowry mirror, there was a haggard face.

From the brocade clothes and jade food back then, the noble princess bestowed by the emperor with a bright yellow satin cloak, now reduced to a promise with only a name left, she has been aggrieved these years.

Xiang promised to look at the strange self in the mirror, and finally smiled, "You didn't wait in vain, the opportunity finally came."
Although the eighth princess was a little reluctant, Le Yi's words still made her have to think about it.

School was over this day, and she originally wanted to leave alone.

The Seventh Princess, Jiujiu and Mianjin who went to school together are also used to her going alone, and they just follow the etiquette and say goodbye to her.

In the past, she left without paying attention, but today she hesitated and even stopped.

Jiujiu and Mianjin looked at each other, Xiaoqi was an older sister after all, so she smiled and stepped forward to hold Princess Ba's hand, "Shunying, we are going to play shuttlecock today, will you come too?"

If Xiaoqi and the others go to embroider flowers today, or follow Jiujiu to make the dew, the eighth princess may not be willing to go.But she likes shuttlecock kicking, so her eyes lit up unconsciously.

Xiaoqi smiled and nodded, "Shunying will go with us!"

The princesses packed up and went out, Jiujiu sneaked up and grabbed Xiaoqi's hand, and said in a low voice, "Sister, why bother with her again?"

Xiao Qi sighed softly, "Silly girl, no matter how you say she is our sister, there is no reason why we will never pay attention to her. Besides, now that our Ennie is the master of the Sixth Palace, we will remember all the big and small things in the harem." When it comes to Er Nie, if we always ignore Shunying, someone will chew their tongues, saying that Er Nie can't even teach us well, so how can we teach Liu Gong and Ju Yu's sons?"

They are also Wanxi's daughters, but Xiaoqi and Jiujiu have different temperaments.After all, Xiaoqi is the eldest daughter, so she has to think more about everything than Jiujiu.

Jiujiu stuck out his tongue, "Okay then."
A few girls found a shade, and kicked the shuttlecock cheerfully.

The eighth princess has found a place to use her skills, I saw her jumping up and down, blocking left and right, and she catches more than Xiao Qi and the three of them alone!

Xiaoqi suppressed Jiujiu, Jiujiu couldn't bear it, but told Eighth Princess to have a good time.

The nature of a child needs to be coaxed after all.The eighth princess is happy today, it's rare for her to take the initiative to smile with Xiaoqi and the others.

"Princess, Gege, I'm tired, come and have some tea." Bai Guo was ready, and called out with a smile.

A few girls sat under the shade of the tree, and Xiaoqi took the initiative to pick up a piece of pea yellow and put it in the small dish in front of the eighth princess, "I learned how to make it with the girls, try it .”

The eighth princess picked it up and ate it silently. After a while, she said in a muffled voice, "It's delicious."

Xiao Qi finally felt relieved, "Since you love to eat, don't rush to go back after school, come and sit with me for a while, and try my handicrafts, okay?"

The Eighth Princess sighed, "I can see that Seventh Sister's day is approaching, so I'm in a hurry to learn this cooking skill."

Xiao Qi's face also turned red.

But no, she is 12 years old now, and her wedding day is not far away.

The eighth princess looked up at the ninth princess and Mianjin, "You all have husbands, you have to learn these things early. Unlike me, I'm afraid you won't be able to get married."

Xiao Qi quickly comforted her, "Look at what you said, everyone said 'the emperor's daughter is not worried about marrying', we just happened to be Huang Ama's princess."

The eighth princess raised her eyes abruptly, "Seventh sister, since you said that, then you have to help me! I just want to marry Brother Qilinbao. If you are sensible, you can ask brother Qilinbao to marry me!"

"As long as Seventh Sister is willing to help me this time, then I will be grateful to Seventh Sister for the rest of my life! All our past affairs will be written off, and from now on, Seventh Sister will be my dearest person!"
Xiaoqi looked at the eighth princess happily, but didn't speak.

Jiujiu laughed first, "Eighth Sister is really funny, why does she have to be hanged on a tree like Qilinbao? Besides, he has his own ideas, so why is it that Seventh Sister said to let him marry him? Are you willing to marry?"

"Besides, let me tell you the truth, eighth sister: I really don't think Qilinbao is a good son-in-law. If you marry him, you two will fight in the next few decades! The couple lives, but Is it interesting to see the world arguing and fighting?"

Mian Jinyin had thought so much about Fukang'an before, and she blushed a little when she said it, but said sincerely: "Auntie Eight, my niece also thinks that brother Qilin Bao is the most assertive brother, As long as it's something he's sure about, no one else can influence him. Even his Ama and Er Niang, I can't even change his mind."

"I know." The corners of Princess Eight's lips tightened, a little unhappy.

After all, Mian Jin was a junior, so he could only say cautiously, "According to my niece, Eighth Gu Gu might as well use some strength from Concubine Shu."

"Why is Seventh Sister silent?" Eighth Princess raised her eyebrows, only staring at Seventh Princess, "I just want to hear what Seventh Sister has to say."

Xiaoqi lowered her eyes lightly, "Shunying, I am not Qilinbao's parents after all, so I can't influence Qilinbao's marriage. But you are my younger sister, since you mentioned this to me, I have to help."

"It's just that I can't guarantee whether Qilinbao will agree. I can only agree to you, and I will go back and tell him; but I can't promise you, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

If the eighth princess's previous temper was followed, it would be possible for her to leave in a huff.

But this time, both Xiaoqi and Jiujiu were surprised, the eighth princess actually stood up, walked to Xiaoqi's side, hugged Xiaoqi's arm, and shook her coquettishly, "Seventh sister... don't say that Ah. Seventh Sister is my own sister, I know that Seventh Sister loves me the most among all the sisters, Seventh Sister must help me."

Both Jiujiu and Mianjin were startled, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

Is this still the eighth princess?
The seventh princess was also stunned, and reached out to pat the back of the eighth princess's hand, "It's not that the seventh sister won't help you, but the seventh sister really can't predict the ending."

The eighth princess shook Xiao Qi's arm, already weeping, "My mother-in-law has passed away, and the concubine Ying is now caring about the seventeenth brother instead of me... Huang Ama has even forgotten It's me. Seventh sister, you see that you all have husbands' families, just wait until you get married, but I, I have to find a husband's house for myself."

"It's said that the elder sister is better than the mother, and now I have a sister, Seventh Sister, in the palace. If Seventh Sister doesn't help me, then I will really be alone..."

The eighth princess came like this, but even Xiao Qi couldn't get off the stage.Xiaoqi could only coax the eighth princess to go, "I promised you, if I get the chance, I will definitely tell him. Although you are also old, there is no need to be in such a hurry after all, we still have time to go, right? ?”

In this way, the eighth princess is like a different person, as long as she comes to school every day, she will be sobbing and begging like this when Xiao Qi is caught, telling Xiao Qi to push but not push, and there is nowhere to hide.

In the season of March and April, the willows and flowers in the capital are blooming again.The Yuanmingyuan is beautiful and picturesque, but troubles have also come—starting to scrape the catkins.

Xiaoqi already had some coughing background, every year he worked hard scraping the catkins, but this year, he suffered from the trouble of the eighth princess, and his heart got angry, so he coughed more severely than in previous years.
Because of their age, a group of teenagers like Lawang and Danbadorji, although they all have the status of forehead consorts, they can no longer roam around the inner court like they did when they were young.

Lawang also only has one chance to enter the house once a day to greet Wanxi, the concubine Wan who raised the seventh princess, and the concubine Yu who raised him, so the chance to see Xiao Qi is also limited.

Lawang found out that Xiaoqi's cheeks were pink when he coughed this year, so he couldn't stop worrying.It’s just that I can’t stay by my side to take care of it personally, and I have to go to the study room to study strictly every day, so when I was studying, I lost my mind several times. The edge of the target... This made the master and the masters unhappy, and told him to stand outside the door and stand under the eaves.

After a while, the door curtain slammed, and Fukangan also came out, and the two stood side by side under the eaves.

Lawang sighed softly, "What's wrong with you?"

Fukang'an chuckled, "I didn't do the homework that Master gave me yesterday."

Lawangxin was weird and shook his head, "Your Ama and Erniang must check your homework, there is no way you didn't do it. You hid it on purpose and came out to accompany me."

Fukangan said "hey" again, tilted his head and asked, "... something happened to your family? Look at your distraught look before."

Lawang sighed, and told Xiao Qi about his severe cough.

Although Lawang said that the older he grows up, the less he likes to raise Xiao Qi in front of Fukang'an, but today Fukang'an gave up his life to come out to accompany him. He is kind after all, so I am embarrassed not to say it.

Fukang'an couldn't be happier when he heard it, the young man's long and tall body poked under the eaves of the corridor, as if it had condensed into an iron rod.
Fukang'an went home and pestered the fourth princess.

Now he doesn't dare to pester his mother-in-law anymore, he really can't hide his thoughts from his mother-in-law, her mother-in-law always pours cold water on him; but fortunately, he still has this sister-in-law to pester him.

He had already thought about it, if the fourth princess, the sister-in-law, didn't help him, then he would try to torture his sister Fuling.

The fourth princess is really not easy to bluff. As soon as Fu Kang'an opened his mouth and said that he wanted to enter the palace, the fourth princess stopped, "Don't tell me, don't ask me for this matter."

Fukang'an was stunned, and was thinking of going back and trying to pester his sister Fuling, but when he came out, he saw his little nephew Fengshen Jilun in the yard.

Fukang'an rolled his eyes and thought about it.
From this night onwards, Fengshen Jilun didn't sleep well, no matter how the nanny coaxed him to sleep, even the fourth princess came to accompany him in person, he refused to close his eyes, just cried loudly, saying that he missed Uncle Pomegranate .

The fourth princess's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but look up and look around.

Fengshen Jilun was about the same age as his junior 16 years old. When Fengshen Jilun entered the palace, the pair of uncles and nephews walked together hand in hand like a bunch of invincible ones.The fourth princess is afraid that the child's eyes will be clear, maybe she saw Xiao Shiliu's soul gone.

The fourth princess hurriedly comforted her, "Uncle Pomegranate has gone out and traveled a long way, and he is not in Beijing now."

Fengshen Jilun was still crying and insisted on going to the palace to find Uncle Pomegranate.

The fourth princess was worried and distressed at the same time, and when Fu Longan came back home, she also shed tears in front of her husband.

Fu Long'an comforted the princess, "...Why don't you ask your son to come into the palace to meet Brother Seventeen."
The fourth princess brought Fengshen Jilun into the palace with a sign, and the fourth princess always needs someone to accompany her.The fourth concubine, Fu Long'an, is an adult, which is inconvenient; Fu Chang'an is still young, and can't help the fourth princess, so Fu Kang'an is the only choice.

Fukang'an finally got the chance, and followed him into the inner court as he wished, and he was very happy in his heart.

On the way, the fourth princess kept pouring cold water on her, "Don't worry, even though the master and Fujin haven't said goodbye to you yet, it's still waiting for the ladies from every family to enter the palace to introduce them, right? Only You can only get married after you have met the introduction, so the master and Fujin can only wait for the girl to turn 17 before going to propose marriage."

"So, no matter how late you are, when you are seventeen or eighteen years old, you will definitely be able to make a marriage. You still have two or three years of good life. You should cherish it. Don't worry about it if you have nothing to do. Just know how to make a fuss!"

The fourth princess has not been in good health since the beginning of spring, so she avoided those false pretenses when speaking to Fu Kang'an, and only spoke honestly.

Fukangan made a grimace, "Princess sister-in-law, don't worry, brother, I know!"

After all, Fukang'an disappeared as soon as he entered the inner court.

The fourth princess is still in the Wanxi Palace with Fengshen Jilun, and she is really in a hurry to go to the room.

Both Wanxi and Concubine Ying persuaded, "Let him go. After all, he grew up in the palace, and he knows everything well, so he can't lose it."

The fourth princess said cautiously, "I'm not afraid that he will lose it, but I'm afraid that he will break the rules."

Wanxi thought for a while, "Although this child's naughtiness is naughty, he still has the sense of propriety that he should have since he was a child. This time, let him have some opportunities to go, which is also a test for him. If he breaks the rules this time, then in the future If you have your own excuses, don’t allow him to do any more nonsense.”

Qu Xu had a good ear, even though it was not easy for Wanxi to ask him to follow in front of the fourth princess, he still informed Yuchan himself and drove him out.
Fukang'an finally found Xiaoqi in the gazebo on the rockery by the water.

At this time, the water's edge is Yangliu Yiyi, who looks like a beautiful woman's delicate eyebrows.

Although Xiaoqi was afraid of willow catkins, but fortunately there was plenty of moisture beside the water, those catkins were not easy to fly.

It was the officials and women who discovered Fukang'an first, and quietly informed Jiujiu.

Jiujiu glared, "He is really a fool!"

Xiao Qi smiled helplessly, "He is bold, but unfortunately he is not stupid enough. If he is really stupid, then we don't have to worry about it."

Jiujiu bit his lip, "Isn't he still stupid? If he's not stupid, why hasn't he changed his behavior after all these years?"

Xiao Qixiu frowned slightly, like the light smoke on the head of a willow.

"Forget it. Anyway, I have something to talk to him about. Since he's here, let's just meet him."

Mian Jin didn't want to see Fu Kang'an, so he stretched out his hand to grab the ninth princess, "Ninth Aunt, let's go see Fourth Aunt and Fengshen Jilun together."

Jiujiu hesitated.

Bai Guo watched from the side, and said with a smile, "Ninth Princess and Mianjin, please go, there are servants here to accompany Seventh Princess."

With Bai Guo around, everything can be assured, so Jiujiu left with Mianjin on his arm.

Not long after, Fukang'an arrived.

He came galloping along the willow bank.

He was wearing a silver robe today, and when he started running, the big braids on the back of his head flew up along with the sleeves of his clothes.The silvery white silk shimmered in the sun, like the waves on the water.

Xiao Qi looked at it, but couldn't explain why, she just wanted to sigh.

At this time, it was the time when his cough was onset, and his sigh turned into an itching in his throat, but he still coughed out again.

Ginkgo hurriedly took out warm tea from the teapot cover and told Xiao Qi to moisten her throat.

Xiao Qi swallowed the tea, and Fukang'an was already in front of him.

Fukang'an ran in a hurry, and was out of breath when he reached the stone table, and stretched out his hand to support the stone table; Xiao Qi just finished coughing and swallowed a sip of tea, and the blush on his cheeks had not had time to fade away .

The eyes of the two met, Fukang'an's pupils were suddenly lit up, while Xiao Qi frowned, then lowered his head and coughed out.

"What's the matter with you?" Fukang'an was full of joy, but was immediately replaced by worry, "Lawang said that your cough is worse these days than in previous years... Tell me, what is wrong with you this year?" Extremely uncomfortable?"

Xiao Qi's throat became more itchy, and he was so coughing that he couldn't speak.

Bai Guo couldn't bear to watch it, so she replied on Xiao Qi's behalf, "Kai Chun'er has catkins, Princess Qi will suffer some punishment at this time of year every year. After this time passes, it will be lighter."

Fu Kang'an only stared at Xiao Qi.He could see some indescribable worry between her eyebrows and eyes.

He became anxious, "No! Since she has a cough every year, why is it more serious this year? In the past, when she saw me, she would not be so coughing that she could not speak. Look, aunt, since she met me today, she hasn't coughed yet. Can't say a single word!"

Xiao Qi knew that if she didn't speak again, then others would not be able to explain to him clearly.With his monkey temper, he should be jumping around in the pavilion in a hurry.

Xiao Qi raised her hand to signal Bai Guo not to explain anymore, she drank two more cups of tea carefully, suppressed the itching in her throat, stabilized for a while, and then raised her head to stare at Fu Kang'an .

"I want to say, did you provoke it? Are you willing to cure me of my illness?"

Fukang'an was stunned, and couldn't help thinking about it, "Liansheng, you said you were sick because of me?" He sat down blankly, his eyes were already haunted, "Then I'm sick too, worse than you Heavy."

Bai Guo was startled by opening her mouth, Xiao Qi frowned even more, and hurriedly lowered her head to avoid Fu Kang'an's gaze.

"...Then let me be clear about it, Baobao, when will your family propose marriage for you?"

Fukang'an was still trapped in his own emotions, so he hurriedly confessed, "I don't want to get married! If it's not the person I want, what kind of kiss should I talk about? I'll just be like this all my life."

Xiao Qi lowered her head and sighed more deeply, "You said it lightly, but whose family you are a child, even if you can forget it yourself, others can't forget it. Naturally, there are people lining up to give it to you. Talking about getting married——if you still don't make a decision about getting married, then naturally you won't be able to get other people's thoughts."

"Don't talk about the distance, let's just say that there are still people in the palace who miss you... So I have to tell you that if you don't get married for a day, that silly girl Shunying can't forget you for a day."

"It's her?" Fukang'an suddenly became cold, and he woke up from the emotion just now, "She is pestering you again, insisting on making you say these things to me, isn't it?"

"Anyway, the two of you are about the same age," Xiaoqi sighed, "She hasn't mentioned marriage yet, and you haven't even mentioned marriage yet, just because you are uncle's son, our royal family has already married several children with your family. If the marriage is over, then it's not just Shunying herself, maybe many people in the former court and harem are waiting for the two of you to get married."

"I'll say it again, I don't want her!" Fukang'an stood up anxiously, raised his hand to the sky, and almost swore, "The person I want is..."

"Baobao!" Xiao Qi was startled, and hastily stopped, "I'm only telling you about Shunying, you don't have to talk about him!"

(When writing about the Qianlong Dynasty, Fukang'an is an inescapable character; and the Seventh Princess is a child who is connected with Jiuer's life and death... So these two children need to use a little more ink, don't worry.)
(End of this chapter)

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