Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2557 Volume 9 39 Princess Gu Lun

Chapter 2557 Nine Volumes 39 Princess Gulun
The emperor has issued this decree, but how is Jiu Ye the one who is willing to return without success?

What's more, he is the head of the dynasty, and the emperor sent him to Yunnan in person. This means that there is no other person in the court.If he just withdraws his troops and goes back like this, how will he face the emperor, and how can he face everything that he has established today based on the achievements of the Great Jinchuan battle 20 years ago?

He can't lose, and he can't afford to lose.

Even though the emperor has found a way out for him, he is already trying to excuse him in words, just to make him let go of his burden, and is willing to retreat back to Beijing...but the more the emperor thinks about him, the more he can't do this!
But at this time, Lieutenant General Ali Gun died of illness, and many officers and soldiers were either injured or sick, and they were unable to attack Ava anymore.Fu Heng then concentrated all his efforts to seize Laoguantun, [-] miles north of Awa City, in order to force Burma to surrender.

Laoguantun is facing the big river in front of it, and the Burmese army has built many tall wooden fences in the area of ​​two or three miles around the east and west banks of the river. Outside the fences, triple trenches have been dug, and outside the trenches, logs have been enlarged horizontally so that the sharp branches face outwards to form a deer village. Can't pass.This is the usual method of the Burmese army.

Fu Heng first ordered his subordinates to build an earthen platform, put cannons on the platform, and bombard the enemy's position.

Although the shells penetrated the wooden fence, it did not collapse, and the damaged part was immediately repaired by the Burmese army.Fu Heng saw that this method was not effective, so he "made leather as a long hook", but he couldn't fall over the fence when the rope broke.Then he sent soldiers to "daiqing with hundreds of Zhang old vines, and go to hook the fence at night", and thousands of people dragged them, but the vines were cut off by the Burmese army with axes, and this method failed again.

Despite repeated failures, Fu Heng was still not reconciled, so he used fire attack again. Until Pingdan begins to rest, the fence wood is moist and cannot be heated, and it is also worth the wind, so it is turned away."

In the end, Fu Heng sent soldiers to dig a tunnel and bury gunpowder to bombard it. However, after the gunpowder detonated, although "the grid suddenly rose more than ten feet high, and the thief's voice shook the sky", it fell flat. "Three who rose and fell again, If you don’t move again, the slope of the gate will go down, and the tunnel will go flat, so the thick soil cannot be cracked.”

At this time, Master Jiu has already violated the taboo of military strategists because of his haste. He only knows how to move forward vigorously and insists on capturing the old officials, but he forgets that there should always be room for change in the strategy of using troops.

At this time, if he continued to besiege Laoguantun with a small force, and attacked Ava directly from the Jiangxi bank with a large force, it was still possible to reverse the unfavorable battle situation, but he insisted that the army must take Laoguantun, so he Qing The army was caught in a dilemma.In particular, the worsening miasma caused the Qing army to reduce its personnel in large numbers. Fu Heng said in his report to Emperor Qianlong: "Nai because the miasma is too severe this year, the winter has not decreased. The original battalion sent [-] soldiers, full of troops. There are only [-] names, but there are only [-] left."

After receiving the report, the emperor didn't eat any food that day, so he locked himself in the Buddhist hall.

How could Wanxi not be in a hurry?But she understood better that the emperor was rarely like this in his life, and since it was like this today, he was really in trouble.

She is a woman, after all, she has no ability to plan for the war between the emperor and Jiu Ye.If she insisted on going to see the emperor at this moment, she would touch the emperor's heartstrings that belonged to men and did not want to be seen by others.

She suppressed her desire to accompany the emperor, and only called Xiao Shishi, prepared some wine, meals and pastries, packed the food box, put a thermal insulation cover on the outside of the food box, and called Fifteen to carry.

"When you go, you are only allowed to kneel outside and wait. You are not allowed to enter, and you are not allowed to disturb. Your Huang Ama is sure, and he will come out when it is time to come out."

"There are covers on the outside of the food box, just don't worry, it won't be cold. You must never knock on the door because the food is cold... Yuanzi told Ernie, do you remember?"

Xiao Shiwu nodded earnestly, "Son, remember, don't worry, Ernie."
This eleventh month, asked Xiao Shiwu to kneel outside the door of the Buddhist hall, how could Wanxi not feel distressed?

But Xiao Shiwu has also grown up, and the ten-year-old prince should do his best for the country, the emperor's father, and the minister Jiuye.

Both the emperor and the ninth master are suffering in the war. As a prince, you can't just think about your own well-being. Only by asking him to kneel in the cold wind and snow can he never forget the cold, loneliness and determination of this night in his life.

A prince, or a prince who is expected to ascend to the throne one day, should have such an experience.

That lofty king will always be alone. He has to learn to warm himself, encourage himself, comfort himself, and...accompany himself.

In all kinds of despair, you must persevere and survive.
Xiao Shiwu knelt outside the Buddhist hall like this, the eunuchs and guards in front of the emperor couldn't stand it anymore.

Haha Zhuzi, the eunuch Ruyi, ran to bring Xiao Shiwu a charcoal basin, but Xiao Shiwu shouted him back; Wei Zhu, Wang Cheng and others wanted to dare to go in and report to the emperor, but Xiao Shiwu stopped them.

When the emperor got up from the Buddha, he suddenly saw Xiao Shiwu kneeling at the door, the top of Xiao Shiwu's head was already white.

That is the lonely moonlight at night, the brilliance cast by the same moon as in Yunnan; that is also the clear snow falling from the Beijing capital in the north - but it is invisible to Yunnan today and tonight.

The emperor was shocked, and hurried out the door, untied his end cap, and hugged Xiao Shiwu in, warming Xiao Shiwu with his father's body temperature.

Both father and son don't need to speak, each understands each other's feelings.

On this cold November night, the father and son stood in the white moon and clear frost, embracing each other.

This country has never been easy.
The next day, the emperor finally sent a decree to Yunnan: "It is better for our soldiers to take pictures of Xu Tu than to protract the time and hurt the warriors. Even if we have already captured the old official village, we should take care of everything. Awa is the lair of the Burmese bandits, and we must stick to it; now There are few people in the barracks, Kuilin (Mingrui's brother), Eniziergal, etc. are also injured and need to be recuperated. Even if they send people from Beijing, it will be too late."

"If you don't plan carefully, you may make mistakes. What's more, this time the soldiers have already subdued Jiajiu, Menggong, Mengyang, etc., and the army's power has been greatly boosted. The entire army is not unknown."

"Fu Heng captured the thieves, chose those who understood, and ordered the Burmese bandits to commit serious crimes, and it was reasonable to kill them all; but the emperor was so good at life that he couldn't bear to kill them all, so you told me to refute: repent and surrender. The general and others will obey The purpose is to attack the army."

"After such an announcement, prepare the soldiers, horses and ships, and go back from Xinjie all the way... In short, the way to do things. Of course, you should not take the public opinion lightly, and you should also judge the situation. Don't just stick to what you have seen. I wrote a secret letter to Fu Heng and others to know. "

The emperor's decree is a secret decree, which is only for Fu Heng to read, and it is not obvious.

In this decree, the emperor had put his heart and soul into it, and had already planned everything for Lord Jiu.The emperor even hinted to Master Jiu that even if he withdrew his troops, he would not be punished, and the emperor would help him earn his fame in this life.

The emperor even tried his best to persuade Lord Jiu not to be stubborn, this time he must listen to his words, and withdraw troops as soon as possible.

This kind of special kindness is completely opposite to the emperor's former ministers who have retreated in previous wars, which shows that the emperor desperately wants to preserve Jiuye's heart.
The emperor was already like this because of the Burmese incident, but when he returned to the harem, he was still smiling in front of Wanxi.

It was still the emperor who happily discussed with Wanxi how to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday and how to prepare for the New Year.

This year, there is even a matter of Xiaoqi's drop, so there are more discussions about Xiaoqi.

On November 28, the Ministry of Internal Affairs played a role in building the Princess Mansion for the Seventh Princess.

The officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs selected the former residence of Gao Heng, the brother of the imperial concubine Huixian.Gao Heng is a corrupt official of the Yan government and the brother of the imperial concubine Huixian. He is rich and has status. How can his mansion be as luxurious as the mansion of an ordinary minister?

The officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are invited to renovate Gao Heng's mansion according to the regulations of the Princess Mansion: "A total of 200 rooms; add a screen door and a screen wall, and the courtyard wall is 82 feet long; For items such as potting water, oil decoration, pasting and mounting, etc., the total cost of materials and materials is estimated to be 780 silver, please ask for it from the Guangshu Department, and appoint officials to prepare materials in time, and start repairing next spring."

"Are you satisfied?" The emperor stared at Wanxi, "The number of rooms in a house doesn't count, but the important thing about this house is its beauty and richness, not the number of rooms."

Wanxi bowed her head with a smile.She knew that the emperor was vaguely asking her about the comparison between Xiaoqi's princess mansion and Princess Hejing.

Princess Hejing was born of Empress Xiaoxian, and she is the only Princess Gulun at present, so the regulation of her princess mansion should naturally be the highest.

There are 230 rooms in Princess Hejing's mansion (this "room" is not a house, but a space surrounded by four pillars of an ancient building), and it seems that the number is indeed more than that of Xiaoqi.

However, Princess Hejing's mansion was rebuilt from the original mansion of Princess Gongxi.

On December 22, the tenth year of Qianlong's reign, Kui Neqin, the then head of state, joined forces with Fu Heng and Sanhe to play a memorial, saying: "There used to be a princess palace in Tieshizi alley in Chade, with 150 rooms, and none of the houses. There are many, and there are collapsed places."

The mansion of Princess Heshuo, which has been abandoned for many years, just needs such a place, and there is nothing to learn from and use for the original mansion.How can it compare to Gao Heng's house, Gao Heng has just been convicted, this house has just been taken back, and the exquisite and incomparable features made of piles of silver are countless.

It's just that there are so few numbers, and the difference between quality and quantity, who would sacrifice the basics for the sake of these numbers?
Besides, this meeting is a major national event, the emperor can still plan this for Xiaoqi, so what else can Wanxi argue for?
Wanxi laughed, "Gao Heng's mansion has just been taken back to the government, and it is the hottest time. Even if I don't say anything, I can guess how many people must be staring at this mansion."

"My lord gave most of this house to Liansheng. What else do I have to be dissatisfied with? Besides, the construction of the princess mansion has long been customized. As long as the ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs follow the customized order, there will be no difference. .”

The emperor nodded with a smile, shook Wanxi's hand, and clapped again and again in relief.

"Our Liansheng's temperament is the same as yours. We never fight or grab. But because of this, the Lord wants to give the best! Gao Heng's house was spent by him during the Lianghuai Salt Administration. It is used to repair the house. Its exquisiteness, some places are not even inferior to the palace... let us Liansheng live here!"

Wanxi hurriedly said with a smile, "But Liansheng has always been plain-tempered. If the Lord gave her such a luxurious house, it might not be right for Liansheng's temperament, right? Why don't you keep it for children who like luxury? Just pick a plain one from the official room and give it to her."

The emperor snorted, "I'm not! Those who want this house, I won't give it to you! And no matter how much Liansheng likes Su Dan, it's better to be more serious about the newly married princess mansion."

The emperor stared deeply, "After all, Liansheng is our first child, a child we have come to easily after more than ten years after you entered the palace. Her meaning to the Lord is also extraordinary... the Lord said If you want to give Liansheng the best, this house must also be the best."

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "Of course I know... the arrangement that the master gave to Liansheng has always been the best arrangement. After all, with the care of the master, I have nothing to worry about anymore."
In December, the emperor's decree was issued, and the echo was finally heard.

Under the attack of the imperial army, the Burmese army also felt increasingly frightened; in addition, Agui's warship cut off the connection between the Burmese army on the east and west coasts, and they were unwilling to continue fighting.

Myanmar took the initiative to send people to deliver documents to the Qing camp, requesting that the two sides choose a suitable place to discuss the truce and strike.

Fu Heng gathered all the generals to discuss the countermeasures. Agui and other generals were "infected with miasma with many soldiers and died every day, and tried to persuade the surrender to withdraw their troops."Although Fu Heng didn't want to end with a peace negotiation, he had no other good plan, so he had to listen to the opinions of the generals.

After some bargaining negotiations, the two sides finally reached an agreement on the truce and withdrawal of troops.

In December of the same year, Fu Heng made a statement, saying that the Burmese side agreed to the condition of one tribute for ten years proposed by the Qing side, and asked the emperor to approve the agreement.The emperor had already ordered the temporary withdrawal of troops, and now the Burmese side promised to pay tribute to the imperial court, and issued an order to allow it.

The war that lasted for several years finally came to an end.

The emperor was still concerned about Jiuye's condition, and sent an edict: "How is Fu Heng's condition at this time? I am deeply worried. The great achievement has been completed, but Yiyi is good at taking care of himself and coming to Beijing with a delay. He sent the imperial doctor Chen Shiguan and Yizi Fukang'an, Chi Yi went to make adjustments."

At this time, Chen Shiguan, the gynecological imperial physician who served the inner court for many years and treated concubines and concubines, gradually began to entrust him with the post of treating ministers.During this month, the emperor first sent Chen Shiguan to diagnose and treat the sick Minister of the Ministry of Officials. At this time, the emperor even handed over the malaria and dysentery of an important official like Fu Heng to him for consultation.It can be seen that the emperor trusted and reused Chen Shiguan more and more.
In the 35th year of Qianlong, the emperor's [-]th birthday.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the emperor officially decreed: "The seventh princess will be married this year, and she will be named Princess Gulun. All the ceremonies that should be performed will be handled by the yamen as usual."

When the emperor made this decree, there was another uproar in the court and harem.

Since the entry of the Qing Dynasty, because the royal family of the Qing Dynasty has increasingly accepted the division of concubine and concubine of the Han family in the Central Plains, after entering the pass, Princess Gulun only serves as the title and rank of the princess born to the queen; The princesses from the sub-heads have always been conferred the title of Princess Heshuo.

Although Wanxi is an imperial concubine, but with Wanxi's family background, the seven princesses should have been conferred only as Princess Heshuo at first.

That is, the emperor would care about the imperial concubine as the imperial concubine born in the Qing Dynasty, and the imperial concubine without a queen is actually the imperial concubine who is in charge of the harem... You can also confer the seventh princess as Princess Gulun, but how? There is no rule that the first seal is Princess Gu Lun.

What is even more frightening is that the emperor has been more and more restrictive towards the imperial concubine for decades, but now he has transferred this favor to the children born of the imperial concubine... This is unbelievable Don't think about it, after the seventh princess, what kind of favor does the emperor want to give to the mother and son of the imperial concubine?

That's all for the princess, after all, it has nothing to do with the status of the crown prince behind the upright plaque; what really worries the former court and the harem is the eldest son of the imperial concubine-the fifteenth elder brother Yongyan!

Fortunately, Brother Fifteen is still young.According to the practice that the prince usually refers to marriage at the age of 13, and canonization is at the age of 15 or 20, the fifteenth elder brother is still under the age.
When learning that the Seventh Princess was named Princess Gulun, Qilin Baozheng and Chen Shiguan accompanied Fu Heng back to Beijing from the southwest.

The emperor ordered Jiuye to take care of himself and not rush on his way.Naturally, Qilin Bao and Chen Shiguan did not dare to disobey the order, and this journey was really unpleasant.

But because of this, Qilin Bao was delayed on the road.When the emperor issued the decree to seal Xiaoqi, he couldn't be in the capital, and couldn't——try to meet her.

Qilinbao's depression gradually became uncontrollable, and his face surfaced.

Supporting his sick body, Master Jiu went to knock on Qilinbao's door himself.

Ama already knew what was on his mind, and Qilin Bao didn't hide it, crying and fell into Ama's arms.

"Ama... Do you think the emperor did it on purpose? He just sent his son to accompany Chen Taiyi to pick up Ama, and then the emperor named Liansheng Princess Gulun."

The princesses are officially given names before they get married. The emperor's decree means that the seventh princess's marriage is a certainty and there will be no change.

Fu Heng dragged his sickly body, stretched out his hand to caress the top of his son's head, "Ama asks you, the seventh princess was named Princess Gulun by the emperor for the first time, are you happy for the seventh princess?"

Qilinbao held back his tears and nodded vigorously, "From this matter alone, my son is the happiest. In fact, I guessed that since the second brother and sixth elder brother brought the Minister of Internal Affairs to prepare the accompanying items for Liansheng. The emperor said 'the best', that's what it should be."

"But at that moment, my son thought that what the emperor meant was to 'follow the example of Princess Gu Lun' and buy dowry items, but my son didn't expect that...the emperor officially decreed that Liansheng was first conferred the title of Princess Gu Lun."

"This shows how much His Majesty loves Liansheng!" Qilin Bao's eyes were filled with tears, but there was also joy that was as bright and indelible as starlight.

It's just that the light was slowly extinguished.

The emperor wants to give Liansheng special grace at all costs, but he just wants to marry Liansheng to Lawang, not to him...

Qilinbao laughed, with tears still in his eyes, he laughed hard, "Ama, from this incident, we can see that the emperor attaches great importance to Lawang, can't he?"

After all, between Lawang and him, the emperor still likes Lawang more~
(End of this chapter)

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