Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2552, Volume 9, 34

Chapter 2552 Nine Volumes 34

In the 33rd year of Qianlong, the second day of the first lunar month.

On this day, Wanxi officially presided over the Kunning Palace Court Sacrifice as the Lord of the Six Palaces.

The Kunning Palace Family Sacrifice on the second day of the first lunar month is the first court sacrifice at the beginning of the year, and the gods enshrined in the Kunning Palace were invited to Tangzi from the 26th of the twelfth lunar month last year. , Then please come back and place it in Kunning Palace, so it is of great significance.

The pilgrimage ceremony on this day must be performed by the Lord of the Sixth Palace in person.

Originally, last year was Wanxi’s first court sacrifice on the second day of the first lunar month after she was canonized as the imperial concubine, but last year Wanxi had a big belly, and the emperor used ginseng to make up for it every day, in case something happened to the child, so it was not called Wanxi came to host in person.

This year is Wanxi's first official big day.

The Kunning Palace Family Sacrifice is a Manchu tradition; if the Han family used silkworm ceremony to determine the status of the master of the harem, then for the Qing harem, hosting the Kunning Palace Family Sacrifice is the most important ceremony instrument to go.

If the first day of the first lunar month is a big day for the emperor, then the second day of the first lunar month is a big day for Wanxi.
Early in the morning on the second day of the first lunar month, before Fangjiaoyin time (around 4:[-] a.m.), Wanxi, wearing a dress of imperial concubine, had already led a group of harem, shaman and others to the Kunning Palace.

The gods worshiped in the pilgrimage are Sakyamuni Buddha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Guan Shengdijun.Referred to as Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Guandi.

Among them, Buddha is a small statue, enshrined in a small pavilion, and Bodhisattva and Guandi are portraits.

Before the auspicious time came, Wanxi personally led the internal management to lead Fujin, and displayed the gods of the court sacrifices on the west kang in the Mingjian of Kunning Palace, and then placed the offerings, fruits, cakes, wine and other offerings on the kang Go down with Kang.

Yinzheng, Sizhu (big shaman) holds a divine sword and recites divine songs, accompanied by sanxian, pipa, clappers and clappers.

A total of three times of reciting divine songs and praying nine times.

Amidst the sacred singing and prayers, Wanxi led the Six Palaces and went forward to salute the Buddha, Bodhisattva and Emperor Guan.

Then the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were removed, leaving Guandi alone, and Wanxi personally offered sacrifices to Guandi. (Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are vegetarians, and animals are meat)
At this time, the eunuch Si Zu stepped forward and brought in two black pigs with their heads facing the statue of Emperor Guan, and poured water into their ears.This process is also accompanied by the prayers and music of the shamans.

Then, in front of Emperor Guan, the pig was killed, skinned, and dismembered. Wanxi put on an apron, went to cook the meat in a large pot in the northeast corner, and enshrined the cooked meat in front of the god.

Wanxi has participated in this ritual all these years, but the one who led the six palaces to salute in the past was someone else.

Today, she finally stood on the top of the harem. As the lord of the Six Palaces, she led the Six Palaces to perform this grand ceremony.

"The most wonderful thing is that the empress dowager didn't come." Yuqin and Concubine Ying whispered, "In the past, whether it was the Empress Xiaoxian or the Nala family, when they gave this great gift on the second day of the first lunar month, they all had to pay their respects. The empress dowager is the holy driver. The empress dowager is the first to salute, and all the scenery is naturally the empress dowager's."

Concubine Ying also nodded, "The Empress Dowager is here, and the Empress has to be the second seat, so she is not the real owner of the harem. On the contrary, the elder sister of the imperial concubine is leading the crowd to salute alone, and this is the real master of the harem."

Yuqin smiled and said, "The emperor really has a heart. Since the canonization of the imperial concubine, although the emperor went with the empress dowager when he was in Mulan in autumn, he left the empress dowager at the summer resort and did not take him with him. Went to the parade. The emperor's reason at that time was that the empress dowager was too old to be tired."

"I didn't expect that even the current court sacrifice in Kunning Palace, the emperor used the same reason, citing the example of Qiu Yu, and left the empress dowager in the Shoukang Palace, so he didn't call over."

Concubine Ying couldn't stop laughing, "What the emperor said was right. It's not yet dawn, and the weather is cold and slippery. Why did the empress dowager come here from Shoukang Palace? The old man should rest more. It’s better to sleep late in the morning.”
In the first month, good news finally came from the southwest. Mingrui had led his army to conquer Manjie.

The emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief and issued an order to reward Mingrui.

Mingrui was originally Duke Cheng'en, because his family was inherited from Dazong, the eldest son of Empress Xiaoxian Dan Chan (nian's family), and had nothing to do with him personally.In order to reward Mingrui this time, the emperor specially awarded it to Duke Mingrui as "First Class Chengjiayiyonggong"; Chengengong, who was originally inherited, was given to his younger brother Kuilin to inherit.

The emperor also specially rewarded Mingrui with a yellow belt, a ruby ​​top, and four dragon suits.

After receiving this good news, Wanxi is also happy.

Wanxi knew that the emperor had a dark fire in his heart.After all, Myanmar is different from Erut and Huibu in the Northwest Ping. Erut is a Mongolian cavalry, and Galdan has been in trouble for many years; Huibu is also good at fighting...but Myanmar is different. At first, the emperor thought that the imperial army was suppressing the border, and Burma should surrender upon hearing the news, at least it would be defeated in a short time.

But it never occurred to them that the war had dragged on for several months.

The emperor angrily killed several ministers, but it was of no avail; Fu Ling'an and other generals fell ill due to miasma, and even died on the far southwestern border.

The war in Burma gradually turned into a quagmire, and the imperial court's iron hoof stepped into it, but it couldn't be pulled out.

Now I finally got the good news, and it was Jiu Ye's nephew Ming Rui who made the battle.This can not only solve the worries of the court, but also make up for the grief of Jiu Ye's family.

In the first month, the king of the Li Dynasty once again sent envoys to celebrate the three major festivals of Wanshou, Winter Solstice, New Year's Day, and pay tribute to the new year.Those who pay tribute to the queen will naturally be sent to Wanxi Palace.

Such joy in the first month gave people the illusion that Mingrui had not only conquered a place in the southwest, but had already won a complete victory; at this time, Mingrui was not still fighting, but had already The class teacher is about to return to the court.

With such joy, the celebration in the Old Summer Palace on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month is extraordinarily festive.

Because of this joy, Wanxi accompanied the empress dowager to watch a play in Tongyuan. The old lady also had a rare kindness, and the relationship between Wanxi and Wanxi became more intimate.

It's just that Wanxi also discovered that some changes have vaguely taken place in front of the empress dowager: those who serve in front of the empress dowager are no longer always there, but have been replaced by Chang Guiren and Lan Guiren from Niu Hulu's family. Go gag.

Wanxi couldn't help but look at Yongchang from a distance, and she could see the frustration and loneliness on Yongchang's face and eyes.

Yuchan saw Wanxi's expression, so she replied in a low voice, "Ever since the emperor left in autumn last year, Yongchang has been here to greet the master. But the master was concerned about the fourth princess at that time, and told me not to see you. Since then, the servants have kept her in the way..."

Wanxi nodded, "It's also good not to see you."

I don't know if he paid attention to Wanxi's reaction, but before Wanxi could look away, Yong Changzai just raised her head and bumped into her.

Yongchang immediately got up and walked towards Wanxi.

At this time, the six palaces are all there, and they all surround the Empress Dowager, making Wanxi unable to avoid it.

Yongchangzai finally walked up to Wanxi again.

But Wanxi still didn't see Yongchang in person, she said that she wanted to wait on the empress dowager to watch a play, she couldn't pay attention, so she just ordered Yuchan to go over and ask what happened to Yongchang, and Yuchan would just tell her.

Although Yong Chang Zai was disappointed, he hid it carefully, instead he politely finished talking with Yu Chan, and then took a string of beads from his hand and stuffed them into Yu Chan's palm.

Yuchan hurriedly saluted and refused to accept it, and said with a smile, "This is what a slave should do, and I absolutely dare not accept the reward from the young master who is always here."

Yuchan returned to Wanxi's side, and didn't dare to hide anything, so she first said that Yongchang was giving gifts.

Wan Xi nodded, "You've done a good job. Why is there a lack of those things in our palace? The whole small warehouse is in your hands, just take a look, and whichever one is pleasing to the eye is yours."

Yuchan laughed, "Master... How dare a slave! If there is anything in the master's small storeroom that is not a good thing that the emperor rewarded in private, even the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not allowed to record it, how dare a slave want it."

"Why don't you wear it to show off one day, so that the emperor can see it, and the emperor won't chop off the servant's hand?"

Wanxi spat, "Nonsense again, bloody."

After talking and laughing, Yuchan then replayed the words of Yongchang.

"The words that Yongchang is giving, of course they all come from the House of Internal Affairs. One is the eighth princess's garden...Master, guess where the emperor buried the eighth princess?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows, "Where else can I be buried? The eighth princess is an unborn princess, so she will naturally be buried in the princess' dormitory, with the eldest princess, second princess, and even the fifth princess, who died at a young age, and her My sister, the Sixth Princess Shunhua, should be buried in one place."

"It's a pity it's not." Yuchan's eyes flashed mischievously, "If it was buried according to the routine, I wouldn't say it if I thought it would last forever: To tell the truth, the emperor actually buried the eighth princess in Crown Prince Duanhui The garden is gone!"

Prince Duanhui's garden bedroom is actually the garden bedroom shared by the underage princes headed by Yong Lian.But the prince is a prince, and the princess is a princess. Besides, it is not a princess who has never died, but the emperor ordered the eighth princess to be buried in the dormitory of the underage princes.

Wanxi was surprised, "Really?"

Yuchan nodded, "Yongchang said that it was in the prince's garden. But it was buried alone in the 'Tianluo Pond' in the southeast corner of Baoding."

"Ama, who is always there, is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and her uncle was once the commander-in-chief of Malan Town in Dongling. These secrets of Feng'an can't be hidden from them. Thinking about it, what Yongchang said is true .”

Royal tombs have always been the highest level of secrets, not even the harem is known to everyone.Because the death of the eighth princess was special, Wanxi also avoided it, so she didn't ask the emperor about the burial place of the eighth princess.

Wanxi even thought that because the eighth princess was already 11 years old, it might be okay to be buried with her mother-in-law Dai Jia.

Wanxi couldn't help but sigh as she thought about it, "If that's the case, it might be the most suitable place for that child to go."

She was a princess, but she was buried in the prince's garden; but she didn't enter the top of the prince's garden, but was buried alone in the Tianluo Pond... The emperor also had good intentions.
Seeing the sad look on the master's face, Yuchan hurriedly changed the subject.

"There is a second case: Yongchang said that last year when the emperor rewarded the master with the Dongzhu Chaozhu, because the Dongzhu used by the master was prepared by the pearl hunters at Dasang Ula. Because they promised Well done, the court pearls are ready for the master to use, the emperor is happy to see them, so he added all the money to the pearl divers!"

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she raised her eyes to look at Yuchan.

Both the master and the servant tacitly looked at each other and smiled, but did not speak.

Those who were expelled from the palace to work in Tasang Ula outside the pass included Dege and the others who were around Nala's side; if they wanted to come to Dashang Ula, they were all the places where the women of the convicted officials in the palace went.

But an official woman is an official woman, even if she is assigned, she will not be a pearl fisherman.But let them manage a little bit.

Because of Wanxi's courtship of the pearl, the emperor rewarded the pearl divers with a share of silver, so all the people involved will be rewarded.

No matter what, Yongchang really brought a happy news to Wanxi this time, especially in this first lunar month, it made people even more happy.

Wanxi thought for a while, then took a plate of "Five-color Plum Blossom Crisp" and handed it to Yuchan, "Give it to Yongchang."
Lan Guiren finds it a bit distasteful that Yongchang is rewarded by the imperial concubine.

Now, although she can serve the Empress Dowager with Chang Guiren, instead of Yong Chang.But Mrs. Lan knew in her heart that she was afraid that she would still be favored by someone else.Otherwise, when she entered the palace in 11 years, why didn't the empress dowager give her such grace?
Therefore, Lan Guiren is even more guarded against Yongchangzai, she is always careful to ask Yongchangzai to take her position back.

Lan Guiren then whispered to Chang Guiren, "Look, aunt, that is always showing off with that plate of meat. It's really a slave taking care of a slave, a woman with a Han surname taking care of a woman with a Han surname~~ There is an imperial concubine who cares so much." Now, that will never take the two of us seriously."

Chang Guiren frowned, "Lan Yi, don't call me 'aunt'. This is in the palace, don't you all call me sisters?"

The two of them belong to the same clan, and according to their seniority, nobleman is a generation older than nobleman Lan.But Lan Guiren is older than Chang Guiren, and he is not a little bit older, almost ten years old.

It is really awkward and too old for someone who is almost ten years older than me to call himself "aunt".

Lan Guiren didn't take it seriously, "My aunt is my aunt~~ Do you want me to call you 'sister'? I really can't say it."

Chang Gui frowned, "You can call me by my first name."

Lan Guiren laughed, "The empress dowager is also the princess of our Niu Hulu family. If you asked me to call you by your first name in front of the empress dowager, then the empress dowager is not annoyed anymore, and scolded me for disregarding my seniority?"

Chang Guiren saw that Lan Guiren could not be said to go, he was a little annoyed, but it was inconvenient to show it, so he said, "Why do you care what Yong Chang is doing? Just let her go as she likes."
After a short tea break, Lan Guiren saw that Yongchang was still eating the plum blossom crisps in small bites, as if she couldn't finish it, so she felt a little burning in her heart, walked over and said with a sneer, "Yongchang It’s been almost five years since you entered the palace, right? You are blessed to serve the Empress Dowager, if you have won the Empress Dowager’s favor, you must have already served the Empress Dowager, right?”

Always changing face.

The family status that is always present is not as good as that of nobleman Lan, but the official position of Ama who is always present is higher than that of nobleman Lan!Therefore, she can be accepted by Mr. Chang, but she is not willing to accept Mr. Lan.

Yongchangzai lowered his head and smiled, "I'm not in a hurry~ Lady Lan, who entered the palace six years earlier than me, hasn't attended bed yet, so why should I be in a hurry?"

Lan Guiren nodded with a sneer, "I remember that back then you entered the palace with Fugui and served in front of the Empress Dowager together. Fugui was promoted to nobleman half a year after entering the palace, but you are still there until now... ...Master Fugui is dead, and you are the only one left in front of the Empress Dowager, but unfortunately you still haven't been favored or promoted."

Lan Guiren has been in the harem for more than ten years, and although she has no proof of this trick that is always there, it is not impossible for her to never doubt it.

"After the trouble, even Qiu Mulan, the emperor didn't take you. I didn't go the year before last, and I didn't go last year. Now it's the 33rd year of Qianlong. I'm really curious if the emperor will think of you in autumn this year. ?”

Yongchang looked up at Lan Guiren coldly, "So what if I don't accompany you? Didn't the imperial concubine also stay in Beijing this year?"

Lan Guiren shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "The imperial concubine stayed here to take care of the fourth princess. Is it the same as staying in Beijing with you?"

Yongchang was poked at the sore spot, so he stood up abruptly and met Lan Guiren's gaze, "So what if you go with me, will you be favored? Why didn't I hear that the emperor turned over Lan Guiren's sign when he was in Mulan?! "

Lan Guiren suppressed the sadness in his heart, stepped forward and leaned closer to Yongchang's ear, "I know, your Ama is the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I have the ability to find out the bottom file of the respect room for you. You can know me The sign was not turned over, but why didn't your Ama tell you, but the emperor turned over my aunt's sign?"

"What did you say?" Yongchang gasped.

Lan Gui smiled triumphantly, "That's right, although I didn't get favored, my aunt did! The empress dowager can only praise our Niu Hulu family's character, how can she praise you? Always be there, so let's die." .”
At this time in the harem, the imperial concubine and others are already old, always thinking to herself that among these young people, her biggest opponents are Lan Guiren and Chang Guiren.

Although she had this psychological prediction, she never expected that Chang Guiren would really be favored so soon!
She lost her composure and hurriedly left with an excuse, telling Guan Lan to try to ask her Ama immediately.

Sige knew that his daughter was really in a hurry, so he didn't even watch the fire drama, so he hurriedly tried to find out the records of the respect room in the summer resort last autumn.

That night, he managed to send a message back to Yong Changzai, saying that he had indeed found the record of the emperor staying with the nobles to use "late noon" alone.

It's just that this record can prove that Chang Guiren did stay in the emperor's bedroom that night, but the emperor's bedroom is not just one room, but such a large courtyard, and there are side halls and enclosures, so it is impossible to confirm Chang's residence. Where is the nobleman staying, let alone be sure that nobleman Chang has already served in bed.

Yongchang had the bottom line in his heart, so he sneered, "I see, she is trying to provoke me! If it weren't for my Ama who has worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for so many years and knows all the secrets, I would have been given to me by her." I'm bluffing!"

"She just wanted to make me anxious, and she hated the empress dowager when she was impatient, and then she might say or do something, and then the empress dowager would completely annoy me... In this harem, it's up to me , if there is no empress dowager or imperial concubine, what am I going to fight with them? Naturally, they are sure to win."

Guan Lan looked at Yong Chang Zai, "Master has a good idea?"

Yong Chang snorted softly, "She is relying on the empress dowager, and my status is lower than her, so naturally I can't cure her. But in this harem, there is naturally someone who can cure her."
The next day was still watching a play in the Paradise, and all the Changzai sat together, Yongchangzai, Lu Changzai, Ming Changzai and other Chinese surnamed Changzai naturally became more enthusiastic.

Also because Yong Chang Zai has a high official position in Ama, and Yong Chang Zai has always been favored by the Empress Dowager, so Lu Chang Zai and Ming Chang Zai are also very polite.

Yongchang calmly told about Chang Guiren's favor.

"Now there are vacancies above the rank of concubines, only Rong Concubine and Wan Concubine are left. Look, Mrs. Chang Gui will definitely be enfeoffed soon." Yongchang said with a sigh, "After all, they are Manchuria The princesses from famous families are top-notch, so there is nothing wrong with us Han surnames."
In this harem, there hasn't been any new favorite concubine for some years.Besides, the emperor is already at this age, and his interest in the newcomers in the harem has already faded; moreover, the emperor pays attention to health preservation, and at this age, he is even more unwilling to waste his energy easily, so the saying that the nobleman suddenly became favored is really shocking. Some sideways.

Lu Changzai couldn't hold back, and still let it out in front of Wanxi.

After hearing this, Yuqin became anxious, and snapped at Lu Changzai, "What nonsense are you talking about? Last autumn, I was also in Rehe, why didn't I hear about it?"

"Sis, my whole heart is devoted to elder brother fifteen, but I can't take care of these things." Lu Changzai felt aggrieved.

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "Since Yuse has already said it, let's finish it in one breath."

Lu Changzai bit his lip and said, "...it's okay for the emperor to spoil a newcomer. I just think that the emperor shouldn't secretly pamper Chang Guiren in Rehe while the imperial concubine is staying in Beijing."

Lu Changzai glanced at Wanxi, "It's been several months since I returned to Luan last year. Has the emperor kept the imperial concubine in the dark?"

Wanxi's eyes flickered, and she raised her eyes to stare at Lu Changzai, "Yuser, I just want to ask you: Where did you get this news? Did you see it with your own eyes, or did someone else tell you?"

Last autumn, Lu Changzai also drove there.There is also the possibility of seeing it with my own eyes.

Lu Changzai blushed, "... Lan Guiren said it. Based on the relationship between Lan Guiren and Chang Guiren, I think there is nothing wrong with it."

Yuqin pushed Lu Changzai away first, and held Wanxi's hand worriedly, "Yuse has always been a little high-minded, so it's just jealousy. Don't take her words seriously."

Wanxi lowered her head lightly, "I'll ask the emperor~"

(End of this chapter)

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