Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2548, Volume 9, 30

Chapter 2548 Nine Volumes 30 Gone, Clean
Ask the eighth princess to yell like this, and Xiang promises to be discouraged.

She originally thought that now that she is the only concubine in Xianfu Palace, she might be counted as raising the eighth princess.

Originally, she was only the promised position, so she was not qualified to raise the emperor's heir, but isn't this Xianfu Palace a cold palace now, and no one else is willing to come in, so the eighth princess will fall into her hands alone.

She originally wanted to show her favor to the eighth princess, but the eighth princess not only didn't appreciate it, but even yelled at her.

forget about it.

Also, the eighth princess is not young this year, she is 11 years old. The 11-year-old brothers may still be a melon egg, but the 11-year-old girls are more mature and more thoughtful.

Besides, the Eighth Princess has a stubborn temper and lacks the gentleness and suppleness of some girls. Her seriousness was startled by that voice just now, and all three souls and seven souls almost flew away halfway.

It can be confirmed from this roar that this 11-year-old princess is not convinced or familiar with her.

Forget it, she has no time to take care of herself, so she doesn't have the time to take care of a stubborn princess who is not favored by the emperor.

Let her go by herself~.
On May 21, it was just dawn.

Xiao Qi's body recuperated for half a month, and as the catkins sank, Xiao Qi's cough finally improved a lot.

Xiao Qi got up, wanting to take a break in the garden while it was early.

This cough, besides the innate physique brought from the mother's womb, she was worried that it was also due to her lack of movement.

After all, she couldn't be like the Eighth Princess and the others. She was also good at riding horses since she was a child.

All the way through the flowers and willows, I came to the edge of Haizi.

It's not that Xiao Qi insisted on walking towards the water, but the whole Old Summer Palace was built around several lakes, and all the palaces were built by the water, facing the water.

Standing on the edge of Haizi, Xiao Qi also sighed softly, and asked Bai Guo in a low voice, "Auntie, in the history of our Qing Dynasty, was there ever a princess who never married her for the rest of her life?"

Bai Guo thought for a while, but also shook his head, "The slaves don't know about the things before entering the customs; but after entering the customs, unless it is a princess who died young, it should mean marriage."

Moreover, the marriage age of the princesses in the Qing Dynasty has always been early. Although most of them are officially married around the age of 15, they do not refer to marriage before they get married. Most of them are married after the princesses have been vaccinated. Refers to marriage.

Even the fourth princess has a "Buddha's hand", and the emperor married her at the age of four.Such a situation as the eighth princess Shunying is indeed somewhat rare.

Xiaoqi frowned lightly, "Could it be that Shunying...can't really be accused of marriage?"

Bai Guo sighed, "The fourth princess still refers to marriage, marriage, and childbirth. If we judge it in this way, it means that the hidden disease on the eighth princess is probably more serious than the fourth princess; it may even be many times more serious."

Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, "I thought about it too. But after all, I thought everything would be fine..."

Bai Guo put the cushion he brought with him on the stone bench, and then helped Xiao Qi to sit down.

"It's okay to say in the past few years. After all, the eighth princess is only 11 years old, and she is not yet at the age of a centimeter. But after another two or three years, the emperor should issue a decree to officially assign her, and she will be officially appointed. , if there is still no movement from the Eighth Princess, then there will really be an uproar."

Xiao Qi also frowned, "... Shunying lost her mother, if those troubles arise again, how can she handle it by herself?"

Bai Guo also shook her head, "I can't even imagine it~"

Xiao Qizhi frowns lightly, "I can't help her after all... I always want to persuade her to lower her heart, and don't have to tie her heart to Baobao. After all, Baobao's temper, as long as he doesn't Whatever you want, no one can change.”

"Besides, Baobao's family background is also there. He himself has been an arrogant person since he was a child. His arrogance is not inferior to that of Shunying."

Bai Guo nodded, "Besides, the emperor has already assigned the fourth princess to the eldest brother of the Zhongyong family, so there is no need to assign the eighth princess..."

Xiao Qi also nodded, "Actually, if Shunying is willing to lower her spirits, why would she worry about not being able to find a husband's family? After all, she is Huang Ama's daughter, and Huang Ama can find a family for her. No matter what hidden illness Shunying has, I believe that family would not dare to disclose it..."

"It's just that it can't be uncle Zhongyong's family anymore, and it can't be Baobao."

Xiaoqi thought, Huang Ama can naturally find another family, after all, the emperor's daughter will not worry about marrying.As long as Shunying can let Qilin go, then Shunying will also let Shunying herself go, and she can find a more stable future for herself.

That's good for everyone.

"You don't need sister Qi to worry about it for me!" As soon as Xiao Qi finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly rose from the bushes.

The sound was like a cold arrow, piercing the morning mist on the bank of the water in the Old Summer Palace.
Xiao Qi stood up abruptly, even though she was older than Wu Yue, she was instantly drenched in cold sweat.

The cool morning mist by the water took the opportunity to seep into her clothes, wrapping her body coldly.

like a snake.

"When did you come, Shunying? Why didn't you say anything just now?"

The eighth princess walked out slowly from the bushes with a sword in her hand.

His eyes are so cold, just like the "snake" on Xiao Qi's body.

"I swear? If I squeak, wouldn't it be possible that I couldn't hear Seventh Sister's grand talk about sisterly love just now!"

Another piece of ice crushed Xiao Qi's heart.

"Shunying, you... I'm afraid you misunderstood my words. I didn't mean anything else, I was actually thinking of you. No matter what, we are getting older every year. After all, we can't let you stay alone forever. Isn't it in the palace?"

The eighth princess laughed, but her eyes turned red, "I understand what Seventh Sister said just now. I know that within two or three years, I will become a big laughing stock! Everyone will look at me with strange eyes. I, or I will talk about my mother-in-law..."

"Seventh sister, I'm a monster, aren't I? Although you don't say it, you must already think so in your heart."


Xiaoqi wanted to explain, but the eighth princess raised her hand to stop her, "Seventh sister, you don't need to explain! I'm not stupid, I can understand what you say!"

"Don't you just want to say that a monster like me is not worthy of marrying into a family like Uncle Zhongyong's family, and an elder brother like Qilinbao?! A monster like me should marry into a lowly family, just It should be assigned to anyone. Only such a family would dare not disobey our royal family in the slightest, and would not dare to spread my secret to the outside world, right?"

Xiao Qi held the stone table tightly with her fingers, her body shaking a little.

Bai Guo hurried forward to support her anxiously, turned her head and said to the eighth princess, "Eighth princess... our seventh princess didn't mean that..."

Xiao Qi stretched out her hand to hold Bai Guo's hand, "Auntie, tell her to talk."

Although Xiaoqi's body was weak and her eyes were a little dark, she still raised her head firmly and met Shang Shunying's fire-spitting eyes, "You're right, that's what I meant just now. But I didn't say that to disparage you, I It's for your sake."

"No need!" The eighth princess smiled sadly and shook her head vigorously, "I don't need you to pretend to be nice to me, but you are actually just waiting to see my jokes!"

Xiao Qi trembled more and more, "Shunying, what are you talking about? You and I are both the daughter of Huang Ama, the princess of the Qing Dynasty, we are sisters! You and I have the same identity, why would I wait to see you joke?"

"Sister?" Princess Eight laughed harder, "You and Jiujiu are sisters!"

"You and I are the daughters of the same Emperor Ama, but your mother-in-law and I are rivals! You and I each have half of our mother-in-law's blood flowing in our bodies. How can we really be sisters?"

The eighth princess raised her hand to wipe her tears, "Your mother wished that my mother would die early, and you, you and Jiujiu naturally wished that I could not compare to you in everything, so you can wait to see my jokes! "

The black mist in front of Xiaoqi's eyes was thicker, almost making her unable to see clearly, so she went to the eighth princess standing opposite.

"Shunying... why do you think so? The grievances between you and my mother-in-law are true, but that part has already been turned over. In our bodies, besides the blood of my mother-in-law, there is also the same, What about Huang Ama's blood! So let's leave those things that have already been turned over, and only cherish what we are the same, can't we?"

The eighth princess still shook her head with a smile, as if there was nothing in Xiaoqi's words, and to her there was nothing but ridiculousness.

"Seventh sister, don't you know why Qilinbao refuses to accept me? Don't you know that you are standing between me and him, making things difficult for him?"

Xiaoqi's throat hurts and he is speechless.

The eighth princess looked at Xiaoqi like this, and she couldn't even tell whether she was proud or disappointed.After all, she just wanted to say all the words that were pressed in her heart.

"No matter how high the Qilin Bao family's family is, they are still ministers! What qualifications and guts do they have to dare to defy us? But he dares to bully me and call me tough because he has someone else in his heart!— ——That person's status will naturally not be lower than mine!"

The eighth princess took a few steps forward, and she was already in front of Xiao Qi.

"Seventh Sister... He grew up in the palace, and the only girls around him were you, Jiujiu, Mianjin, and me. Jiujiu didn't deal with him since he was a child, and beat him whenever he saw him; how did he treat Mianjin? You know it too; and I am also the least liked by him."

"Among the four of us, you are the only exception. He is always careful when he speaks to you; I have never heard him speak louder to you. Even as long as you say, he remembers everything, he I also tried my best to do what you said. That's why I asked you to make peace with him for me. "

"But... Seventh Sister, you can see that he is the only one who is bullying you on this matter, and he refuses to do what you say. Seventh Sister, don't you understand why he is like this?"

Xiaoqi didn't want to listen any more, so she raised her hands to cover her ears.

"Shunying, my forehead is Wangwang!"

The eighth princess sneered and shook her head, "Really? Seventh sister, you pat your heart and ask yourself, do you really only want to marry Brother Lawang alone? If so, why don't you try to do it yourself?" Tell Qilin Bao to agree to marry me so that he can stop his thoughts of you?"

"Don't say you can't do it, you can. Just because he cares about you, if you are willing to use a little bit of force, such as pretending to seek death and life, he will definitely be afraid, and he will definitely agree! It is you who refuse, neither For me, you are not willing to give up that thought in your heart..."

"I didn't!" The darkness in front of Xiao Qi's eyes engulfed the world.

Bai Guo hugged Xiao Qi, regardless of her identity, and shouted at the eighth princess, "Eighth princess, you are enough!"

Bai Guo hurriedly supported Xiao Qi to walk back.

The eighth princess sneered so hard that she couldn't stop, and shouted at Xiaoqi's back from a distance, "You know, the person I hate the most is not Qilin Bao, but you! It's you who are selfish, you don't want to help me, it's you Ruined my thoughts about the future!—”

Bai Guo covered Xiao Qi's ears with her hands, "Let her go crazy! Princess, let's stop listening. Like a mother, like a daughter!"

Xiao Qi didn't want to make Bai Guo worry, so she tried her best to smile, "Don't worry, aunt, her words won't hurt me."
Bai Guo supports Xiao Qi to go farther and farther.

The morning mist lingered by the water, but only the eighth princess was left alone.

She squinted her eyes, her eyes were full of confusion, she couldn't see the future, and she couldn't even see the road a few steps ahead.

The words that Xiao Qi said earlier resurfaced in her mind.

——Yeah, it didn't matter when she was a child, after all, she was locked in the deep palace and no one would see her, so her hidden illness would not be known to outsiders.

But now I'm getting older, and my age is 11 years old this year.

According to the practice that royal princesses and princesses are officially appointed at the age of 13 and married at the age of 15, she will inevitably become the laughing stock of the world's discussion next year.

But Qilinbao despised her so much.The son of a minister, dare to forget his identity, and talk to her like a princess... that is not only disgust, but deep hatred, right?

She raised her eyes and looked at the direction where Xiao Qi left.

"Seventh sister, do you think I can't hurt you? Why are you so confident? Do you think that I will never be your opponent in this lifetime?"

She turned around slowly and walked to the other side of the morning mist.

Once you go, there is no turning back.
The news came in when the morning mist cleared.

The fog was too thick before, especially on Haizi.What's more, at this time, lotus flowers have already stood in the water one by one, like a small forest.Even if there is a boat sailing in it, even if it is surrounded by morning fog, you can't see it at all.

Let alone just a person floating on the water.

Only after the morning mist cleared, and the wisps of mist like shredded cotton in the lotus bushes, did the little corpse be exposed.

The eunuchs in charge of guarding Haizi found out, and while looking for someone to salvage, they hurriedly sent the news to Wanxi and the emperor respectively.

Wanxi and Emperor Ben spent the night together, and this was learned at the same time.

Wanxi was stunned after receiving the letter, her scalp tingling for a while.

Although the eighth princess is not her own daughter, but when the incident happened just now, it always makes people feel sad.

The emperor calmed down faster, and stretched out his arms to support Wanxi, "Wake up...why are you so dazed, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

What the emperor said made Wanxi feel even more uncomfortable.

"Master... I'm still worried, I'm afraid it's Yue Yi's matter, and that child Shun Ying will be overwhelmed."

The emperor frowned slightly, "She originally had the Yangguan Avenue to walk, but she chose the narrowest road. Although she is my daughter, even I, the Ama, can't control her." she is not?"

The emperor and Wanxi hurriedly changed their clothes and washed, and rushed to the bedroom of the eighth princess.

Wanxi went over to see it in person, and the child had already turned white from the soak.It was as if the morning mist was still wrapped around her body, and it hadn't dissipated for a long time - and it would never dissipate.

Wanxi couldn't stand it anymore, she turned her head and came out, still crying.

The child is a victim of a harem battle.

If you can choose, if fighting in the harem is inevitable throughout the ages; then, if you can hide from all the children and just fight among adults, how good would it be? .
When the news reached Wanbi Palace, Wanbi and Bai Guo also hesitated for a long time.

Should Xiaoqi be told this news?
Finally, Concubine Wan sighed, "I can't hide it. It's so close, and there are so many people in the garden. If we deliberately hide it, she will only be more sad afterwards."

Bai Guo went back and told Xiao Qi the news tactfully.

Xiao Qiben's cough was not good, and when he heard the news, he even shivered on the flat ground.

Bai Guo was so frightened that she quickly lifted a quilt over and wrapped Xiao Qi up from head to toe.

"Princess...don't scare the servant. As the princess said, the words of the eighth princess will not hurt the princess."

Xiao Qi shed tears, "Yeah, what she said couldn't hurt me originally. Because she was still alive at that time, she was still young, and there is still such a long future to look forward to, and everything can be turned around. leeway."

"But I never thought that she would, she would...Auntie, her words can't hurt me, but her death really hurt me..."
Although the death of the eighth princess was heartbreaking, the impact of her death only lasted for one day, and was overwhelmed by the death of Emperor Yongzheng and Concubine Qian the next day.

Concubine Qian was Yongzheng's favorite concubine in his later years, so she could give birth to Yongzheng's youngest son, Hongluo.

Moreover, Hongluo was already dead, and the emperor felt quite regretful, so he stopped court for three days because of the death of Concubine Qian.

Concubine Qian's golden coffin was moved from the palace to the Caobalitun Funeral Palace in the northern suburbs of the capital on May 24th. The entire court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been busy with this for the past few days, and people's attention to the death of the eighth princess Most of my attention was diverted.

The eighth princess Shunying, a small life, left so quietly without leaving too many traces and noises in the world.

Although there are still so many unwillingness and so many regrets, after all, Yin and Yang are separated forever.
Concubine Qian passed away, and the prince was sent to wear filial piety as usual.

This time the twelfth elder brother Yongzhen was selected by the emperor again, and went to Jing'an Village to wear filial piety for Concubine Qian.

This is already the 32nd year of Qianlong's reign. After wearing filial piety for Prince Zhuang before, it is the second time to wear filial piety in the first half of the year.

Needless to say about Yongzheng's suffering, he also dare not tell outsiders, and he can only hide in the bedroom and drink away his sorrow.

The eighth princess died, and another emperor's heir who was not favored by Huang Ama died.He didn't feel sad, but rather envious.

At least with this level of courage, a girl can let go of everything and leave happily.

But he, a prince, did not have the courage to go so decisively.

He had to live, and it was better to live than to die like this.

He also didn't know why he was still alive like this.Maybe it was because of Er Niang - because among Er Niang's children, he was the only one left alive.With Huang Ama's unfeeling towards Er Niang, if he is gone, Huang Ama can really do something like not offering sacrifices to Er Niang at all.

The dignified empress of the Qing Dynasty, if there is no sacrifice behind her, she will go hungry in the underworld-is it not enough to suffer in the underworld when she is alive?How could he have the heart to tell Erniang to be hungry after she died?

Or, he was also doing it for his hard-working Fujin.

In the end, Huang Ama married that princess to him.Although he didn't have any impression of Gegehun, let alone whether he liked it or not, but he came from the grassland, entered the palace and lived in Duanzemen, in order to wait to marry him.As a result, when he came in, he didn't put on the wedding dress, but first put on the filial dress for his mother-in-law.

Originally, he married in to become the queen's daughter-in-law and the first prince's Fujin. His status should have been such a noble one, but he had fallen into this situation, and he felt a little ashamed of her.

Then survive anyway and marry someone else.Don't tell people to wait for these days in vain, but what they wait for is the result of being unmarried and widowed.

And - maybe he still has a thought when he is alive, the thought of Huang Ama.

He was thinking, maybe Huang Ama will change his mind about him one day.After all, he is the righteous prince, the prince that Huang Ama has been thinking about since the day he ascended the throne...

But he didn't know if it was possible for his thoughts to come true, and how long it would take him to work hard for them to come true.

Yong Xing was so drunk that he was so frightened that the eunuchs San Yao who served beside him were at a loss what to do.

The concubine Qian and the eighth princess are mourning, and even the emperor has to stop court for three days, and the twelve princes have to wear filial piety. How can they get drunk casually?
Sanyao and the others also know that this is not a problem. Once they are stabbed to the emperor, Twelve Elder Brothers will not know what will happen to them. If Twelve Elder Brothers are worse, then they The eunuch who served the twelve princes was even more finished.

San Yao took advantage of returning to the palace to get the happy clothes for Elder Brother Twelve, and hurried back to the palace, wanting to ask for help.

But when Sanyao thought about it, he was also discouraged.

Now that the empress is dead, and the emperor has such an attitude towards the twelfth elder brother, the rest of the clan ministers are all scared and hide away... Even the empress dowager seems unwilling to fight the emperor for the twelfth elder brother. It’s been a long time since Elder Brother Twelve was summoned.

Sanyao really didn't know who else he could ask for at this moment.

San Yao walked back to Yuqing Palace with his head downcast, and ran into Xiao Shiwu head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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